Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has   given   for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 10:18,”He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.”

From the above context we see how God executes justice for the fatherless   and the widow, and loves the sojourner.  May be you are unhealthy and unable to go about to carry out your daily chores. God is saying that he will carry you as a father carries his son on his shoulder. He will take you to the place of work or wherever you need to go. This has a spiritual impact. This does not mean that he will come down from heaven and carry you but he will see that you reach the place you have to go, through the help of someone. He is a God who opens opportunity where there seems no opportunity for you to prosper at all. An earthly father has to meet all the needs of his son or daughter.  He has to educate them; he has to secure a job for them too. Once they settle with a good job then the father has to get his daughter or son married. This is the responsibility of the father. I have heard some children say, “Even though I have a father, he does not have the desire to get me married nor does he take any step to get me settled. I am growing old. I feel ashamed to face my friends who are married and well settled.”

To such children who are very helpless and need to get settled, to them, God says, “I will descend upon my children and be a father unto them and I will bring in the right partner at the perfect time. I will settle them and make them glad. God, who made the right partner for Adam and gave her to be his wife,   will also provide a perfect life partner for you. God made woman from the ribs of Adam and called her Eve, and gave her into his hands to be his wife. This same God will perform a miracle for you and bring in the right   partner   into your life. God will bring in the right bridegroom, who is appointed for you. He will also bring in the right bride appointed for you, in His time.  The Bible says, to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. The Bible also says, God has made everything beautiful in its time.

Are you in great distress, because no one in the family is concerned about you? Your father   has failed   to get you married. Or no proposals have come to propose you until   now.  You   are   growing   in age, and   all your relatives and friends are making fun of you. Don’t worry, God is coming to your house today to be your father and help you with your settlement in life. God has agreed to bring in the right partner, to be your life partner. He will change your curse into a blessing. He will turn your sorrow into joy. God will bring joy and laughter into your house, just as there was laughter in the house of Queen Esther, after the Jews were redeemed from the hands of Haman and his tricky plan to destroy them. The Bible records that the Jews had light and gladness, joy and honour. Similarly there will be great joy and laughter in your house. People who made fun and criticised you, will begin to honour you,   and praise you. Make Jesus Your Father. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, We    thank   You   for this blessed day. Lord thank you for promising us that   You will be a Father to us and settle us in our life with a right partner. Thank You Lord for comforting us through Your word. Help us to see good days in our life for all the sorrow we have been through. When our earthly father has neglected us we believe that You will take care of us. We rely on You O Lord. Cause us to live. Give us another opportunity to live like Ruth.

 In Jesus Name We Pray.


Be Righteous

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of  Philippians 2:6,7, “Who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to  be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant and coming in the likeness, of men. He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death. Even the death of the cross.”

From the above context we learn   that Jesus humbled Himself   in obedience to God until death.  While Jesus lived on the face of this earth, He set an example in all things before us. He was obedient to His parents until He was 30years of age. Then for three and half years he began to do His father’s will and fulfilled His Fathers plan and purpose on the face of this earth, obeying the words of the Father. He humbled Himself, until death on the cross of Calvary. My dear children of God, today God is giving you a commandment to follow, because many times we face failures in our life. And we never realize the reason for our failures and sufferings. We often think why when, we take one step forward, we go behind four steps backward. What is the secret of our downfall? We need to look into this matter seriously. Why do I face loss after loss? Why do I face so many problems?  Why am I facing sorrows, pain and agony? Debts, after debts,   shame after shame, what is happening behind my back?  When will I live in peace and happiness?

Today God is going to teach you the secret,   as to how you can live a victorious   life,   from the scripture so that you can correct yourself, and live a life of peace and joy. Yowill experience a blooming life. God is speaking to you about obedience to God in this message. Jesus was a role model before us in every aspect of His life. We read about Abraham   in the Bible.  God called Abraham alone from the city of Ur,  and    exalted him . He made him a rich man. He had name, fame and wealth. He had herds of cattle   and number of servants but he never had a child. He was hundred   years old. God told Abraham I will certainly return to you. According to the time of life, and behold Sarah your wife shall have a son. Abraham believed but Sarah had passed the age of child bearing so she wondered how this could happen. So God said, “Is anything too hard for the Lord.” Abraham believed and it was counted to him as righteousness. He waited patiently. The Bible says, He received the child of the covenant. The child grew.  

One day, God called Abraham and asked him to sacrifice his only son, on mount Moriah. Abraham did not hesitate to obey God. He never grumbled or murmured but prepared himself for the task. He took with him two servants, a donkey and climbed the mountain. His son Isaac asked him “Father you have the wood and the fire but where is the lamb to be sacrificed.” His father replied that God will provide. “Isaac did not know that he was the lamb to be sacrificed. When His Father bound him and laid him on the altar, he never jumped down or cause confusion. Like Jesus Christ   he was willing to be sacrificed. Thus we see both the father and son had the same spirit of obedience.    Thus Abraham, obeyed God by   taking his son to be sacrificed on mount Moriah. But just when he was about to put the knife on the boy,  God spoke to Abraham saying, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld, your son, your only son from Me.”

If you obey God like Abraham then   you shall be blessed. God wants you to be blessed like the banyan tree that gives shelter to many birds.   God wants to bless you among all the members of your family. You might have seen such a person   in the family where all the other members would give more importance to him. He would have been well placed   in life. He would be holding a high post in the society.   If they conduct a function or a marriage they will go to him to take his advice. They will call him to preside over the function. He will be respected by all.  None of them will do anything without his knowledge. They will even take his blessings,   hoping to be blessed like him.  All the members will take shelter under his shade.   God wants to bless all the members of your family through you.  So this is possible only if you obey and submit yourself to God.   May the Lord help you to obey God like Abraham, without    doubting   God’s power   and   authority.  God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father,   we   thank   You   for this blessed day. Dear Lord teach us to obey You like Abraham. May we be like the Banyan tree that gives shade to all the birds that come to rest on  the  tree.  Help us to be a blessing to   all around us. Give us the honour and respect in the society, so that others can depend on us.   Improve our status in life among others, that others may see Christ in us.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


God will grant your desire

I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of 1 Kings, 3:5,  “At Gibeon, the Lord  appeared to Solomon, in a dream, by night, and God said, Ask! What shall I give you?

From the above context we learn that God appeared to Solomon by night, and asked him to make known his desire. God wanted   him to ask   what he desired. God loved Solomon as he was the son of King David, and so he not only made him the king of Israel, but also wanted to bless him. There had been no other king like Solomon before him or after him. Solomon also praised God for making him sit on the throne, after his father. He told the Lord, “I am a little child; I do not know how to go or how to come in? And I am in the midst of Your people, whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous, to be counted. Therefore give me an understanding heart, to judge Your people,   that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours? This request of Solomon pleased the Lord. God said to him, because you have asked for wisdom, to judge the people and not asked   long   life   for yourself,   nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked understanding to discern justice. I have given you both riches and honour so that there shall not be anyone, like you among the kings all your days. 

Today the Lord is looking at you and saying, “Ask what your desire is? You have not asked anything in my name. Ask that your joy may be full. Ask and you shall receive. For everyone who asks receives.  You have been struggling for many years, for a particular thing, to happen in your life. You had a desire but it was never fulfilled. It never happened all these years. It may be a five year desire or 10 year desire whatever it might be, you have desired it for quite a long time, but you never received it. God says, “Ask Me, what you desire I will fulfil it for you.” We often see how children ask their parents for a mobile, a laptop, or a computer, or a cycle, They ask their parents boldly hoping that their parents will give them what they ask for. And when they ask they receive it from their parents. They have   every   right to ask their parents as they are blood relation.   Similarly, we have blood relationship between God and us.  He has shed his precious blood for us on the cross of Calvary. So we have the right to call our God the Father as Abba  Father  and  ask him what we desire.  He is our heavenly Father. The Bible says, But as many as received him to them He gave the right to become the children of God. So you are the children of God therefore you have the right to ask your Father in heaven, what you desire. The Bible also says, God fulfils the desire of those who fear him and saves him from all danger. You can tell Him, “Lord I have this problem kindly solve my problem.”  Lord my parents are suffering from sickness kindly heal them. God will heal them. Say Lord my son, is suffering from poor performance, kindly give him the wisdom and knowledge to excel in his studies. God will answer your requests.

Say   Lord,  my sister is yet to get settled, please help her to get the right partner. God will bring in the right partner, for your sister. He is a God who answers our requests.  The Bible says, The Lord is near to all those who call upon Him. Therefore   do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a man, in whom there is no help. They that put their trust in God shall prosper. So ask God trusting that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think or pray. Ask God to show His power and His awesome nature. Then God will descend upon you and do marvellous things for you.  Never underestimate the power of God. Many years ago King Solomon built  a temple   for God and dedicated it to the Lord. He offered burnt offerings.  He worshipped God sincerely.  That same night   God asked King Solomon to ask what he desired.   Solomon asked for wisdom and discernment to rule the people of Israel, God was pleased with his request and so blessed him with extraordinary wisdom. Today God wants to bless you in the same way. Ask God in a humble manner and God will be pleased with your request and immediately grant you what you desire. God Bless you. 

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for this blessed day. Dear Lord,   We thank You for blessing Solomon with wisdom and riches. Give us the desire to worship God and be humble before Him, that our requests may be pleasing unto God. Lord give us the boldness to approach our Heavenly Father and ask Him what we desire. Lord help us to   be wise and prosperous like Solomon, so that we will be able to manage our family and children.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


Be Diligent

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Proverbs 13:23, “ Much Food Is In the Fallow Ground Of The Poor.  And For Lack Of Justice there is waste.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above context we understand that the poor have the resources at hand but through lack of care or application they waste it. Which  means that the poor may sow   enough to have plenty of food but lack of management    often keeps them in poverty. They have very little foresight.  When they get something they quickly spend it or have a big feast and then they go without   for a long time. Some people are poor, because they don’t have enough. Others are poor, because they don’t manage.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The God that cannot lie, has engaged,  that to the righteous, good shall be repaid. They shall be abundantly recompensed for all the good, they have done. And all the ill they have suffered in this world. The Bible says, the righteous bloom abundantly and rejoice with  joy  and  singing.  They shall see   the glory of the Lord and the Excellency of our God. So that though many have been losers for their righteousness,   they shall not be losers by it. Though the recompense may not come quickly, it will come in the day of payment. In the world of retribution and it will be an abundant recompense.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Bible says, a good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. He does not lay all out upon himself, but is in care to do well for those that come after him, not by withholding  more than is necessary but by a prudent and decent frugality. He trains up his children to this, that they may leave it to their children,  and he is careful both by justice  and charity to  obtain the blessing of God upon what he has and to entail that blessing  upon his children. A good man by being good and doing good, by honouring the Lord, with his substance, and spending it  in his service secures it to his posterity. His prayers his  instructions, his  good  example,  will be the best entail and will be an inheritance, to his children’s children.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The   Bible says, that the Israelites shall spoil the Egyptians and eat the riches of the Gentiles. God in His providence, often brings into their hands that which wicked people had laid up for themselves. Many make excuse for their idleness   and  that they have, but a little, to work on. But a man by making the best of everything may live comfort upon it. Thus we see a small estate, improved through hard work whereas a great estate may be ruined by indiscretion.  There is one that has a great deal, but it is destroyed and brought to nothing for want of prudence in the  management.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, May the Lord help you to be prudent to make use of the resource that is available and work, to the best of your capacity to inherit the blessing of God and thus impart the blessing to your children. Hard work and proper management is the result of true success. Never be discouraged or disappointed at failures.  Rather strive  to  achieve your goals  in life. Put your faith and trust in the Lord.   For though the righteous man falls seven times he will rise again.   He will neither leave you nor forsake you. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our  loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord thank You for clearly telling us how we need to work hard to improve our status in life. And also to teach our children the importance of  hard work and pass on our inheritance to them. Teach us to be wise and diligent in all our effort to progress.

In Jesus name we pray.


You will triumph

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator,  Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of  I Samuel 26: 23-25, The Lord rewards everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness. The Lord delivered you into my hands today, but I would not lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed. As surely as I valued your life today, so may the Lord value my life and deliver me from all trouble.”Then Saul said to David, “May you be blessed, David my son; you will do great things and surely triumph.”

From the above context we learn that David the anointed king was being chased by King Saul. And while he was hiding in the woods and mountains he tells King Saul,   that the King has come in search of a flea, as one hunts a partridge   in the mountains, in the wilderness. David was righteous and faithful to the king of Israel.  David told King Saul, “The Lord delivered you into my hands today, but I would not lay a hand on the Lord’s anointed. As surely as I valued your life today, so may the Lord value my life and deliver me from all trouble.”David pleaded Saul to stop troubling him further. King Saul realized that he was foolish to have chased David, and spoke kind words to David saying,    “May you be blessed, David my son; you will do great things and surely triumph.”Victory and failure depends upon   whose side the Lord is.  David  pleaded  to God   saying,    Lord You are a God of Compassion, therefore please help me, and   save me from the hands of those who hate me.  Show me a sign for good that You are there with me. ”  

David submits his righteous cause before God. God always supports those who are faithful and righteous before him. David wanted to know for sure, if God was on his side. He wanted God to give him a sign to prove that the Lord is with him. Just because David spared the life of king Saul, and refused to kill him because he was the anointed king, even though he had an opportunity, God was pleased with David. And so he supported David.  Today you too might be reading this message with great hope, thinking God would comfort you through this message, as David longed for God to comfort him. You might have a problem for which no justice was shown. So you are very disappointed. Although it looks as if there is no sign of justice shown to you, a time will come when God will intervene into your problem and bring justice to you. God who does justice says, “I will rise up again to do justice to My people.”  Every one,  or everything   may come against you.  But God will turn everything in favour of you.

Who is in search of you. ? Is someone searching for you like king Saul ?  Is someone   searching   for you to take away your life? Or is it because they want to arrest you  for involving in   some crime, or smuggling, or for hoarding  drugs. Some may be trying to separate or kidnap your son or daughter. These incidents have become so common these days. What is it that you are struggling with? If you had been faithful and righteous then God will come in support of you. God will stand in support of you, when people come against you, even though you had been good to them.  Though you have been harmless, yet they have been constantly troubling you. God will do justice to you. Because you have come into the temple of God, David ran into the temple to hide himself and there he offered burnt offerings to the Lord. Since he surrendered himself to the Lord, The Lord began to fight for him. Saul fell over his own sword and killed himself, in the battle. Likewise   his sons also died in the battle against the Philistines. David became the king of Israel and the Philistines feared him and did not trouble him any further.  Thus God rewarded David and exalted him before the people as the King of Israel.  God will exalt you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father,  we   thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Dear Lord,   You consider   the righteous and the faithful. You support them too. Teach us to remain truthful to You. Never to be like Saul who was ungrateful even though David was good to him and brought victory to Israel by killing the Giant Goliath. Help us to have humble attitude like David.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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