I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 44:26, Who confirms the word of His servant, And performs the counsel, of His Messengers. Who says, to Jerusalem, “You shall be inhabited.” To the cities of Judah, “You shall be built.” And I will raise up her waste places.”
From the above context we read that God confirms His word to His servant, either a Pastor, or An Evangelist, or an Elder of a Church. And God performs the counsel of His messengers. Thus we see that God speaks to His people, through His ministers who are ambassadors for Christ. Most of you are reading this message with a hope of receiving the blessing of God. The Bible says, “It pleased the Lord to Bless Israel.”But the enemy namely the king of Moab appointed Balaam the Messenger to come and curse the people of Israel. God did not allow Balaam to curse but instead he blessed the people of Israel. God would put in the very words into his mouth, for him to speak, over the people of Israel that He wanted to convey to His Children. And when the messengers of God spoke those words, God makes it to pass. For He is a wonder working God. He does wonders beyond number.
God is seen in our midst, as a God, who fulfils all things that He has spoken. Whether the words were spoken by God, or whether it was His prophesy, so long it may not have been fulfilled in your life. But in the future it will surely come to pass. God says, the words spoken by the ministers are not the words of the ministers, but they are words from God, directly spoken through the servant of God. God expresses His ownership of His servants, who minister unto Him. God says, “The words that I speak through My servant will be fulfilled in its time. God also gives counselling through His servant for the welfare of you and your family. God will fulfil their counselling and make you joyful. My sincere advice is that you must never think cheap or underestimate your pastors who come to your house to pray for you or give counselling to you. Whatever they do will be for your good. The Pastors, Preachers, Ambassadors, Evangelists, are chosen by God to shepherd His sheep. Or the sheep might get lost without correct direction or counselling. God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
Therefore never think very low about them. Never think that these servants of God come into your house for their personal benefit. But always think that God is sending them to your houses to bless you and your family. They usually visit your house to solve your problems. Or to pray for you or to give you good counselling in order that peace reigns within your family between you and your wife or between you and your children. For God is always mindful of you. Consider those servants of God who come into your homes as if JESUS came into your home. You should have that sort of feeling and receive them with great reverence and fear. Then God who tests the hearts and mind, will bless you abundantly. You do your part, God will do His part. It is a great blessing to you and your family when the feet of such Holy men step into your homes. Be free to share your problems with them they will be able to counsel you correctly in those areas which are difficult for you to handle. Many think Pastors come regularly on the 1st of every month for collection. No never. No pastors depend upon your contribution for their survival. They are God’s ambassadors, so they will never lack any good thing. Moreover they learn to be content with what God has blessed them with. They are Rich in the Lord and His Word. God will provide them with Manna which He has in store for them.
I would like to tell you of how the Lord provided for His special people the Levites. Israel as such were twelve tribes. Of which Levi was chosen to serve God in His temple.. When God asked Joshua to distribute the portion of land property, both Joshua, and Caleb distributed correctly as the Lord had commanded to the eleven tribes. But to the tribe of Levi God did not give them a separate portion. God Himself was their portion. He was their wealth for they were separated for God, to do His work in the temple of God. Hence God had instructed all the eleven tribes to give the best and first portion of their produce for the tribe of the Levites. As they were ministers, and ambassadors of God. Halleluiah! God said to the tribe of the Levites, “I am your inheritance and your portion and wealth.” Therefore being the wealth of God, how can they be underestimated? May this message help you to honour and give due respect to your Pastors, Preachers and Ambassadors of God. Never reject or disapprove the servants of God. Never rebuke them or insult them. Treat them well with reverence and respect. Then God will fulfil all your needs in good measure. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father God, we thank you for telling us through this message the importance of Pastors and Ambassadors, who are your representatives. Teach us to honour them and pay due respect to them. May we consider them as Jesus, when they visit our homes and learn to treat them properly and not be reluctant to receive them or think low about them. Help us to have a better understanding about them and treat them well. May they be of great blessing to us and our family.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given you today is from the book of Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”. We need to have strong faith in God. Learn to put your trust in the Lord for He will always be your ever present help.
The bible talks about a person named Abraham. Abraham is the father of faith. Abraham was strong in his faith. Abraham did not have a child for many years. At the age of 75, God promised Abraham that He would bless him with a son. When he was 100 years old, the Lord fulfilled the promise of blessing him with a baby boy (Isaac). Hebrews 11:17 says, “By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son…”. Abraham had great faith in God. He knew that God had a plan for him and so without any further questions, he did what the Lord told him. God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Even at this moment, Abraham had great faith in God. As Abraham did exactly what the Lord had asked him, the Lord spared his son’s life and gave Abraham a goat to be sacrificed. God blessed Abraham and his generation.
You must also learn to build your faith in God. God is the only one whom you can trust completely. He knows every desire of your heart. Whenever you do anything, you must know that through Christ you will be able to finish what you have been called for. God encourages you to do well in life because you are very dear to Him. God will not test you beyond your capacity. He is a compassionate God. He will do the best for you.
Dearly beloved, you need to be focused in what you do. The bible says, “Faith is the confidence in what you hope.” Learn to trust God at all times. Have faith in Him. If there is any problem that you are facing and do not know what to do, just trust in the Lord and tell Him your problem. He will be with you and guide you.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, I pray that Your children may grow strong in their faith in You. Father, may Your children experience Your faithfulness in their lives. May You guide them and show them the way in which they should go. In Jesus name we pray,
My beloved children of God, I greet you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says: “If you will still remain in this land, then I will build you and not pull you down, and I will plant you and not pluck you up. For I relent concerning the disaster that I have brought upon you”. (Jeremiah 42:10)
Yes, beloved people what a great guarantee the Lord gives you today. Maybe you are lamenting and crying – I am getting old but I am still unmarried, I am still barren, I am still not able to build my own house. Even as you are reading this blessed word our Lord is coming beside you to encourage you. “The stone which the builders rejected by everyone has become the chief cornerstone”.(Mathew 21:42; Psalm 118:22). He will exalt your name in front of the people who considered you insignificant. Just like He built a house for David as promised (2 Samuel 5:11) He looks at you and promises that He will build you a house. He will keep His word. Perhaps the house that you already have is ruined and destroyed. Today God will sanctify that ruined house and transform it into the Garden of Eden and build there a new house. God will remove the obstacles and He Himself will complete building your half-built houses. Do not be worried.
Child of God perhaps are you crying that you have not yet got a suitable life partner, the God who gave Adam a suitable Eve will Himself choose a life partner, be with you and will conduct your marriage. Maybe your marriage is broken, the God who rebuilds has come near you. He will restore your ruined married life and rebuild it. Stop questioning if reconciliation is viable after so many years. He is a God who makes a way where there is no way.
A sister who was 40 years old and still unmarried, was worried that even if she got married at this age whether she would have a child. This doubt caused her to go into depression as she pondered over it over and over again. So, she started taking medicines for it. Living in this hopeless condition she even attempted suicide but was unsuccessful in that as well. She shared her pitiful state with tears in her eyes. The Lord said, “There will be no more delay. This is your appointed time. Why should you die before your time is up? Didn’t I give up My life in My youth just for you? When I gave My life for you, won’t I give you a life partner?” thus the Lord revealed through me. When she heard these words, her heart was filled with hope and happiness. She requested me for a blessed word. The Lord revealed two promises for her, “ Those who come He shall cause to take root in Jacob; Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit”(Isaiah 27:6) and “ May the Lord make your house like Rachel and Leah, the two who built the house of Israel”.(Ruth 4:11).
She held on to these two promises and left with hope in her heart. The Lord not only enabled her to get married but also gave her twins. God will bring you out of your ruined state and will bless you.
May God bless you! Amen.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.
Father God, we thank You for loving us and being faithful to us. We pray that you will build the lives of dear children who are lamenting saying their lives have been ruined. Exalt them in front of the people who considered your children as insignificant. Bless them and honour them.
In Jesus Name we pray.
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 119:9, “How Can a Man Cleanse His ways? By taking Heed to God’s Word.
How can a young man cleanse his way? How shall he become and remain practically holy? He is a young man, full of passion, and poor in knowledge and experience; how shall he get right, and keep right? Never was there a more important question for any man; It is not an easy task which the prudent young man sets before him. He wishes to choose a clean way, to cleanse himself from any foulness which may arise in the future, but, alas, his way is already unclean by actual sin. So he finds himself, the difficulty, first of beginning aright, next of being always able to know and choose the right, and of continuing in the right till perfection is ultimately reached: this is hard for any man, so how shall a youth accomplish it? Let him not think that he knows the road to easy victory, nor dream that he can keep himself by his own wisdom; he will do well if he follows the Psalmist, and become an earnest enquirer asking how he may cleanse his way. Let him become a disciple of the holy God, who alone can teach him how to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. He is young and unaccustomed to the road; let him not be ashamed often to enquire his way from God who is so ready and so able to instruct him in the way he should go. For God says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye.”
“Our way” is a subject which concerns us deeply, and it is far better to enquire about it than to speculate upon mysterious themes which rather puzzle than enlighten the mind. There are many questions a young man might ask, but among all the questions which a young man may ask, let this be the first and chief question, “Wherewithal shall I cleanse my way?” The Bible says, by taking heed thereto according to thy word. Young man, the Bible must be your chart, and you must exercise great watchfulness that your way may be according to its directions. You must study your Bible that you may take heed to your daily life. For however a man may be good, he will go astray if his map misleads him; but with the most accurate map he will still lose his road if he does not take heed to it. No one would like to take the narrow way, neither does, any man ever lead a holy life, heedless to the word of God. We can sin without thought, we have only to neglect the great salvation and ruin our souls; but to obey the Lord and walk uprightly will need all our heart and soul and mind.
Yet the “word of God” is absolutely necessary; for, otherwise, the cares of this world will darken him into anxiety, and conscientiousness may become superstition. A captain may watch from his deck all night; but if he knows nothing of the coast, and has no pilot on board, he may be carefully hastening on to shipwreck. It is not enough to desire to be right; for ignorance may make us think that we are doing service to God, but we are actually provoking Him. Let each man, whether young or old, who desires to be holy have a holy watchfulness in his heart, and keep his Holy Bible before his open eye. There he will find every turn of the road marked down, every slough and miry place pointed out, he will find light for his darkness, comfort for his weariness, and company for his loneliness. The Bible says, “ Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,“ This is the way, walk in it. Whenever you turn to the right hand, Or whenever you turn to the left.
To those of you who are young and are reading this message I wish to tell you, that “You need to search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.”Knowing Jesus is knowing wisdom and knowledge and having good understanding. May God help you to know Jesus. Therefore young man, Watch, stands fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do , be done with love. Shun all evil, and Resist the Devil and He will flee from you. If not he will empower and you shall become enslaved by his cunning tactics and bring about your downfall. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Therefore young man does not lose heart. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, for one of the greatest gifts that God gave his children was the gift of hope. For who knows what is good, for man in life. So remember your creator, in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near, when you say, I have no pleasure in them.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father God, we thank you for teaching us through this message that we need to cleans our ways, through the reading of God’s word. Help us to stay away from all the works of the evil one. Direct our steps. Guide us with your eyes and lead us in the path of righteousness. Teach us to seek God early in our life when we are strong and eligible and not when we have lost all our strength. Give us the strength to live for God.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dear brothers and sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Jeremiah 31:3, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee”. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! You shall again be adorned with your tambourines, And shall go forth in the dances of those who rejoice. You shall yet plant vines on the mountains of Samaria; The planters shall plant and eat them as ordinary food.
My dear Brothers and Sisters we have been experiencing the love of Jesus in one way or the other. God builds up the ruined places of your life. The Lord says, I will build you up. And you shall be rebuilt. Many have lost their family lives because of divorce or because you have been forsaken by your wife or your husband. To such people the Lord says, I will rebuild your families. Your ruined life will be re established. Believe in the Lord. He will do marvelous things in your life. The Bible says, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him .
I wish to share the testimony of a sister Thilagavathi who had been married and later divorced for various reason . She attended our Anbarin Padathil Oru Naal Fasting Prayer Meeting and prayed earnestly. As her case was under way and hearing was about to happen soon. She was in great distress as to how the court verdict would turn out to be. And what would be the state of her life. But the Lord called her by name Thilagavathy during the name calling session and assured that she would join her husband very soon. She couldn’t believe her ears. She happened to attend that meeting by her friend who took pity on her and brought her there. Adjacent week the hearing came and Sister Thilagavathy had to been to the court. To her surprise her husband who came over there told her that he will withdraw the case and will take her home. Sister Thilagavathy couldn’t believe her eyes, her joy knew no bounds. She is now living a very happy married life. God rebuilt her ruined life. It’s amazing to know how God works in the life of His children. To those who have not settled in life as yet, God will settle you soon. You will have a happy married life. The Lord will open the door of marriage for you.
God loved David. He exhibited his love to David by blessing him with a wise son Solomon, to sit on his throne after him. Hiram king of Tyre wrote to Solomon. saying” Because the Lord loves His people, He has made you king over them.” Hiram also said , “Blessed be the Lord, God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, for He has given King David a wise son, endowed with prudence and understanding. In the same manner God will bless you with a generation that would be wise, prudent, and with good understanding. Many of you are longing to have the gift of a child. God will soon bless those of you who are crying for a child. The Bible says, God grants the barren woman, a home, like a joyful mother of children. The Love of God has been poured upon you for you are very precious in His sight. Therefore God wants to honour and exalt you in life.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father we thank you for your everlasting love and for rebuilding our ruined lives. We praise you for blessing our children with wisdom, prudence and good understanding. Help us to be faithful and seek God diligently all the days of our life. In Jesus name we pray.