I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator and Maker Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of Psalms 133:1, “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”
From the above context we see that God expects the brethren to live together in unity. This was considered as the prayer of Christ who was the High Priest. Apostle John pleaded, the brothers as “little children love one another.” While Paul calls us to: be of the same mind toward one with another, maintaining the same love, united in spirit and intent on one purpose – single mindedness, and one Person. And in his outburst of praise we discover king David rejoicing, and singing in his heart by faith with thanksgiving in this Psalm, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony, for it refreshes the soul and is a sweet fragrance that ascends to the Lord and glorifies His holy name. We must remember that David had seven other brothers. And as a shepherd boy, he must have longed to be with his brothers who were in the army and had no time for him.
Living in unity was one of the songs that Israel would sing to the Lord, with joy in their hearts, as they advanced on their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This was a hymn of praise that would echo throughout the land of Israel, as God’s people travelled towards their sacred destination.
It would be well if we could persuade people to live together in peace. It is good for us, for our honour and comfort; and this brings constant delight to those who live in unity. The pleasantness of this is likened to the holy anointing oil. This is the fruit of the Spirit. Where the brethren dwell together in unity, the Lord commands His blessing, Believers who live in love and peace, shall have the God of love and peace with them now, and they shall be with him for forever, in the world of endless love and peace. May all who love the Lord forbear and forgive one another, as God, for Christ’s sake, hath forgiven them. “The dwelling of brethren together. Means there would be no separation among the members of a family. Then perhaps they are likely to be scattered far from one another. God does not like separation .All God’s people are the followers of the Redeemer – they are brethren, members of the same family, fellow-heirs of the same inheritance. Amen. These brethren are expected to be united, or dwell in unity. There is much that is beautiful and lovely in their unity and harmony. They are redeemed by the same Saviour; they serve the same Master; they cherish the same hope; they are looking forward to the same heaven. There is, therefore, the beauty, the “goodness,” the “pleasantness” of obvious fitness and propriety in their dwelling together in unity.
How is your life in the Lord.? Is it united with Him, who is the author and Finisher of your faith? Are you living a separated life from God? Does the world seem more attractive to you rather than God and His teachings; This life on earth is momentary. But life with Him is eternal. Prepare yourself to join Him .and enjoy life evermore, Give away all earthly pleasures, and seek the upward calling, for the Bible says,”’ They that seek Me shall find Me. “What about your family ? Do you attend church service together as family? With your wife and children. Does your children attend Sunday class? Are you bringing them up in the fear of God? Or Do you just satisfy their worldly desires. Is your relationship with your wife worth telling? Only when there be unity between the two of you, God will be pleased, and you will enjoy real peace and harmony in the family. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Heavenly Father, We pray that we may learn to live together with all our brothers and sisters in Christ in godly love and unity. Help us to praise and glorify Your name. Protect us from wanton discord, disunity or division and help all Your children to stand firm in the faith. Teach us to be united together in Christ. May we learn to live united as a family. We pray that we will educate our children in the fear of God. Remove all ill feelings that causes separation, and enable us to live in peace and harmony.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of Job 5:8, But If were you, I would plead to God, I would lay my cause before him. ”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above words we come to understand that God speaks through different ways to his people. To some He speaks through His servant, may be a Pastor, an Evangelist, a Prophet, or God might speak even speak through His word while reading the Bible. God is trying all His best to convey the burden of His heart to His people. And when we listen to the word of God then He will perform miracles that cannot be fathomed. That cannot be comprehended. But how will He do it ? He will send forth His word and make known His ways unto the people. All that you got to do is to heed to the voice of God. But everything will be spoken through the word of God.
Here we see the conversation of Job with His friend, Eliphaz. Eliphaz began to praise God’s goodness, and his description point a finger at Job. He gave Job some good advice when he told Job to seek God, but this statement by Job’s “friend” was really just an accusation. He was saying to Job, that Sufferings doesn’t just happen, and tells Job that there must be some secret sin in his life. But let’s focus on the positive in Eliphaz’s words. All of us need to look for and find meaning and purpose in all that God allows to come our way. When suffering, it is all too easy to become trapped in bitterness. Then can we avoid suffering? No, even the godly will have trials and suffering in their lives. How should we respond to suffering? Accept it, worship while you mourn, and don’t allow yourself to become trapped in bitterness (of God would have been a good one if he weren’t also using it to)
My Dear Brothers And Sisters, Eliphaz reminds Job, that no affliction comes by chance. The difference between prosperity and adversity is not so exactly observed, as that between day and night, summer and winter; but it is according to the will and counsel of God. We must not attribute our afflictions to fortune, for they are from God; nor our sins to fate, for they are from ourselves. Man is born in sin, and therefore born to trouble. Such is the frailty of our bodies, and the vanity of all our enjoyments, that our troubles arise thence as the sparks fly upward; so many are they, and so fast does one follow another. We see how Eliphaz reproves Job for not seeking God. Actually God was displeased with Eliphaz for criticising Job, while he was going through affliction. This passage suggests, to hope the best in the worst of times; for it is the glory of God to send help to the helpless, and hope to the hopeless. And daring sinners are confounded, and forced to acknowledge the justice of God’s proceedings.
My Dear Brothers And Sisters, God speaks to His children through this message too. There may be many reading this message with a burdened heart like Job, caught up in misery and pain but how you grasp the whole thing rests in your hands. Take everything that comes your way like Job who says, “Even if God should slay me, I will trust in God. For my Saviour lives. ”Because of his good attitude and spirit, God blessed him with a double portion of blessing. God spoke to Zachariah through the angel, Gabriel that his wife Elizabeth would conceive and bring forth a son and he should be called John. Zachariah doubted so he was made dumb. He remained in this manner until God’s word came to pass in his life. To Abraham God spoke in a vision, and said, “Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield, and your great reward. ”In the above passage we see God speaking to us through the conversation of Job with his friend Eliphaz. I wish that God would have spoken to you, and comforted you through this message as you go through a period of trial and testing. God will help you come out of your struggles and save you from the hands of your enemies. God wants us to conquer your enemies namely the trials and testing rather than be conquered by them. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. “LORD, we need You to help us stay pliable in Your hands. We choose to trust You even through the hard times.”Teach us to endure patiently our times of trials and testing that comes our way, in the journey of life. May we be like Job who was adamant in his faith to the Lord. Help us to commit our ways to the Lord and trust in Him that He will make it to pass.
In Jesus name we pray,
Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
From the above context we learn thatPaul composed a lengthy and weighty letter to the Roman Church that addressed every issue that is so vital, in order to live a Godly life. His extensive epistle is written in such a way, as to provide a wonderful understanding of all the doctrines and how to apply them in our lives today, so that we are enabled to live a victorious life, the life that God intended for all His children. In a few short, crisp verses Paul sums up all that is necessary to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord and in the above words we are encouraged to rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.
To rejoice in hope is to have that unfaltering assurance in God’s Word – knowing that our hope of glory is secured for us in heavenly places for the eternal ages to come, simply because God’s Word is true and cannot be broken. Our hope is built on nothing less than trusting in the cross of Christ and taking God at His Word. To be patient in tribulation is to know and accept that in this world we will have tribulation – but to wait patiently in our suffering, without murmuring – and to be of good cheer, knowing that His strength is sufficient to see us through every difficulty of life, because He has already overcome sin and death – and we are united with Him and His victory.
As children of God we should all be instant in prayer – constantly lifting our hearts and voice to the Lord in prayers of thanks and praise and intercession and requests – and laying them before the throne of God’s Grace, in the name of Jesus, – For prayer strengthens the faith, that brings forth hope, and lifts it up into an assured and joyful, expectation. Knowing that greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world. Therefore let us learn to exercise Paul’s short, and crisp instructions for godly living.
Apostle Paul directs us to be joyful, patient and faithful in the midst of our daily struggles, because each one of these is the fruit of the spirit. These fruits of the spirit are the characteristics and traits of Jesus Christ. We need to apply these characteristic, in our lives in order to enrich our relationship with Christ. We must be joyful in hope, because when our hope is placed in the Lord Jesus Christ, then it becomes easy for us to face any situation however hard and difficult it may be. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. As children of God we know the hope that we have through Christ. Even James in his epistle says, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials.”May God help you to endure sufferings patiently without grumbling, and be always joyful in hope. God Bless you.
Prayer: Loving Father, thank You for the Word of God and the godly instructions that are laid for us. Teach us to rejoice – in hope and, endure tribulation patiently. Help us to engage in prayer whenever we face trials and tribulation. Help us to persevere in prayer and press on to the goal of our calling.
In Jesus name we pray,
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Jeremiah 29:11 which says, For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and hope. Many of us are worried about our future. We do not have a hope to live. But remember God promises us that He will give us a future and a hope. God will honor us in our family. God will make us to inherit name and fame within our family. God is concerned about our welfare, our future and prosperity.
The Bible in the following verses says in 3 John 2 , “Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers”. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. Psalm 34:10 says, “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing”.
God does not desire us to suffer in pain and agony instead He wants us to be blessed in every way. In order to make us rich He became poor. 2 Corinthians 8:9 says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor”.
To inherit God’s blessing we have to come out of things that displeases God. Job 1:1 says, Job was perfect and upright, He was blameless and one that feared God and shunned evil. Job had to face difficult situations in his life yet when He stood firm to live a righteous life, God blessed him with double portion of blessing.
When we lead a righteous life, He will strengthen us and will help us. With His righteous right hand He will hold us and will lead us.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for Your goodness towards us. Help us to seek You and Your kingdom that we might inherit the portion of Your blessing. Help us to be acceptable in Your sight and well pleasing as true children of God. In Jesus name we ask and pray.
I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Hebrews 10:28, “just shall live by faith…”.
Dearly Beloved, You must trust in the Lord and His power and miracles, then you and your household will live. The Bible says:
His children are called “believers”. The Lord says, “if you would believe you would see the glory of God.” So you should trust the Lord. You must believe, “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” (Mathew 8:17).
God saved Noah and his family from a great flood – because he trusted God. The faith that he had was – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13). Even in his old age Noah when he received the warning from the Lord built the huge ark. God’s plan was fulfilled, and his family was saved from the flood.
Some years ago, an old man suffering from intestinal cancer was brought to our prayer tower by his two sons. The doctors had said he won’t survive past an hour and in this abandoned condition they had brought him to me. I asked him, “What should I pray for you?” He looked at me and said, “You have been the reason many have wiped away their tears, God should grant you a long life. This is my desire.” At that moment I only had a few chocolates in the table. I took one chocolate and gave it to this elderly man who was only consuming water for the past three months. I blessed this chocolate with the blood of Jesus and gave him the Mangala Vaarthai, “You will live, and you will not die and declare the works of God.” He started chewing the chocolate that I gave him and as he was consuming it, I could sense in my spirit the healing power of God descend on him. When his two sons came forward to lift him, he said “I can get up myself.” He went down the building by the elevator. He told his sons to buy him some idli (rice cake) from the nearby restaurant and he ate well. It is 8 years since this happened, and the father is still alive and well. Yes, when you trust in the Lord, you will receive the same miracles in your life too.
When you trust God and His power and obey His commandments, He will cause you to live, prosper and prolong your days in the country where you live. Cling on to this Lord!
May God bless you abundantly! Amen.
Our Loving Heavenly Father, Give my children the grace to live lives that are pleasing in your sight alone! Help them to lead a life of faith, a life of obedience and a life of truth. Safeguard them and their household from all kinds of trouble. Be with them and guide them through out this month.
In Jesus name we pray