Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Matthew 28:20, “And Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
From the above context we see that God has promised to stay with us till the end of our life. And when He stays with us He assures to increase us day by day. We read in the Bible, that David became greater and greater because God was with him. When you come across problems in your life then all your friends whom you trusted will desert you. Some of your friends will be closely drawn to you, like ants that surround a sugar candy, as long as you have enough money to spend on them. But the moment they come to know that you are in great trouble then nobody will come to help you. You will be left alone to face the problem. But God will then descend upon you in a marvellous manner and help you. God says, “Fear not for I am with you, Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Fear Not you worm Jacob, you man of Israel, I will help you.” says the Lord.
As long as you have name, fame and wealth people will be friendly with you. But when you have a problem then they will all disappear. If you call them on the phone they will not respond to your call. Only when we face problems, then do we realize the true nature of people. But David says, it was good that I was afflicted that I may know your precepts. This shows that only when people go through problems they read the word of God and draw more closely to God. There is a great difference between God and man in the way they extend help to you. When a man helps you, he expects something in return for having helped you. But God helps you without demanding anything from you because He freely gave His only begotten son Jesus to die for you on the cross to redeem you, from the mouth of the grave. What a great God we have.
God is Almighty, all powerful; God accepts you just as you are with all your problems. What is your problem? Is it debts? You may have crores of rupees to repay. You did not do well in business because of poor knowledge in handling the business. Therefore you seem to have incurred a great loss. Don’t worry cast all your burden upon the Lord. He will sustain you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will lead you beside the still waters. Where there are green pastures so that you lack nothing. He says, “Come unto Me all you that labour and are heavy laden for I will give you rest.” So I urge all those of you who are reading this message to draw close to God. God will be your hiding place; God will protect you from all your trouble and surround you with songs of deliverance. He will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; He will counsel you with His loving eye. So if God is with you, then You will flourish. You will bloom. You will be successful in all your endeavour. God will meet all your needs, according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. There will be a solution to all your problems, if Jesus lives inside of you. Receive Him today in your heart. For today is the day of Salvation. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank You for helping us when we go through problems. We often find that our friends and relatives forsake us, at times of difficulty. But You will never forsake us. We thank You Lord for reaching out to us during crisis. For guiding us for being with us always, and solving all our problems and helping us to flourish.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of “Isaiah 54:11, 12, “O you afflicted one, Tossed with tempest, and not comforted, Behold, I will lay your stones with colourful gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires. I will make your pinnacles of rubies, Your gates of crystal, And all your walls of precious stones.”
From the above context we learn that God is our refuge especially to those who are being oppressed. Just as a demolished city lashed by storms needs to be rebuilt God will help you to rebuild your oppressed state of life with precious stones of rubies. God will not only help you to rebuild but also comfort Zion. What is the Lord going to do for you during the period of oppression? He is about to do great many things for you. Firstly He will send his word and comfort you. Secondly, by the power of His word He will give you refuge in your period of affliction. The Bible says, “The Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. God says, He Himself will be a Shield, and Shelter, to the oppressed and to those who have been rejected. For the Lord will not only give them refuge, but also help and support them during the time of oppression. The Bible says, “God is our refuge, and strength. A very present help in trouble.”
Are you going through a trying period, of your life. May be you are inflicted because of serious disease or because of loneliness, or have you been dejected because of rejection, and being despised by your dear ones? Are you trapped, due to huge debts, and you are not able to be relieved from it. May be you are frustrated because of shame and humiliation in your life. You are unable to face your friends and relatives. All these oppression causes you to panic and you are gripped in fear and threat. Are the neighbours causing oppression to you? Are you facing oppression at your work spot? Is someone causing trouble in your ministry? Are people speaking bad about you and your ministry? Well, My God says, when you go through oppression, “I will be a refuge to you. “You are reading this message hoping that God will show you a ray of hope in your life. The Lord will send His powerful word and comfort and console you. He will protect you from your evil neighbours and from your enemies. All their weapons aimed at you will not prosper because God will be a wall of fire around you. He will deliver you from the hands of all the wicked and cruel people who do all things to curb you from your wellbeing.
When people go through oppression, they go far away from all the comforts which they had enjoyed previously in their life, and they are apparently forsaken by God. But God who seems, to have forgotten them says, Behold, I will lay your stones. ‘For Jerusalem shall be rebuilt up with sapphires, and emeralds, and precious stones; and of pure gold. And the streets of Jerusalem shall be paved with beryl, and stones of Ophir. Just as God desires to decorate the temple of God in Jerusalem by rebuilding it with precious stones, in a similar way the Lord will brighten up your days with beauty, magnificence, purity, strength, and solidity. God will not only help you to prosper, but He will help you to lie down in peace, once you have passed through the period of oppression.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You God for being our refuge and helper in times of oppression. Thank You Lord for telling us the reason why You allow affliction in our life. Help us to remember You and return back to You. Give us the strength to bear our trials and affliction when we are compelled to go through such oppression. Lord be our strength and shield. Help us to come out of it quickly and be relieved.
In Jesus name we pray.
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 37:4, 5, “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your ways unto the Lord trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass. ”
From the above context we see that God expects us to trust in Him. God wants us to commit our ways unto the Lord. Then all our desires will be fulfilled. Many of you who are reading this message are hurt in your mind that things are not working as you expected. Though you received many promises only a few were fulfilled. You are still waiting for the rest to happen. As a result your heart is troubled. The Lord never rejects the desires of your heart. He hears your prayers and answers them when you are badly in need of the blessing. He gives you, what you request when you are capable of receiving it. God knows when the desire of your heart should be fulfilled. In case He answers your request immediately then you may disregard the blessing that is granted to you at an earlier period. The Lord does not want you to lose the blessings that He gives you, just as Esau lost the blessings from his father by giving away his birth right to his brother Jacob for a bowl of porridge just to fill his hunger.
Never say that God is bad just because God had not answered to your prayers. The Lord is good, so He waits for the right time to answer your prayers.
He is longing to bless you. The Bible says, it pleased the Lord to bless Israel. Yes You are His beloved children. You are Israel. The Psalmist says, The Lord will fulfil the desire of those who fear Him. He also will hear their cry and save them.” That is the nature of God. The Lord may not give it to you as you are not, matured enough to receive that blessing for which you desire or pray for. When God finds you fit for receiving the blessing and you will be able to handle it carefully then the Lord will grant you, your petition. You may be of age but you may not have the experience, to handle the situation. God sees if you are broadminded and matured enough to handle hard situation that might arise when you receive the blessing.
So all you need to do is to ask the Lord to grant you the maturity to receive the blessing. Secondly ask God to give you the grace to preserve the blessings that God gives to you. The Bible says, the blessings of the Lord rests upon the head of the righteous. You need to be righteous to receive God’s blessing. You cannot be unrighteous and claim for God’ blessing. Thirdly ask God to forgive you of all your sins. And give up all those things that do not please God. Finally ask God to prepare your heart to accept what God gives you and use it wisely and carefully. So you got to uproot your past sinful nature and become perfect, holy and righteous before this Holy God in order for God to bless you with the desires of your heart. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we are glad to realize that you wait for us, to get matured in order that we may receive the Blessings. Thank you Lord for instructing us to be righteous. also perfect in our behaviour. Make us holy for we ourselves cannot become holy. Let the Holy Spirit cleanse us thoroughly and make us fit to receive the desires of the heart.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 43:18, 19, “Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past, see I am doing a new thing. Now it will spring forth. Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. ”
Today the Lord is prophetically saying to you about what He is going to do for you. I therefore urge every one of you reading this message to read it carefully, and inherit God’s blessing. God in the very beginning of this message, advises you to forget the past things that happened in your life. So never dwell on the past happenings. God is saying that you should not, think of the past. Because certain incidents that had caused much sorrow to you in the past, in case you think about it, then those past incidents might disturb your mind, and you shall become more troubled and sorrowful. You may even get into depression and be mentally disturbed. God is telling you all of this, to help you be more cautious. So He advises you not to think of the past. Your past life, your past sinful life, your horrible life might have shattered you and put you in a corner not allowing you to go forward in your life. You must not think about the past connections you have had with filthy people, who had dragged you to involve yourself, in wrong activities.
God’s word says, “See, I am going to do a new thing for you. So the Lord is going to do something new, for you. ” He is going to open a new chapter for you in your life.
Some of you working abroad have come on vacation, to your home town to such people God is saying, when you are abroad you make a call to your wife just to rebuke her, but be kind and speak words of comfort to her. Only then she will be pleased with you and she will look into the affairs of her children happily. If you wish to rebuke her or hurt her feelings then you need not make calls to her. Don’t spoil her peace, then she will be crying and her children too will be crying along with her during the night. Such things should never happen in the lives of the children of God. Likewise, wives also should never call your husband to ask for money. Never hurt his feelings by questioning him saying, “Have you sent your money to your mother, or your sister.” These will furiate your husband. So be careful while talking. Instead you must ask for his welfare, enquire about his health condition, and how his work is going on. This shows that you are more concerned about him. You must pour your love upon him. Then peace will reign in your homes. You will be happy here, your husband will be happy there, and your children will all the more be happy. Then they will be able to concentrate on their studies. When parents fail to be at peace then children are badly affected. So keeping in mind the joy of your children you need to follow the teachings and advice of God, by the reading of His word.
God expects a change in the attitude and behaviour of you people. Husband must love his wife for what she is and the wife also should love her husband. True love can be understood, if the wife really loves the husband or not by the manner in which they speak. This is pleasing unto God. I often go abroad for ministry work and if something goes wrong with me, both my wife and daughter will be able to understand my condition, by my voice. They will immediately inquire; about my health and how I am in that distant place. That shows true love. God wants to give you a new life. Life of love. You cannot make anyone happy with all the money you have. Instead you must shower your love upon them through your kind words. Share your love as much as possible. Give love to your wife in abundance. As a good wife you may not be able to provide money to your husband but you can always share your love in abundance to him. Give your love in abundance to your children. For God says, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you.”Be kindly affectionate to one another. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank you for teaching us how we need to show love to our dear ones and also others who come in contact with us. Help us to forgive others of their wrong deeds, and enable us to love them. Teach us to speak words of comfort and also pour sincere love upon others. Especially help us to pour love in abundance upon our spouse and our children. May we be united in love.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 33:20, “Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: your eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down; not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken.”
Today the Lord is prophetically saying to you about the different blessings He is about to shower on you. Only the word of the Lord can perform miracles for a man on this Earth. Only the words of God can cause a man to live. The Bible says, God humbled the people of Israel causing them to hunger, and then He fed them with heavenly Manna which neither you nor your ancestors had known. For God’s word teaches that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. You are reading life giving words of the Lord through this message. God says, you ought to look upon Zion. The Bible says, those who look upon Him, their faces are radiant. They will never be put to shame. Therefore when you look upon Zion your faces will not only become radiant but shall never be put to shame.
Instead of shame the Lord will clothe you with His garment of gladness. Every one of you must have experienced in your life an insulting situation because of your family members or by your friends, or close associates. The reason may be silly or sometimes very serious. But My Lord will exalt your name in the same place, where you have been put to shame. It is not a big deal for the Lord God to exalt you in the new place, you go to. God will make your name great in the place you go to live. Days will come, when people who criticised and mocked at you, will look and tell, truly the Lord has done great things for them. People looking at you will say, “They rejoice once again after they had been put to shame.”Strangers will talk among themselves about you and your progress in life. Not only that, You too will say, “The Lord has done great things for me and my family. Therefore we rejoice in it.” Days are coming when you will utter these words through your own mouth. Hence I tell all those of you reading this message that God will undo your shameful life and bring about new changes. He will change your days of mourning into days of dancing. He will turn your sorrow into joy.
Have you experienced this kind of situation in your life? Well honestly speaking, God has indeed turned my days of tears into days of laughter. He is a God who watches over his children like birds hovering over its young ones. So will the lord of hosts, defend you who are called to be His children. Not only defend you but also deliver you from all harm and danger that confront you, passing over, He will preserve you till the very end. God will transform all the curses by which you have been empowered, into a life of blessing. He is a God who changes not. He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. So if you look upon Zion, the God Of Israel, your faces will become radiant and you shall never be put to shame. The Bible says, If My people will return to Me, then I shall gather and bring them to the place I have chosen for them. May the Lord help you to return to Him and possess the land. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank you for teaching us to look at Zion and thus see Jerusalem a quiet habitation a tabernacle that shall not be taken down, nor one of the stakes be removed, neither shall any of the cords be broken. We thank You Lord for the assurance that You have given us. That, when we look at Zion our faces will become radiant and we will never again be put to shame. Help us to look at Zion always in times of trouble and rejoice over it when we are joyful.
In Jesus Name We Pray.