Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of 2 Chronicles 14:11, And Asa cried to the Lord his God, “O Lord, there is none like you to help, between the mighty and the weak. For it is nothing for you to help whether with many or with those who have no power. For we rest on you, O Lord.”

From the above context we learn that    King Asa came to the realization of his state of helplessness, therefore he rekindled his faith in the God of his fathers. And cried out to God for help.   So the Lord defeated the Ethiopians before Asa and before Judah, and the Ethiopians fled. God heard the prayer of Asa and helped him overcome his enemies. They fled in fear of him, and his army. Thus God was with King Asa as he did all that was right in the sight of God. 2000 years ago, when Jesus lived on this earth, he went about doing good to the people. He healed the sick, He made the lame to walk and blind to see. In many occasions he rebuked the evil spirit that got hold of men and women and delivered them   from the clutches of the devil. Once He got into a boat, crossed over, and came to His own city.  Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.”And at once some of the scribes said within themselves, “This Man blasphemes!” But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts? For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—then He said to the paralytic, “Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” And he arose and departed to his house. Now when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled  and glorified God, who had given such power to men.

This incident took place in Capernaum. Jesus was preaching in a house. The house was crowded. No one could enter through the main gate. So four friends carried the paralytic, on a bed and after removing some of the tiles from the roof, they let the bed into the very room with the help of long rope, where Jesus was preaching. Jesus was very surprised to see the faith of the four friends. So it was their faith that moved the heart of the Lord, and he healed the paralytic. The man was supported by his four friends. But once he was healed he walked out of the house, all by himself. He did not expect the help of his friends   any more.  What brought about this change in the paralytic, was his faith. It is faith that transforms one’s life. We saw in the above context how king Asa cried to the Lord in faith, and how the Lord delivered him from the hands of   his enemies. When you are in trouble you always tend to run behind others for help. But when the Lord does a miracle for you, and once   when your needs are met by God directly, then you will not go behind others for help.

May  be in the past you have been living  a sinful life ,but Jesus is forgiving you of all your sinful deeds and is also warning that you should not sin any  more. Only then Jesus can be of help to you.  Many come to me for prayer. And most of them suffer from intestine problem. This is caused due to drinking alchohol. For such people healing cannot happen, unless their sins are forgiven. They cannot be healed   by any treatment. You cannot enjoy blessing with sin in your life. But once a person acknowledges his sin and is forgiven by God then, the mercy grace and compassion of God, will descend upon him, and God will bring healing into his body. God will bring him back to life. At times when I go to pray for some sick people, God will directly reveal to me their sins. God would tell me this deadly sickness is because of his sin. So I will ask them to confess their sins before God. Once they confess their sins openly I will pray for them, and I have seen how God brings healing into their bodies. And when I meet them after few days, they will look so cheerful, happy and healthy. This is the secret of forgiveness of sins. When you confess your sins, you become healed from your sickness. The Bible says, He who hides his sin will not prosper. But who ever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.  May the Lord give you the humbleness to confess your sins if any, and receive healing from your sickness. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our   loving    heavenly   Father,   we thank   You   for this blessed day. Thank You Lord  for correcting  us from our sinful ways. Thank You for telling us   that we can receive healing only if our sins are forgiven. Lord please forgive all our secret sins and assumption sins and sins which we do unknowingly. Help us to be holy and blameless before God. Heal our body  and soul. Redeem our soul from the power of the grave.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


The Lord Leads Us

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word  that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of   Joel 2:26 “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the Lord  your God.”

From the above context we see the promise of God assured to His people through Prophet Joel. This is a prophetical word to all those of you who are reading this message, as to what the Lord is about to do for you after these days. The Lord says, “You shall eat in plenty.” I have heard some people say,   “I was unable to provide food for my child. My son has gone to school without taking any food, or you might say, “My Son has gone to college without having his food,” and so you are very distressed to think about your poor state of life that you could not provide even food for your children. But today the Lord is saying, “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied.”

Today we see how the Lord has given, us much growth and advancement during these days, while our grandparents and elderly people are still alive with us to see the vast development and prosperity of our days, that they had missed in their earlier days. These days God has blessed us so much that we compel our children to eat well to the full. We see mothers running behind their children to feed them. The Lord has provided such abundance, these days. Our children are going to see much more than these in the days to come. Hallelujah!  Our God is one who will lead us in a wonderful way. We often think what is the Lord doing for us? Just look back and see the past days of life, as to how we were brought up.

But we see how wonderfully the Lord is leading us. The children of God are advancing day by day. In those days there were only huts made of mud and bricks, every side we turn to. People made bricks by themselves. But today a large quantity of baked bricks is brought by lorry trucks, to help them construct their houses. In those days, the mother, father, and their children would get together to make mud bricks. Children would go a long distance to locate   hand pumps, to bring pots of water to help their parents.  They in turn would stamp the mud like clay, with their feet, and make bricks by themselves. There was no proper roof with tiles. But they would take the leaves from the palm trees, weave them and use them as roof for covering their mud huts.  Once in two months they would change the roof. But look at the development we have today. The lifestyle has changed considerably in these modern times. The Lord is leading us miraculously.

Maybe you too have been going through a tough period, in feeding and growing up your children. You might have been caught up in debts, or you might have taken huge loan for paying the fees for your children or  for medical treatment of   someone sick in your family, as a result you  would have been  unable to feed your children properly with good food or meet their expectation.  But prophetically God is saying that you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied. God will open ways and means for you to meet all your financial needs.  For the Bible says, “My God will meet all your needs according to His Glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”  So believe in Jesus for your sustenance. God Bless You.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for making us understand how, You have changed our times to see better days. Lord we praise You and also uphold You for helping us to eat well and be satisfied. Enrich us to meet our financial needs according to your promise.

In Jesus name we pray.



I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Isaiah 40:31,  “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagle. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint.”

There was a certain woman who had a flow of blood, for twelve long years. And she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all that she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse,  and worse.  When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.  At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”And Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth.   Then Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” This woman who had spent all her wealth in medical treatment had been disappointed. But now within a moment she got healed. 

This woman had no special name but she was known as a woman with   an issue of blood.  She waited patiently for the right moment. She did not end up her life as some do, because they are unable to bear the pain. She bore the pain and also the shame and sufferings in the midst of her neighbours and relatives for twelve long years. Jesus knew her struggle even before she touched His garment. Many of you reading this message may be suffering from such kind of disease. Whether there is bleeding from your brain, or from your heart, or there may be leakage of blood through the urine from your body God’s divine healing power is descending upon you  right now and putting an end to all kinds of disease related to bleeding. Whether the case is big or trivial, God is able to restore you of your disease. 

Though she spent all her wealth in treating her disease which was considered   a shameful one, the flow of blood did not stop.  And   so she never joined any function or any celebration. Actually she refrained herself from all kinds of outside activities and always stayed indoors. She was frustrated and depressed over her poor state of health. Finally she decided to meet Jesus. She had heard of his power of healing. She waited for the right moment. Even though there was a huge crowd that thronged around Jesus she stealthily managed to touch the hem of His garment.  But Jesus said,” Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out of Me.”Since the woman waited patiently for a long period of time, She received healing. God renewed her strength. He rejuvenated her unhealthy body with renewed strength. He allowed her to live her life with new power, new energy and new strength. 

God is now bringing the image of this woman before you, especially to those of you who are reading this message with much pain and distress in your mind, waiting to be healed and saying when will my sickness come to an end? When will I receive complete healing? How long will I remain in this hospital? Or when will I be able to enjoy life, like others. When will I freely go about to attend functions and celebrations?   Or will I die in this disease? These are some of the negative thoughts that could arise in your mind. Satan is at work when you think in this manner. But if you approach Lord Jesus like the woman who waited for the right time and put her thoughts in action. You too will receive new strength like her and will be relieved from your sickness no matter, how long you have been fighting with your illness, Jesus is able to heal you and sustain you. God is speaking as prophesy, to many of you who are suffering from issue of blood from your uterus, or because of bleeding in your brain or in any of the vein in your heart, or for those who are suffering from flow of blood, Or any kind of disease related to bleeding of blood, God is saying He is going to give you permanent relief.  Receive His Healing Virtue that is being released today upon you and be healed of your disease. God bless you. 

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank  You for this blessed day.   Loving Father, we praise  You for Your divine healing power. Please release this power upon us and heal us of our diseases.    Teach us to wait upon You like the woman with an issue of blood and thus be restored from our sickness. Give strength to us and bless us with peace. Forgive all our sins and heal us. Heal us O Lord and we will be healed. Save us and we will be saved. We will praise Your Name alone.  

In Jesus name we pray.  



Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Ruth 1:6.19, “Then she arose with her daughter in law that she might return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the country of Moab, that the Lord had visited His people, by giving them bread.”Now the two of them went until they came to Bethlehem.  And   it happened, when they had to come to Bethlehem that all the city was excited because of them, and the women said,  Is this Naomi. ”

We are in the time of great expectation. Now is the time to rise up and start a new life. For we need to make a bright future. Behold the past has gone the future is yet to begin. The hope of new beginning is about to start. These were the thoughts running in the mind of Naomi and Ruth. So they left Moab and went to Bethlehem because they heard the good news that God is providing food for the people in Bethlehem. While they lived in Moab they came across many unpleasant happenings in their lives. They were drenched in sorrow, pain, agony and remorse. Their life became miserable. It is in Moab that Naomi lost her husband. Ruth also lost her husband at a very young age. Both were widows. Having lost their beloved ones their heart did not permit them to continue in Moab any longer. They expected a change in their life. They were in a state of pain and despair. They expected that a better day would dawn in their life after having endured much struggle.

The good news of God’s provision of bread, in Bethlehem brought hope in them. Bethlehem which is called the house of bread was the native place of Naomi. But she went to Moab   for better survival along with her husband and her two sons. There she got her sons married to girls of Moab. Suddenly her husband Elimelech died. And later her sons Mahlon, and Chilion   also died. Naomi and Ruth were left bereaved. Naomi   experienced great loss one after another. She was broken in spirit and physically, so she was looking forward for a new beginning.  Both Naomi and Ruth did not sit and murmur against God, but they thought about taking the next step to move forward in life. This is the time that they heard that Bethlehem   was prosperous and God was providing food for the people there. Immediately taking her young widowed daughter in law she walked to Bethlehem. The Bible says, and so they got up and left. They were making an effort to make a better life, after all the problems they had faced in Moab. To those of you reading this message, I think you too might be facing the same situation as Naomi and Ruth. We heard the cry of death carrying away many beloved brothers and sisters during Covid 19, leaving behind young widows, little children and even helpless elderly people. They were all filled with agony at the loss of their sons, daughters, husbands, wives and other relatives. You too might be experiencing great pain and distress. Though Naomi and Ruth lost everything in their life yet they never lost hope and faith in the true and living God.

Some of you might have lost your job,   your wealth, your good health, peace of mind, joy and happiness. Well some of you might have lost your business too, or you might have become bankrupt, You may be in a fix,   not knowing what to do. Like these two widows you too might be saying will we ever see, good days in our life. Will a bright future dawn in our life? Then you need to have hope and faith like these two women. In spite of all the troubles, they never lost their hope in God. They had great faith in God that  He will surely open a new way for them in the land of Bethlehem. So they moved to Bethlehem from Moab. You may be caught up in sin and sinful deeds. God is waiting for you, to return to Him as these women who returned to Bethlehem. He will forgive you of all your sins, if you will get up from your current helpless situation and come up to Him, He will offer you many good things. Will you get up and come to him; Then He will gladly welcome you and make you ruler over many things.

For those of you who have faced only failures in life, you will hereafter experience victory in all that you do. Those of you who  are suffering from continuous sickness, you will enjoy good health in future. God will bring healing into your bodies. God will grant you peace  and calmness,  instead of storm in your life. If Naomi and Ruth did not return to Bethlehem, then Ruth would not have been blessed by Boaz,  who offered her another life. And Naomi would not have been able to fondle a blessed baby boy in her arms. God rewarded their faith. Hope in God is the foundation of strong faith in Him. You too will be blessed and God will help you see better days in life if you will return to God and live a life pleasing unto Him. God Bless you.

 Prayer:  Our loving  heavenly Father, we  thank You for  this  blessed day. Thank you for showing us the way to new life, through the character of Naomi. In spite of all the problems she faced, she had great faith in God. Give us this faith Lord. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight. Teach us to get up from our ordinary and low state of life, to that of rich, upliftment in life. May we too receive such good blessings as Ruth and Naomi received.

In Jesus Name We Pray.



I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word  that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of2 Kings 18:6,  “Thou shall  fear the LORD thy God; Him shall thou serve, and to him shall thou cleave, and swear by His name.”

From the above context we see that King Hezekiah was firm in his decision. According to the above context Hezekiah feared, served and clung to the Lord as king of Judah.  He was considered as a righteous king.  After King David, many kings failed to serve God but Hezekiah like David, followed the Lord in all his ways. Hezekiah was a true son of David. Though some of the kings, did that which was right, but they were not like David.  God raised one up like David himself and he was King Hezekiah. He carefully preserved the brazen serpent that had been lifted up in the wilderness, as a memorial of God’s goodness to their fathers in the wilderness.  But The People of Israel often forgot the goodness of their God, while they were in the wilderness,  They  did not heed to the word of God, or  exercise   their faith; in  God, But  they always believed in superstition and other dangerous evils and often, provoked God.  True faith in God,   meditation in God’s word, and prayer to the God of Israel, is all that one needs, to function as God’s children.  Thus we see that Hezekiah  trusted in the Lord God of Israel and did all that was right in the sight of God. 

In the petty kingdom of  Judah. The pious character and the excellent course of Hezekiah was admired by many other kings. Since Hezekiah feared the Lord,   he was successful in all that he did,  because he followed the commandments  of God. The Bible says,  God sent His Prophet Isaiah to inform him to set his house in order. He said, “Set Your house in order, for you shall die, and not live.”Hearing this Hezekiah was shocked, so he turned his face towards the wall and cried to the Lord. He also reminded God about all his good deeds. He reminded the Lord that he had been faithful to God, and that he had walked in truth and with a loyal heart, as the king  of Judah.  He wept bitterly before the Lord.  

God took pity on Hezekiah and he spared his life and extended another fifteen years to his life. Thus we see how Hezekiah won the heart of God. And was a successful king of his times. To those of you who are reading this message,  I wish to tell you that, all of us wish to be successful in our life. Many of you are longing to succeed in your profession, in your studies or in your business, or in your family life. But somehow you don’t seem to achieve success. May be  you are, worried about your debts, you are  wondering as to how you will clear the bills?  You seem to be worried about your future?  Trust in God Almighty.  He will remove poverty from your house and keep you rich and prosperous.  The Bible says, You shall seek Me and find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart. Are you willing to search for God? Are you ready to seek God and find Him while He is available to you. Change your attitude. Live up to His expectation. Do that which is right in the sight of God, like Hezekiah.  Then you shall find a change in your life. Surrender to Him and you will be successful.  All your desires will be fulfilled. He will crown you with joy. He will never ever put you to shame.  Like Hezekiah God will also extend the days of your life.  God Bless You. 

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for teaching us to hold on to You, to seek you and find you with all of our heart. Teach us to cling to You,  that  we  may achieve success in our life. Help us to always,  walk in tune with You. Never to forsake You or go away from Your presence. Help us to be like king  Hezekiah, who did that which was right in the sight of God. Make us successful in all that we do.  

In Jesus name we pray. 


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