Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 33:20, “Look on Zion, the city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem, a peaceful abode, a tent that will not be moved; its stakes will never be pulled up, nor any of its ropes broken”. The Lord says that He will bestow these blessings upon those who look up to Zion (heaven).
When the Lord blesses you with His blessings, He will not uproot it off from you because it is He who gave it to you. In the above verse God says that He will not uproot that what He has given. The Lord is going to cause you to keep growing higher and higher. People might have been waiting for you to start to grow in what you do so that, they would be able to uproot you off even before you could have taken root. Do not worry my child for the Lord says that, no one will uproot you off from what you have started to do because it is He who blessed you.
The book of Amos 9:15 says, “I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them”. The Lord Himself says that He will not uproot what He has planted. No man can do any harm to you. God will make you to excel in all that you do according to His will. You need to have a steady mind only then God will be able to make you to stand firm.
The book of Hosea 14:5 says, “I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily. Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots”. The Lord says that He will descend upon you like the dew. The Lord will make you to come out of all your fears and you will bloom like the lily. When you put your trust in the Lord, you will fear no evil. The Lord will make you to take strong roots like the cedar of Lebanon. When you go forth to do any work with the strength that you have, the Lord will be your strength for He says that His strength is made perfect in your weakness.
My dearly beloved, if you feel scared or lost, do not be disheartened. The Lord says that He will be by your side in all that you do according to His will. Before you start to do anything, take a moment to pray and ask the Lord for His guidance. The Lord will guide you and you shall prosper in the place that the Lord plants you.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blesses day. Lord, Your word says in the book of Amos 9:15 that You will not uproot Your children from the land that You have placed them in. I pray that Your children may claim this word of blessing and seek Your guidance in all that they do. Take away fear from their hearts and strengthen them. Father, give them the wisdom to be vigilant in their work. Bless Your dear children. In Jesus name we pray,
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given you today is from the book of Isaiah 44:28, “who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please”. Today, God is going to perform wonders in your life.
King Cyrus was not a believer but he loved the Lord and did all that pleased Him. He was a king with a good heart and feared the Lord. God himself testified saying, “Cyrus is a good king who does all that pleases me”. God does not see your religion or your caste. He sees your heart. King Cyrus did all that the Lord wanted him to do.
We see in the book of Isaiah 45:1, “This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut”. The Lord has kept all the people under His control so that they would be of no hindrance to King Cyrus. As King Cyrus did all that pleased the Lord, God hedged him so that no one else would rise against him.
God says, “I am going to open the door that can never be shut.” God says that He is going to open a door for your ministries, for your job and even for your business. You may think that all the doors in your life have been closed and your life has been shattered. Do not be perplexed. The Lord who blessed King Cyrus is going to take hold of your hand and break the doors that are set before you. He is going to open the door of treasures and is going to prosper you.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for the blessed word that You have given us today. Father, we thank You for You are going to bless our nation with Your anointed leaders and break all the closed doors that have been set before us. Let Your will alone be done. In Jesus name we pray,
Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Acts: 17:27, “God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us”.
Apostle Paul’s main purpose in preaching was to command all men everywhere to repent of their sins and engage them to seek to know the true God , who has done all this for them, and to fear and serve him, and to glorify his name: Once if they realize the true God then they might be happy to feel for him, and find him; visible in the works of creation and providence, so to find God, as to know that there is one God, who has made all things; and so as to be convinced of the vanity and falsehood of all other gods.
Paul wants to reveal to all his hearers the weakness of false worshipers, yet, at the same time, he strongly intimates, how dim and obscure the light of nature is; since those, who have no knowledge of the true God are like persons in the dark who lack knowledge of the True God. Though he is not far from every one of us; but is found everywhere; and by his power, and by his goodness he is continually communicating the blessings of providence to them/ us.
I wish to indicate the importance of seeking God through the life experience of King David himself. David was once rejected and despised by his own father and brothers. He was tending his father’s sheep as a poor shepherd boy. But he feared God; he sought God even as a shepherd and therefore he was able to kill once a lion and later a wild bear which came to kill his sheep. God was with him, so he had an unknown strength. He killed the Giant Goliath a Philistine, who came against the Israelites. Therefore he rose to that of a king in Israel. He ruled Israel for 40 years. As a result, King David admonishes his son Solomon regarding his reverence to God. David looks at Solomon his son and says, “Solomon My dear son, If you seek God He will be with you. I am saying this, through my experience. That If I have risen up so high in life, from a very low position ,from being a poor shepherd boy to that of a king it is because I sought after God and made Him my portion and wealth of my life.” He tells, Solomon that he made God his portion and inheritance of his life therefore God has lifted him from a lower level to the position of a king. David had made God his wealth and cup of blessing in his life. Therefore he requests Solomon also to make God his portion and Inheritance of his life. He says to Solomon, “ if you seek him you will find him. If you leave him, He will leave you and that will be the end of your life.” This is what King David told his son Solomon.
If you give the first place to God then He will give you the first place in life. If any man, woman, or children who give God an important part in their life, then surely God will make them stand before kings and high dignitaries. The Bible says, But if you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul. God says,” I love them that love and those that seek me early shall find me.” Further He says, And you shall seek Me and find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart.” So I sincerely urge you to seek the Lord and be found by Him that you may enjoy the glory of God and all the blessings that the Lord had stored for you.. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day . Lord we thank you for telling us through Paul the necessity to seek God. May we really realize the importance of seeking God in our life. We know for sure that when we give God the priority in our life then He will lift us up in life, as He did in the life of David. Be with us, strengthen us and revive our hearts to behold the greatness of God and help us to be worshippers of true and living God.
In Jesus name we pray.
Dear Beloved Brothers and sisters in Christ,
I greet and Bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I waited upon the Lord with tears, the blessed word that the Lord gave me to bless you this day is from the book of Isaiah 43:18-19 ‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’
God is about to do mighty things in your life. Do not be worried of the petty issues you face in life. God wants to strengthen you this day. The Lord may take you through rough terrains and troubled waters so as to make you understand all difficulties a person may face in life. This is not to harm you, but to strengthen you in every aspect. The Lord wants to bring you out of all your difficulties and is going to do new things in your life today.
My beloved, new things have begun in your life right now. Rejoice in the Lord for he is going to do great and mighty things in your life. The Lord is going to place roads in the wilderness. My dear children, the Lord is going to open a brand new way in your deserted life today. A new way for your job, way for your income, way to close all debts, way for new things to happen in your life. The Lord is going to bring you out of all your problems today. Do not lose heart. Be of good cheer my child.
God Bless You!
Our Loving Heavenly Father, I thank you for this blessed day. I pray that You may bless Your beloved children with all the new blessings. In Jesus Name we Ask and Pray,
Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our God, who created and formed us and who never ever forgets us. The blessed word that God has given for you, today is from the book of Isaiah 45:23,” By myself, I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: ‘To me, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.’
From the above context we see how the Lord, has sworn from His mouth and what has gone out of His mouth in righteousness shall not return back without fulfilling His purpose for what He had sent forth His word. And until He fulfils His promises He will never leave you or forsake you. For all His promises are yes and Amen in Christ. God gave Joseph a vision at the age of seventeen. Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. The dream was that they were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly Joseph’s sheaf rose and stood upright, while all their sheaves gathered around his sheave, and bowed down to it. “When Joseph shared his dream with his other brothers, they became jealous of him. They did not like their brother Joseph since, their father Jacob had given him a coat of many colours. Moreover Jacob showed special attention to Joseph as he was the son of his dear wife Rachel. Now that he had lost his mother, Jacob showed more love for Joseph than all other elder brothers.
When Joseph shared his dream to his brothers they made fun of him. They said, “You are a small boy, and we are all elder to you. How can we bow before you? And they further said, “ Only if you are alive, your dream will come true.” So they decided to kill him. Of all the sons, Joseph was loved by his father the most. One day, the brothers saw their chance when they were feeding the flock the brothers saw Joseph from afar and plotted to kill him. They turned on him and stripped him of the coat his father made for him, and threw him into a deep pit. Though they thought of killing him they couldn’t. So they thought that they would sell him to the merchants. And at that time there passed by Midianites, merchants; and so they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit and sold Joseph to the Ishmaelite for twenty shekels of silver. And they brought Joseph to Egypt. Thus Joseph was taken to Egypt.
When God gives a vision to a person and if he is sent as an exile to another nation or if he is transferred to another place then even the vision will go along with the person. So when Joseph went to Egypt, then even his vision went along with him. No one could stop the vision that God had given to Joseph. The Brothers knew very well that God had given him the vision, yet they sold him to the merchants. Nobody could harm him until the promise of God, was fulfilled in his life. There in Egypt we see how Joseph rose to the position of a governor, Though Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, he rose to become the vizier, the second most powerful man in Egypt next to Pharaoh. And thereby his presence and office caused Israel to leave Canaan and settle in Egypt. There was famine in the land of Egypt for seven years and other surrounding nations. But Joseph had stored grain in his barn. When all Egypt began to feel the famine, the people cried to Pharaoh for food. When the famine had spread over the whole country, Joseph opened the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe throughout Egypt.
The land of Canaan too experienced famine in the land. So Israel ( Jacob) sent his sons to buy grain from the land of Egypt. So all the brothers came to Egypt to buy grain for food. They all fell before Joseph the governor of Egypt for grain but did not recognize him as their brother. Later He brought his father also into Egypt. Thus we see that the vision of Joseph came true. The Brothers realised that what God had promised had been fulfilled. No one could stop the vision of God from being fulfilled. Has God promised you with a vision? Then surely He will fulfil His vision in your life. You ask God to help you in your endeavour. It may be your studies or your business or Your career, You wish to reach the peak in these areas of your life. God might have promised you with a gift of a child. Though He delays He will fulfil His vision in your life. Because any word that has gone out from His mouth will not return without performing the purpose for which it was sent. God is a righteous God and He will keep His word. Believe in God and be blessed.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord we thank you for fulfilling the vision of Joseph. Joseph was faithful to God, in spite of all the difficulties he endured in the hands of his cruel brothers and in Potiphar’s house and in the jail. We thank You Lord for honouring Joseph. Help us to be like Joseph and endure patiently when we go through affliction. Lord fulfil the vision you have given us in our life too.
In Jesus name we pray,