My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us turn to Psalm 91:4: “He shall cover you with His feathers.”
The Lord promises to cover us with His feathers. There is also a verse that expresses God’s longing: “How often I have wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” God desires to gather us under His protection, but often we are not willing to yield to Him. His desire is to shelter us under His wings. When the scripture says, “He shall cover you with His feathers,” it speaks of God’s protection, whether from strangers, enemies, or even those within our own families who may try to harm us. Just as a mother hen instinctively shields her chicks from danger, so does God shield us.
Consider how a mother hen responds when a predator, like a vulture or kite, approaches. The hen will give a warning call, and the chicks, recognizing the danger, rush to gather under her protective wings. Once under her feathers, the chicks are hidden and safe from the predator’s view. Similarly, when we come under the protection of God, we find divine safety and security. When the chicks are nestled under the hen’s feathers, they also experience warmth and comfort transmitted from her body. Likewise, when we seek refuge under God’s wings, we receive His anointing and power. His warmth and protection envelop us, filling us with His presence and strength.
Therefore, each morning, submit your family and loved ones to God’s care under His mighty wings. Ask the Lord to protect and guide them. When you entrust yourself and your family to God, He will work wonders in your life. There’s a song that resonates with this theme:
“Lord, embrace me in Your loving wings. Lord, in the shadow of Your wings, gather me. Oh Lord.”
Dear children of God, ensure that your family remains under the protection of the Lord’s wings. When you commit to staying in His shadow, His grace will be with you wherever you go. You will be blessed in your coming and going. If you place your family, business, and ministry under His feathers, He will oversee every aspect of your life, safeguarding and establishing you. He will fulfill the desires of your heart, protecting you from all harm.
Dear Lord, we thank You for Your promise to cover us with Your feathers. We pray that You will cover and protect Your children, their businesses, their children, their ministries, and their jobs. Hide them under Your wings and provide for them. For those who come and stand under Your feathers, grant them perfect rewards, perfect jobs, perfect income, and perfect anointing. Grant them long life and abundant blessings.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let’s reflect on Psalm 46:9, “He makes wars cease to the end of the earth.”
My dear brothers and sisters, our God is the one who makes wars cease. He causes all wars to stop or come to an end. As we think about wars, the scene that comes to mind is the ongoing conflict between Israel and Lebanon, Israel and Palestine, and many other nations. Wars like the one between Russia and Ukraine are taking place, and many countries are enduring what we call “cold wars.” These cold wars can start small but may escalate into full-blown major wars. If we can bring cold wars to a halt, they won’t turn into larger conflicts.
The Bible tells us, “He makes wars cease to the end of the earth.” So, we must pray for the end of all wars, even those happening far away, in places like Israel and Russia. You may wonder, “Why should this matter to us?” But God’s children are spread across the world, and we must pray that peace will prevail among all nations. We also need to pray against wars within families. It’s easier to prevent a conflict than to stop it once it has begun. So how do we avoid conflict in our homes? By adopting a spirit of forgiveness and a give-and-take attitude. We must have broad-mindedness and be willing to let go of our pride. When we forgive and embrace love, conflicts can be avoided.
Why do conflicts arise between husbands and wives? Often it’s due to ego and small arguments that grow into larger fights. These little disagreements can escalate, sometimes leading to physical altercations. Some may say, “I only pushed them to defend myself,” but that push can be perceived as aggression, and before long, these issues turn into legal battles. Why does this happen? Because forgiveness is absent, and pride takes over.
The Bible warns us that in the last days, love will grow cold. But as children of God, our love should grow warmer every day, especially within our families—between husband and wife, parents and children. Love should be patient, kind, and free from envy. I pray that God’s love will pour into your hearts so that you won’t need to fight. Remember, the Lord will fight for you. If there’s a cold war in your marriage, one of you must take the step to give in. If the situation seems hopeless and your spouse walks away, submit the situation to God. He will end the conflict, restore peace, and reunite you. This is easy for the Lord. Whether the conflict is within your family, your workplace, or even your church, God is able to end all wars.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. We trust in You, the God who ends all wars. Lord, end the conflicts in families, churches, and nations. Even in places of business or work, where there are struggles and disputes, bring peace. After You end these wars, let there be no more conflict, just as Your Word says, “And a great calm prevailed.” Lord, bring peace to those separated by conflict, whether husbands and wives or even children. Reunite them and help them live in harmony. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
My Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us take from the book of John 16:24, “Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.”
My dear Brothers and Sisters, from now on, not just joy, but joy in its fullness will be your experience. God is going to grant you this complete joy. But what must you do to receive this joy? You need to present your wants and needs to the Lord and ask Him for them. Today, many people find themselves too busy to pray. May your prayer life, which may be in a lifeless state, be revived today. Often, when you need something, you go to others for help. You may ask someone for their jewelry to mortgage, to cover your expenses, and return it later. It’s not wrong to ask friends or neighbors for help, but first, you should ask the Lord—the One who is bound to provide for you, clothe you, pay your children’s fees, and ensure their marriages are arranged. That is why this verse says, “Ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.” If you ask the Lord first, before seeking help from others, He will lead you to the right person, and you will find favor in their eyes. Otherwise, you may not receive help. If you ask God, He will direct you to the right people or institutions, such as banks, and you will not be put to shame but will find favor and receive the help you need. It is not just about fulfilling your desires, but so that your joy may be full.
Today, you may be facing various challenges. Perhaps you’re without a job, your family is separated, you’ve been cheated after paying for a visa or government post, or your marriage has been delayed. Maybe your womb is closed, you don’t have your own home, or your children are living in sin and haven’t received salvation. Whatever your situation, the only solution is the Lord. Go to His presence and lay all your burdens before Him. Tell Him about your problems, your family’s salvation, or personal struggles.
God will answer your prayers and perform miracles, ensuring that your joy is made full. Whatever your needs may be, go to the Lord, who is your anchor. Present your needs to Him. Just like we did while constructing our headquarters in Chennai, facing financial challenges, we prayed earnestly to God, and He met our needs in surprising ways. God made it possible for us to clear our commitments—just as He will do for you. My beloved, instead of worrying about what to do when creditors come knocking, I encourage you to spend time with the Lord, asking Him for help. God will send assistance from all directions. He will stretch out His hands and provide for you. If you practice this, you will experience great joy in your life.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, they have many commitments, and many obstacles may stand in their way. But You have given us wise counsel: to come to You and ask, and You will answer in such a way that their joy will be full. Lord, I pray that You give them the spirit of prayer, so they may ask and receive what they need from You. Whatever their needs, Lord, let them stand in Your presence and make their requests known to You. Let them not be borrowers but lenders. Let them not live in poverty but in abundance. Bless them with all they need, and let many good things happen in their lives, that their joy may be full. Open their wombs, build their homes, and bring salvation to their families. Let their joy be complete. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us take this verse from the book of Jeremiah 17:17, “You are my hope on the day of doom.”
My dear brothers and sisters, this verse reminds us that in the day of trouble, the Lord is our refuge. Often, when hardships come into our lives, people tend to seek relief in worldly pleasures. When difficulties or famine arise in a person’s life, they may be found in places like a bar or engaging in temporary pleasures, trying to forget their worries. You might hear them say, “Nothing good is happening in my life. I’m depressed, mentally exhausted, and drinking to forget my worries.” Some even turn to harmful habits like drugs, offering the excuse that it helps them escape their problems. But what does the Bible say? It tells us that in times of trouble, we should turn to the Lord, for only He can truly rescue us from our situations. So, I urge you to take this good counsel. When hardships come, come to the Lord. As the verse says, “You are my hope on the day of doom.”
Surrender yourself to the Lord. I remember in my youth, when I faced problems, I would go to the church and sit in front of the cross. Coming from a Roman Catholic background, I remember the church doors being open from morning until evening. I would go, sit before the cross, and pour out my heart silently. My mouth wouldn’t speak, but my eyes would fill with tears. I didn’t know many prayers, but I would say the ones I had learned. After a while, the tears would stop, and I would leave feeling lighter, not knowing where my burdens had gone. Somehow, the problems would resolve themselves.
Even now, when I face struggles, I close my door, sit quietly, and cry. Sometimes, when we’re in trouble, we don’t have the words to pray. But if you sit silently before the Lord, you’ll feel a great peace. And when you step out, you’ll witness miracles in those very areas you cried about. This is what the verse means, “You are my hope on the day of doom.” There’s no need to turn to sinful activities, drink, or roam around seeking temporary relief. Instead, go to the Lord. Go to your room, close the door, sit quietly, or go to any church and sit at the foot of the cross. There’s power in that experience. Only if you try it will you understand. Today, I offer this counsel to you: when trouble comes, seek refuge in the Lord. He will do great things for you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless all these dear children in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for surrounding them with Your grace. In times of trouble, let them not run here and there seeking sinful pleasures. Instead, let them come to You and fall at Your feet for a permanent solution to their problems. Let them receive this counsel from Your Word and be blessed. May they enjoy good health and prosper in all things, just as their soul prospers. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us reflect on the verse from the book of Isaiah 42:3: “A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justice for truth.”
In this verse, we see that the reed has been bruised, indicating that it has become weak and is on the verge of breaking. But the Lord says that even though your strength may be waning and you may feel as though you are about to break, He will revive and restore you. Our God is one who will protect and rejuvenate the weak and bruised reed that is nearly broken. As another verse assures us, “They will still bear fruit in their old age; they will stay fresh and green.” This means that even in old age, we can receive renewed strength and vitality. Whether you feel weak, whether your business or ministry is struggling, or whether your education seems to be faltering, God is ready to revive and restore it.
Furthermore, God will not quench a smoking flax. If a flax is smoking, it signifies that it is on the brink of being extinguished. But if it is burning, it means the light is still present. If any part of your body is functioning weakly or is on the verge of failing, such as your lungs, liver, brain, or kidneys, God is capable of renewing and revitalizing those organs. He will not let them be extinguished but will restore them to health. God will also bring forth justice for truth. He will address any injustices you have faced. Whether it is in court cases, family disputes, or false accusations, God will assess and bring justice to you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. We ask that You intervene and bless those who are on the verge of breaking, whether it be their businesses, ministries, or jobs. May You revive them and restore them to wholeness. We also pray for the organs in their bodies that are failing; protect them and renew their function as You have promised. As You have said, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth.” Renew all things, Lord. Reveal the truth about those who are suffering injustice, and let justice be done in their lives. For those who are crying out for justice, let Your righteousness prevail in all their matters.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.