I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 11:4 , “The LORD is in His holy temple; the LORD’S throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.”
From the above context we see how the Lord is mindful of us. His eyes beholds us all the time. That means He keeps a watch over us. His eyelids test the sons of men. Which means God searches our hearts and minds to see if we are in tune with God. Often many people go to other men when they are in trouble. But they might be disappointed. They may not be able to help you according to your expectation. But when you look up to God then He will do exceedingly abundantly, above all that you ask, think or pray for. What is your expectation about your eldest son or your younger son? What is your expectation about your husband or your daughter? What is your expectation about your job or your business? God knows all your expectation and your desires. The Bible says, Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed. He will answer him (you) from His holy temple with the saving strength of His right hand.
May God grant you according to your heart’s desire. God’s plan for you is to make a good path for your life. Therefore there is a guarantee that all your negative thoughts will be made positive, because His promises are yes and Amen in Christ Jesus. God will go before you and set right all your plans in favour of you. In spite of the many difficulties and dangers that are a part of our everyday lives – our confidence must be in the Lord, for He cares for the afflicted and He refines the righteous in His mercy and grace. Let us never forget that the Lord brings righteous judgement upon evil men and He confounds their plans and catches them in their own nets. Our strength should be found in Him alone, for His grace is sufficient for every eventuality in our everyday lives. The Lord is faithful and true to the precepts and promises that He has made to those that trust in His holy name. The Word of God stands fast forever and His promises endure from one generation to the next.
The Lord is indeed in His holy temple and His throne is in the heavens. He sovereignly rules in the kingdom of men and His eye closely examines the acts and activities of all humanity. Those that trust in His holy name discover Him to be faithful, trustworthy, long-suffering and of great goodness. Those who hold fast to the truth of His Word rejoice because He is the only secure shelter from the storms of life. David is the Biblical example of a man after God’s own heart, for despite his faults and failings he held fast to the truth of God’s holy Word. Despite the pressure and pain that he endured during his earthly journey, David knew that God has placed His Word even above His holy name.
Like us, David was faced with wars and violence, crimes and corruption, terrors and temptations, rejection and betrayals. Like David we too are faced with several problems. The Covid 19 destroyed the lives of many of our loved ones. The rise in price affects our economic condition. Many of us have lost our jobs. We have witnessed a great fall in all our undertakings. But when we look to God in prayer we have been encouraged by the word of God. We have been able to flee from the advancing danger, and take shelter in the shade of God as birds take shelter under the shade of a tree. That is why David could confidently say, “ The LORD is in His holy temple; the LORD’S throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.” Let us therefore follow in the footsteps of king David, who is a man who lifted up his eyes above the circumstances of life and placed his confidence in the Lord – for he knew that there is no safer refuge than to be under the shadow of the Almighty.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we have placed our confidence in You alone. As we see the inevitable economic collapse, great political struggles, outrageous atrocities, national and international unrest and the spread of virus Corona that still exists and causes horror amidst the people, and we find a move to outlaw all that is good and righteous, our eyes are fixed on You and our trust is in You – for You are our Defence and Defender, our Rock and our Fortress – and we will trust in Your unfailing Word.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 31:5, “Like birds hovering overhead, the Lord Almighty will shield Jerusalem; he will shield it and deliver it, he will ‘pass over’ it and will rescue it.”
From the above context, we learn that God comes down in a marvellous manner to help us face our obstacles and problems. Maybe your son or daughter is put up in a foreign country and you feel sorry and regret that you are unable to go and meet your children when they are in trouble because of the distance. Maybe your spouse living abroad is caught up in some court case and you regret that you are unable to rescue him/her from the case, you are not even able to take him/her out on bail. You are in a very helpless situation but you must remember that you have a God who is a God at hand and afar off. When you pray from your home, He will perform miracles for your children or your spouse who lives abroad far away from you.
Where you cannot go, God can go. He is omnipotent and knows all your feelings. God can help you, if only you call on the name of the Lord, God of Israel. God says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble and I will rescue you and you shall glorify Me.” When you call the Lord is ready to hear you and help you also. So you cast all your burden upon the Lord, He will sustain you, He will never allow the righteous to be moved. God says, “ Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, I will give you rest.”Yes God wants to comfort you, console you who are in trouble and in helpless situation like birds flying swiftly, the Lord will move over quickly to extend help to you while you go through struggles.
God says, Bring all your problems to Me I will solve them for you. He has also said, “Bring all your cases to Me, and I will solve all your problems for you and set you free from your burden. The Bible says, “The Lord will fight for you. You shall stand still and see the salvation of God”. So in case you are going through problems as mentioned above then you leave it in the hands of the Lord. He will bring victory to your life. God has decided to come down and support you and help you just as he supported Jerusalem, God has descended to support you and your family. If you have the support of God, then no one can stand against you. The Lord will make you successful. I have heard people say, “To come out of this problem I do not have man power or enough money or someone in higher authority to save me from this trying situation. What money, manpower or, men in authority cannot do, God can do for you just trust in Him and increase your faith in Jesus. He will make you victorious. The Bible says, If God is on your side, then who can stand against you? When God is your strong support and backup then no one can come against you. For you will not be the victim but you shall be the victor. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank You because you are willing to be our strong support and like birds hovering over, You will fly over quickly, to save us from our helpless situation. Today we cast all our burden upon You. Jesus care for my family who is abroad and bless them. Help us Oh Lord,, during times of trial when we are forsaken by all we know You will never leave us or forsake us and will help us through it all. We trust in You and surrender everything before You. You lead us and help us according to Your will..
In Jesus Name We Pray.
I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 147:13,14, “For He has strengthened the bars of your gates; He has blessed your children within you. He makes peace in your borders, And fills you with the finest wheat”.
He will strengthen the bars of your gates. He will perfectly strengthen your gates so that strangers, magical powers, evil men, the tricks of the devil cannot enter your house. Amen. He will raise a wall of fire around you and live in your midst!
When Jesus resides within your boundaries, He will perfect all imperfections:
When Jesus enters your business venues, your ministry locations, your education settings, your family territories – He will perfect all imperfections. Therefore, invite this God into your home. He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:18,19).
Jesus was invited to the marriage feast at Cana 2000 years ago. The Bible says:
“Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” (John 2:2,3).
When they ran out of wine at the wedding, Jesus’s mother informed Him. But our Lord said, “ My hour has not yet come.” When His time came Jesus gave 2 instructions. First Jesus instructed the servants, “Fill the waterpots with water.” Secondly, He instructed, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.”When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made winesaid, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”( John 2:10). Similarly, when Jesus is within your territory, He will not leave without perfecting everything that concerns you. When Jesus was walking on a street once He came across a dead person being carried out—the only son of a widow. When Jesus came within the vicinity of the dead body, He brought him back to life and gave him back to his mother (Luke 7:14,15). In the same way, He will do mighty miracles in your life!
Once when I went to Coimbatore a sister shared her testimony like this. As she had an irresponsible father, she took over the responsibility of educating and getting her 3 sisters married by working hard in an export company. While she was fulfilling her family responsibilities, she grew old. Moreover, she had a huge scar on her face caused by a burning hot wire which fell on her face. It was repugnant to look at her face. Besides, when she was stitching clothes on the sewing machine one of her fingers got caught in it and so a portion of a finger was removed from her right hand. She came to me for prayer saying, “All this while all I desired was a good life for my sisters but now, I have become a burden to the same sisters. Will my life be settled at this age? Please pray for me.” When I prayed for her, the Lord said, “The first shall be the last and the last shall be the first. The stone that was rejected will become the chief cornerstone of the family.” Thus, I prayed for her.
A few days later a man came to give an order for clothes, he knew this sister’s situation quite well. He said, “My son who was refusing marriage all along has now agreed to marry. Will you marry him?” The sister replied saying, “I am a Christian.” The father replied, “That is fine, you can change my son into a Christian and marry him.” The sister immediately called me and asked, “What is God’s will in this matter?” The Lord revealed, “Because of you I will save your husband’s family.” Miraculously and to everyone’s awe and wonder the marriage took place. Hallelujah!
Trust God, He will do the same miracle for you. Even in your life, all the shortcomings will be met!
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear
Lord, We thank You for showing favor to Your children who call upon Your
name. Thank You Father for all your blessings and help us
also to receive double portion of blessing and glorify your name.
My dear Brother and Sister in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of John 20:19, “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
My Dear Brother And Sister, from the above context we learn that 2000 years ago, Jesus entered the room where the disciples had hidden themselves for fear of the Jews, and said to them, “Peace Be Unto You.”He directly conveyed the message of peace unto them. In the same way the Lord Jesus Christ is telling “Peace Be Unto You.” to each one of you who are reading this message. Today God is descending in the midst of you as He is the Prince Of Peace, As birds hovering, over its young ones, so will Jehovah of hosts protect you, He will protect and deliver you from the hands of the evil people, He will pass over and preserve you. God wants to put aside all the incidents that destroyed your peace and joy and He wants to restore to you a peaceful life. God wants to perform miracles in your life and undo and uproot all kinds of past happenings that caused displeasure, and restlessness and establish peace in your life. He desires to change your sorrow into joy. You’re mourning into dancing. He wants to loosen your sackcloth and gird you with gladness.
He wants to bind up your broken heartedness. To comfort all those of you who mourn. Giving them a garland instead of ashes, God will take the cup of trembling from your hand and put it into the hands of those who tormented and troubled you. God wants to bring about peace like a river upon your heads. So you see, how the Lord Jesus Christ entered into the room that was closed, and stood in the midst of his disciples, and said. “Peace Be To You.” Now the Lord is bringing peace to all the elders, small children and even the youngsters who are reading the message. In those days when a man or woman who enters into married life and takes the responsibility of the family will face a lot of fear in themselves. They have misunderstanding and when troubles increase then they sink in depression. When a person does not get what he desires then he gets disappointed and goes through trouble.
Today we find small children saying, “Allow me to live peacefully. I am in tension. Wont you let me watch the TV peacefully, wont you let me play cricket with my friends for a while peacefully ?” They even say, “ I don’t know why I was born into this family. May be if I was born in another family, I could have enjoyed much freedom.”They talk as if they had lost all their future. Which shows that from children to adults all are filled with worries, worries, worries. Today God wants to clear all your worries, and grant His divine peace, to you in your families, among your children, between your siblings and relatives. Because all problems develop from your families through misunderstanding. Once the members of your family are at peace with one another, then your life will be peaceful and calm. May the Lord grant you His peace that passes all understanding, and fill your hearts and mind with comfort. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, thank You for telling us about peace. We thank you for comforting Your disciples who were scared and afraid of the Jews, by telling them, “Peace Be Unto You.’’ They were quite disturbed after Your death, But You comforted them. Likewise comfort us also. Grant to us the same peace in our family. In our business centre and in all things we do. Come with us daily Lord Jesus, and help us live peacefully.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Luke 2:40, “And the child Jesus grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God, was upon Him. “
From the above context we understand, that Jesus born of Virgin Mary was called the Son of the Highest for He will reign over the house of Jacob, and His kingdom shall remain forever. God loves all the people irrespective of cast, creed and religion. God does not discriminate anyone. The Bible says, God made man in His own image. And just as Jesus was filled with wisdom and knowledge and favor with God and men, God wants you also to be filled with the same wisdom and favor from God. So God has decided to bless all those of you who are reading this message with wisdom, not like that of king Solomon who was the wisest man on the face of this earth, but fill you with His own wisdom. We read in the Bible about a man God chose to build his tabernacle. God says, “See I have called Bezallel, the son of Uri, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship.”
Similarly God wants to fill you with wisdom, understanding and in knowledge, that you may excel in every area of your life. God wants to bless your children especially with extraordinary wisdom. Because, I see in my spirit, many parents are crying over their children. A mother was crying saying, “My son has grown up, but does not behave according to his age.” Some parents say their children suffer from mental instability. Some are able to see and hear well but cannot understand what is being told to them. God is pouring out His spirit upon all those children who lack wisdom. Today God will wipe away all the tears from the eyes of all the parents who are burdened about their children who lack wisdom. You seem to say, that all other children are doing well but only your child is unwell. God knows your struggle; He will heal your child and make you glad.
Dearly Beloved, God is going to fill your children with wisdom and make them intelligent. All these days they might have been dull, lethargic, and depressed. But you will soon find a change in their activities in the coming days. God is redeeming many children who are suffering from autism. Many are worried because their children are dull headed and do not fare well in their studies. Some have become inactive due to loss of strength in their bones and they might have their head hanging to one side of their body or their limbs may be inactive. To such children God is repairing their limbs and also healing their body and mind. Such that they will be able to thrive well in their life. They will be able to walk, run and play. They will begin to do well in their studies. So be grateful to God for His grace and mercy. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we remain thankful to You, for Your care and concern over us. Grant us wisdom to discern all things correctly. Help us to walk wisely and be smart and active.
In Jesus Name We Pray.