Complete Blessing

Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, February 12th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.

Today’s Auspicious Word:
Isaiah 44:3 – “I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring.”

God promises to pour out His Spirit on your descendants and His blessings on your offspring. For a person, the completeness of a blessing is only achieved when both spiritual and worldly blessings are combined. That is why, in this verse, the prophet Isaiah reveals that God does not stop at granting only spiritual gifts, power, and anointing. Instead, He also pours out His blessings on your descendants and offspring. This means He will not leave your children in spiritual famine or drought but will bless them in every way.

Through this auspicious word, understand that true blessings are complete when both spiritual and worldly blessings come together. They are like two eyes—one cannot be sacrificed for the other. Both eyes provide vision, just as both blessings bring divine light and abundance.

That is why, when Jacob blessed Joseph, he said:
“With blessings of heaven above,
Blessings of the deep that lies beneath,
Blessings of the breasts and of the womb.”

This signifies a complete blessing—both heavenly and earthly. From now on, your children will grow and multiply with complete blessings, receiving both spiritual and worldly abundance. The Lord will help them shine brightly in their spiritual walk. If they have been struggling in their faith, this verse will be a turning point for them. They will walk in the light of this promise. I thank the Lord for revealing this message to us. Pray fervently and praise Him continually. If you feel sleepy while praying, stand up and sing worship songs. Play some uplifting music and sing along as you walk around. Avoid praying while sitting or lying down, as it may lead to drowsiness. Instead, kneel and pray, for when you kneel, the enemy will flee, and your family will be blessed.

Testimony – Brother Vasanth Raj
My name is Vasanth Raj, and my wife’s name is Sheeba. We attend the Anbarin Paathathil meeting every month without fail and receive the Lord’s blessings. My wife had an issue with her menstrual cycle. Initially, we thought she was pregnant, so we visited the doctor. However, after a scan, the doctor informed us that she had a cyst and that she could conceive only after six months.

We participated in the Anbarin Paathathil meeting, and after the session, we met Brother Stephen for prayer. Without us mentioning anything, he placed his hand over my wife’s head and prophetically declared, “You shall become a happy mother.” He prayed for us with faith. On the 28th day, we visited the doctor for another scan. To our surprise, my wife was confirmed to be pregnant! The very doctor who diagnosed the cyst was amazed, saying, “The cyst has disappeared, and a fetus has formed.”

Even during labor, the Lord was with my wife and graciously helped her deliver a beautiful baby girl. A million thanks to the Lord for fulfilling His promise and blessing us with a child. Dear children of God, through this testimony, a chain of miracles will unfold in your lives. The Lord will do wonders for you as well!

Loving Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I bless Your children. Just as we heard in this testimony, if any of them are struggling with cysts or fibroids that are hindering pregnancy, deliver them today and make them joyful mothers. Lord, for those who have been waiting for a child, open the treasures of heaven and bless their wombs, that they may rejoice in motherhood. If any child has strayed spiritually and is walking in the ways of the world, pour out Your Spirit upon them and anoint them to flourish in their spiritual life. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

Bountiful Harvest

Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, February 11th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you.

Today, what is the auspicious word that God has for us?
2 Corinthians 9:6 – “He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”

If you put in a lot of effort, you will reap abundantly. If your effort is minimal, then your harvest will also be minimal. For example, if you sow one measure of paddy, you will reap accordingly. If you sow ten measures of paddy, your harvest will be much greater. The Bible beautifully emphasizes that when you sow bountifully, God will bless you with an abundant harvest. Some may think this verse applies only to offerings, but that is not the case. This principle applies to every aspect of life. If you study more, you will score better. If you work diligently, your rewards will be greater. Those who wake up early and dedicate themselves to studying will achieve high marks, even if their memory power is weak. God sees the effort and blesses accordingly.

Similarly, in the workplace, a part-time job yields a part-time salary, while a full-time job provides a full-time salary. Some even work overtime to receive extra earnings. The same applies to ministry—if you dedicate only a few hours a week, your impact will be limited. However, if you commit yourself fully, meeting and praying for people daily, God will bless and expand your ministry. Whatever you do—be it ministry, work, or business—the effort you invest determines your harvest. The more you sow, the more you will reap.

Sister Vasantha Rajkumar from Bangalore
Praise be to God! My son, Vasantha Kumar, lost his job due to an unexpected issue. Despite many attempts, he was unable to find another job. During this difficult time, I regularly watched the sermon you share on Nambikkai TV at 11:00 PM and prayed along with you. Your messages and prayers gave me great comfort and faith. I made an oath and gave an offering to God’s Love Ministries for my son’s job. The Lord accepted my offering, heard my prayers, and blessed my son with a high-position job with a great salary. As a token of gratitude, I have sent ₹20,000 from his first salary to God’s Love Ministries. Praise be to God! My son, who was unemployed for so long, received a miraculous breakthrough through prayer. The Lord will do the same for you!

Loving Lord, we thank You. You have said that those who sow bountifully will reap bountifully. Many of Your children are crying out, saying they see no harvest. Today, bless the work of their hands so that they may reap abundantly. Bless their education, ministry, work, and business. Give them strength and a desire to work diligently. Let them not be lazy, expecting an abundant harvest without effort, but let them work with enthusiasm, prayer, and integrity. As they labor, may they receive a bountiful blessing and experience miraculous abundance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prophetic Fulfillment

Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you today through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.

The word that the Lord has for us today is from Isaiah 61:7:
“Instead of your shame, you shall have double honor.”

God Turns Shame into Honor
When Rachel gave birth to her son, she declared, “The Lord has taken away my reproach.” She named the child Joseph, believing that God would bless her with another. And indeed, the Lord blessed her again. He removed her disgrace and replaced it with joy. Today, you may feel rejected, insulted, or spoken ill of by others. People may treat you poorly or disgrace you, but do not be troubled—this is all they can do. However, do you know what God can do? The very place where you were humiliated, where your head was held down in shame—God will lift you up and give you double honor.

Hannah was ridiculed by Peninnah, who constantly provoked her to the point of deep sorrow. However, the Bible does not mention the names of Peninnah’s children, but Hannah’s son, Samuel, is known throughout Scripture. This is what it means to receive double honor from God. People may continue to speak ill of you, but God will bless you abundantly. Instead of dwelling on their words, pray for them. Do not curse those who curse you. Say to the Lord:

“Lord, they have hurt me, but bless them. Do not let my pain bring harm to them or their family. Let good happen to them.” This is the teaching of Christ in the New Testament. We are called to bless, not to curse. Instead of wasting time thinking about those who have wronged you, focus on the work God has given you. Keep doing His will, and in the very place of your shame, He will bless you with double honor.

Testimony of God’s Faithfulness
Sister Jenny Joseph from Padapai shares her powerful testimony:
“It had been six years since my marriage, and I had no child. I was saved four years ago, but my relatives insulted and mocked me. They made me feel ashamed in my community. In my sorrow, I cried out to the Lord. One day, I heard that Brother Stephen was preaching at a church in Chennai, Ayapakkam. I attended the meeting, and his sermon comforted me deeply. After the service, my husband and I approached him for prayer. Without us even mentioning our situation, he placed his hands on my head and prophesied: ‘Before the birth of Christ, you will bear a son and name him Samuel.’ At that time, the doctors had told me that conceiving was impossible. They suggested adoption as the only option. My husband and I wondered how this prophecy could come true. But I held onto the word spoken over me.

Amazingly, I conceived! The doctors gave me a due date of December 27th. But as God had promised, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on December 2nd, before Christmas. Instead of shame, God honored me. I thank Him for this miracle and for the prophetic word that was fulfilled exactly as spoken.” Even when the world says there is no chance, God makes a way. He turns impossibilities into miracles!

Prayer for Today:
Loving Lord, we thank You. I bless my children in Jesus’ name. Lord, You have promised that instead of shame, You will give double honor. Today, I pray for those who have faced disgrace, reproach, and sorrow. Let this word bring comfort and miracles into their lives. For those who were humiliated, let their names be lifted high. For those who are barren, let their wombs be opened. For those in debt, let their burdens be lifted.
For those facing marriage hindrances, let the obstacles be removed. For those struggling with visa barriers, let doors be opened. Let the Lord do great and mighty things in their lives.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Divine Treasure

Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, February 9th, through this daily auspicious word. May God bless you abundantly.

Today’s Auspicious Word:
Let us take and read Exodus 19:5: “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.”

“You shall be My special treasure, for all the earth is Mine.” The Lord looked at the people of Israel and declared, “Above all people, you are My special treasure.” The word treasure refers to something valuable and precious. The Lord is saying, “You are My great treasure.”

In some places, I have seen parents telling their children, “You are my greatest treasure. What could be more valuable than you? You are my God-given gift, my God-given wealth, my God-given heavenly treasure.” Some elders also express this same sentiment toward their loved ones. But more than what any parent or elder can say, the Almighty God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, declares, “You are My special treasure.” This means that God respects us, cherishes us, and sees us as His valuable possession. Only a loving father and mother can say, “Child, you are my treasure.” And God, our perfect Father, is saying this to us today.

If we want God to call us His special treasure, what should we do? The verse tells us: “If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant.” This means we must obey God’s laws, follow His commands, and apply His teachings in our daily lives. When we do this, we become God’s special treasure. And as a result, the Lord will bless us with the riches, wealth, and blessings of the earth. Isn’t that wonderful? So, how many of you want to become the Lord’s special treasure? When you become His treasure, He will bless you with honor, prosperity, and success in your family, ministry, career, and every area of your life.

A Powerful Testimony:
Brother Sathiadhas: “I sent a prayer request to Brother Stephen, asking for prayer support for my daughter, who was preparing for the RBI Grade B Officer’s first-level exam. Brother Stephen prayed and replied with scripture verses. According to God’s divine plan and will, and through Brother Stephen’s anointed prayers, my daughter passed the RBI Grade B Officer’s first-level exam with excellent marks. I am overjoyed to share this testimony! It was God alone who granted my daughter this victory and honor.”

Loving Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray that You transform every child reading this message into Your special treasure. Help them to hold on to Your covenant, obey Your voice, and live according to Your Word. As they do, may they become Your precious treasure, and may You bless them with the riches of the earth. Lord, I ask that every form of poverty be removed from their lives. Fill them with peace, fulfillment, and divine abundance. I bless them wholeheartedly, and may this blessing come to pass in their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

God’s protection

Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, February 8th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you.

Today’s Auspicious Word:
Let us read from Isaiah 25:4, “For You have been a strength to the poor, A strength to the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, A shade from the heat; For the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.”

Many of you may be facing opposition like a storm raging against a wall. You may not have done anything wrong to them; you are simply going about your work, ministry, or business. Yet, out of jealousy, people rise against you. You might wonder, “Why are they angry with me? I have no connection with them. I don’t even know them, yet they oppose me!”

Jealousy and irritation cause some people to rage against others. In the workplace, if someone is envious of your success, they may act against you. In business, if someone struggles while you prosper, they may become angry. Even in ministry, some continuously find fault in others. However, the Bible teaches that those who focus on finding fault will not grow, while those who endure will flourish.

The Word of God assures us in 2 Thessalonians 1:6-7,
“Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to give you who are troubled rest.”

This means that those who unjustly rage against you will face consequences, while God Himself will be your refuge and strength. When storms arise against you, God will shelter you. When enemies bring trouble, God will protect you. He is your shade from the heat and your stronghold in distress. God knew even back then that His faithful children—whether in work, business, or ministry—would face opposition. That is why He promises to be our refuge, shade, and strength. He says, “I am with you; do not be afraid!”

Testimony – Brother Elson from Kerala
My name is Elson, and my brother’s son, Manoj Kumar, was working in a company. Out of jealousy, one of his subordinates falsely accused him and filed a complaint with the police. As a result, the police arrested my brother’s son. In great distress, I immediately contacted God’s Love Ministries and requested prayers. The prayer warriors prayed fervently, and God heard our cry. When the police investigated the case, they found that Manoj Kumar was innocent. By God’s grace, he was released without any harm. See how jealousy led to false accusations, but God defended and delivered him. Just as He did for Manoj Kumar, God will fight for you. Be patient and trust in Him—He will do great things in your life.

Loving Lord, we thank You. In Jesus’ name, I bless and pray for my children. According to Your Word, turn the raging storms in their lives into peace. Meet those who oppose them, transform their hearts, and lead them to repentance. Fill my children with a generous heart and protect them from harm. Lord, arise as their refuge and shade. May no weapon formed against them prosper. Those who come against them in one way, let them flee in seven ways. Be their protection, their support, and their comfort. Let every jealous scheme against them fail, and may You do wonders in their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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