All sufficient God

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ   our God, who created and formed us and who never ever forgets us. The blessed word that God has given for   you,  today  is  from  the  book of   Genesis 17:1 “Now when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; Walk before Me, and be blameless.”

From the above context we learn that   the Lord appeared to Abram and made a covenant with him. The Righteous God made a covenant with the most righteous man Abraham  during his time. Likewise we see that God found Noah as righteous man during his period in all the generations. Only to such people God demonstrates His power.   Throughout   the Scripture, we see how God, gently and gradually unveils His gracious character and His eternal attributes, first to one person and then to another. To David, God proved Himself to be his Shepherd. To Hagar, God revealed himself,  as the all-seeing One. He became a Banner and Standard to the wandering Israelites in the wilderness, and to the frightened Gideon He became Shalom – the Lord is my Peace. He appeared to Abram when he was ninety one years old, and changed his name to Abraham.  God also changed the name of  Sarai to Sarah.   He wanted to have close relationship with both of them as a united family.

There was an occasion when the Lord revealed Himself to Abraham as his Provider, but in this unique and touching episode, God disclosed Himself to the aging Abraham as Almighty God (El-Shaddai). It speaks of His majesty, strength, greatness, and power. And yet the name, ‘El Shaddai’, identifies our heavenly Father as the all-sufficient God – the God who is totally adequate to provide ALL we need according to His riches in mercy. We see that God made a personal encounter with Abraham to remind him that he had not forgotten His promise to him that he would bless him as the father of the nation and he will multiply him as the stars in the heaven, and expand his generation.  The Bible says, “Abraham believed in God, and so it was accounted to him for righteousness”.  Abraham believed that He would surely bless him with a child because  God  considered that which does not exist as though they existed. 

God  had  promised  Abraham with  the Seed through whom all the families of the earth were to be blessed. His advancing years appeared to contradict God’s former Word. It seemed impossible that the 90-year-old Sarah and her 100-year-old husband could parent a child, as God had promised some time before. Yet, in this gracious encounter, God reveals Himself to Abraham in a new and wonderful way – as ‘God Almighty’ – ‘El Shaddai’ –  ‘the All-Sufficient God’. And as it was with Abraham, so it is with all of God’s people. The All-sufficiency of God enriches, empowers, and provides for all God’s children. The precious promise of God’s all-embracing sufficiency, is equally relevant today as it was in those dim and distant days, when God called Abram,  a  Gentile, out of Ur,  to leave his land, his wealth, and his relatives, and go to the land God promised to show him. Abraham obeyed God implicitly and so he was blessed.

The young Abram had obeyed the Lord many years earlier and his faith was already credited to him as righteousness. But many years later, when that same man of faith was ninety-nine years of age, the Lord appeared to him in a new and special way. And Said to him, “I am God Almighty, “I am El Shaddai – the All-Sufficient One. Walk before Me and be blameless.”God wanted Abraham to walk as an upright man on the face of this earth. God always  promises on certain conditions. Here we see that God promised Abraham to bless him with  son Isaac, if he would walk uprightly before Him. God overshadowed and stirred the womb of the elderly Sarah, and empowered old Abraham to father this child, so God is able and willing to work His all-sufficient grace in the lives of each of His children.   For   there  is no partiality with God. 

Are you righteous and blameless before  God. Then God will perform a miracle for you even if you have grown old, and will magnify your name before your people as God blessed Abraham with a Child and honoured his faith. His faith in God was accounted to him as righteousness. Are you in need of a solution to your problem? Are you in need of a financial breakthrough? Are you struggling in your business? Are you waiting for God to bless   you with a Child? What is it that you want God to do for you? Do only one thing. Walk uprightly before God. God wants to make a covenant with you just as He made a Covenant with Abraham, He says, “You walk uprightly before Me, then I will fulfil the desires of your heart.” Abraham waited for God’s appropriate time and so was blessed. Make Abraham the “Father of Faith,” your model in life. Then you shall receive what you have been expecting over a long period of time. God expects a change in you. If you decide to live in obedience to God then He will bless you. Walk uprightly before God. Then God will bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we recognise Your almighty power and great glory, for the heavens declare its truth.  You are also our great Provider for which we   thank You. Your gracious provision is all-sufficient and we long to serve You faithfully, and to live a blameless life before You. Lord, we know that living blamelessly before You, will help us to receive   Your blessings. Teach us to be obedient  to You.  Help us to live as You desire.

In Jesus’ name we pray.



I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of  John 1:12 “But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become, children of God, to those who believe in His name.”

From the above passage we learn that God gave   the right to become the children of God, to all those who received His Son, Jesus Christ as   their personal saviour.  God the Father wants us to be His children. He says, I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings.  But God feels sorry, that they often refused to receive Him as their Saviour.  Just as a Father has compassion on     His children so the Lord has  compassion  on  those who fear Him . This is the nature of a Father.

We see the role of a good father displayed in the parable of the  “Prodigal Son.” When the prodigal son returned to his father we see the graciousness of the Father overshadowing the sinfulness of the son; as it is the memory of the Father’s goodness that brings the prodigal son back home. There are some who for their own selfish reason backslide and draw themselves away from the presence of God. When they go away from God, the devil attacks such people. They might be well educated Medical students or Engineers. But suddenly such students get caught up in depression. These students would have secured good score in their subjects, but suddenly they go into depression. This happens when one goes away from the Lord. Then the devil has an opportunity to take possession of such people. You should never give an opportunity for the devil to take possession of you. This is the moment you fall into sinful things and lose the glory of God. 

Back sliding can cause disastrous consequences. The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways. He may simply fall back through neglect by not praying, reading the Bible, and not keeping his focus on living for God, It can bring dishonour to the one who laid down His life for us (Jesus Christ.) But the Lord to such people gives an invitation saying, Return to Me with all your heart. In order to revive, the spirit of the lowly,  and to revive the heart of the contrite. “Return backsliding Israel, says the Lord. And I will not cause My anger to fall on you. For I am merciful” says, the Lord. The backslider in heart, will have his fill of his own way. But a good man obtains  favour from the Lord. 

God’s merciful purpose to His people is to revive and to restore. God calls us back to himself to be in fellowship. God demonstrated His love for us through the death of His son. Therefore, if anyone has gone away from the Lord , return back to Him, that He may heal you and bind you.  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.   God is merciful with the merciful, and with a blameless man He will show Himself blameless.  God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.  Dear Lord help us to search our heart and see   if we have backslidden.   We  pray for Your mercy. Forgive us  of our sinful nature and cause us to reconcile with  You.  Help us   to cherish your goodness rather than submit   ourselves, to worldly pleasures.   May   we experience the glory of God in our lives. 

In Jesus name we pray. 



I greet and bless every one of you in the Mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Exodus 23:26, “I will take sickness away from the midst of you. No one shall suffer miscarriage, or be barren in your land. I will fulfil the number of your days.”

From the above context we learn that if we serve the Lord and worship Him then God will remove all the sickness away from the midst of us. God will fulfil the number of days, which means He will grant us long life. God expected that the people of Israel should have a comfortable settlement in the land of Canaan. And therefore God made a condition of this promise that they should serve the only true God; not the gods of the neighbouring nations but to worship the true and living God Yahweh. 

Thus God kept on guard over His people,   and they were in continual dependence on God. Corruptions were driven out of the hearts of God’s people, little by little. God did not want them to make friendship with idolaters. They must keep themselves free from bad company. It is dangerous to live in a bad neighbourhood because others’ sins will be our snares. Our greatest danger is from those who would make us sin against God. So God commanded the Israelites to keep away from worshipping the pagan gods. 

When you have a closer walk with this Living God and serve Him in truth and Spirit, then God will help you close down all your debts. Many are pained at heart as you are doing business and since you had been very careless in your business transaction you have incurred a great loss in your business. As a result you are caught up in huge debts worth crores of rupees. You are constantly in fear of your life. You often think of committing suicide. But if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ the Living God and make up your mind to serve Him and worship Him alone then, this God will help you to close down all your loans in a miraculous manner. It is His responsiblility to help you as you now belong to Him.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”He is the only way to solve your problem, however small or big they might be.  Rely on Him. Look at Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith. You have a mighty God within you, then why worry about your debts. Let God be the source of your life. So Jesus can solve all your problems. Approach Him without hesitation; He will help you For He is known as Ebenezer which means Helper. He is willing to help you provided you serve and worship this Mighty God. God says, For I am the Lord your God showing mercy to thousands who love Me and keep My commandments. Therefore you shall fear the Lord your God , you shall serve Him, and to Him you shall hold fast for He is your praise, and He is your God, who has done great and awesome things.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.   Lord we thank You for instructing us to serve and worship the Living God. Lord help us to obey your commandments.  Give us the desire to serve You and You alone.

In Jesus name we pray. 



I greet and bless  in the Mighty  name of our Lord  Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Exodus 23:25, “ Worship the Lord your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water.” 

From the above context we learn that Our God expects us to worship Him and Him alone for He is the Most High God and the Living God. There is no other gods besides Him. Therefore all we need to do is to trust Him and serve Him wholeheartedly. When we serve Him then He will bless us. On that day, Joshua made a decision. He said, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” 

A man cannot serve two masters.  God cannot bless such people who are double minded. And Satan on the other hand will destroy you. So we need to take the right decision, as to whom you should serve. You cannot keep one foot in the clean water and another foot in the unclean water. You will never progress in your life. We have a Living God. That is why it is said, that we need to serve the 

People who believe in God will know that if God gives them a house, then He will surely bless their house, in which they live in.  It is God who writes your future.  He knows all about you. He watches over you day in and day out. He is everything   to you, He is Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End.  The First and the Last.   He is everything that you can depend upon. He will bless your bread and water. For the Lord hath chosen Zion; He hath desired it for his habitation. God says,  “This is my rest for ever: here I will dwell; for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.   ” By this God says, that He wants to dwell inside of you in your heart. He wants to make your heart His dwelling place. And when you give Him room, He will rest inside of you. And if He rests inside of you then you shall be blessed. 

David says in his psalms, “I once was young and now am old, yet never have I seen the righteous abandoned or their children begging for bread.”    This is the goodness of God that He has provided for His children in whose heart God dwells. Allow Him to stay inside of you. Give Him room in your heart. For Him to stay in your heart all you got to do is to keep it holy and perfect. For God is Holy. God wishes to dwell not only in your heart,  but also in your business  centre, at your work spot, in your study centre, wherever you stay , there He wishes to be. If you give room for Him then He will bless your food and water. He will bless the work of your hand. He will cause you to prosper in your business. He will satisfy the poor with bread through you. Your income will increase you will not lack anything. God will protect you from all harm and danger. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. He will guard you and keep you as the apple of His eye. Give Him room into your heart. God Bless you. 

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.    Father we invite You into our heart.  Come live inside of us. Help us to be a channel of blessing   to others. Fill our hearts with Your presence. Renew our mind, thought and our desires to be in par with You Lord. Bless our income. Teach us to be of help to the poor, and the widows. Never put us to shame. 

In Jesus name we pray.  



I greet and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of  Esther 9:1 “On the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, the verdict commanded by the king was to be carried out. On this day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but now the tables were turned and the Jews got the upper hand over those who hated them “

From the above context we learn that the enemies of the Jews had planned to destroy the Jews completely. But on the very same day, God turned it the opposite way and saved the Jews from the hands of their enemies. The Jews had light and gladness,   joy and honour. When queen Esther heard that a decree was passed against the Jews, to be killed and be destroyed and be annihilated.  Queen Esther said to king Ahasuerus,”If  it  pleases the king, let my life and the life of my people,  be allowed to live with freedom for we have been sold, my people, and I to be destroyed, to be killed, and to be annihilated.”  When the king heard that Haman was the cause for the evil plan schemed   against the Jews, the king arose in his anger, from the banquet arranged by queen Esther, and went into the palace garden. But Haman stood   before queen Esther pleading for his life, for he saw that evil was determined against him by the king. The king said,”  Will he also assault, the queen? Hang him on the gallows.” Therefore Haman was hanged in the very same gallows which he had prepared, for Mordecai the Jew.

The king gave his signet ring which he had taken from Haman and gave it to Mordecai. And Queen Esther appointed him over the house of Haman. Esther fell down at the feet of the king and implored him to counteract the evil plot of Haman and the scheme which he had devised against the Jews. So the king ordered Mordecai to write a letter with the seal of the king and send it across the country. And so he wrote in the name of the king, sealed it with the king’s signet ring and sent letters by couriers. Through these letters, the king allowed the Jews to protect themselves, from the people or the province that would assault them.

Then the couriers hastened and pressed on by the king’s command. And the decree was issued in Shushan, the citadel. And the city which was steeped in sorrow because of the king’s decree which  stated that all the Jews were to be killed both young and old, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, and to plunder their possessions. And hence the city of Shushan was perplexed. All things changed with a twist in the matter, because Queen Esther was bold to enter into the presence of the king, which was against the law, and she and her maids fasted and prayed for three days. She had likewise commanded Mordecai to gather all the Jews in the city of Shushan to fast along with her and pray for her people. Thus the people fasted and prayed for the deliverance of the Jews from the hands of  king  Ahasuerus. God heard the prayer of His people and turned the decree past against them in favour of them. The enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them but the opposite occurred. In that the Jews overpowered those who hated them.  As a result the city of Shushan which was once perplexed began to rejoice over the victory of the Jews.

Have you been perplexed like the people of Shushan, because someone who had been very closely associated with you has now come against you and has made some sort of sorcery or  witch craft against you or your son that he shouldn’t do well in his life.  Has someone    filed a false case against you? Are you afraid that the boss working   in your office will charge you for no reason of yours, let come what may. You hold on to Jesus,  He will turn everything in favour of you. All that people say or do against you will work out for the good of you. No man shall stand before you when the Lord is on your side. Say boldly,” What can man do unto me, if the Lord is on my side?”God was with Mordecai so Haman was made to hang on the very same gallows which he had prepared for Mordecai. God will turn the wicked plans of your enemies the opposite way. God Bless You.

 Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.  Lord we thank You for turning the wicked scheme of Haman in favour of the Jews. We thank You for giving the boldness to Queen Esther to go into the presence of the King though it was against the law. Teach us to fast and pray like Esther and her maids when we are in trouble.  Make all the wicked plans of our enemies schemed against us to revert on them.

In Jesus name we pray.  


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