Prayer Has Great Power.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of James 5:16 “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

My Dear Brothers And Sisters, from the above context we learn that we need to pray for one another that you may be healed, because the prayer of a righteous Person, has great power to move the very heart of God. Prayer isn’t just about asking God for things you need or desire. It’s about establishing a relationship with Him built on faith and trust in Him. God knows the desires of your heart long before you even think to ask, but he still loves to hear from you—whether you’re asking for guidance or giving thanks—because it draws you closer to him. The Bible is full of people who were led to pray for a multitude of things, we still pray about today: fear, anger, worry. That’s why the Good Book is full of Bible verses about worry, Bible verses about strength, and Bible verses about hope.
My Dear Brothers And Sisters, The more you pray, the more you will be blessed. The little you pray the little you will be blessed. So ask God to give you the spirit of prayer. You need to pray well. You need to pray with power. You should pray in tongues. Ask God to give you the grace. I see in my spirit that many of you who are reading this message are receiving the grace of God and the spirit of prayer in your life. Begin to speak in tongues. Not only small children but also elderly people are beginning to pray in tongues. Speaking in tongues helps to edify you in spiritual life. When one is edified in spiritual life, then You will be blessed in all aspects of your life. When you are spiritually oriented then God will increase you with animals and people to support you and your family.

My Dear Brothers And Sisters, May be until today you have not been blessed with the gift of a child. And so you are disheartened. God will be merciful to you and bless all those of you, who are longing to have a child, with offspring. May be the curse of your family ancestors, or may be your own sinful life, could be the reason for your childlessness. So confess to the Lord saying, “Lord you have carried all the curse and sins which we have committed, and the curse of our ancestors, upon yourself and crucified it on the cross of Calvary. Therefore forgive us of our sins and all our short comings, and bless us with offspring. Let us not be barren anymore. And don’t put us to shame, Lord Jesus Have mercy on us.” When you pray to the Lord then he will hear your prayer and bless you with offspring as He blessed Rachel, Hannah, Sarah and Elizabeth. God Bless You.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, thank You for speaking to us through this message, about prayer. Help us to pray in the spirit. Fill us with power. Teach us to pray in tongues. May we confess our sins with one another and to God Himself and receive the Blessing of God.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you, wherever you go.”

From the above context we come to understand that after, the children of Israel had wandered for 40 years, Joshua, the newly called Prophet, was charged with the daunting task of leading them into the Promised Land. This challenge included claiming the land from the current inhabitants, fighting battles and providing spiritual leadership for millions. Joshua may have felt the overwhelming weight of the task before him. And so the Lord offered these comforting yet encouraging words. “Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you, wherever you go.” Joshua was one of the most successful of all ancient leaders. He was one of the twelve spies of Israel, sent by Moses, to explore the land of Canaan. He was not afraid of the situation but bold in the Lord.

After Joshua was encouraged by the Lord, he boldly led the people of Israel into the land of Canaan and also distributed the land as an inheritance, allocated to the tribes of Israel as promised by the Lord God. In the same way, today the Lord tells you also, that He will go before you and make the crooked places straight. He will go before you and level the mountains that stand before you as blockage to your progress in life. Some of you are scared to take up responsibility. You seem to be so timid in nature. But God expects you to be bold and strong when you face challenges in your life. God will be with you and direct your steps. He says, this is the way, you walk in it. God is willing to instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. He will guide you with his eyes. Amen.
Therefore take up the responsibility boldly. For the Lord says, be bold, do not be discouraged. God who promised Joshua, did not forsake him. So when the Amorites attacked the Israelites, he prayed to the Lord. And asked God to let the sun stand still over Gibeon and Moon in the valley of Aijalon. Both the sun and the Moon stopped till the people had revenge over their enemies. The sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not, hasten to go down for about a whole day. And there has been no day, like that day, before it or after it. God was with Him. So God answered his prayer. He would have been a timid person, until Moses was the leader of Israel. But after his death God called him and strengthened him to carry out his task boldly. God not only gave him the leadership but also made him bold and strong.
Similarly the Lord will strengthen you and make you bold if you will depend upon Him for all your needs. Make Him the master of your life. Joshua was a good follower of Moses. He learnt all the precepts from his leader Moses and walked in his footsteps. He was one of the most successful of all ancient leaders. God will make you a leader too. God will not only lead you but also perform miracles for you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for showing us the good nature of Joshua. May we learn from him the quality of leadership. Strengthen us to be bold and courageous in the task that is set before us. Help us when we call you . Teach us to obey You like Joshua did.

In Jesus name we pray.

God Will Make You fruitful

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Ezekiel 36:11, “I will increase the number of people and animals living on you, and they will be fruitful and become numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the LORD.”

From the above context we learn that God wants to multiply you with many men and cattle. He is a God of blessing and wants to bless you in great measure. The first and foremost blessing that God gave to Adam and Eve was that they should multiply and increase in everything and fill the earth. God in the beginning of the creation itself had a plan to increase mankind. God wanted man to multiply and increase in everything he did. God who created man in his own image, was not content that he should remain in the same level or position, but move forward to the next level in life. It can be spiritual experience or it can be related to generations or based on the income or your financial stability. God expects that you should increase in all aspects of your life. It is not God’s plan that you should, shrink in life. But be widened, or expand in life. God expects His children to multiply with regard to children, in the family, or an increment in your salary, or an upliftment in your business. Whatever you do, there should be an increase.

Your relatives or your friends may desire to see your down fall. But God does not want to see you suffer from any loss. He always desires that you should do well in life. He is afflicted when you go through affliction. In case you fall the Lord will only lift you up and encourage you to rise up in life. He will only gather you up in his arms from your fallen state of life. Today you might have been pushed down in your business, or you might have been de-promoted in your service, instead of being promoted. Your friends or your own relatives may be spreading false tales about you and also speaking ill about you because of jealousy. Therefore you are terribly hurt about their odd behaviour. You are not able to move forward in life because of their interference.

Dearly Beloved, God wants to bring an end to all these petty problems and He desires that you live peacefully. He wants to bring an end to all the painful situation that you are going through. God had chosen this day to provide an increase in all your doings. He is emphasising on this particular thing that you move forward in your life, and not slip backward. If you desire to increase and multiply in your material and worldly life, then you need to spend more time with God. You need to increase your prayer life. The more you pray the more you will prosper. Learn to pray for a longer period of time, and then you shall be blessed. The more we pray the more we will be successful in our life. God Bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank you for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank You because You desire that we multiply and increase in our life. Thank You Father for promising us, to grant us men and cattle. And that You will make us prosperous more than before. We thank You for helping us move forward in life.

In Jesus Name We Pray.

God will watch over you

Dearly Beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Genesis 28:15 , “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

From the above context we learn that God assured Jacob on his way to his uncle’s house, that he would be with him, and will watch over him, wherever he went. God also promised to bring him back to his father’s land. And said, that He would not leave him until He had done what He had promised him.” Isn’t it very encouraging for every child of God to be reminded so emphatically that the Lord is caring for us and watching over us no matter where we go or what we do and that He will be with us always and will certainly fulfil every promise and pledge that He has purposed towards us. Though this promise is clearly for the Lord’s chosen nation of Israel, by God, who neither slumbers nor sleeps, whose word is sure, whose promises are guaranteed, whose statutes are binding and whose covenant will never fail, it is also applicable to everyone of us, who believe in Him.

When God wants to make an important point, He often uses the word “BEHOLD” in the Scripture. Behold, I am with you! Behold! I will watch over you wherever you go! Behold! I will bring you back to this land! Behold! I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised! He is a God who keeps His promise. You can simply rely on him. What an amazing God we have! The God that stands fast on His promises to Israel is the same God that will honour His promises to everyone who call upon His name. God did what He had promised Jacob. God made Jacob, who went empty, with only a staff in his hand as a prosperous man in his uncles house and also brought him back safely with cattle and servants and all his children to his father’s land Canaan.

Therefore be glad and rejoice in the Lord for we have a God Who has promised to watch over us, to protect us, provide for us, keep us and cherish us.
He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. You have a Saviour Who gave His own life for you. So, will He not provide you with a good job, or a good life partner, or create a way for you to go abroad. 
What is your desire, ask God. He will fulfil your desire at the appointed time. He will solve all your family problems. He will open ways and means for you to pay back all your loans and clear all your debts. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Have you been a failure in your life, well surrender to God like Jacob, The Lord of Israel will make you to flourish in your business and in all the work of your hand. He will neither leave you nor, forsake you. He will exalt you, for He is a God who raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap. Trust Him and you shall prosper. God Bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, We thank you, for the truth of Your word and Your never-failing promises which you have made to your children. Help us to be faithful in our services to You, For you are, our wonderful and faithful God and Father. May we like Jacob surrender our lives to God, So that God will provide us our food and shelter and also guard us wherever we go.

In Jesus Name We Pray.

God who gives knowledge

Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Proverbs 2: 6, “For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

From the above context we understand that God gives wisdom, and we receive knowledge from His mouth, and understanding also. The Bible says, let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance, because one receives the word of wisdom, by the spirit, and another receives knowledge, by the same spirit. Solomon in his proverbs, says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Many suffer from lack of wisdom, and to such persons God encourages, to ask of Him for He gives wisdom without showing any partiality.

This reminds me of an incident. You all must have heard that we conducted online prayer service, during the month of September 2020. After which a brother had written his testimony. His name is Saliraj. He had completed his B.Sc Nursing, and he had tried writing his DHA exam to serve as Health Officer in Dubai. This was his ambition that he should work in Dubai. But all his four attempts to pass the test proved a big failure. He had been watching our programme, under the heading, “The Most High God.” And as I was preaching, I was discussing on one of the point which caught his attention and he held on to that phrase of the message namely, “God who gives Knowledge.” This brother had listened to our message on the 5th of September and during prayer time he had made a request telling about his desire. And the prophesy to him was, “You shall reach your desired destination.”This brother realised that he did not have sufficient knowledge, in his subject and so he had failed but next time he decided to take the God, who gives knowledge along with him to write his exams.
To his surprise he appeared for the exam, on the 21st of September. And he was successful in his fifth attempt. Praise be to God. He equipped himself with knowledge from God and wrote his exam. So he passed his exam and he is now working as the health officer in Dubai Government hospital. He not only held on to the phrase that came forth in my message but also believed that God will fill him with required knowledge and therefore he would surely pass in his test. God honoured his faith. How about you who are reading this message ? Will you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for a miracle? When God could do for brother Saliraj, won’t he do for you? Are you lacking in wisdom, are you poor in your studies, or like Saliraj are you also trying to write government exams and have been a failure. You please increase your faith in God then you shall be successful. Saliraj’s brother was not settled for a long time. But by this online prayer and by the grace of God, his brother got married. Thus God performed two miracles for him. God will do miracles in your life also. God Bless You.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, We thank You for blessing Bro. Saliraj to pass his DHA Exam, and be employed in Dubai. and also to have settled his brother. Lord give us the knowledge and good understanding to face our daily challenges in life. May we also be blessed in all our endeavour, which we undertake to be successful in our lives.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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