My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read from the book of Psalm 30:5: “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life.”
My dear brothers and sisters, if the anger of the Lord is upon your family, remember that it will last only for a short while. The Lord says, “My mercy or favor will remain with you for a lifetime.” This means that from this day forward, God’s anger has subsided from you and your family. God is removing all anger and pouring out His mercy and favor upon you forever. Today is a day when you are going to receive the favor of the Lord.
We see in the story of Ruth that she stood having lost everything in life. But because she found favor in the sight of the Lord, He blessed her with a marriage and a generation. In the same way, God is showing His favor to you. His favor is descending upon you to grant you long life, an increase in income, good health, and an abundant anointing. He will bless you with more than you expect because of His grace. Receive this blessing today, saying, “Lord, we thank You.”
In the past, you may have lost many good things due to God’s anger. Perhaps what you were doing failed or did not prosper. But today, God looks at you and says, “My anger is for a moment, but now My anger against you has subsided.” As His anger is reduced, all the blessings that were hindered will now return to you. Whatever was lost or stolen will be restored, and He will bless you with long life. God is giving you and your family a smooth and pleasant life.
In case there is any fear of death upon your household, I cancel it in the name of Jesus. The Bible says, “O death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” God is turning all situations of death into victory. As you listen to this Word of God, He is breaking every illness, whether it be in the liver, lungs, or kidneys, and the power of His resurrection is touching you. This is a moment of miracle. God is giving you long life, and even if the doctors have given a grim diagnosis, God is saying He will grant you many more years of life. Lay your hand upon your head and declare, “Lord, grant me long life.” God will do miracles for you.
Let me share a testimony. Sister Punithavathy from Perumbur writes, “I attended the ‘Anbarin Padathil Ooru Naal’ meeting and prayed with Brother. Since then, God has continuously performed great miracles in our family. My son, who was suffering from typhoid, was healed miraculously, and we believe it is a sign of long life. When my son lost his job, God intervened, and through his manager, he got the job back. Not only that, we were able to get a house for lease with a small amount, and I believe God will bless us with our own house soon.” This is a testimony of how God restores what was lost. Say, “Amen.” God will do the same for you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Let the auspicious Word You have given them today come to pass as “Yes” and “Amen” in Christ, for them and their generations. I bless them all from the depth of my heart. Amen.
My Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Take and read with me from the book of Job 22:28: You will also declare a thing,
And it will be established for you;
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, if God has decreed something for a certain person—if He has decided to do something—then it will surely happen as He has said. When God decrees something on your behalf, no one can change it. It will surely happen. Though it tarries, wait for it, because it will surely come and will not delay. What God has decreed for you will come to pass.
My dear children of God, you might be saying, “My husband, who was decreed by God for me, has gone away.” He may be gone, but he will return. No one can change what God has decreed. Satan may have taken all efforts to pull him away, but we are going to pray that your husband, your wife, your children, your grandchildren, your son-in-law, or your daughter-in-law—who have been held captive by Satan—will be redeemed. God will break Satan’s hold and his kingdom. He will redeem those who have been trapped, and God will fulfill the decree He has passed over them. He will bring them out as if one were taking someone out of a cage and setting them free.
You might have pleaded with them to come out, but they didn’t. Now God is bringing them out and will hand them over to you. God is speaking to you prophetically. You are deeply hurt because your loved ones have been taken away. You may have pleaded for the return of your child, but they refused to give them back. Therefore, God will bring them back to you. When He does, the Word of God says, “Like birds hovering over its young, the Lord Almighty will shield Jerusalem; He will shield it and deliver it, He will ‘pass over’ it and will rescue it.” You must believe this word.
Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. Believe that God will do good for you. God will fulfill the decree He has passed over you. Believe that God has decreed to bless you with the fruit of the womb, and no one can stop His plan. If God has decreed something over you, He will surely bring it to pass. It may take some time, as there may be a delay in executing His plan, but it is often to teach us valuable lessons. So, do not worry because of the delay.
Today, you need to ask the Lord, “What You have decreed for me, Lord, please give it to me.” You should not take what belongs to someone else. If what God has decreed for you, such as your husband, your child, or anything that belongs to you, has been taken away or snatched by someone else, God will not allow it to remain with them. He will bring them back to you. If someone has taken your property, God will meet them tonight, and He will return what is rightfully yours. He will make it your own again. God will make your name great. God will break all the barriers that have trapped you—whether it is sorcery, witchcraft, divination, or any other bondage that has obstructed you from receiving the blessing that has been decreed for you. Today, God will break all the plans of those who have blocked your blessings, and He will bring them back to you. So, remain in faith.
Dear Lord, we thank You. I pray and bless all Your children in the name of Jesus. Lord, whatever You have decreed, whatever is still pending, whatever has been blocked from happening, and whatever is in the grip of Satan, I pray that You will release it in the name of Jesus. Lord, it is said that whatever is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven. Thank You for issuing the order for release. We thank You for reuniting families who have been separated. We thank You for restoring their wealth. We thank You for helping them rejoin their jobs. We thank You for showing favor in the eyes of man. We thank You for healing broken families and bringing them back together. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Name of the Lord be glorified. Let’s read from the book of Isaiah 44:21: “O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.”
My dear brothers and sisters, today many of you might be sitting and thinking, “My own mother has forgotten me. My own husband has forgotten me. My wife has forgotten me. She went for delivery, and since then, she has distanced herself, focusing on her family and the child. She hasn’t even shown me the baby.” Some of you may feel that a friend you trusted has forgotten you. For others, maybe an uncle or another close relative has forgotten you. All of this might make you feel deeply worried and lonely. But today, God brings you good news!
All those you think have forgotten you can only help you to a certain extent because they have their own burdens and responsibilities. But God says, “I will not forget you. You will not be forgotten by Me.” God keeps you always in His remembrance. He looks at you with love, just as He looked at Ephraim and said, “Ephraim, how shall I forget you?” Today, He says to you, “My son, My daughter, how shall I forget you? How can I forsake you?” God is not one who forgets or forsakes you. He has carved you in the palm of His hands. He hasn’t forgotten your prayers. He remembers every prayer request you have brought before Him, and He is already working on them.
God says, “Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.” He remembers all the prayer requests you’ve laid at His feet, and He will answer them. The tender you are waiting for will come. The approval you need will come. The appointment order you’ve been expecting will surely arrive. The promotion you are hoping for will be granted. God will make it happen for you. Let me share a testimony with you: Christina from Melpattamvakkam wrote that her daughter’s marriage had been delayed for a long time. Despite searching, they couldn’t find a suitable partner. Finally, they came to the Prayer Tower at Okkiyam Thuraipakkam on April 18th, 2024, where the prayer warriors prayed with a prophetic word. And within two months, on July 12th, God blessed them with a grand wedding and a God-fearing son-in-law who works as a professor in the English Department at Japier University. Isn’t this a wonderful testimony?
If you, too, are struggling with your children’s marriage settlement, don’t worry. God will perform a miracle for you. Every day, many children come to our Chennai headquarters with their sorrows, crying out for help. They come to me for prayer, saying, “Ayah, we have this problem; we have that problem.” And we have many prayer warriors here who cry out to God for those in need. When they come, a prophetic word—what we call a “Mangala Vaarthai” (Auspicious Word)—is given to them, and that word brings blessings into their lives. A while ago, I visited Kanyakumari District for a meeting and went to pray at the house of a poor family. As I walked out, I heard people calling after me, saying, “The preacher of the Mangala Vaarthai is here.” And when I returned from that house, there was a crowd waiting outside, longing for a Mangala Vaarthai for their lives. God helped me to pray for all of them. These are just some of the miraculous moments that happen in life, and I’m happy to share them with my spiritual children. God will bless you. This is your miracle moment.
Dear Lord, we thank You. We thank You for giving us an encouraging and bold word saying, “You shall not be forgotten by Me.” We are grateful to know that You remember our prayer requests and that You don’t forget them. Our problems are not hidden from Your sight. They are known to You, and we believe that You will answer our requests in Your perfect timing. We praise You with all our hearts. Fulfill every need for Your children, Lord. Let Your promises be fulfilled in their lives.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified! Receive today’s auspicious word as a blessing to you. Practice it in your daily life throughout this year, and God will do great things in your life. Let us read together from the book of Luke 19:9: “And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house.'”
My dear brothers and sisters, today salvation has come to your house. Redemption from your sins, redemption from curses, redemption from disease, redemption from debts, and redemption from shame. Redemption from everything! Our God appeared on earth to redeem us—not only from sin, but also from wickedness, debts, disease, death, loss, shame, humiliation, and failures. This vimochanam is known as redemption.
Firstly, if there are children in your home who are not saved, living in the ways of this world—drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking drugs, engaging in foolish behavior, getting into unnecessary worldly distractions, causing trouble, or fighting—perhaps even their parents say, “Why did we give birth to him?” If such children are in your home, know that God is meeting them today and redeeming them. This means salvation comes to your house today, and all your children will be saved. God is meeting your young daughter, who is living in her own world. God is meeting your wife, who is disobedient and talkative. God is meeting your grandchildren. Firstly, salvation is for all members of your family.
When salvation entered the house of Zacchaeus, he realized the wrong he had done, confessed it to the Lord, and received salvation. He also made amends. In the same way, Jesus, who went into Zacchaeus’ house to give him salvation, is coming into your house today. There is going to be redemption from your debts, disease, and shame—redemption from everything. God has chosen this day to crown you with all good things.
I want to share a good testimony from Sister Beryl Anusuya of Tuticorin. She wrote, “Brother, my entire body was suffering from severe irritation and pain in my hands and legs. I took many treatments, but nothing worked. My whole body was burning, and the pain was unbearable.” Imagine how much it would burn if chili powder were put into someone’s eyes. But her entire body felt like it was burning. In this situation, she came to the Prayer Tower, seeking the presence of the Lord. The children of God prayed for her and spoke the auspicious word. As soon as the word entered her body, the burning sensation disappeared. She received divine healing and said, “I am very happy. I received great deliverance.” They have written this testimony. So, if you are experiencing burning sensations, irritation, pain, or distress in your life, and you think there is no redemption for you, know that the Lord is coming to your house today to touch and heal you. Just as Sister Beryl came to the Prayer Tower where the Lord resides, and we prayed for her, the Lord performed a miracle for her.
Today, the Lord is coming to your house. If you or anyone in your family is suffering from such troubles, bring them to our Prayer Towers. We have Prayer Towers in Mumbai, Nagercoil, Coimbatore, and Chennai. Go to the nearest one, offer a small prayer, and come. God will surely perform a miracle for you. Not only will the prayer warriors pray for you, but you should also pray for yourself. We will support you in prayer. When problems come into people’s lives, they may feel too weak or weary to pray. But if you begin to pray, the Lord will intercede on your behalf and do great things for you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Let salvation come into their house. Let redemption come into their sinful lives and release them from all curses. Secondly, Lord, redeem them from the debts in which they have been entangled. Thirdly, redeem them from the shame that has surrounded them. Fourthly, redeem them from the bondage of sickness and disease that has affected their bodies. Lord, give them redemption, bless them with the strength of a wild ox, and may they serve and work with good health and strength. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, the 2nd of October, I am pleased to see you all directly through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Let’s read together from the book of Isaiah 40:5, “The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”
My dear brothers and sisters, hereafter, the glory of the Lord will be manifested outwardly in your life, and all flesh shall see it with their own eyes. The miracles that God performs for you, through which the Lord will be glorified, will be seen outwardly from now on. God will do it. Perhaps in the past, the Lord may have performed many miracles behind you, which you may not have realized or may not remember.
For example, to safeguard Jacob from the hands of Laban, God warned Laban not to chase Jacob or say anything to him. This happened without Jacob’s knowledge—this was a miracle where the glory of the Lord was revealed. In the same manner, there may have been many miracles that God has performed behind you in your life, at appointed times. But today, the Lord is saying that from now on, His glory will be revealed outwardly in your life.
I wish to share, each day in this auspicious word program, a testimony to encourage you by showing how God performs miracles to reveal His glory outwardly in your life.
There is a sister named Ramani from Kovilambakkam, who wrote her testimony, saying that she had taken her granddaughter, Rithika, to her grandmother’s house. Until then, the child was fine, but after returning home, she wouldn’t talk or sleep properly. She found it difficult to rest. The mother couldn’t understand what had happened to her daughter after visiting the grandmother’s house. Sometimes, in families that are running smoothly, the devil cunningly enters and creates problems, often targeting children and causing trouble in their lives.
My dear children of God, this sister brought her granddaughter to our Chennai Prayer Tower, and after we prayed, her eyes were opened, and she began to talk, eat, and sleep well again. Why am I sharing this? Because for the Lord to reveal His glory, you sometimes need to take the initiative. When such problems occur, don’t neglect the child to go through it alone. If the devil enters, it can completely destroy the child’s life. It was good that she brought the child to the prayer tower, where we prayed. When the Spirit of the Lord entered the child, the evil spirit left, and she became normal.
This is why the Lord has kept Prayer Towers and evangelists. Today, the Lord is saying that in the same manner, whether in your family, your children, or your husband—wherever you desire the glory of the Lord to be revealed—God will perform a miracle. He will help them talk, behave, and sleep well again. There are many who suffer from sleeplessness, even after taking sleeping pills. Are you crying, saying, “Brother, yes, we don’t sleep well even with pills”? Through this auspicious word, the Lord is saying that when His glory is revealed, you will sleep well, rest, and wake up the next day with a shout of praise. In what areas do you want the glory of the Lord to be revealed? Is it in delayed marriages, good events, housewarming ceremonies, or journeys abroad? Whatever is still pending, the Lord will fulfill and bless you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. I bless all the children in the name of the Lord Jesus. Lord, You are good, and Your mercy endures forever. In the future, let Your glory be revealed outwardly in the lives of Your children. Let many miracles happen openly in abundance. Lord, may all the miracles and wonders the children are expecting come to pass in their lives today. May we receive many testimonies from them.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.