Dearly beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalm 72:12, “He delivers the needy when he calls, the poor and him who has no helper”.
From the above passage we see that the Lord delivers the needy when he calls, and helps the poor and those who have no helper. This Psalm, reminds us that we should not only remember the wonder of God and His great blessings and deliverances, but should continually exalt Him, praise Him, and thank Him, for all His grace and favour towards us. God deserves honour and praise for the help He provides day by day – both the protection we are given from our enemies and the deliverance we receive from our adversaries who seek our downfall and destruction. This Psalm of Solomon, speaks about the judgement of God that fell on the wicked nations that threatened his people. He praised God’s past acts of deliverance. He was not slow in expressing his grateful thanks to His mighty Deliver who caused his enemies to turn back, stumble, and perish. He remained confident in the Lord’s never-failing faithfulness and promises to protect him in days ahead.
Our Heavenly Father will never forget those that remember Him. He will never abandon those that trust His Word and honour His name – for those who believe are not condemned – but those who do not believe, in Jesus Christ, are condemned already. Earlier in the psalm, we find David, the father of king Solomon, praising the Lord for His righteous judgment in times past. He acknowledges God’s wonderful acts of deliverance in the past and requests God’s ongoing protection and provision for the future. The Bible says, that the Spirit of the Lord was on Jesus. The Lord anointed Him to proclaim good news to the poor, to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release the prisoners, to comfort all who mourn, to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
We live in a fallen world where men of faith will always suffer trials and tribulations, but the Psalmist offers hope for all who trust in the Lord, even though there may be times when we feel forgotten or afflicted. We are God’s children and have His assurance that we are secure in His hand. While Jesus lived in this world, He performed many miracles. He fed the five thousand, with just five loaves of bread and two fishes. He caused blind Bartmaeus to receive sight, He made the paralysed to walk, He delivered the demon possessed young man and set him free. He raised Lazarus from the dead. The Lord will perform miracles in your life too. He will grant you favour in the sight of your Boss. Your family life will be blessed. Your financial position will be stabilized. Therefore we need to thank God for His grace and favour towards us. May we declare His praises and rejoice in our great salvation. Let us remember the truth that the testing of our faith produces patient and endurance so that we may grow in grace and become mature and complete in Christ – that we may lack nothing.”
God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, We thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank You, because Your eyes are opened to the difficulties and problems which we are facing. Thank You for delivering the poor from all his troubles. You have prepared something better for those that love and trust You. Thank You for all Your goodness and grace towards us and for times when you have protected and delivered us from those who sought to do us harm. Help us to remember that nothing should separate us from the love, of God.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 9:18, “For the needy shall not always be forgotten. The expectation of the poor shall never perish forever.“
From the above passage we see that the expectation of the poor shall never perish nor will God forget the poor and needy. You are reading this message with great faith that God will meet all your needs. Yes, the hope of the afflicted will never perish. Everybody lives with hope saying, One day, “I too will become great, I too will get a good job with good salary. One day I too will get married and I too will have children.” These are some of the hope you have for the future. The Lord is telling that your hope will never go in vain. The above verse says, God will never forget the needy. Your hope will never be destroyed. May be your relatives would have forgotten you, since many years. They might say, “Look I have a brother in the same town, or village or in the same city. But I do not know whether he is alive or dead. Corona second wave came, but I don’t know if my elder brother is alive. Your siblings might have forgotten you and would have failed to inquire your welfare. They would have forgotten that they have a sister or brother like you. But the Lord says, “Even if your father and mother may forget you, I will not forget you. I have engraved you in the palm of My hands. And you are in My thoughts always. The Lord loved Ephraim the son of Joseph , so he says, “How will I forget you? How will I forsake you? I am not a God who forgets you. Whoever touches you, will be likened to one who touches the apple of My eyes. You are always in My sight.” The Lord says, “Surely the poor will not be forgotten. Your loved ones may forget you but, I will never forget you, because it is I who sustains you. I am the Lord who leads you. “I know all your needs, and since I know your needs I will help you at the right time. You may be thinking that there is no one to take you to the doctor. The Lord will take you. He will treat you. He will send His word and heal you of your sickness. So He says, be calm , be still and know that I am God. I am He, who formed you in your mother’s womb. Even before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. And Before you were born I sanctified you. “
God says, “ I would send, My word and heal you? Do not be worried my dear son and daughter. Some of you are always in the fear of death. But God wants you to throw away that fear of death. There will be no more destruction at your door step. The Lord will be your everlasting light. All those of you who are crying and lamenting in the darkness will see the Light. Your days of sorrow will come to an end. The Psalmist makes a contrast between the wicked men who despise God with the future hope of those that are persecuted for righteousness’ sake and are often abused by their enemies. He highlights the end of those who oppose the Lord and rebel against His truth… and He comforts those who trust in His Word and honour His holy name, by saying, “The needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.”May the Lord speak to you and comfort you through His word. So throw away the fear of death and look to the everlasting Light, Jesus Christ. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, We thank You for this blessed day. Lord thank you for telling us that you never forget the needy. Your words comforts us Master. We also thank You for saying, that our hope in You will never go in vain. And no disaster will befall our doorstep. Help us to come out of darkness and see the marvellous great light.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Mark 5:22-24.”My little daughter lies at the point of death. Come and lay Your hands on her, that she may be healed and she will live.”
My Dear Brother And Sister, from the above context we learn that Jairus, the father of the little girl was a servant of God. He believed that if Jesus will come to his house and touch his daughter then she will be healed and will receive life again. He believed that Jesus had power to give life to his daughter, so he pleads the Lord to come to his house and touch his daughter. The father did not want his daughter to die of illness. She was a small and tender girl of twelve years. So he fell at the feet of Jesus and begged the Lord Jesus to come to his house and touch his daughter. The sorrow of his countenance caused Jesus to sympathise with him.
My Dear Brother And Sister, Therefore Jesus accepted his invitation and walked towards his house. On their way they got the bad news that the girl was dead. But Jesus looked at the father and said, “ Just believe. Your child will survive.” When they reached the house many people were gathered there. They were all crying and wailing over the death of the little girl. The entire town was immersed in deep sorrow. Jesus sent everyone away from that place and he went near the girl and uttered saying, “Talitha Cumi,” This word means, ‘Little girl, I say to you, arise.” The next moment the little girl arose to life. Hallelujah! In a moment Jesus brought life into the little girl. She who was lying dead, arose and sat on her bed. Jesus then handed the little girl to her parents who were much distressed. God changed all their sorrow into joy.
My Dear Brother And Sister, All those who were distressed became joyful on seeing the girl back to life. There was great rejoicing in the house of Jairus. God will also make your sorrow turn into joy. Are you suffering from such dead situation, saying nothing good is happening in your life. All your effort has turned out to be a disaster, or a failure. You seem to be vexed with your life. You seem to have been stricken in sorrow and pain like Jairus and his household. Well I wish to tell all those of you who are reading this message with great expectation saying, “ Will not something good happen in my life. How long will I struggle in life. I feel so ashamed because I am barren, I have no child to fondle. All the people talk bad about me.” Or you may be unemployed looking out for a job, or you may be getting older and you are unable to settle in life. You are unable to secure a life partner. Well do not be dismayed or discouraged. Just Believe like Jairus. God will awaken all the dead situation in your life. God will grant you the desires of your heart. He will grant you the gift of a child and you will be able to embrace and fondle your child proudly in your arms. You will secure a good job with a good package. God will lift you up. For He lifts the poor out of the dung hill and sets him high to be seated, along with the princess. He will offer you a good life partner and help you settle in life. All things are possible to them that believe In His name. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank you for healing the girl and bringing her back to life. Likewise awaken all our dead situation to life and grant us our hearts desire. May we have faith like Jairus, who invited Jesus to his house. Help us also to invite Jesus into our houses and be blessed. Let every disabled situation in our life be rejuvenated, by the power of God. That we may shine in life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Children of God we need to give priority to God. We need to glorify God because He has granted favour before men and other people. Give God the first place in your life. If you give first place to God in your life, then God will give you the first place in His Heart. Especially the youngsters should seek the Lord while they are young. They should give the first place to God in their life. Ecclesiastes 12:1 says, “Remember now your creator in the days, of your youth. Before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say, I have no pleasure in them. ’Also we read in Psalm 119:9 “How can a man cleanse his ways? By taking heed to God’s word”.
When you give importance to God in your life then surely as per Proverbs 22:29 God will make you stand before kings. They shall not stand before mean men. Only when we give our priority to God, we will acquire a good portion of inheritance in our life. God must be our wealth and we should give the first place to God in our lives. Only then God will bless us.
Some might be expecting a seat in a good college, a good life partner from a good family, and a job in a good company. If you want all these things to happen in your life, then you should submit your life in the hands of the creator who will act for you. When you give a portion of your life to God then God will give you a portion of His blessing. God will break all the barriers that obstruct you from achieving your portion and will grant you the best portion. Not ruined places but place of prosperity. Since you are waiting for such a glorious period of life, the Lord will bless you and grant you the desires of your heart. He is a God who gives wonderful things. When God gives you the best portion in your life then you will live in peace, harmony and freedom.
May be until now you have not achieved anything wonderful in life, but hereafter, you will achieve wonderful things in your life. God will bless you with a permanent job. Some will acquire excellent business. They will rise up high and mount up as eagles; they will prosper and flourish like the palm trees they will grow like cedar in Lebanon as promised in Psalm 92:12. You will work in excellent dwellings with peace and great freedom.
God bless you
Prayer :
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for your unfailing love and care. We thank you for the favor you have shown in the midst of men and people. Thank you Lord for giving to us all that is necessary for our lives. Unto your name we give all the glory and honor for your truths sake. In Jesus name we pray.
My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of, Psalms 23:5, “You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup runs over.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we know that God wants to bless His children and so as prophesy He says, “All those who have despised or humiliated you will be punished by God. And in front of those who despised you, God will prepare a table and honour you. God will honour and anoint you also before them. Halleluiah.!
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, There was a man called Haman who opposed Mordecai, But God prepared a table for Mordecai before his enemy. King Ahasureus calls Haman and says, What shall be done for the man whom the king delights to honour? Now Haman thought in his heart that the king wanted to honor him as there was no better person beside him. And Haman answered the king saying, “For the man whom the king delights to honour let a royal, robe be brought which the king has worn, and a horse on which the king has ridden which has a royal, crest placed on its head. Then let the kings most noble princes put on the robe and ride him over the horse back through the city square, and proclaim before him. Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Haman thought that the king was going to mention his name and so he was very anxious, but the king said to Haman take the robe and the horse as you have suggested and do so for Mordecai, the Jew who sits within the kings gate. Leave nothing undone. Of all that you have spoken. This shows that God had prepared a table for Mordecai before his enemy Haman. Actually Haman had prepared a gallows to hang him. The Lord turned his plan upside down and humiliated him. Mordecai who sat outside the kings gate was brought inside the palace, and Haman was hanged on the gallows he had built to hang Mordecai. He was taken by his own craftiness. Even the people who came against the Jews and Mordecai, turned in favour of him.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, How are you before the Lord ? Are you righteous? Do you make an effort to seek God every day, or are you running after the world? The Bible says, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. The righteous are never shaken. And so was Mordecai the Jew. Though so poor yet he was righteous before God, Therefore God honoured him in the kings palace. God will honour you also in the similar way if you remain true to Him. For an Honest man abounds with blessing. Surely the Lord God will help you. There may be a Haman, causing trouble in your life too. But the Lord will stand with you and strengthen you. Though poor and needy the Lord will think upon you. He will never fail you. For the Lord preserves the faithful, so be of good courage. Sanctify yourself today and the Lord will perform a miracle tomorrow. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you for teaching us not to be proud, but to be humble like Mordecai. Help us to be righteous. Teach us to seek God each day of our life. May God cause His face to shine on us and honour us.
In Jesus name we pray.