God Is With You Always

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us meditate on the verse from Matthew 28:20:

“I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” This powerful promise is not from man but from God Himself. Unlike humans, who may promise to stay with us but fail in times of trouble, our God is faithful. He is the one who will walk with you through every sorrow, pain, loss, shame, and difficulty. He says, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”

Many people live their lives unaware of whether God is with them or not. This lack of assurance often leads to struggles, loss, pain, and debt. But if you have a strong belief that God is with you, you can face any situation with confidence. You must trust that God will never leave you nor forsake you. Whatever problems you face, believe that God is standing by your side, giving you grace and strength to overcome.

A Living Testimony
This promise of God’s presence has transformed lives, as we see in the testimony of Brother T. Suban Paul from Chennai. He shares:
“I was working in TCS but fell into depression and left my job. For a whole year, despite my efforts, I couldn’t secure another position. When I was in great distress, I went to God’s Love Ministries’ Prayer Tower. The Prayer Warrior there prayed earnestly for me and comforted me with encouraging words. Through that prayer, I was delivered from depression. I realized that God was always with me and began to work in peace. By the grace of God, I have now secured a good job in another reputed company. I am very happy.”

This testimony shows how God can turn despair into hope. When Brother Suban Paul sought God’s presence at the Prayer Tower, God removed his depression and blessed him with a better job. Truly, our God is faithful!

A Word of Encouragement
When God is with you, amazing things happen. Just as God was with David and raised him to sit among kings, and with Joseph, elevating him to a position of power, God will work marvels in your life too. He fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fishes, leaving 12 baskets of leftovers. Similarly, He will provide abundantly for you and your family, blessing you beyond measure.

Dear Lord, we thank You for Your presence in our lives. I bless all Your children in the name of Jesus. Lord, just as You comfort and deliver those who come to our Prayer Tower, I pray for all those in pain and tears right now. Lord, You have promised, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Be with Your children and deliver them from debt, shame, and humiliation. Open doors for permanent jobs, heal their bodies of all pain, and cure them of continuous bleeding, fibroids, cysts, and cancerous growths. Redeem them from every problem and let them know that You are always with them.
In Jesus’ name, we pray,

God With You

Beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God bless you abundantly. Let us meditate on the verse from the Gospel of Matthew 28:20, which says: “I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

This profound statement was not spoken by man, but by God Himself. People may make promises but often fail to keep them. When you face trouble or seek their help, they might say, “No, it’s not possible,” and turn away. But there is One who will always be with you, through sorrow, pain, loss, shame, and every circumstance—our Lord Jesus Christ, whom you and I worship.

God has assured us, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” He promises to be with you until the end of your life. Yet, many people go through life not realizing whether God is with them or not, which leads to death, pain, loss, and debts.

You must have unwavering faith that God is with you, no matter how difficult life becomes. Believe that He will never leave you or abandon you. Trust that God will stand by your side and give you the grace to overcome every problem. This verse, “I am with you,” is the greatest assurance we can receive. What more do we need than this promise from our Creator? The Bible gives countless examples of how God’s presence brought miracles.

God was with David, and He elevated him to sit among kings.
God was with Joseph, and He placed him in a position of authority.
Even today, God will be with you. He will do marvelous works in your family and among your children, works that will astonish others. When Jesus fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, He ensured there were 12 baskets of leftovers. In the same way, God will bless you abundantly and provide for you beyond measure.

Testimony of Brother S. T. Suban Paul King from Chennai
“I was working in TCS, but due to depression, I left my job. For nearly a year, despite my efforts, I couldn’t secure another good position. Deeply distressed, I visited God’s Love Ministries’ Prayer Tower. The Prayer Warrior earnestly prayed for me and offered comforting words. Through that prayer, I was delivered from depression. I realized that God was always with me, and I resumed my life with peace. By His grace, I secured a better job in another good company. Today, I am filled with happiness.”

See how a child of God, once burdened by depression, was delivered through prayer and found restoration. He lost his job but came to the presence of the Lord at the Prayer Tower. God removed the spirit of depression and blessed him with a better position. God has opened these towers for you to receive His blessings.

Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless all Your children in the name of Jesus. Lord, many people come to our Prayer Towers and receive Your blessings. They hear Your auspicious word, experience deliverance, and return with joy. Lord, I pray for those in pain and tears. You have promised, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Be with these children, Lord. Deliver them from debts, shame, and humiliation. Open doors for permanent jobs and remove all their pain. Heal those suffering from continuous bleeding, fibroid tumors, cysts, brain cysts, and cancer boils. Grant them relief and show them Your mighty presence in their lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

No More Regression

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God bless you abundantly. What is the auspicious word for today? The Gospel of John 1:50 says, “You will see greater things than these.”

You may have asked the Lord for a blessing, and after receiving it, you might feel it is enough. This may reflect your mental attitude—being satisfied and content. For example, you may say, “Lord, I was without a job, but You have given me at least a small job. I thank You, Lord. I can somehow manage my life with this job.”

Being grateful for God’s blessings is wonderful, but remember, God doesn’t elevate you only to stop at one level. This verse assures us: “I did this for you, but in the days to come, I will do much more for you. What you have seen so far is nothing.” Perhaps you’ve been working for the same salary for many years and managing your life with it. Until the 10th day of the month, you have enough, but by the 11th, you borrow to make ends meet. However, God promises, “Hereafter, no more!”

The blessings that God gives will multiply. You will see greater things than what you’ve experienced. You’ll achieve higher positions at work, earn more, and rise to new heights. You’ll shine brighter and live a more fulfilling life in the presence of God.

In the past, your life or income might have been declining. You may feel your health, strength, or memory deteriorating day by day. But God says, “No more regression!” You will see a dramatic change. Your own eyes will witness greater progress, new heights in your career, your own home, good descendants, and the blessing of seeing your children and grandchildren. God will help you live a peaceful, fulfilled life on this earth.

A Testimony from Sister Reena, Coimbatore:
“I was working in an IT company, and some staff, out of jealousy over my promotion, began to work against me. Gradually, I started facing strange issues. When I looked at the laptop, my vision would blur, my fingers would become numb, my hair would fall excessively, and even taking a bath became difficult. I struggled like this for nine months.
In the tenth month, I attended the Shaemem Fasting Prayer Meeting in Coimbatore. During the prayer session, as the prayer warrior prayed, I suddenly fell to the ground with a loud noise. The evil spirit tormenting me began to manifest. When asked how it came into my life, it replied, ‘Through the doll in her laptop bag.’ Immediately, the prayer warrior declared deliverance, and the evil spirit fled with a loud cry. I searched my laptop bag and found a tiny black doll hidden in a compartment. I threw it away, and from that moment, my vision cleared, my fingers functioned normally, and my health was restored. I thank the Lord for His goodness in my life!”

This testimony shows how the evil one can work in hidden ways. But when we come into God’s presence, His power destroys all the works of the enemy. Today, the Lord assures you that He will do the same for you.

Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, You have promised that Your children will see greater things than these. Let them not settle for the blessings they have received so far, but may they see greater progress, greater deliverance, and greater expansion in their lives. Lord, may their blessings not decrease but multiply, and may they be honored with the blessings of Rehoboth. Let Your children experience abundant blessings and peace. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

God’s Mercy

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord’s blessings rest upon you all. The Word of God says in Psalms 94:18, “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.”

When I said, “My foot is slipping,” or when my bike, cycle, or car slipped, it was the grace of God that held me up. This means that when we face moments of slipping—whether physically or figuratively—God’s grace sustains and protects us. Without His grace, such situations could lead to harm, injury, or even worse outcomes.

Many may trust in helmets or safety measures, but ultimately, it is the grace of God that protects and preserves our lives. The Bible says in Lamentations 3:22, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassions fail not.” This shows that it is His mercy that saves us from destruction. Even if we are prepared with safety measures, without His grace, no preparation can guarantee life.

So today, if your foot, bike, or vehicle slips, let us give thanks to the Lord for His grace that holds and protects us. His grace is renewed every morning, as stated in Lamentations 3:23. That is why we send the Mangala Vaarthai daily at 6 a.m., so that you can begin your day with the assurance of His fresh grace. When God’s grace is upon you, miracles and blessings will follow.

A Testimony of God’s Grace

Here’s a wonderful testimony from Sister Shakshi from Chennai:
*”By the grace of God and the blessings of my elders, my wedding engagement was fixed. However, some of our relatives who were against us spread false information to the groom’s family. They even created a fake photo of me with someone else and circulated it, causing the marriage to be called off. Despite our attempts to resolve the situation, the groom’s family refused to proceed with the wedding.

In my despair, I fell into deep depression and even contemplated ending my life. I couldn’t bear the mental distress, and every night, I went to bed hoping not to see the next day. At this point of utter brokenness, I visited God’s Love Ministries Prayer Tower. The prayer warrior there spoke to me kindly, encouraging me with God’s promises. He said that just as Jesus performed a miracle at the wedding in Cana, He would conduct my wedding with the same groom who had rejected the proposal.

A week later, to my surprise, the groom’s family approached us with a change of heart. They apologized and peacefully fixed the wedding date. By the grace of God, my wedding took place in a grand manner despite many hurdles.” The same God who performed this miracle for Sister Shakshi will work in your life too. If your marriage has come to a halt due to misunderstandings, financial challenges, or other obstacles, trust in the Lord. He will break every barrier and fulfill His promises.

Dear Lord, we thank You for Your unfailing love and grace. Lord, when our feet slip, it is Your grace that holds us and sustains us. As we meditate on Your Word, let Your grace surround and uphold Your children. May all barriers—be it financial struggles, misunderstandings, or evil schemes—be removed in the name of Jesus. Let every marriage that is hindered be conducted in a grand manner. Cancel every weapon formed against Your children and grant them divine protection, whether on the road or in life’s journey. Surround them with Your angelic army, meet their needs, and bless them abundantly. We declare breakthroughs, miracles, and blessings upon their lives.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

Righteous Life

Beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, November 15th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you all. The auspicious word the Lord has kept for you today is from Proverbs 11:28, “The righteous will thrive like a green leaf.”

Just as the shoots of a plant spring forth, bringing flowers, vegetables, and fruits, in the same way, the life of a righteous person will not bud and stop growing; it will blossom, bring forth fruit, and thrive. Perhaps your family has been heading toward difficulty rather than growth or blooming. Your business may be experiencing losses or challenges, or you may be facing setbacks in your ministry, with a poor harvest of souls. There may be obstacles in your education or studies that feel stuck halfway. But God says that the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.

If you desire to bloom and grow in all these areas, if you wish for your life to flourish, then you need to live a righteous life. Submit yourself to God, saying, “Lord, I have lost many good things, been deceived or disappointed in many areas, and have faced many setbacks. But now, Lord, I submit myself to the ways of righteousness. Help me, O Lord, to thrive and flourish.”

When you surrender to God, He will surely perform a miracle, and the time of blooming will come. Perhaps in the past, you have experienced an autumn season—a time when things seemed to wither and fall away. But just as the autumn season causes leaves to shed and the tree to appear bare, the spring season brings new growth, with green leaves sprouting from the roots, making the tree green once again.

In the same way, your family will bloom, your business will bloom, your ministry will bloom, and your education will bloom. God will do great things for you.

Now, let’s listen to a wonderful testimony. Sister Sudha from Chennai shares: “I joined the Shaemem fasting prayer meeting for the first time and prayed for a promotion at my job. By the grace of God, that very week, the Lord granted me a promotion, and, like tender shoots, the Lord has blessed me.” Sister Sudha had felt stagnant, unable to progress, but after attending the Shaemem meeting and praying, she received a promotion. The Lord blessed her, allowing her to bloom and flourish. This same God will perform a miracle for you as well.

Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. First, I pray that their families will flourish, their businesses will flourish, and their ministries will flourish and be blessed. I pray that all works of darkness against them will be canceled. Lord, we thank You for nullifying every weapon formed against them. Let this season not be one of loss but a time of spring. May their families flourish, may their businesses flourish, and may their ministries flourish. May their education flourish. Grant them a season of spring in all areas of their lives.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.

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