Dearly beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Isaiah 33:6 , “ Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of  your times. And the strength of Salvation. The Fear of The Lord is His Treasure.”

God wants to give all those who fear God, three treasures, namely Salvation, wisdom and knowledge.  Those who wait for God by faith shall, find Him gracious to them. But if God leaves us to ourselves any morning then we are undone. We must commit ourselves to Him every morning, and go forth in His strength to do the work appointed to us for the day. 

When God arises His enemies are scattered. True wisdom and knowledge lead to strengthen our salvation which renders us steadfast in the ways of God. And true piety is the only treasure that cannot be plundered from us. May all those who fear the Lord, acknowledge, that God can do everything you ask for, according to His will.

The Word stability denotes firmness, steadiness, and   constancy   that prevailed during the time of Hezekiah the king of Judah. Strength of salvation –refers to the Saving Strength or Mighty Salvation. During his reign he undertook several reforms. He removed the high places and   broke the sacred pillars. He cut down the wooden images, and broke in pieces the bronze serpents that Moses had made. Thus he did what was right in the sight of God. Therefore God expanded his life span to 15 years. In those days, King Hezekiah was sick and near death. God sent word through Isaiah and so he said, to Hezekiah,  “ Set your house  in order for you shall die, and not live.” Then Hezekiah prayed to the Lord reminding Him of all His good deeds.  So God heard his prayer and added 15 years.   Hezekiah trusted in the Lord God of Israel, so after him there was none like him among all the kings of Judah. For King Hezekiah held fast to the Lord. He did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments. Therefore the Lord was with him. He prospered wherever he went.

 The Lord will prosper you too if you keep His commandments. You will also be blessed with all the three treasures of God namely, Salvation, Wisdom, and Knowledge. God wants you to experience the same first love, you   had when you were saved in Christ. God wants to bring you back to His fold, and wipe away all your tears   because of your backsliding.  He wants to re establish complete Salvation in your life. God is delighted to hear that His children walk in the Truth. The Bible says, In an accepted time I have heard you. And in the day of Salvation I have helped you. Now is the time of God’s favour. Now is the day of Salvation. This is the day to be saved.

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You   Lord, for forgiving our sins, and from backsliding. Help us to turn again to God. Teach   us to   acknowledge God, as our Saviour and Lord of our life. May we like Hezekiah trust in the Living God,   and hold fast to His word.  Bless us with the three treasures, Salvation, Wisdom, and Knowledge.

In Jesus name we pray.



Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I wish you a very Happy Easter, on behalf of my family and God’s Love Ministries. We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ,  as Easter Sunday.   The blessed word  that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of  Psalms 138:7 “ Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me. You will stretch out your hand, against the wrath of my enemies. And your right Hand, will save me.”

From the above context we see how the Psalmist prays to the Lord, with faith, hope and assurance, and cries to the Lord to revive him from the wrath of his enemies. Here we also see how the enemies crucified the Lord Jesus Christ outside the city for all the people to see his shameful death. He shed His precious blood for you and me and gave His very life on the cruel cross to redeem us from the bondage of sin and slavery. Later He was buried in a tomb. But after two days, even though his tomb was sealed by the Roman soldiers, the tomb was opened and Jesus Rose again victoriously. The earth couldn’t hold Him for He was the creator of both heaven and earth. 

Jesus rose again from the dead, that He might revive your dead situation. May be you are jobless, or unsettled, or going through financial crisis, or you may be steeped in huge debts. Whatever dead situation you may be going through,   God is able to do supernatural miracles for you and revive you from such horrible state of life. For it is a trivial thing for the Lord to do. The Lord Jesus Christ who rose again from the dead, by the power of His resurrection, is going to revive you from your fallen state of life to a victorious life.  All dead situations in your education, in your career, employment, business and  family life, and that of your children’s life will also be revived. 

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb was a great miracle. And hence we celebrate this day as Easter Sunday. Soon after his Resurrection, He appeared to his disciples. As prophesy I wish to tell all those of you who are reading this message,  that Jesus is going to appear before you and proclaim peace to you as he entered the room where his disciples were gathered together in fear of the Jews, that they too like Jesus might be caught and punished. So they hid themselves. But Jesus entered into the closed door of the room and said, “Peace Be Unto You.”Currently you might be walking in the midst of poverty, shame, debts, or disease, and you seem to be hiding yourself from others.  God is about to revive you from all these dreadful situation, that has caused fear, and anguish in your life. Cry unto the Lord asking Him to revive you. 

God revives His children through three ways. Firstly God speaks through His Word. David tells the Lord, “This is my comfort in my affliction, for your word has given me life.” 2000 years ago, while Jesus lived in this world, there was a widow in the town of Nain. Her only son had died and people were carrying the dead body of her son to be buried. When Jesus saw the woman weeping He had compassion on her and said “Woman Do Not Weep.” Looking at the dead body of her son he said, “Young man, I say to you arise.” The widow who thought that her life and her future had almost come to an end, was rejuvenated, and revived, when Jesus handed over her son alive to her. 

Secondly God revives His children through His grace. David says, “Revive me according to Your Loving kindness, so that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth.” Many of you think that you are unworthy or don’t deserve to be revived by God because your life had been a mess and you had lived displeasing to God, yet out of grace God is willing to revive you, and your situation. 

Lot found such grace in the eyes of God.   He and his family were living in Sodom and Gomorrah and because of the   wickedness of the people God wanted to destroy the city. So he asked Lot to leave to the nearby mountain. But Lot replied saying, “No my Lord I cannot escape to the mountains, lest some evil overtake me, and I die.” So he wanted to go to a nearby city called  Zoar. God said, “ See, I have favoured you concerning this thing also, for which you have spoken. Hurry escape there. ”  And God showed him favour and spared his life, since God is a God of compassion. And He remembered Abraham and sent Lot away from the city before it could be destroyed. Thus God showed grace to Lot. 

Thirdly, God revives His children, through the Name of Jesus,  as there is power in His name. The Psalmist says, “The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower the righteous run into it and is safe.” David says, “Revive me, O Lord, For your name’s sake!  For your righteousness’ sake bring my soul out of trouble.” When Jesus was walking on the road to Jericho, Blind Bartimeaus,   who sat begging by the road, called out to Jesus, saying, “Jesus,  Son of David, have mercy on me.” The Moment Jesus heard the blind man, he asked his disciples to bring the blind man  unto Him.  God revived the blind eyes of Bartimeaus, and restored him, his sight when he called out to His name.   Today God will revive the dead cells of your sick body. He will revive all the damaged organs of your body. He will restore your dead heart, your dead lungs, and restore good health to you and your children. God is capable of replacing new organs because it is a trivial thing for the Lord to do. May the Lord help you to be revived by the Resurrected Lord Jesus  Christ.  God Bless you. 

Prayer. Our   loving   heavenly Father,  we thank You for this blessed day                                        Lord we thank You for having  been  resurrected from the dead,   Bless us in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Help us to hold on to God’s word that has life and power. We thank You for saving us by Your grace.  May we be revived by the name of Jesus.  Lord revive every area of our life that needs restoration. Teach us to believe on the Promises of God.  Grant to us  Your favour which You showed to Lot and saved him from disaster. Be compassionate towards us, and help us in our day to day life. 

In Jesus Name We Pray. 


The Lord will help you.

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Isaiah 50: 7, “For the Lord God will help me. Therefore I will not be disgraced. Therefore I have set my face like a flint.  And I know that I will not be ashamed.” 

God did as He promised to do, for His son Jesus.   For He is the true God, and has all divine perfections in Him; He is equal to his Father in power, as well as in glory.  Jesus as man, expresses His strong faith and confidence in God.  But he was made strong by God the Father. Even Jesus needed help and assistance while he was on this earth from God the Father. Hence He boldly says, therefore I shall  not be put to shame. He   further says,  I  have  set my face like a flint  or as a  strong  stone, And this made Him all the more  hardened against all opposition; resolute and undaunted; constant and unmoved by the words and blows of men; He was not dismayed at his enemies, though they came to him as a thief, with swords and staves; to get hold of him to be crucified.  So He says, “And I know that I shall not be ashamed,  neither of his ministry, nor of his miracles,  nor of his obedience, which was pure, and perfect, and pleasing to God; nor of his sufferings, which were for the sake of his people;  he was not frustrated nor disappointed of his end.

From the above context we understand that our God will not put His children to shame. God will help you and so you will not be disgraced, before other people. God made a beautiful garden called garden of Eden and put Adam into it. There were all kinds of plants, herbs, and creepers. There were many animals and birds both male and female. But God found that  Adam was alone. So He thought that man should not be alone. Therefore he took a rib from out of his body while he was fast asleep and created a perfect match for him and called her Eve. He gave her to Adam to be his wife. God stood as a strong support in the garden for them.  He visited them at noon time and  spoke to them. 

Just as God, stood as a strong support for both Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, He has come down in a marvellous manner to stand as a support to you and your children. For God is mindful and cares for you.  He wants to help you in your life so that you will not be put to shame.  Today you are reading this message hoping that God will help you and will never put you to shame.  Doctors might have told you, “ Look there is no chance for you to give birth to a child.”They might have even told you to adopt a child or even suggested many other methods. But Our Lord will perform supernatural miracles for you.  Such is the nature and greatness of our God.     

We read in the Bible  about   Hannah who  faced  much sorrow on that day. Everyone looked at her in disgrace.   But God thought that she had suffered enough and did not wish that she should be put to shame any further so he descended upon her and blessed her with a male child called  Samuel, who later became the Prophet of Israel. Thus God honoured the  faith of  Hannah and made her a happy mother. God who performed a miracle for Hannah and made her a home maker, will also perform a miracle to you in your life.  Hereafter God will stand in favour of you and support you in such a way, that you shall never be put to shame. He is your refuge and strength, A very present help in times of trouble.  May You learn to trust in the Lord who is your help and your shield.  May your heart be steadfast trusting in the Lord. God bless you. 

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for standing with us as a strong support and for helping us in times of trouble. Lord we uphold Your name for You will never put us to shame. May we rely on You and not grow weary. Teach us to put our trust on You. 

In Jesus name we pray. 



I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ   our God,   who created   and formed us and who never ever forgets us. The blessed word that God has given for you,   today   is from the book of Luke 23:34 “Then  said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what  they do.” 

Today being “GOODFRIDAY” the whole world commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. This Friday comes before Easter Sunday that is the third Day of his death. This is a crucial day of the year as it celebrates the cruel death of Jesus Christ. 2000 years ago, while  Jesus lived on the face of this earth, Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease  among the people. He never did harm to anyone. He always did good all the days of His life. Yet those who received good from Him, turned against Him, and therefore the Pharisees, and Saudducees, and the high priest of the temples, being jealous about the ministry of Jesus and fearing that people would make Jesus their king,  turned the people against Jesus by saying all sorts of false accusation on Him and with the help of the people and the power of the high priest they crucified Jesus on the cross of Calvary.

While Jesus was hanging on the cross of Calvary, He uttered seven words. And one of them was the above words, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what  they do,” Despised, rejected and dying on the cross, with outstretched arms of love, to redeem mankind from their sins. The first thought on the mind of our Saviour was not hatred, revenge or self-pity but eternal forgiveness. He demonstrated a depth of forgiving love that passes all our understanding.  Even while He was hanging on the cross, the mind of Jesus was all about the people. So He cried out to His father, saying “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.  ”Till the very end of His life, He was a God who forgave all those who put Him to death. That is why He is God. He was born as an ordinary man, and lived the life of a man. He suffered on the cross as an ordinary man. His body was bruised for our sins. He was wounded for our transgression; He was bruised for our, iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him.  He became sin for our good. He became poor that we might become rich. He died that we may live. 

In the midst of hatred against God and His son Jesus Christ we have a glimpse into the Father-heart of God and the infinite passion and love of the Son Jesus by the following words uttered by Jesus while He was on the cross. “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” There was no resentment or anger, no bitterness, no feelings of hostility or damaged pride. Instead, Christ revealed   his act of divine forgiveness that embraced the crude Roman soldiers and the governor who compromised with their fabricated allegations and false testimony. The love that flooded from the heart of the Father and blood that streamed from the body of the Saviour was a demonstration of divine forgiveness and love divine – so that all who believe on His name are forgiven forever.

Jesus not only forgave the sin of the people but also gave them another opportunity to live their life. The scribes and Pharisee brought to him a woman caught in adultery. They said to Him, “Teacher this woman was caught in adultery. What do you say? ” But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground, with His finger. “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”Woman was standing alone with Jesus left   behind.  All the others had disappeared from there. Jesus looked at the woman and said, “I do not condemn you, go and sin no more.”Jesus gave her another opportunity to live her life. The Bible says, “He who is unjust let him continue to be unjust. Let the wicked continue to be wicked. And let the righteous continue to be righteous.” 

If you are alive in spite of Corona which caused death to many thousands of people, then remember that God loves you and has spared your life that you may live for Jesus. Repent of your sinful life and turn to God on this Good Friday, for God is ready to forgive and receive you as you are. God wants to change your lifestyle. Never cheat anyone. But live a God fearing life.  Make a decision today as Daniel made. He made a commitment in his heart that he would not defile himself, with the portion of the kings food, or with the wine, which the king drank. And because he made such a commitment, God exalted him in Babylon. God will exalt you also if you repent of your sin and turn to God. Forgiving others is a good experience. Many would have hurt you. They would have caused much shame to you. They would have been the cause for ruining your life. Yet all you need to do is to forgive them. When you forgive others God will forgive you. May God help you to forgive your neighbours, your enemies, and all those who hurt you. Then God will be pleased with you.  God Bless you. 

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Loving Father we bless and thank You, for   Your love that  was so great, that You sent Your only Begotten Son, Jesus to be our Saviour.  Lord we pray that You will give us the nature   of forgiveness to show the love of Christ to others. May our life be an instrument of praise and glory to Jesus our Saviour. Teach us to make a commitment like Daniel and also forgive us of our sins and give us another opportunity to live. Help us to observe the Good Friday with piety and sincerity.  And reveal our true love, to God and His son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross. 

In Jesus name we pray,


God Provides Gifts

My dear Brother and sister in Christ,   I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our God, who created and formed us and who never ever forgets us. The blessed word that God has given for you,   today is from the book of   James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift  is from above. And comes down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation.”

My Dear Brother and Sister,  From the above context we read about the nature of God.  And the various gifts, He bestows upon mankind without any partiality.  Whether it is good gift or perfect gift, or anything you ask for, comes down from Heaven, which is the origin of every good and perfect gift.  It is Heaven  that creates these gifts. It is sent or given to us, from the Father of Lights. We receive it from God and enjoy these gifts. What are the gifts which you expect from God? Are they obstructed from reaching you? Well God is today reasoning out, as to how He could grant you these gifts that   you desire for.

My Dear Brother and Sister,God is the giver of anything that is good.  Everything that we have is a gift from God, undeserved. After we  receive salvation   then, every gift from God is a bonus. Every situation, no matter how difficult, is a gift designed to bring us good in both this life and the next. The word “gift” denotes the act of giving. The emphasis is on the Giver. God is the Author of each and every good gift. He never solicits us to do evil; He always does  good. He always gives based on His character. He does not stop giving to us just because we fail Him. God gives to us on the basis of His character and not based on our character. God never gives us anything on the basis of who and what we are. God does not bless us because we give tithe, witness, or pray. We never earn or deserve  anything  from  God.

My Dear  Brother and Sister, God’s gifts to us are good because they come from Heaven . Because God is God, His gifts never lose their intrinsic value. Secondly . The word  “gift”  refers  to the thing given, rather than the act of giving. This is a gift granted as bounty, benefaction.  God is both the Giver and a generous source of “good” gifts. Everything that God gives, whether spiritual, physical, or social, is “perfect.” God’ gives His gifts “from above” as an act of His grace.    “The Father of lights” refers to God as Creator of the heavenly luminaries, the sun, moon, and stars. God is bountiful in His giving to us. God never lets us down. We fail Him, but He never fails us.. He never charges us for anything. We do not pay Him for the sunshine we enjoy.“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” Everything that we have is “from God.” Any prosperity that we possess came from God. Do you believe that everything that comes to us is a good gift even if we don’t see it as such? Since God is working all things  for our good? In other words, if we are living according to His will, then  everything that comes to us is good and perfect?

My Dear Brother and Sister, God knows the desires of your heart. The Bible says, For man sees the outward appearance, but the LORD sees  the  heart  from where all the desires emerge. The Bible further says, The Lord is in His holy temple. The Lord’s  throne is in heaven.  His  eyes  behold.  His eyelids test the sons of men. To those of you reading this message, I wish to tell you that God understands your thoughts, your intentions, your desires, and accordingly He grants gifts to each one of you without partiality. God also knows the problems that you are going through. He knows every movement of your life. As parents you know by looking at the face of your children, whether they are sad, or worried or cheerful. You even recognize their voice. If you parents can understand your children, then  how  much  more  can  God  understand  you  and  your  thoughts. The Bible says, “ if you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven, give good gifts to those who ask of Him? Therefore ask and you shall receive   good and perfect gift. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our   loving   heavenly Father, we  thank  You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for telling  us that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights in Heaven.  You show no partiality. You treat us alike. You give us even when we fail you. Lord help us to realize the value of these gifts that you give us and may we use them properly, with much fear and respect. Not to misuse the gift of God but to use it carefully.

In Jesus name we pray,


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