Do not be Afraid

Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has   given   for you today is from the book of   Exodus 14:13, “And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid, Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more, forever.”

From the above context we come to know that all your enemies will vanish away and you shall be free  from their hands. The Israelites were being chased by the Egyptian army. But all of them were drowned in the sea. Thus the people of God were well protected from their enemies and they crossed the Red Sea without any fear.

God is going to show favour to you as He showed favour to Joseph in Potiphar’s house. He was sold by his brothers to the merchants and there in Egypt he worked in Potiphars house. Though he did not do any wrong, he was thrown into the jail because Joseph   refused   to incline to the desires of Potiphars wife. Joseph feared God. And so he ran away from committing sin.   God was with Joseph so he found favour in the eyes of the jailor who appointed him as the head man over all the other prisoners. Not only that, two years later was he called by Pharaoh himself to interpret the meaning of his dream.  Even while he was in the prison he was able to interpret the dream of the butler and baker. And each ones dream came true as he had interpreted. Now when he interpreted the dream of Pharaoh he was exalted by him and made the Governor of Egypt. Joseph would never have thought that he was going to be the Governor. He was given all power and authority. God lifted him up from that of a   slave to the post of a Governor. God favoured him in   the eyes of Pharaoh.

Similarly we see Jacob who went to do business with his uncle, and he found the favour of God. In the beginning Jacob’s uncle Laban cheated him by giving his eldest daughter Leah. So Jacob worked another seven years and married Rachel. Day by day Jacob worked hard, and later his uncle financed him in his business and made him his working partner. He made a contract with Jacob saying all striped sheep would belong to Jacob, and all plain ones will be Labans’.  God multiplied those sheep which his uncle had allotted for him.  In everything that Jacob did God showed favour to him and therefore he became rich and wealthy. He found favour in the eyes of his own uncle who had cheated him and even his uncle’s sons who considered Jacob as an enemy,   became friendly and showed favour to him. Therefore having crossed over river Jordan  victoriously he praises the Lord and says, “Lord in what way am I worthy to obtain mercy and grace and the truth of God that I should be blessed with two companies who left my father’s house with only a staff and empty hand. He praises the Lord for making his name great among the Israelites. God will show you the same  favour   from  your boss under whom you work. God will make your name great,   with fame and praise in your company such that you will even become a working   partner with your Boss in his business. If God is with you then you will shine. God Bless You.

Prayer:  Our   loving   heavenly  Father,  We    thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Lord thank  you  for   driving all our enemies and protecting us from their cruel hands. We thank You Father for the favour,  You showed to Joseph and Jacob. We also wish to inherit that blessing which you have bestowed upon them. Help us to run away from sin and have godly fear in us. Teach us to have Christ in us that we may be victorious in our day to day life.

In Jesus Name We Pray.



Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord   has given for you today is from the book of Psalm 41:8.3, “The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed”.

From the above verse God is speaking to you through this message.  He wants to deliver you from your sickness and   help you live happily.  In case you have done good to others,  while you had an opportunity, then the Lord will strengthen you  on your  bed of illness and    will sustain you  on   your  sick bed. When you    consider the poor then the
 Lord will deliver you in times of trouble. The Lord will preserve   you and keep   you alive, And you will be blessed on the earth; God will not deliver you to the will of your enemies. These are the promises God makes to those who consider the poor because the   expectation of the poor will not perish.

You might have been ill for many months,  almost bed ridden. Then people might say,  “ An evil disease,“ clings to him. And now that he lies down, he will not rise up any more.” Even your own familiar friend in whom   you trusted,   and even ate your bread, would comment wrong statement against you, instead of taking pity on you. People, especially your neighbours, who have been friendly will speak and spread all rumours about you.  God will not leave you in that condition. David says, “He who brought me into sore and severe troubles will revive me again from the depths of the earth. Though God has chastened   me, He will not leave me unto death.”   

The Lord   will be merciful to you and will raise  you  up. God will restore you to health, and heal all your physical and   mental wounds.  For   He gives strength to the weak, and to the weary He increases their power. He is a God who heals all your diseases, and forgives your sins. God’s   grace is sufficient   for you, as his strength is made perfect in your weakness. God often sends His word and heals you.  He has promised to bring health and healing to you and allow you to enjoy abundant peace and security. No weapon formed against you shall prevail. The eternal God will be your refuge. God will bring you out of darkness, and the deepest gloom, and will break away   their   chains. Even though you walk   through the valley of the shadow of death, you need not fear any  evil,  for  His rod and staff  will comfort you.  Then no harm will befall you neither will any disaster come near your tent. He will wipe every tear from your eyes. You shall not cry any more. Begin to help  the poor and needy. Then surely, God will bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father,  we   thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Dear Lord, Thank You for forgiving us,  of  our   sins  and healing all our diseases.  Teach us to help   the poor and needy when we get an opportunity. May we have a heart to consider  the  poor.  Protect us from all danger and harm. Never allow us to suffer pain and agony because of disease.  Heal us by your healing power.

 In  Jesus  Name We Pray.



Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Proverbs 22:4, “By humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches and honour and life.”
From the above context we learn that humility and the fear of the Lord, brings riches, honour and life to a person. If you have these good qualities in you, then surely you shall be rewarded, the three gifts of God. The reward for humility, and the fear of the Lord, is riches, honour, and life. You will receive great respect, if you have these qualities, the Lord will bless you with a well settled life. He will not only settle you, but the life of your children as well. God will give you a bright future. All of you reading this message must be longing to have all these blessings. Is it not? No one will refuse to be blessed with such great blessing. We all long to be rich, wealthy, popular, and respected in the society. We would never like to be put to shame. We need a good name and fame, to live in a dignified manner.
May be you are thinking that it is enough if the Lord settles the lives of your children. Today the Lord is going to give you these blessings, in addition to other blessings. But God is willing to reward you provided, you adhere to one of his conditions. It is an agreement between God and you. The Lord is prepared to give you honour respect, riches and wealth and high position in the society but you need to agree to His condition. Namely humbleness in character. God is expecting good qualities in you. God expects you to fear Him, to humble yourself and not be proud about anything. The Bible says, they that humble themselves shall be exalted. God will bring about the changes that you are expecting to happen in your life. I tell you that in the midst of this terrible disease God has kept you and me alive, then God has great plans for you. This is the sign of His tender love, mercy and grace that He has bestowed upon you.
Corona did not carry away people one by one but in clusters. We were not even able to see them being buried. That was the state of our life. Yet it is amazing to see that God has preserved our lives that we may walk in the ways of God. He has remembered both you and me and He has added one more year of grace to us to obey His word, fear Him and magnify His name by being humble before Him. He does not demand something that you cannot do or give to God. He wants your heart, just humbleness in character. Can you obey his condition? Will you please Him in every way? Then he will meet all your needs according to His riches, in Christ Jesus. For He who trusts in the Lord will prosper. Then you will have plenty to eat, until you are full. And you will praise the name of the Lord, who has not put you to shame, but has kept you alive. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we are grateful to you for keeping us alive in spite of the terrible disease. Lord teach us to be humble in character. We agree with your condition. So reward us with riches, honour and respect in the society.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Lord delights in you

Dearly Beloved in Christ , I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord   has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 62:4, “You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, Nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate;[ But you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land [Beulah; For the Lord delights in you, And your land shall be married.”

From the above context we come to understand that God does not want you to cry any longer.   God therefore looks at each one of you reading this message and says, you shall not be crying anymore.  Until this day you might have been filled with some sort of sorrow always in your heart.  May be because of some loss, you may be badly affected  due to some kind of disease, You  may  have been put to shame because of some  reason within your family members, and  being surrounded by all these you are unable to share your thoughts or feelings with someone and cry out to vent  your feelings. God knowing your distressed state of mind assures saying you shall not be crying hereafter. Because your God who wipes your tears is in the midst of you. You will not be forsaken anymore.  Neither will you be called desolate, for the Lord delights in you.

What are the things that cause so much of distress to you? In all these matters, which causes much pain, and for which you had been troubled all these years,    God is going to perform a miracle for you. He is going to liberate you   from all your problems   that   keep you worried.  He is going to bring in peace and happiness in your life. So be cheerful. Firstly God is delivering you from your poverty state of life. He knows that only if you have money you will be able to meet all your needs. So you will be blessed with a good job or a good business contract or some means of source from where you will be able to make money, to sustain yourself and your family.  God says, that God loves all of you who are reading this message, therefore he wants to grant you life to live. All blockades will be removed and many good things will happen in your life. Even all the barriers that stand against the blessings of your children   will be eliminated, and they too will be blessed in the days to come.   Many of you reading this message are still unsettled. God says, you shall be settled.   You will not be forsaken anymore.  You shall be called Beulah and Hephzibah.

Your life shall be established in the Lord. Your children too will be blessed in their family life. All your grandchildren shall be blessed in the Lord. Many good gifts   granted by God will be bestowed upon them. God will change all your sorrowful situation into joyful situations. You must have read or heard the story of Ruth a mobities, who went along with her mother in law,  to  Bethlehem. She decided to live her youthful life with her mother in law, rather than return to her father’s house. She and Naomi, who was   her mother in law, were widows. Naomi decided to return to her home land Bethlehem having lost both her sons and her husband in Moab. But God who was merciful to these widows brought Boaz into their life. Boaz a rich man who had heard of the sacrifice of Ruth came forward to marry her.  And Ruth brought forth Obed in whose lineage,  Jesse the father of David was born and later Jesus Himself was born in honour of Ruth the  Moabite,  who chose Israel as her homeland,  and the people of Israel as her own people. God blessed   her according to the days wherein she had suffered in the past, over the loss of her husband.  She was blessed with joy and above all she was blessed with a son.    God gave her a new generation to begin with.   In the same way God will re- establish your married life and honour   you,   if you choose to receive Jesus as your Saviour and live for Him all the days   of your life.  God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for this blessed day. Dear Lord, We thank You for promising us, that You will not forsake us.  Neither will you leave us desolate.  You will re establish our family life and bless us, our children and even our grand children with all kinds of blessings. May we be called Hephzibah and Beulah, because You delight in us O Lord.

In Jesus Name We Pray.




Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord   has given for you today is from the book of   Isaiah 51:11, “With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness; sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

Today God is sealing the leakage of blessing in your families. No more will you build a house, and another inhabit. No more will you plant a garden, and another eat its fruit. God will bless the work of your hands and you will enjoy it for a long time!

Once a family comprising of a husband, wife and children came to the city of refuge for prayer. They were adamant that they will not leave without praying with Brother Stephen. So, I set aside a time to pray for them. The husband was a very courteous gentleman. He said it was many years since he had lost his job. His wife and children looked forlorn. The wife lamented, “I had a lot of jewellery which my husband had earlier bought from his earnings. We sold them one by one to survive all these years. But from next month we have nothing more to sell. From now on our life looks bleak. If my husband does not get a job next month, then our life is over.” I prayed, “Lord, you said you will not test us beyond our ability. They have come to this city of refuge in a lowest possible state.” I prayed breaking all the obstacles and sent them home. Within a span of 10 days God blessed the husband with a job having twice the remuneration than before. Hallelujah!

When God says His chosen ones will enjoy the fruit of their labor for a long time, it doesn’t mean their life will be good for a short duration only to deteriorate later. Their life will be great throughout your lifetime. The work of your hands should be blessed by the Lord. You will have success in your personal life, spiritual life, and career life. You will be successful in your face-to-face interviews. You will be victorious (2 Corinthians 2:14).

The Bible says: “With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness; Sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” (Isaiah 51:11).

From now on there will be no more sorrow in your lives. And you shall be called sought out, a city not forsaken (Isaiah 62:12). You will not be abandoned anymore. You will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah (Isaiah 62:4). God will wipe away your tears from your eyes (Revelation 7:17). You will no longer weep. There will be order in your life since God is with you. All your sorrows, difficulties and worries will change.  Hallelujah!

May God bless you all with such blessings this month of November and make you glad! May His mighty hand of miracles always be with you! Amen.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank   You   for this blessed day. Dear Lord, even as my children start this new month, bless them with your joy and gladness. Let their sorrow be turned to joy.  Let them experience a miracle in their lives today.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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