My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you all. Now, let us look at the auspicious word that the Lord has kept for you. Please take and read from the book of Psalms 71:21: “Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.”
God will increase my greatness and comfort me on every side. God will not only increase our greatness but will also bless us more and more. The Word of God says, “I have made you great, and I will still increase your greatness. My greatness you shall multiply.” This means that God does not just increase our greatness and leave us at that level; He continues to increase and comfort us.
If you feel that you have reached a certain level but are unable to move further, and there is no growth, even in your physical growth or age, know that God will give you that growth. For those who have not grown as expected, God will perform a miracle. He will provide the growth necessary for your age. For those who are mentally stagnant, God will bless you with mental stability, wisdom, and knowledge. If your business is stagnating, the Lord will increase it, and you will experience greatness.
In your ministry, too, God will grant you increase, and you shall see greatness. David grew greater day by day because the Lord of Hosts was with him. At a certain point, God exalted David, anointed him as the king of Israel, and honored him. This is what it means when the Lord increases greatness and comforts on every side.
Are you thinking that your salary is too low? God will increase your salary. He will provide an increase in your income, and you will be able to clear all your debts and never borrow money again. God will show favor to you.
Let us now listen to a testimony from Joice Thomas in Mumbai: “I wanted to go to London to continue my higher studies. I sent my prayer request to Brother Stephen via email. After praying for me, Brother Stephen responded with many scriptures from the Bible. After his prayer, I received my education loan and visa without any hindrances, and I am now continuing my higher studies. God Himself has blessed me in all things and made me great. All glory be to God.”
You see, this sister wanted to study in the UK, but she had no money, her loan was not approved, and her visa application was unsuccessful. But as she sought the Lord’s presence, her loan was approved, her visa was granted, and God has helped her continue her studies abroad. God has exalted her to a greater level and enabled her to pursue her studies in a foreign country.
Dear Lord, we thank You. As per Your Word, Lord, I pray that You will increase the greatness of Your children. Just as it is written, “I shall glorify You and still glorify You,” grant them good growth and progress day by day, and honor them. If their growth has been stunted, give them progress in their lives. Just as David grew greater day by day and Mordecai became more popular and honored, let Your children prosper. Bless them with good income, name, and fame, and make them honorable vessels on this earth.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you abundantly. Take a moment to read from the book of Isaiah 56:7, which says, “Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.”
All those who come to the house of prayer, God will turn their sorrow into joy. Those who go to the prayer towers or to the church, God says He will make them glad and send them away with joy. Remember Hannah, who went to the house of prayer burdened and distressed. God made her glad by opening her womb and blessing her with a child. This is just one example of what God does for those who seek Him in His house of prayer.
Today, what problem are you carrying? Go to the church near your home and tell the Lord, “I have come with a problem; please help me.” No matter your religion or faith, no one will question you. God will not ask you about these things either. Instead, He will ask, “Daughter, what is your problem? Son, what burden have you come with? Tell me, and I will help you.” That is the nature of God’s house of prayer.
Don’t think that churches are only for Christians. They are houses of Jesus, houses of the Lord. They are houses of prayer for all people. So, go to the church nearby; there, Jesus will be waiting to receive you, the congregation will be ready to welcome you, and even the church elders will gladly receive you. No one will question why you have come to the church.
The house that gladdens your heart is truly the house of prayer. Try going there, pour out your heart, and see how many miracles unfold in your life. You may find yourself writing testimonies about how God changed your struggles. Just as He solved all of Hannah’s problems in the temple, He also healed a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years with a bent back. She received healing in the temple of God. If you seek the God who performs miracles, you will receive miracles.
Our prayer towers are located in Nagercoil, Chennai, Mumbai, and Coimbatore. Thousands of people come there and receive blessings. Let me share a testimony from our prayer tower to encourage you. Brother Pradeep Israel shared his experience. He had a job interview in Israel and was selected. They promised to send him an appointment letter, so he returned home. But after waiting for a month, he received no response. Each time he tried to follow up, they told him it was on the way, but nothing arrived.
In this stressful situation, Pradeep had rented a home in Chennai because he didn’t want to return without a job, as his wife had encouraged him to do so. He had financial difficulties, debts, and was paying interest on loans. In his distress, he went to the prayer tower and shared his burden with a prayer warrior, who prayed for him. By the grace of God, soon after, he received an appointment letter from a well-reputed company in Israel. Now, he is working there in a good position.
The same God who did a miracle for him is also your God. He will surely do a miracle for you as well.
Dear Lord, we thank You. You are the God who brings us to Your temple and gladdens our hearts. Lord, for every child who is filled with sorrow, burden, or struggle, and is crying over their children, family problems, or financial situation, we ask that You change their sorrow into gladness of heart. Lord, today itself, please perform a miracle to change their situation. For those who almost secured a job but have not yet received it, and for those who came to the prayer tower with this concern, we pray that You break all barriers in their path. Just as You helped Brother Pradeep, help those who feel like they have the blessing in their hand but cannot take it to their mouth. Lord, let Your miracle-working power touch them and give them breakthrough.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read from the book of Psalms 16:8, “I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”
The Psalmist says, “I have kept the Lord always before me, at my right hand.” This means that the Lord Himself is his strength and support. He further says, “It’s not me, but the Lord who acts as my right hand; therefore, I shall not be moved.” Nobody can shake me. Today, many people say, “He is my right hand, my left hand, my everything.” But even such people may be shaken and disappear. So, if you keep the Lord at your right hand, no one can shake you. Even if an army rises against you, God will stop them, saying, “Stand here; don’t come near my child.” God will draw a line and stop your foes. If you want to stay in the safe zone, keep the Lord always at your right hand. If you always keep the Lord close to you, then God will turn your enemies into His enemies. The weapons formed against you will turn against your enemies. Just like when fire touches thread, it turns to ashes, your enemies will not be able to destroy you. You will have the assurance of God’s protection with you always. Then, no one will be able to shake you. You will live well, even before those who said, “See what I will do to you.”
Perhaps in the past, you might have been caught in the hands of someone. But when you came to your senses and broke free, that person might have threatened you, saying, “You’ll see what I’ll do to you for leaving.” They may have tried to intimidate you, but you know in your heart that you have done what is right. Because you have come out of their control, God is bound to protect you. He will hold you close and guard you day and night. The Word of God says that no one can harm you because He watches over you day and night. Today, the Lord says that those who frightened you or threatened you will see you living well before them. They will come to you with respect and humility. Those who said, “You’ll come crawling back to me,” will come to you with folded hands. The Lord promises to lift you to a place of honor. That’s why the psalmist says, “I have set the Lord always before me; since He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” As this verse says, the Lord will do great things for you.
Testimony: Let us hear a powerful testimony from Ruth Anandhi, who comes from Andhra Pradesh. She shares, “We tried and took steps to build and expand our church. But there were many obstacles; people around our church were preventing us from continuing the construction work. So I reached out to God’s Love Ministries over the phone and asked them to pray for this matter. After the prayer warrior prayed, all those who were against us came to be on good terms with us. We were able to complete the church construction, and worship services are now ongoing. Although we faced many struggles, God caused us to rise up victoriously, standing firm as a testimony without being shaken. This is a great testimony, showing that all those who opposed us came in favor of us as we kept the Lord before us. They made peace with us and even helped in building the church.” Today, in your family or at work, all those who were against you will come to make peace with you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. According to Your Word, we pray that You always go before us and remain by our side. Since You are at our right hand, we shall not be moved. Give us boldness and assurance that You will be with us always. For those who feel they might fail, Lord, establish their lives. Build them up, help them to rise, live enthusiastically, and find happiness. In Jesus’ name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read together from the book of Jeremiah 17:8: “For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, that spreads out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat comes, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.”
This means that even if there is no rain or opportunity, God will bless you in such a way that you will bring forth fruit. Despite a lack of rain throughout the year, the tree will still yield fruit. Some people may say, “Only if there is rain will the tree yield fruit; only then will there be a good harvest.” But if God wills it, even in the absence of rain, like during the famine when Isaac sowed seeds and harvested a hundredfold, you too can prosper and continue to prosper until you become very prosperous. The Bible says, “The rain will not be a stumbling block for your progress.” No evil counsel or weapon formed against you can hinder your progress.
The Lord says, “For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and shall not be careful in the year of drought.” This means that even without rain, God will come down and bless you to yield abundant fruit. Today, you may feel, “I lack wisdom, knowledge, or understanding—how will I complete my degree?” Don’t worry. If God is with you, He will grant you wisdom, knowledge, and good memory, for this is an easy thing for the Lord to do. Don’t be anxious about your circumstances. Just look up to the Lord who is beyond all circumstances. It is enough if you have His favor. Because the Lord blessed Isaac, he was able to harvest a hundredfold even during the time of drought. In the same way, God will help you also.
Brother Vathani Murugan shared, “I had written to Brother Stephen, asking for prayer for my debts to be cleared, to be able to purchase a house of my own, and for blessings for my family. Despite my salary as a teacher in America, it was impossible to purchase and maintain a home due to my debts and many struggles for over five years. But the Lord heard Brother Stephen’s powerful prayer. God blessed me with a new house, and by the end of this week, we are moving into our new apartment. This is a miracle performed by Jesus Christ. ‘And shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.’ According to this verse, God blessed me with my own home, despite circumstances being against me. It was not possible with my salary alone, but our faithful God made it possible. Today, He will do it for you also.”
Dear Lord, we thank You. Even in the year of drought, the tree shall not cease from yielding fruit. Lord, turn them into a fruit-yielding tree, even in a drought season. Don’t look at their circumstances, but let them look to You, who is beyond all circumstances. I bless them to progress in life. May You give and help them to receive. Lord, open Your hand and satisfy them with a permanent job, good income, and a blessed family life with good descendants. Bless them to buy a house of their own. I pray and bless that they will be in good health and prosper in all things. For those who worry about not having their own home, may God, who creates possibilities where there are none, help them today to build a house of their own and live in it.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 6th of November, I am happy to see you all directly through this auspicious message. Let us read together from the book of Isaiah 49:15: “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.”
A mother will never forget her child in any circumstance. She carries her child in her womb for ten months, gives her own blood as milk to her child, and raises her child with love. This is the nature of a mother; it’s a bond of blood and love. But even if such a mother forgets her child, God says, “I will not forget you.” What a comforting assurance this is from God!
Perhaps some of you feel forgotten because you lack wealth, or because others have removed you from their groups or circles. But do not worry. Even if others exclude you, God includes you. You are in God’s group, in His direct care. God says that even if your mother or father, or anyone else, forgets you, He will not forget you. The relationship between you and God is that of a father and child. He shed His precious blood for you and gave His life for you out of love. He will not forget you.
Some of you may be thinking, “Everyone has forgotten me. Those I helped have forgotten me.” If that is your feeling, remember to keep doing good without expecting anything in return. Do what you can for others’ well-being, and God will surely reward you for your kindness. The God who never forgets you will not forget your requests, nor will He ignore your prayers. If you are wondering why miracles have not yet happened, remember that God’s timing is perfect. He will grant you blessings at the right moment, so you can fully appreciate them. Although some answers may be delayed, today He will act on your behalf.
You may be saying, “I got engaged, but the marriage didn’t happen. Obstacles came up and halted everything.” But today, the Lord is breaking all barriers. He will personally bring your marriage to fulfillment. Perhaps arrangements were made, but financial limitations held things back. But God, who promises never to forget you, will not forget your needs or your prayers. He will listen, meet all your needs, and bless you abundantly.
Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, even if others forget us, even if it is our own mother, You promised that You will not forget us. This promise is more than enough, because it means we are always in Your memory and in Your thoughts. Thank You for thinking of us and for never letting us slip from Your heart. The Lord who never forgets us will not forget our requests. Lord, answer the prayers of every child. You are not a God of injustice; You do not forget their requests. Remember all the times Your children have served You, and honor their faithfulness. Lord, answer their prayers, meet their needs, and make a way for them to clear their debts, which are pressing today. May every good event and occasion in their homes be held without obstacles. For those in need of financial provision, I pray that You will supply all their needs and fulfill their commitments at the appointed time. For those unable to pay their school fees or facing financial hardship, remember them, Lord. Brighten their future and perform a miracle for them today itself.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.