Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of 2 Samuel 28:17,18 “ And the Lord hath done to him, as he spake by me: for the Lord hath rent the kingdom out of Your hand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David: Because you did not obey the voice of the Lord, nor executed his fierce wrath upon Amalekites, , therefore hath the Lord done this thing unto thee this day.”
From the above context we understand that our God takes vengeance on those who disobey him and fail to please Him. So the Lord took away the kingdom from the hand of Saul and gave to David who was a shepherd boy. Moreover king Saul spared the king of the Amalakites and took for himself the best of sheep and cattle after the battle. He was supposed to destroy everything but he disobeyed Gods command. So the wrath of God fell upon king Saul.
Saul was physically impressive. He was a big and strong man. He had a great feature for leading an army into battle. It was at this time when the people of Israel rejected God and wanted a king for themselves. So God’s word came to Samuel the prophet, to select Saul as the king of Israel. Therefore Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it upon Saul and anointed him as the king of Israel. He was the first king of Israel. God was pleased with him. But gradually Saul’s disobedience and foolishness brought down his downfall.
God commanded King Saul to completely destroy all the people, men and women, and all the cattle, while fighting the Amalakites. But Saul spared the life of Agag the king of Amalakite , and took some of the best sheep and cattle for himself. When he was warned by prophet Samuel that his kingdom was about to be taken he sought the help of the witch or Endor the woman who spoke with the spirits as to what he should do to continue as king. He failed to inquire of God what he should do and did not even have the courtesy to ask pardon from God for all his wrong doings. He forgot God who made him the king of Israel. God regretted for making Saul the king.
As long as Saul obeyed God, he prospered. But when he went away from God, Satan easily brought about his downfall. Satan waits to trap you and destroy you completely. So it is always necessary for us to remain with God and not get away from God. When Saul was accused of sin his first instinct was denial and blame shifting. He was unwilling to accept his mistake. Therefore while in battle field against the Philistines, along with his three sons against the Philistines, he was badly hurt by an arrow. The Philistines were chasing after him, he did not want to die in the hands of his enemies so he took his sword and fell upon it and died. Even his three young sons died in the battle.
Let us examine ourselves and see where we stand. With God or with the Devil who walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Saul was admired for his personality and bravery but he fell because of his pride and disobedience to God. You too might be trudging in series of failures one after the other, or may be going through a great loss in your business or caught up in a huge debt. May be you are stuck with serious health problem or going through a shameful situation because of your own children. Whatever may be the reason for your affliction, check if you have troubled anyone in your life or ill-treated someone for petty reasons. Reconcile with God. Renew your relationship with God for a better future. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we pray that, we belong to You always and not the devil. Forsake us not Oh God. Keep us always at Your side. Teach us to do the right thing in our life. Help us to be obedient and pleasing unto You. Correct our mistakes and lead us in the right track that we may receive greater blessing from the Lord. In Jesus name we pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of 1 Chronicles 12:18 “For your God will help you.”
My Dear Children of God, the Lord is looking at you and speaking to those of you who are living alone with no one to help you or comfort you in your distressed state of life. You have no one to support you and hence you are suffering, thinking about your helpless condition. But God is saying, “Your God Will Help You.” When Isaac blessed his son Jacob, he said, “ The Lord, your God will be your help.” What a great blessing it was!” Today many of you have life partners who don’t support you at all. And even your children whom God has blessed you with, don’t support you when you really need their help. Each one is living their life in their own way. Then you think, “Lord I am alone there is no one to help me, neither my husband nor my children support me in any way. Lord takes care of me and helps me in my loneliness”. Many of you are lamenting in this manner. Isn’t it? Don’t worry. The Lord is there with you.
In the Bible, we see that Jacob, sent away his wife and children across river Jabbok. Jacob was supposed to cross the river Jabbok on his way to Canaan, after leaving Harran. But since he was afraid of his brother, he stayed behind all alone. When he was left alone God came and sat beside him to comfort him. Jacob shared all his worries and asked God to help him in his distress. He told the Lord that he will not let Him go until He blessed him. So, God assured him of his help and He went away. If God had not come and sat with Jacob that night, he would have lamented the entire night, over his problems. What was his problem and why did he lament? The next day he was supposed to meet his elder brother Esau who was wanting to kill him because he cheated on his brother by grabbing all the blessings from his father. Now he was scared to meet his brother. He feared that Esau might kill him, his wife, and his children. He needed grace in the sight of his brother.
The next day a miracle took place in the life of Jacob. His brother whom he feared came running up to him, hugged and kissed him. His brother made peace with him after 20 long years, and thereafter Jacob lived in peace. My dear children of God, even today while you are all alone, God is seated next to you to help and support you. Share all your problems with him. He will solve all your problems. He says, “I will be with you my daughter, my son, do not be worried, nor be dismayed. I will do a miracle for you‘’. Are you expecting such a miracle today? Believe in the Lord and you shall see the glory of God, your enemies will know that the Lord is fighting for you and is in favour of you then, they will flee away from you in seven different directions. So, cheer up. God Bless You.
Prayer: Our loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank You for Your word today. Lord, You said that You will help all those who are alone, with no one to help them. This is a wonderful promise of yours. Your word gives us assurance, to lead our life, cheerfully in all our loneliness, and despair. Place this word of God upon our heads and bless us. Some are still lamenting over their loneliness, saying that there is no one to take care of them. For such children who are lamenting, I pray you to change their situation, from sorrow to joy. Let a miracle happen for them. May the next morning be joyful to them. Answer their requests and grant them peace.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 1:11, says, “May the Lord God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times, And bless you as He Has Promised.“
My Dear Children of God, the Lord is looking at you, who are suffering in poverty, famine, and sorrow, in pain and in agony and especially all those who are in great need, the Lord is saying,. He will bring about a change in your life. He will bless you not by one-fold or two-fold, but the Lord is going to bless you with thousand-fold blessings. See what a wonderful God we have? You may have debts in thousands, lakhs, or in crores. And because of your debts, you may be vexed, at your situation and may even think of ending your life. You might think, what is the use of living with debts, and when and how will I clear all the debts? When will I see good days in my life?
Fully knowing your state of life, the Lord has brought before you, the promise that you shall be blessed a thousand times more than what you have been living so long. When Lord Blessed Isaac, He blessed him with a hundredfold of blessing. Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. We also see the former days of Job. He too was a wealthy man with many servants and cattle. He had ten children but he lost everything. Later since he was righteous and did not sin with his lips, the Lord Blessed him with a double fold blessing.
The Lord says to you today, “I will bless them with a thousandfold blessing.” The Lord will bring an end to all your poverty, famine, and keep you as a blessed generation upon this earth. You might wonder, how is this possible? But for the Lord it is a simple thing, to lift up one and bring down the other. All you need is faith in the Lord and lead a righteous life before Him like Isaac and Job did. They walked in faith and reverence before the Lord and thus the Lord blessed them. Today onwards submit before the Lord , trust Him with all your heart and walk a Holy and blameless life before Him and you will see God is able to do exceedingly abundantly, above all that you think or ask. You shall hereafter not borrow from anyone, but you shall lend to many nations. As you would become so prosperous, all your debts will be cleared. The Lord will keep you from all famine and poverty. He will protect you and keep you with wealth and prosperity. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, help us to be righteous children walking and leading a life pure and Holy before You. May we wake up every morning and look up to You and pray and receive new grace. Because every good and perfect gift comes from You Lord.Lord according to this word bless them thousand fold may their poverty be changed to prosperity.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalms104:28, “ When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand they are satisfied with good things”.
From the above context, we learn that the Lord who promised will satisfy the needs of His children. When the Lord opens His hand, you will be satisfied, with His goodness. When He gives it to them they gather it, and when you open your hand they are satisfied. It means that every good gift and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights. It can be a good job, it can be a promotion in your job, God would provide you with a house of your own. You might settle with a good life partner. God will settle and satisfy you with all things. Many of you are living in a rented house suffering in the hands of the landlord. . But hereafter the Lord is going to bless you with a house of your own.
Many of you are saying, “Brother I don’t have ten rupees in my hand, then how can I get a house of my own. ” I wish to tell you that God will make way, where there seems no way. The Lord can make it possible in His own way. If He decides to bless you with a house, then He might give you a good job with a large income. Or he might open a new business for you with which you might become so rich that you can either build your own house or you can buy a house of your own. God knows how to satisfy your need. How to fulfill the desires of your heart. For He is a God who raises the poor out of the pit and causes them to sit among the princes of this world. With God, this is a simple thing to do. He who divided the Red Sea, for the people of Israel to pass through, can open a way for you. But you need to walk in the ways of God. You cannot live the way you like, and expect God to do miracles for you.
God knows that you have been facing a lot of difficulties, in your life during the past. You were never able to do well either for yourself or for your children. So the Lord has descended to comfort you and increase you on all sides. The Lord says, “You shall expand to the right, and to the left. And your descendants will inherit the nations”. Many of you do not have children. But God wants to bless you, not only with a house of your own, but also with a child. He is going to fill your bellies with the hidden treasure and cause you to conceive and bring forth a child. He will make you a joyful mother of children, and grant the barren women a home to live. And the heart of her husband will trust her. For she does him good all the days of her life. So, you see how God satisfies all those of you reading this message with His goodness. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank You because you will satisfy your children with your goodness. You will open your hand and we shall receive. Thank You Lord for opening ways and means to prosper us. Remove poverty and help us experience an elevation in the standard of our life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else guard your heart. For everything you do flows from it. “
God says, above all guard your heart, for everything you do flows from your heart. Our heart is a very important organ of our body. The intentions of a man be it good or bad arise from his heart. Even if you do something wrong, your heart is the place, from where the action is executed. Therefore, the Lord says, your heart must be well protected, with good thoughts, good intentions, and you need to guard, your heart.. If his heart is filled with evil and wrong intentions, or if he has a stony heart, then it will invite the curse of other and may also result in wrong actions. But if the same heart is willing to do good, to others, and speaks good words to others, then it will bring blessing to them, and his family.
Today, the Lord is telling you to guard your heart such that it will be protected, from all evil, from the lust of the world or anything bad so that the spring of life will flow from out of it. Today open your heart to Jesus, fill your heart with his word, seek Him and guard it with His goodness so that God may open the spring of life over you, that you may be blessed In your family, in your education, in your business, in your physical health-related problems, and in your spiritual life also. This was how the Lord in a marvelous manner opened the spring of life for Hagar’s son, Ishmael. Today if you will guard your heart, then God will open special springs of life in whichever area you lack such springs and fill you and your family with the blessings of God. This will provide new opportunities in your life. Even if you are laying in your sickbed, this spring will bring you new vigour and life.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank You for Your word today. Help us to guard our hear since You have said that we need to guard our heart as everything flows from it. Help us to practice it in our day to day lives, to fill our hearts with Your word. So that You will open new springs of life into us. May we enjoy new springs of life and thereby have a bright future. Let there be springs of better living condition, better income, better, anointing, wealth, and wisdom build us into a strong nation on this earth.
In Jesus Name We Pray.