The Lord Will Prosper You

My   Dear   Brothers   and  Sisters  in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator,  Maker, and Ever Unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of  3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

My Dear Brothers And Sisters,  From the  above  context we understand,  that  John the  beloved disciple of the Lord Jesus, addressed this little letter, to Gaius,  an elder.   We  also understand that  this elderly gentleman was brought to faith in Christ, through the ministry of John, himself  for  the apostle writes; I have no greater joy than this –“ to hear of my children walking in the truth.” John  the disciple,  expresses  his love and respect for this man, for it appears that his whole life was dedicated to the Lord, and Gaius must have been a wonderful testimony of a godly man, who walked in grace and love, for we read that his “soul prospered”. The life of Gaius appears to be that of a mature man of God, who reflected the character of Christ. We discover that this man’s spiritual life was fruitful, his soul was flourishing. He was working the works of God in his life through the power of the Holy Spirit. He was carrying out the work that God had prepared for him to do, with a Christian maturity, that made  John to say may “your soul prosper. ” We  also  learn from the letter of Apostle John,   that  Gaius had a physical disability or some health problems, That Is why John says, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health – just as your soul prospers. John’s prayer, was that the physical health of this beloved saint might ‘prosper’, in the same way that his spiritual health was prospering.

My Dear Brothers And Sisters, How can a soul be prosperous   ?  A soul  must be in right fellowship with the Lord.  Obeys   the principles of God, and   The soul that has a good understanding  of the Word is a prosperous soul.  The Bible says.  “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” I wish above all things that,   all those of you who are reading  this message   may  prosper, or succeed in all   your  affairs, in the business  life, in  education   field,   In your family life,  and may  the blessing of God,  make  you  rich,as this  is  my desire and prayer  for you.  Having good  Health is wealth. Without health it is impossible to be successful in life.  And this is the most desirable  mercy of God, for without good health,    there can be no comfortable enjoyment of life.  That is why John says, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health – just as your soul prospers.  

Dear Brothers And Sisters,   Are you walking in the ways  of  God like Gaius.  He proved to be a mature   man of God.  He reflected the character of Christ. Do  you  reflect   the character of Christ ? Are  you  involved  in  sinful   activities.   Do you smoke and keep drinking all the time ? Are you just wasting your time and not taking up a job? Have you become a burden to your parents? Instead of supporting them,  you have been hurting their feelings. You are not making an attempt to correct yourself. God is watching your activities.  Then how can He heal your sickness or give you a good job or settle you in your life.  It would be good if   you  seek to be more like the beloved Gaius, who walked in spirit, truth and love, and was faithful in whatsoever good works he undertook,  in spite of his   health problems.    May we behave like him,    no matter what physical problems we may encounter, for although this dearly beloved elder had an obvious disability, he was a worthy example of godly saint, who lived a life that was pleasing to the Lord, and for His greater praise and  glory?   God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   you   for   this   blessed day. Dear Lord,  thank You for the exemplary life of Gaius, and the many things that we can learn from the lives of other godly men and women, You place in our path. Thank You for the privilege of prayer.. so that we may approach Your throne of grace for help in time of sickness and need. We lift up all our brothers and sisters in Christ, body, soul and spirit – praying each would grow in grace, in all they say and do, and come to a deeper knowledge of the Lord Jesus – for Your greater praise and glory.

 Jesus Name We Pray.



I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of Psalms 12:5, “For The oppression of the poor for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise says the Lord. I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.”

From the above passage we understand that God is ever willing to arise for the poor and those who are oppressed. He knows what it is to be poor and the trouble one goes through his life, if they are poor, since Jesus Himself was a poor carpenter’s son.  He knows their toil and the sorrows they go through.  How the world looks at them and the kind of struggles one has to go through being poor. God assures that He will set him in safety from the hands of the evil doers. God says, “I will come in the midst of you who are poor and needy and downtrodden.”  When one is poor and needy he will be filled with sorrow and pain. He will be longing for someone to help him. The Bible says, “The lamentation of the poor is being heard by the Father in Heaven.”

Since our God is a God of compassion, He has come in the midst of you to change your poverty state of life,   into a life filled with joy and gladness. He wants to change your sorrow into joy. He wants to wipe your tears.  And cause you to be successful and victorious. God will send His angels to attend on you. Usually people cry out loudly when they go through trouble. The Bible says, “This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him and saved him from all this troubles. We actually do not know why he cried. All we know is that he was poor. He could have cried because of his pain due to disease, or he might have been hurt  or he might  have been ridiculed  by someone,  or he must be badly in need of some help. So he must have cried out. But the joy is that God heard his cry and saved him, not from one of his troubles, but all his troubles.  Halleluiah!

We see Job,  a man of sorrow. He was afflicted. He was in great distress and we read that Job lamented over his circumstances. Any one for that matter will lament while he goes through bitter sorrow. God says, He will rebuild the ruined state of your life. The ruined future of your children. One of your relative whom you trusted,   could have turned your own child,  ( daughter or son)  to come  against you. Therefore you are so broken in heart. You are unable to get the love of your children. For whose cause you had laboured so much to give them the best. Now you feel so cheated. God knows your pain and agony. Such children could have wrongly been trapped   by your relative and now your children are unable to release themselves from their hold. That is why the Lord is saying, “ I will arise to deliver your children from the hands of your enemy. David himself says, He delivers me from mine enemies: yea, thou lifts me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man. God hears not only the cry of the poor but also the   sighing, of the needy. Sometimes when things don’t happen the way we expect and causes big distress or disturbance in our minds, then we release a huge sigh with intense pain, from our heart. You may not know how to overcome this grief or sorrow. You might have invested money in your business but because of Corona, you could not see any gain. You could not even get back the money you invested. So you are broken in heart.  You might give a deep sigh   of regret and sorrow. God is directly about to deal with your problem. He will deliver you from this situation, and help you to overcome your difficulty.

To those of you who are reading this message with a broken heart and with much distress, I  would like to tell you that,  Your calculations to come up in life,  may be wrong, your business might have been at a  loss, all your effort to do well in life,  might have gone wrong, due to various reasons. No one, whom you considered would help you, came forward to assist you in your endeavour. In such occasion all you need to do is to look up to the Lord and say, “Hear O Lord, when I cry with my voice. Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. Do not hide Your face from me. Do not leave me nor forsake me. Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries.”The Bible says, “God’s ears are open to the cry of the poor. The eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear Him.”The Lord will not leave you who are poor and needy to be afflicted by your enemies. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and delivers them out of all their troubles. Your own people may be roaring like enemies because of jealousy, God will surely save you from the hands of such cruel and wretched people. God will arise since you have called on His name, and He will renew the poor state of your life. He will send help from above. And allow you to settle peacefully. Just as God delivered the people of Israel, from the cruel hands of the Egyptians, God will deliver you from those who oppress you and help you to live in peace and harmony. God Bless you.

Prayer:   Our   loving    heavenly Father,   we    thank You for this blessed day.  Father God, we thank You for comforting us through this message. In sorrow and distress be our consolation.  Help us to call upon Your Name which is above all other names. Keep us from being trapped by our own relatives who at times emerge as our rivals. Protect our children and our family from the hands of such wicked and cruel people, when they oppress us. Never neglect us O Lord. Help us to say, “If God Is for Us Who Can Be Against Us.”Lord    Increase our faith in You.    

In Jesus name we pray.



Dearly Beloved I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Job 42:2, “I know that You can do all things and that no plan of Yours can be thwarted.”

From the above context we understand that Our God is able to do all things. So Job believed that God is all powerful and can do anything for him and nothing that he has decided to do for him can be hindered. Our God is all powerful. He created the world by His word.  He made the moon and the stars. He calls the stars by name. The Sun to rule the day and Moon to rule the night. No one can go near the Sun.  The Sun is so powerful that the Moon derives its light from the sun. Who can understand the power of God who has made the Earth and let it hang in the atmosphere. If God could create all this by His power then you imagine how powerful He must be. There is power in His word. For He spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. He sends His word and heals the sick. It is the power of God that has established this Earth or stabilised it. You need to understand the power of the Sea Waves. In case someone gets caught in the swirling waves, no one can rescue him, from the power of the waves.  They will perish in the Sea. So think how powerful our God is, who has kept such power in the Waves of the Sea.

We hear of hail storm, floods, cyclone and other disaster that sometimes strike the land. We see them rush with great power and speed that they destroy huge trees, buildings and many structures. Who has given them this power? It works in the power of God Almighty who created the Earth and Heaven. The Wind which blows has great power. It can carry away anything and destroy everything. God has put into the Wind such great power It took Job some time to come to an understanding that he was   being afflicted and   this affliction will not last long.  He   couldn’t question the mighty hand of the omniscient and omnipotent God. For a time, all Job had was a shallow knowledge of God but later  he received  a deeper and more intimated awareness of  Who God truly is.   He realised that God was all powerful.  Though   Job’s whole world had collapsed in one day and he became pitiably derided by his friends and the laughing stock of the neighbourhood, Job, believed in God?  Job came to a realisation that God knows all things and God can do anything and that God must be trusted, unquestioningly, to remain in charge of everything without interference or accusations from those, whose understanding of the deep things the Lord God, are so limited.

Through this message God wants to convey to all of you who are reading this message, that God is powerful and He is able to do all things. And what He has decided to do for you and your children He will surely do and nothing can stop Him from doing it. God does everything in a particular time and season. He has great plans for you. In case He gives the blessing before you are fit or capable of handling the blessing, it will be of no use.   He postpones the blessings until you are thoroughly fit to handle the blessing, so that you can enjoy the blessings of God. Therefore though Job was being afflicted he had great hope in God. He had lost his ten children, he had lost all his cattle, wealth, high position in the society and his body was filled with boils. He was unable to face his friends and relatives. They thought he had done some secret sin, so God has punished him. But Job knew that God who had afflicted him will soon deliver him from his affliction.  Job finally came to an understanding that God can do anything and nothing that He plans is impossible. But to reach this level of understanding, he had to   humble   himself, accept the current situation, and simply wait on the Lord for the right time.  Job’s   realization  of  the power of  God  instils   faith and trust, that God desires for all His children to understand … that God can do anything, and God has the right to do whatsoever He will – and nothing that He plans, and purposes is impossible – for He alone is God.

I know of such people who thought they were capable of doing  great  things,  but  later when things  became  a  flop, they would say, “I have come to this poor state because I did not walk with wisdom. I have lost everything   because of poor knowledge.”So you need to walk with wisdom and with discretion to be successful. God knows when and how, He should bless you. Job by experience and sheer faith believes that God who inflicted him is able to deliver him from all his affliction. He wonders when there will be a change in his life. So He says, “I shall wait patiently for the right time.”This means that he knew that, at the appointed time God will deliver him from all his troubles. And He is confident that, his own eyes, will witness his good days in life. How about you dear Brother and  Sister ? Do you believe that good days are ahead of you? May be today you are struggling in life because of some affliction. Is it because of huge debts? Have you to settle your daughter, but you don’t have the needed resource. May be because of Corona you had  lost your job and you are at the moment looking out for a good job? Are you troubled because of your disobedient children? Whatever it may be,  have faith  like Job , that God is able to do all things and surely the end will come to all your sufferings when you look up to God. Commit your ways unto the Lord trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass. God Bless you.

Prayer:    Our   loving    heavenly Father,  we  thank   You   for  this blessed day. Father  God we  thank you for making us understand the power of God. Help us to realize our mistakes and have faith in God that He is able to do all things. May we learn to wait upon God for the right time, to receive God’s blessing. Teach us to walk with wisdom. May we witness good days in our life too.  Bless us ,  as you blessed Job with a double portion of blessing.  

In Jesus Name We Pray.



My Beloved in Christ , I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Ruth 3:10,11, He said, “May ADONAI bless you, my daughter. Your latest kindness is even greater than your first, in that you didn’t go after the young men, neither the rich ones nor the poor.  And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you everything you say, for all the city leaders among my people know that you are a woman of good character.” 

From the above context we learn that Boaz blesses  Ruth and shows kindness to her.  The conduct of Boaz calls for the highest praise. He attempted not to take advantage of Ruth; he did not disdain her as a poor, destitute stranger, nor suspect her of any ill intentions. He spoke honourably of her as a virtuous woman, made her a promise, and sent her away with a present to her mother-in-law. Boaz made his promise conditional, for there was a kinsman nearer than he, to whom the right of redemption belonged.

Naomi asked Ruth to behave wisely with her distant relative, Boaz who was the owner of the field in which Ruth went to glean barley and wheat till the end of the harvest season. Ruth behaved well as she was instructed by her mother in law. Therefore she found grace in the sight of Boaz.   And Boaz answered and said to her, “It has been fully reported to me, all that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband, and how you have left your father and your mother and the land of your birth, and have come to a people whom you did not know before. The   Lord,  repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge.” Ruth  had shown much love to her husband while living and dying, and to her mother-in-law, in leaving her country Moab, and kindred to come with her into a strange country, Bethlehem,   and in labour to support her, as she had done, all which was great kindness,  but the kindness she now showed exceeded all the former, in that she was desirous, according to the law of God, to build up her husband’s family, to marry the next near kinsman, even

though an old man, to raise up seed to the name and memory of her husband.

Now Boaz mentions this as an instance of her virtue, and of her great respect to her husband’s family, that a woman of such amiable qualities, virtuous, young, and beautiful, who doubtless might have been married to a young man in her own country, or in Israel, but chose to marry the nearest of kin in her husband’s family, to perpetuate his name and memory. When Ruth left her home and followed her mother in law to Bethlehem she did not expect that God would give her  another opportunity to live her life. Though she had returned  as  a widow, to Bethlehem,  God rewarded her for her faithfulness  towards her mother in law. Moreover she accepted her God as her God and the people of Naomi as her people. This pleased the Lord. Though she was a young Moabites woman a forsaken widow, Boaz did not despise her, nor did he underestimate her in any way. Instead he called her blessed. God will bless you too and give you another opportunity to live your life provided you remain faithful to your parents or you’re in laws. God who sees you in secret will bless you outwardly. God Bless you.

prayer:    Our   loving    heavenly Father,  we  thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Heavenly Father, thank You for   showing to us the unique   character of Naomi,  Ruth and Boaz. You helped them to be honest and faithful to each other. Enable us to learn from them the art of good behaviour. Kindness,  long  suffering  and bearing with one another. Reward us too,  as You rewarded Ruth and Boaz  and Naomi.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


Be Prosperous

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of  Isaiah 55:8  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways, My  ways, says the Lord.  For As the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways.” 

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we come to understand that many are the .plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. It is so easy to be overwhelmed by despair, and fear in the world today. Sin, war, and sickness   all   find a way, to steal our hopes and cause us to doubt that there is a good  future ahead. Yet God promises us that He has plans for us that are of  a good  future  with hope, Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you are able to look forward with joy, to God’s destiny on your life. 

God’s thoughts toward us is not the same as our thoughts. Neither are His ways, similar to that of our ways.  Yet  everyone of you are expecting a good end to your problems and all that you have planned. You are rather  afraid, as to where these, will lead you to. Will it end in evil ways? Or will it lead  to  a  good  end ?   Well if you surrender your ways to the devil, then it will lead to evil ways.  If  you surrender your ways to the Lord then it will lead to a good  end. It is how you choose the way?

We read about Joseph who was one such person who surrendered his life to the will of God. Of course he was thrown into a deep pit by his own brothers. Later they pulled him up and sold him to the Midianite  traders, for twenty   pieces of silver to the  Ishmaelite,  who took him to Egypt.   This is how God had taken him to Egypt. God had a plan and a purpose for taking him to Egypt. He did suffer a lot in the hands of his own brothers who had planned to kill him, and then  he  was tempted  by Potipher’s wife. Satan had devised an evil plan for his life. Satan brought before him a beautiful woman, Potipher’s wife who tempted him  to do evil before God. So he was subjected to very painful situation in his life. But, since he surrendered his life to the Lord, and gave himself to the plan of God, by running away from committing sin, God was with him and helped him in the most difficult times of his life. Especially   when  he was thrown into the prison for no fault of his. He was falsely accused and thrown into the prison. Even there he was chosen to  be,  in charge of the prison by the  Prison  Warden.  God changed the evil for his own good.  

God had not forgotten him in the prison. Soon he became the Governor of Egypt as he interpreted the dream of Pharaoh. Thus God exalted him in that great nation of Egypt. And used him mightily  for the glory of God. God used him to provide food grains to the people in and around Egypt during the time of famine. He became a renowned personality in the region, as he depended on God. He was exalted among all his brethren. Thus God had  a prosperous plan for him. Initially there were problems and he had to go through hardships. Though the beginning was very insignificant the end was a great blessing.

My  Dear  Brothers  and  Sisters, God  who prospered  Joseph will prosper you too if your ways  are pleasing to the Lord. God knows the way you take. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And  lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him; And He shall direct your paths. God Bless you.

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father, we thank  You for this blessed day. Lord help us to make the right decision in our life. Teach us to do the will of God and not follow the steps of the devil.  Make us to hear your voice and walk steadily in our life. Never to fear at little things that crop up in our lives and feel frustrated but boldly endure the troubles and glorify God. Help us to be like Joseph who set an example of Christ.  

In Jesus name we pray.


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