Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Ruth 1:6.19, “Then she arose with her daughter in law that she might return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the country of Moab, that the Lord had visited His people, by giving them bread. ”Now the two of them went until they came to Bethlehem. And it happened, when they had to come to Bethlehem that all the city was excited because of them, and the women said, Is this Naomi. ”
We are in the time of great expectation. Now is the time to rise up and start a new life. For we need to make a bright future. Behold the past has gone the future is yet to begin. The hope of new beginning is about to start. These were the thoughts running in the mind of Naomi and Ruth. So they left Moab and went to Bethlehem because they heard the good news that God is providing food for the people in Bethlehem. While they lived in Moab they came across many unpleasant happenings in their lives. They were drenched in sorrow, pain, agony and remorse. Their life became miserable. It is in Moab that Naomi lost her husband. Ruth also lost her husband at a very young age. Both were widows. Having lost their beloved ones their heart did not permit them to continue in Moab any longer. They expected a change in their life. They were in a state of pain and despair. They expected that a better day would dawn in their life after having endured much struggle.
The good news of God’s provision of bread, in Bethlehem brought hope in them. Bethlehem which is called the house of bread was the native place of Naomi. But she went to Moab for better survival along with her husband and her two sons. There she got her sons married to girls of Moab. Suddenly her husband Elimelech died. And later her sons Mahlon, and Chilion also died. Naomi and Ruth were left bereaved. Naomi experienced great loss one after another. She was broken in spirit and physically, so she was looking forward for a new beginning. Both Naomi and Ruth did not sit and murmur against God, but they thought about taking the next step to move forward in life. This is the time that they heard that Bethlehem was prosperous and God was providing food for the people there. Immediately taking her young widowed daughter in law she walked to Bethlehem. The Bible says, and so they got up and left. They were making an effort to make a better life, after all the problems they had faced in Moab. To those of you reading this message, I think you too might be facing the same situation as Naomi and Ruth. We heard the cry of death carrying away many beloved brothers and sisters during Covid 19, leaving behind young widows, little children and even helpless elderly people. They were all filled with agony at the loss of their sons, daughters, husbands, wives and other relatives. You too might be experiencing great pain and distress. Though Naomi and Ruth lost everything in their life yet they never lost hope and faith in the true and living God.
Some of you might have lost your job, your wealth, your good health, peace of mind, joy and happiness. Well some of you might have lost your business too, or you might have become bankrupt, You may be in a fix, not knowing what to do. Like these two widows you too might be saying will we ever see, good days in our life. Will a bright future dawn in our life? Then you need to have hope and faith like these two women. In spite of all the troubles, they never lost their hope in God. They had great faith in God that He will surely open a new way for them in the land of Bethlehem. So they moved to Bethlehem from Moab. You may be caught up in sin and sinful deeds. God is waiting for you, to return to Him as these women who returned to Bethlehem. He will forgive you of all your sins, if you will get up from your current helpless situation and come up to Him, He will offer you many good things. Will you get up and come to him; Then He will gladly welcome you and make you ruler over many things.
For those of you who have faced only failures in life, you will hereafter experience victory in all that you do. Those of you who are suffering from continuous sickness, you will enjoy good health in future. God will bring healing into your bodies. God will grant you peace and calmness, instead of storm in your life. If Naomi and Ruth did not return to Bethlehem, then Ruth would not have been blessed by Boaz, who offered her another life. And Naomi would not have been able to fondle a blessed baby boy in her arms. God rewarded their faith. Hope in God is the foundation of strong faith in Him. You too will be blessed and God will help you see better days in life if you will return to God and live a life pleasing unto Him. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you for showing us the way to new life, through the character of Naomi. In spite of all the problems she faced, she had great faith in God. Give us this faith Lord. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight. Teach us to get up from our ordinary and low state of life, to that of rich, upliftment in life. May we too receive such good blessings as Ruth and Naomi received.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalm 107:7, “He led them by a straight way, to a city where they could settle.”
From the above context we learn that in spite of Israel’s sin of unbelief and murmurings against Him, the Lord graciously chastened His people for a season, and later responded to their cries and restored them into sweet fellowship with Himself. Thus we discover our faithful God restoring His people, and leading them by a straight way until they reached a city in which to dwell for, the Lord is good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon His name – and His love endures forever. So Let us walk in His ways, trust His word and give Him thanks and praise for His steadfast love.
We have a wonderful God and throughout His word we see over and again His loving-kindness, tender-mercies, and patient-endurance ever flowing out to His children and guiding us along the right pathway. We do not deserve it, yet He is true to His word and has promised never to leave us and always to lead and guide us in the way we should go, even during times when we prove faithless, and disobey Him or try to work things out in our own strength, He remains true to His promises and remains faithful towards us. So in case you want to go somewhere, or achieve certain goals in life, you need to listen to His voice. Then God’s grace and mercy will be poured over you as a flood of refreshing streams, for the Lord longs to shower compassion, mercy, comfort, on you who is distressed and to bring you to victory in your lives. God will lead you in a miraculous manner. Prophet Isaiah told them that the Lord would show mercy to His people and continue to lead and guide them, if they would only listen, and if their ears would hear a word behind them, saying, this is the way, walk you in it.
We too are sometimes disobedient and confident on our own abilities instead of trusting in His strength. God’s grace and mercy towards us is never changing, and He is always there to guide us back into the way of truth. All that He desires of us is that we listen to His voice, hearken to His word, trust in His love, rely on His sufficient grace and let the love of Christ guard our heart… so that every step we take may be directed by Him –for His greater glory. Therefore, Let us learn to listen to the Word of the Lord and hearken to His voice behind us – leading us, guiding us, directing us, and telling us which is the way that we should go, so that we are not tempted to turn to the right hand nor to the left – but keep our eyes on Jesus and our ears ever open to His still, small voice of love. God Bless You.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. We thank You for Your goodness and grace towards us and all our children. Lead us Lord along a straight path and may we walk in Your ways all the days of our life. Lord we, praise and thank You for Your faithfulness, even when we are faithless. We long to tune the ears of our heart to listen to Your voice. We thank You for sending Jesus to be our Saviour and our Friend; our Way and our Life, our Guide and our Comforter.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Daniel 10:19 “And he said, ‘O man greatly beloved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.’ And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, ‘Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”
My Dear Brother And Sister, from the above context we learn that the angel Gabriel spoke to Daniel addressing him as “Greatly Beloved.” Peace be unto thee; all prosperity of body and soul; inward peace of mind, a freedom from all hurry of thought, and commotion of the passions, and eternal peace and joy in the world to come: The Angel told Daniel not to fear, as He is the Beloved of the Lord. Not to fear men or devils. The Angel encouraged Daniel in his times of trial to be strong, “; Yea, be strong; take heart, pull up the spirits, be of good courage, be strong in the Lord, and in his grace, and fear nothing: “ and Daniel says, “ When the Angel had spoken unto me, I was strengthened: divine power going along with his word; the prophet found his bodily strength renewed, his spirits revived, his heart cheerful, and his soul comforted, and all fear and dread removed from him; which was owing to the energy of divine grace; for otherwise not only men, but angels too, would speak in vain:
Daniel, having been strengthened, by the Angel, asked Him to continue speaking. for the Angel had strengthened him. Daniel was able to bear the sight of Him, support in his presence, and hear his words, and take in what He said, which before he was unfit for; so an Angel may be an instrument of strengthening a saint, a prophet, and even our Lord Jesus Christ himself as man. So today, I pray earnestly that an Angel would comfort you as He had comforted Daniel. Dear children of God, there are many names given to our Lord Jesus Christ. “Many years ago before the birth of Jesus, Prophet Isaiah had mentioned several names in his book. And one of them was “Prince Of Peace.”That Prince of peace has come down directly to give you His peace. The Psalmist says, The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. So you shall receive double blessing today. Both strength and peace.
In whichever area you have lost your peace due to financial crisis, or lack of securing a good job, or because of marital problem or because your wife has deserted you, or maybe you are suffering from some kind of disease, or maybe you are caught up in huge debts and wondering as to how you could come out of it, God is looking at you and saying He will perform a miracle for you in the area where you lost your peace. God will establish peace into your heart. The Lord Jesus Christ, before his death called all His disciples and told them not to be perturbed because of His death on the cross, but that they should remain in peace. He admonished them not to fret and fear. He said to them, “Peace I leave with you, My peace, I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” God is assuring the same peace to you also. So be cheerful. God Bless You.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank you for sending the angel Gabriel, to comfort Daniel during his trial period. Thank You Father, for strengthening him through the angel. We also suffer from want of peace. Please send your angels and comfort us through You word. Strengthen us and bless us with peace, that we may live a happy and content life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Micha 5:2 “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me, The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.”
My Dear Brothers And Sisters, from the above context we see how Jesus the king of kings and Lord of Lords, who created the whole universe came to be born in Bethlehem, a small village located in the “hill country” of Judah. It may be the same as it is in the Book of Micah as Bethlehem Ephrathah, which means “fertile. ” The Bible also calls it Beth-Lehem Judah, and in the New Testament we find it as the “City of David”. My dear children of God heaven had selected Bethlehem as the birth place of Jesus, who created the earth and heaven and all the things in this earth, and let the earth hang down in the space. The above verse says about Bethlehem, “Though you are small among all the villages, of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth the saviour of this world, and will come to me, the child who shall be the ruler of Israel. We see that the Big Lord Jesus the creator of the whole universe, was born in this little village called Bethlehem.
My Dear Brothers And Sisters, Long time back when we went to the Holy city, Israel, we found that all the churches were very empty and we used to spend a lot of time in the church. There was not much crowd. So we used to be there for hours and pray together. That was a wonderful experience. But now a days, the workers there push away the people as they were crowds of people coming there to see the birth place of Jesus from nations all over the world. So now a days we have to wait for long hours together in queue, to reach the birth place of Jesus. My dear children of God, if you have that Jesus who chose to be born in the manger, in the little village of Bethlehem, in your heart then you shall have real Christmas. Your Christmas celebration will be more meaningful, and colourful. A saint once said, “ If you have Jesus then you are a Hero, But without Jesus you are a zero.” Very true, Without Jesus you shall be an empty vessel, But with Jesus you shall be full, complete. ”
My Dear Brothers And Sisters, When you take this Jesus home with you then your children suffering from depression will be delivered. All your problems will be cleared. The spirit of poverty which lies at your doorstep, will flee away. All the work of the devil, that surrounds your family, your house will be nullified in the name of Jesus. Those of you who were in the darkness will receive the true Light. Once this Light enters your house, the doors of prosperity will be opened. You will secure that job which you were waiting for, You shall get the Visa to travel abroad. New and favourable doors will be opened, to you and your family. You shall experience new ventures in your business life. God will exalt you above others. You shall be at the top and not at the bottom. You shall lend to others and not borrow from others. All your debts will be cleared. You shall have plenty to eat, and you will praise the name of the Lord. God bless you.
Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for being born in Bethlehem. We pray that You be born in our hearts too. Make us rich in You Lord. Let the Light of God expel all darkness from our lives and let the beauty of Jesus be seen in us.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of Job 42:2. “I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.”
From the above context we understand that it took Job, some time to come to an understanding that he was indeed an ordinary man, and that he had neither the cause nor the right to justify himself or to question the mighty hand of the omniscient and omnipotent God. For a time, all Job had was a shallow knowledge of God but after his encounter with the Lord, he was given a deeper and more intimated awareness of Who God truly is. You must understand that God is able to do anything and everything, of what God has planned to do for you and for me. Even if the world stands against Him , He will do that which He has planned to do for His children. Nothing can hinder his plan. When one door closes He is able to open another new door, to accomplish what he has designed to perform.
Many of you are reading this message in order to be consoled or comforted, because you too have been going through some sort of difficulty in your life, like Job. We read in the Bible that Job’s whole world had collapsed in one day and he became pitiably derided by his friends and the laughing stock of the neighbourhood and Job, in attempting to justify himself demanded of the Lord to know why – why should this happen to one such as he, who believed in God? Why should he suffer so, were his questions. But after his encounter with the God of the universe, Job came to a realization that God knows all things and God can do anything and that God must be trusted, unquestioningly, to remain in charge of everything without interference or accusations from those, whose understanding of the deep things the Lord God, are so limited.
Job was indeed falsely accused by his friends – but the issue was not Job’s good name that was at stake but the honour of the Lord – for by falsely accusing Job these friends indirectly accused God. And finally, Job came to an understanding that God can do anything and has the right to do anything, challenging His authority, and nothing that He plans is impossible, or can be hindered. But to reach this level of understanding there had to come about a deep humbling of himself – a self-examining of who he was before God. The Bible says, the Son of God is revealed in us by the illumination by the Holy Spirit. This was the thrilling outcome of Job’s encounter with God and this is the lesson of faith and trust, that God desires for all His children to understand, that God can do anything, and God has the right to do whatsoever He will – and nothing that He plans, and purposes is impossible – for He alone is God.
May be you are in anguish and distress, as you must have lost one of your dear ones. It could be your mother, your father or your sibling. I do not know under what circumstances you are reading this message. But I tell you that you must believe that God can do everything and nothing can stop Him from doing what He Has purposed in his heart to do for you. Even Job’s wife couldn’t tolerate him suffering so she says, “Do you still hold to your integrity? Curse God and die.”But the Bible says, In all this, Job did not sin, nor charge God, with wrong. It is difficult to go through affliction, but after you have gone through such a rough patch of life, then God will reveal His glory, provided you remain like Job, who never spoke against God in all his affliction. He lost His ten children, his wealth, his health, his cattle, everything and his body was covered with boils, he was scraping his skin with a shell. He sat among the ashes. Yet in all this he did not murmur against God because he believed that God who took everything from him, is able to do everything. He is able to give him all that he had lost in his life. God honoured his faith. God blessed the latter part of his life with a double portion of blessing. His friends , relatives and his servants respected him and brought gifts to him. God will exalt you too and magnify you in the midst of your neighbours, friends and relatives. This is a simple thing for God to do. Just Believe. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father God, when we look at the heavens and the wonderful works that You have made, what is man that You are mindful of us and yet You chose us, You chose us to be Your children. Teach us to live in humble submission to the leading of Your Spirit, knowing that no good thing dwells within us –and help us to realize that You can do all things and nothing that You plan is impossible, or can be hindered by anyone.
In Jesus name we pray.