My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let’s read together from the book of Psalm 72:12: “For He shall deliver the needy when he cries, the poor also, and him that hath no helper.”
My dear brothers and sisters, today, if you are poor and needy, just an ordinary poor person, and you approach someone for help, they might ignore you. They may pretend not to hear you. Some will disregard you completely. They won’t consider you as a person of worth. They might think, “What difference does it make if this person calls out to us?” And so, they keep going. But God is not like that. “For He shall deliver the needy when he cries, the poor also, and him that hath no helper.”
In the past, the blind man Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus. Jesus was ready to help him, but those nearby tried to silence him, telling him not to disturb Jesus. They attempted to stop him. But if he had been a wealthy or prominent person, and Jesus had called him, they would have said, “Come, sir, Jesus is calling you.” Such is the world. But our Lord isn’t like that. When Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me,” Jesus stopped, asked him to come forward, and inquired what he wanted. Bartimaeus responded, “Lord, open my eyes so I may see.” Jesus immediately performed a miracle, restoring his sight. God granted him divine healing. God hears the cries of the needy, the poor, and those without a helper.
Even if your own spouse, children, or family members may not heed your voice or respect you, God will. He will hear your cry, He will stand by you, and He will solve your problems. Today, call upon God, just as Bartimaeus did. Say, “Lord, help me in this matter.” Not only does God deliver the poor, but He also helps those who have no one to lift them from their fallen state. God will come to the aid of even such as these.
Consider the man at the pool of Bethesda, lying there for 38 years with no one to help him—no parents, siblings, or friends. Jesus went in search of him, saw his suffering, and healed him, sending him home. This is the difference between man and God. We who have Jesus as our God are truly blessed.
In what area do you need help today? One of God’s many names is “Ebenezer,” which means “Helper.” Today, the Lord is ready to extend His hand to help you in your business, job, health, or marriage. In everything, God’s helping hand is there to fulfill the purpose of your life.
Brother P. John from Mahabalipuram shares, “Regarding my family matters, I had been asking Brother Stephen through email to pray for my problems. He prayed for me earnestly, sent Bible references, and replied to my emails. Soon after, God answered my prayer requests. On February 9, 2023, my daughter, Evangeline Jenisha, by God’s grace, had a blessed wedding. On February 27, 2023, God helped me to sell my property for a good amount. God also helped my second daughter, Christline Jerusha, to go abroad. Through Brother Stephen’s prayer, God helped my brother-in-law, Jayasinghe, who was in deep debt, to clear his debts and reclaim his home. Truly, God helps those who have no helper.”
Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, You hear the cry of the poor and deliver them, the needy, and those who have no helper. Lord, for those who feel helpless and are longing for Your help, we ask that You come to their aid. For those who have been disappointed and feel let down, we ask for Your miracle and deliverance. May they be rescued from difficult situations and honored. Thank You, Lord, for stopping at the cry of the needy, just as You did for Bartimaeus. For those seeking financial support, a promotion, a transfer, or any form of assistance, we pray that You grant their requests and bring them joy.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray,
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Take with me and read from the book of Psalms 50:15: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”
My dear brothers and sisters, when we face difficult situations, our first instinct is often to approach a friend or a relative, hoping they will help us. But sometimes, when we look for their support, they may not be able to help, leaving us feeling disappointed. It’s not wrong to seek their help, but the first thing we need to do is call upon God. That’s what this verse says: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” God will surely deliver you.
When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, God delivered them by standing in their midst. When Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, God intervened, shutting the mouths of the lions and delivering him. So when you encounter difficult situations—if someone causes disturbances or if someone has planned to harm you or your family through witchcraft or black magic—let your first response be to call upon the Lord without hesitation. This is like “first aid.” Just as people receive first aid when they’re hurt before being rushed to the hospital, we should seek the Lord’s help by calling out to Him. Looking up to God and calling out to Him is necessary. Pray, “Lord, I’m in trouble, and it’s come unexpectedly, by unexpected people, from an unknown source. Lord, please help me in this matter.” Then God will come to your aid in difficult times.
But should we call on God only in times of trouble? No! You can call on the Lord at any time: for admission for your child, for a job, or if your child faces a difficult situation or delay in marriage. If they haven’t received the gift of a child, call on the Lord. At times of sickness or accidents, call on God. Sometimes, when people fall, they call out to their father or mother. But if you fall, call on Jesus. It’s not wrong to call on Father or Mother, but they might be far away and may not hear you. If you call on God, however, He will come and rescue you, no matter where you are—even at sea. He will come and deliver you from any situation you’re going through. So, hold on to this word and apply it in your life, and you will see deliverance. I pray and bless you to receive and enjoy this deliverance. Once you experience deliverance, don’t drift away. Instead, glorify God’s name in your life.
Let me share a testimony about what God did for Mercy Thomas. She said, “Brother, people used witchcraft and sorcery to try to separate my husband and me, causing us much distress. In this difficult time, I sent a prayer request via email, and you prayed earnestly, sending me Bible verses. I prayed daily with those verses, and God heard my prayer. Through Brother Stephen’s prayer, the Lord performed a great miracle. My husband, children, and I now live happily together.”
Think of that sister, who may have tried many things, but what truly worked was bringing her problem to God. I prayed for her and sent her God’s word, and that word came to pass in her life. Today, God can perform a miracle for you too. Hold on to His word, pray, and the Lord will act.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, You have said, “Call upon Me, and I will deliver; and you shall glorify Me.” Today, for all the prayers of Your children, we ask that You perform miracles and bless them.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read from the book of Jeremiah 31:14, “My people shall be satisfied with My goodness.”
My dear brothers and sisters, God is addressing you as “My people,” showing His ownership over you. Secondly, He says, “They shall be satisfied with My goodness.” If God begins to do good, then all evil will disappear. That day, to change the evil done to Joseph into good, God performed a miracle for him, didn’t He? He took Joseph out of prison during the night, changed the cruelty and harm done to him, and appointed him as the ruler of Egypt. Today, He will perform a miracle for you as well.
“My people shall be satisfied with My goodness.” This means the good job that God is giving you, the good visa that God is granting you, the good life partner the Lord has prepared for you, the good gift of the womb, the good house, and the good spiritual experience the Lord provides. God will give you the good gift of salvation and help you live happily and peacefully on the face of this earth.
“My people shall be satisfied with My goodness.” This means God will bless you with good income, permanent income, and every form of goodness. The good health, the power, and the gift of the Holy Spirit will be given to you. God will satisfy you with all these, turning your dissatisfaction into contentment, helping you live joyfully in the Lord. You will find happiness in your business and education, satisfaction in your job, and fulfillment in your ministry. God will bless you in all things. From now on, you will no longer say that you are dissatisfied with your job or your ministry. God will bless you abundantly and honor you.
Now, let us end with a testimony from Sister Punitha of Kanyakumari. She has written: “My daughter’s nine-month-old child was suffering from a cold, and blood was flowing along with mucus from the child’s nose. When we took the child to the hospital, the doctors said that the intestine had gotten caught (sorigi pochi), and surgery was necessary. I called the God’s Love Prayer Tower and requested prayer for my grandchild. The prayer warriors prayed sincerely, and God heard the prayer. Without surgery, God granted perfect healing to my grandchild.”
Today, maybe your grandchild, parent, or someone in your family is suffering from a health issue, and the doctor has suggested surgery. But at the eleventh hour, God can change the situation, and even if surgery is advised, He can heal without it. It can happen for you today.
Dear Lord, we thank You. You are a God who does wonders and miracles for Your children. Lord, perform a miracle for them today. Let them witness Your goodness. You are a God who went about doing good while You were on this earth. Let Your children be satisfied with the goodness You provide. Clear all their debts. Turn their shame into honor. Give them sound sleep. Heal their diseases. Break all bondages. Grant them a bright future and honor them. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read together from the book of Psalms 34:10: “The young lions lack and suffer hunger, but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”
My dear brothers and sisters, today we may find a lot lacking in your body, in your family, in your income, in your prayer life, and in your anointing. There may be a lot of lack in various areas of your life. But the verse says, “For those who seek the Lord, they shall not lack any good thing.”
Recently, a couple came to see me. Both husband and wife approached me, saying, “Ayah, we have everything, but we don’t have a child. We both have good incomes, we have wealth, and we own a house. But despite spending a lot of money, we have not been able to receive the gift of a child.” While praying for them, I told the Lord, “The Shunammite woman had everything. She was an honorable woman in her city, but she did not have a child. When she met Prophet Elisha, he called her and told her that she would have a son by the same time the following year. His words came to pass, and the woman had a child.”
So I gave the same word to the couple who came for prayer. I told the Lord, “They have come in search of You for the gift of a child. You have said that those who seek You shall not lack any good thing. They have only one thing missing, and that is the gift of a child. Lord, give them the gift of a blessed child. Help them to embrace a child at the appointed time.” I prayed for them and sent them with God’s blessing.
Since they were new believers, they didn’t know the story of the Shunammite woman. So I shared the scripture with them and asked them to read it and claim the promise for themselves. Just as the word of Prophet Elisha was fulfilled in the life of the Shunammite woman, I assured them that this word would be fulfilled in their lives as well. The word of God will go forth and accomplish what it was sent to do; it will not return void. If you believe in the word, you shall see the glory of God.
By God’s grace, the woman conceived in the same month! They were amazed and shared with me, saying, “Had we met you earlier, maybe we could have received this blessing much sooner. We have delayed coming to you and spent much in the process.” I replied, “God has made everything beautiful in its time. This is your appointed time, and the Lord has fulfilled it.”
You might think that you must seek the Lord and tell Him your grievance for Him to help you. But whether you go to Him or He comes in search of you, His response is the same. Many of you have opened your mobile, your TV, or your laptop in search of God to listen to this Mangala Vaarthai (auspicious word). This act of seeking the Lord through His word is itself an act of faith, and God will fill all your emptiness and perfect everything that is lacking in your life.
Dear Lord, we thank You. As per Your word, may Your children seek after You and Your Word. This morning, they are searching for Your Word. They have opened their TVs, mobiles, or laptops to seek You. For these children who are in search of You, let them not lack any good thing. Whatever lacks there may be in their body, family, business, or ministry, Lord, I pray that You will meet all their needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read together from the book of Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
My dear brothers and sisters, because of His love for you, He will come and dwell within you. When God comes and dwells inside of you, all the barriers in your life will be broken down, and good things will happen for you. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus went into the house of Jairus, the head of the synagogue. His daughter, who was 12 years old, had died, but Jesus entered the house, and something good happened—He brought life back to that little girl.
Similarly, Jesus went into the house of Peter’s mother-in-law. He entered the house joyfully, and as His heart rejoiced while sitting there, Peter’s mother-in-law was immediately healed of the severe fever she had been suffering from. When God comes and sits in your house, miracles will happen. On that same evening, many people gathered outside Peter’s house, and Jesus performed miracles for all of them.
In case you are hoping for a change in your business, character, or industry, expecting some breakthrough in your life, God says, “Surely there is an end, and your hope will not be lost.” God must come joyfully into your home and dwell with you, and what He will do will be marvelous in the eyes of all the people. He will untie all the bondages of sickness in your body, and even the bondage of death will be removed.
The King of Judah will stand majestically and help you stand, walk, and run with enthusiasm. God’s strength will heal your leg that has been affected by paralysis. Your eyes that could not see will begin to see. Your ears that could not hear will start hearing properly as the resurrection power of God comes inside you. Your kidneys, which were not functioning, will begin to function properly. Your lungs and liver, which may have been damaged, will be made new by the power of God. He will perform a miracle for you.
In this “Mangala Vaarthai” program, God has given us a testimony of a great miracle. Listen to it—it will be of great use to you. Brother Chellapa from Perundurai, Erode, shares his testimony: “There was a big loss in my business, which led to huge debts. As a result, I suffered greatly. At that time, I watched a program by Brother Stephen, and he prophetically said, ‘You who are struggling with debt, God will do a miracle for you today.’ I held onto that word, prayed, and said, ‘Lord, let this auspicious word come to pass in my life.’ I went to work; I am a driver for a medical doctor. That very day, as soon as I took the car, the doctor came and sat inside. I asked him for ₹2 lakhs and requested that it be deducted from my salary. Without hesitation, the doctor gave me the amount, and I was able to clear all my debts. I had been paying ₹32,000 as interest every month, but in a moment, the Lord helped me clear my debts. God changed my situation and performed a miracle.”
See how this brother believed the auspicious word and acted on it. God says there is a way for you to clear your debts. If you think in worldly terms, nothing may happen, but when you trust God’s Word, He will make a way. Brother Chellapa had never heard the Mangala Vaarthai before, but on that particular day, he heard the word and applied it in his life. No person would normally lend such a large sum to a driver so easily, but the doctor gave him ₹2 lakhs, thinking his driver should be free from debt and work peacefully. If a doctor can do that for an ordinary driver, imagine what the favor of God can do for you! Today, a miracle will happen for you too.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all Your children in the name of Jesus. As they have heard this word today, “The Lord, because of His love, will enter and sit joyfully in their homes,” may You come into their lives, families, businesses, and ministries, and do great things. In whatever struggles they are facing, Lord, I pray that You will intervene and bring them into a broad place. Deliver them from all their challenges and open the windows of heaven so that they may clear all their debts. In Jesus’ name, we pray,