I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord   has given for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 7:14, “You Shall Be Blessed Above All Peoples;   There shall not be a male, or female, barren among  you.”

He is  a God who blesses the generation of His Children. David says, “The Lions   do lack and hunger but they that fear the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” God does not want His children to lack any good thing. Some of you reading this message are crying as you lack something. You have spent many years of married life. You have taken all kinds of treatment. But all in vain.  You have been living in shame; you are unable to face others. You never like to attend parties or functions. So you say, “Lord remove my reproach and bless me with a child. You are longing to have one child. But God is able to bless you with more than one child .  God wants to show favour to you.

I remember how once a sister came up to me for prayer and poured out her heart to me. She had been married for ten long years but she had no children. I prayed for her saying,    “Lord You will fill her belly with Your hidden treasure, and she shall be satisfied with children.”   And sent  her home saying, “The Lord will soon open your womb and you will conceive. This  sister called me after two weeks and said. “Brother I have conceived. Praise the Lord.”After few weeks she again called me and what she said was surprising. She said, “Brother the Doctor has identified three   foetus   in my uterus. They say through recent mechanism they shall remove two of them and store only one since it had been ten years since I had a child. So I prayed to God regarding her case.  But the Lord replied  saying,  what is written is written. So I asked that sister to leave it as it is, since God will help her to deliver the babies at the appointed time. She delivered the three beautiful babies and brought them to the special Fasting Prayer Meeting which is held every month in Chennai. Called ‘’Anbarin  Padathil  Oru Naal.’’ All who heard her testimony were wonder struck.  God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you think or ask for, is able to perform extraordinary miracle for you.

Many of you are saying, how can God bless me when I have so many loans? When will my loans be cleared? How can I pay my children’s fees?   How shall I pay the rent for my house?   How is it possible for God to do wonders in my life? It is possible to them that believe in the name of Jesus. When Jacob was left alone he held on to God. He battled with the angel of God the whole night and said, “Lord I will not let You go unless and until   You Bless me. ”You too should cling to the Lord when you need His help. God will be merciful to you and show favour to You. He says, “For a moment I had forgotten you but with everlasting love I shall embrace you. ”His anger is for a moment but His mercy is for everlasting, to those who call upon His name. Since Jacob cried to the Lord for blessing God blessed him. He found favour in the sight of His uncles Laban who chased him, to kill him. But God spared his life. When he left his father’s house he went with empty hand with only a staff. But when he returned he came back with two companies. He returned to his father after 20 years as a great   and wealthy man. Won’t God do the same for you? However poor you may be, God is able to lift you up from the ash heap and cause you to be seated among the princes. Just believe. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank   You   for this blessed day. Dear Lord, We thank You for showing favour to Your children who   call upon Your name. Thank You Father for blessing that sister with three children. Help us also to receive double portion of blessing and glorify your name.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


The Lord Will Restore.

My   Dear   Brother  and  Sister in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has  given  for you today is from the book of  Zechariah  9:12 says, “Return to the strong hold. You prisoners of hope.  Even today I declare, that I will restore double to you. ”

My Dear Brother And Sister, God will show favour to you. Today you shall receive salvation. And today God is about to bless you with double blessing. But you need to return to your strong hold. But who is your strong hold?    Your strong hold should be Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of your faith. If you cling to Him then he will give you double blessing. God is not saying that you will receive double blessing in the future. But today you shall receive double blessing which means that you will receive double blessing in the present state of your life.  Firstly you should receive salvation then you shall receive double blessing  from God. To receive the blessing  you need to ask God. You must pray  or call upon His name. Pray with tears. Fast and pray. The Bible says, ‘’Arise cry out, in the night, at the beginning of the watches. Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift up your hands towards Him.’’ Apostle Paul in his Epistles encourages us to pray  for all  men,   especially for those who are in authority, that you may lead  a peaceable life, in all godliness  and reverence.

My Dear Brother and Sister, God expects us to believe that we will receive double blessing. God is not a man that he should  lie.   Has He said, and will   He not do?   Or has He spoken   and will  He not make it good.? I tell you God is so good. In order that you should  taste of His love, God is going to perform a miracle for you. May be you are waiting for a promotion. But God will give you double promotion. Are you looking out for an increment in your payment?  The Lord will give you double increment. Some of you while   reading this message are thinking , “ I have no house of my own. I am living in rented house”   So  you ask the Lord to give you  a house. But the Lord will give you more than one house, if He desires to give you. You shall receive double anointing from God as Elisha received double fold blessing according to his desire, from prophet Elijah,   while he was taken up to heaven. God wants to bless your spiritual aspect of life too, so He wants to fill you with special anointing of prayer. For   only prayer can open the heart of God. When Job prayed to God for his friends, then he   was released, from his  own captivity. And received double portion of blessing. Some of you reading this message failed to pray regularly. Therefore you have lost many good things which God had in store for you. Start praying from today onwards   as the spirit of prayer, is falling right now upon you.

My Dear Brother and Sister, If  you obey the commandments of God  then you shall receive double portion of blessing.  Some of you have been praying,  but due to disappointments, you have stopped praying.  As a result you have lost many good things,  in life. You have not been able to shine. Since you have lost the salvation of Christ, you have become very unsuccessful. You don’t receive favour from anyone.   No one appreciates your work or your effort. You have been rejected by all. But God is merciful, to you and wants to pour His blessings, upon you. Therefore God wants you to rejuvenate,   in you the spirit of prayer   and supplication. And receive the free gift of salvation. Then you shall see the favour of God being poured upon you in an abundant manner. Are you willing to receive the spirit of prayer,  then you shall receive    double portion of Blessing. God Bless you. 

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we  thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Dear Lord,   We praise You because You have given us free gift of salvation. Help us to adhere to your commandments as recorded in the word of God. May we receive the spirit of prayer and continue in our prayer life.   Teach us never to lose many good things which you have kept in store for us by neglecting prayer  life.

In Jesus  Name We Pray.


Your Steps Will Be filled

My   Dear   Brother  and  Sister in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has  given  for you today is from the book of  Job:29:6 says, “When my steps were bathed with cream, And the rock poured out rivers, of oil for me.”

My Dear Brother And Sister, from the above context we see how Job lived a luxurious life  before he could go through affliction. He says, it was a time when the lamp of God shone over his head. When God Almighty was with him and all his children were around him. They were the most  happy days of Job. So he thinks of the past days, and wonders how well it would be if he re-lived the past days in his life again. Those were the days when he was much respected by the young and the old. The young men when they saw him hid  themselves  in respect of him while the aged arose and stood before him. In those days, he used to be like a father to the poor, and he delivered the fatherless and the one who had no helper. But now the days had changed. He was filled with shame and horror.  But  he  believed  that God  would soon  ,   bring back good days in his life in the near future . So he patiently waited for those good days.

My Dear Brother And Sister, Many of you who are reading this message, are worried regarding your life, because all these years you have been a failure. You have never seen good days. But God promises to change all your failures into success.   He is a God who changes our circumstances for the betterment of our life.   You may be thinking, “Well when I take one step forward, I go back four steps  backward.  How can  I ever live a happy life. When will I see good days in my life.” God says, hereafter, all your endeavours  will be prosperous.  You might have lost  your  job,  because of Corona. So now you are thinking,  “How I wish I got the same job  which I was doing before. How I wish I got the same salary which I was drawing before Corona, then I would be able to manage my family. And my children’s education. You are only comparing your position with that of the past  days, since now you are jobless.  Are you like Job waiting for a change? You are thinking “How I wish, I would be able to enjoy the same happiness as I used to enjoy in the bygone days. While you are thinking in this manner, God has plans to prosper you.

My Dear Brother And Sister, God says, My thoughts, are not your thoughts, Nor your ways, My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are My ways, higher than your ways. And My thoughts than your thoughts. God wants to bless you with more than your expectation. He wants to bless you with a double portion of blessing. He wants you to reach the peak of your prosperity. God  says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things, and be in health  just as   your soul prospers. This is the desire of God for mankind. So in future all that you do, will become successful. You shall not be a failure  anymore. God will bring about a change in your life as He brought an expected change in the life of Job. But to be blessed by God you should not commit sin or murmur against God.  Instead you should pray for others.  Then God’s heart will soften over you and the lamp of God will shine over your   head  and you shall receive a double portion of blessing. And you will be honoured and respected by all. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father,  we  thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Dear Lord, We thank You for blessing Job as he was blameless and righteous before you. And  You gave him back  all that he had lost in his life.   Lord help us also to be faithful to You when trials come in our life.  Teach us to pray for others, and be patient during tribulation.  Help us to regain stability in life and get back all that we have lost, Our joy, our peace, our faith and love for God.

In Jesus  Name We Pray.



Dearly Beloved,  I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator,  Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of  Genesis  7:7,16, “And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood. There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah. And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the Lord shut him in.”

From the above context we learn that God called Noah and asked him to  build an ark. The Lord was hurt to see that, the earth was corrupt, before God, and the earth was filled with violence. For all flesh had corrupted their way, on the earth. The Lord was sorry that He made man on the earth. And He was grieved in his heart. So God decided to destroy the man from the face of the earth. During that time God found Noah to be a just and perfect man in his generation. So God asked Noah to build an ark to safeguard Noah and his family, from the oncoming floods. He instructed him how he should build the ark and also he saw that   every kind of birds and living creatures, both male and female, should be let into the ark, to save them also from the floods. God was not only mindful of mankind but also all living creatures. So Noah made an Ark and did all that the Lord had commanded because he had found grace in the sight of God.

God said  to Noah,  “Come into the ark.”’  As soon as Noah and his wife, his sons,  and his sons wives and all living creatures entered into the ark God shut the door of the ark by Himself so that no one could enter into the ark during the disastrous   floods. Just as God shut Noah into the ark, you too were shut within your house, in order that you may be protected from    the horrible disease, Corona,  that killed millions of people across the world.  God was merciful to you and your family. He did not wish to destroy you.  Many of you reading this message were quite interested to go to school,  college , to office and even to church but you couldn’t go   during  that period of time. All were compelled to stay indoors. The Bible says, waters prevailed on the earth for nearly 150 days, during the time of Noah.   God had permitted Noah 150 days of lock down inside the ark,  to keep him protected from the floods.

Thus God has saved you  from Corona Virus.  He has kept you alive. Praise the Lord. Today schools, colleges, offices and even churches have been opened. But you now feel, wouldn’t it be better if you had a few more days of vacation so that you could remain at home and enjoy yourself. You should realize why God allowed Corona and how God kept you well protected through Lock down Period. God is ever mindful of you and your family. You might have incurred great loss in your business or all your loans are yet to be paid which you have borrowed from the bank and from other sources. But God who saved you from Corona and has given you life will also help you overcome the fallen economic condition. He will surely cause you to escape   from the poor economic situation.  He will stabilize and establish your life again. So don’t lose heart. God says, “ In this world you will have troubles, but be cheerful, for I have overcome the world.” Since God has overcome the world, He will help you to overcome your problems however big they may be. God Bless you.  

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father,  we   thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Dear Lord,   we thank you for saving us from the Corona and keeping us alive. We   thank You Father, for helping   us to overcome all the losses we have incurred in our business and thus help us to prosper. Help us to put our faith in You Lord. Teach us to be perfect and righteous before You,   like Noah. And   thereby receive   grace in Your sight.

In Jesus Name We Pray.



Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord   has   given   for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 28: 12. “You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.“

From the above passage we see that God  promises  that you shall not borrow but you will lend to many people. All you need to do is to heed to all the commandments of God. You get into debts because you don’t earn sufficiently. You are sad and distressed because your hard work has not been   recognised.  God knows all your sorrows,  So he has decided  to  grant you plenty of goods. He will give an increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground.  The Lord will bless the work of your hand. The Lord has sworn with His right hand and His strong arm: saying “I will no longer give your grain to your enemies for food, and foreigners will not drink your new wine for which you have laboured.” Some of you are saying, “My children are studying hard but they forget all that they have learnt while  writing  their exams. Kindly pray for my children.”From today there will be a change with regarding to your children. God will  bless them with good wisdom, knowledge and understanding. They will excel in all that they do.

Dearly Beloved,  God is putting an end to all your problems, and  is going to bring about a fresh change in your life. The Bible says, “I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleysI will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.”  Similarly God will cause your business which was dry and unsuccessful, to bloom and prosper in the coming days. You will surely receive an increment of salary. You shall be upgraded with promotion in your office. All that did not happen so long, will begin to happen for the good of your life. And when you begin to do well in your business you will gain a big profit, as a result all your debts will be cleared and no creditors will stand at your door step. You will not be put to shame anymore. The Lord will make you the head and not the tail. You will be above only, and not be beneath.

God has spoken to you through this message, in order to lift you up from your lowly status,  and thus change the course of your life. God has come down in a marvellous manner to grant your expectation. God says, I have come  in remembrance of you, because I have thoughts about you to do good and not evil. My thoughts will be for the good and peace of your life, and that of your family. God wants to bring about a change in your financial position. God wants to change your dry financial situation to a good and fertile one. May be until now all the crops which you had planted did not bring forth fruit. But hereafter your olive trees, your vine plants and all other crops will bloom and bring forth fruit. As  a result you will experience a great change in your financial situation. You will shine forth and be fruitful, in all the work of your hand. God who says, Surely blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply you,  will bring about an abundant blessing. All your debts will be cleared. You will be wealthy and prosperous. God Bless you.   

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father,  We    thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Lord we  thank  You,  because   Your eyes  are opened  to the difficulties and problems which   we  are facing. Thank You for delivering   the poor from all his  troubles.  You have prepared something better for those that love and trust You. Thank You for all Your goodness and grace towards us and   for   times when   you have protected and delivered us from those who wanted  to do us  harm. Help us to remember that nothing should separate us from the love of God. 

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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