The Lord will go before you

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us see what auspicious word the Lord has kept for you, today. Take with me and read from the book of Isaiah 45:2, “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight.”

On the first day of October, you may have planned to do many things. You are thinking, “I should finish this and return home. While going out I should finish this. Or while returning from office I should finish this. I should know the result of what is happening. I should definitely take a medical test. There should be an end to all the court cases. Like this you have prepared many programs, in your mind, and while you are preparing, on the first of this month Lord is holding your hand, and is saying, “I will go before you and make all crooked places straight”.
When we go on a journey, if the way is crooked, we will find it difficult to reach the destination.

Sometimes we may have planned to do something but some crooked paths could have turned our destination to some other place. Something good that should have happened in your life could have turned in a different direction. The business that should have come to you could have been turned in a different direction to some other place. In the midst of all these things God is saying, “I will make straight all that is crooked. That means God is keeping a straight route for you.

It took for the people of Israel to reach Canaan nearly forty years, as they were going round and round. If they had gone straight they could have reached Canaan very soon and very easily. But they went round about. But today, in order that you should not suffer like the people of Israel, God is making it possible for you to reach the target in a straight manner without any disturbance. You might be thinking, “They have given me work but they have also given me a target. To finish the target, how much struggle I am going through. In case you are saying like this, then don’t worry, to finish your target God is making that which is crooked straight for you. And He will lead you to the desired haven in a straight manner. Hence be assured. God will help you to reach your goal.

Let me share a testimony of Abhi Priya, from Namakkal. She has written about her B.Tech exam, and that she had paid the fees for it at the last minute, and she had to pay fifteen thousand for the selection exam. And she was finding it very difficult to pay the fees. She had faced continuous failures. Failure after failure, and not only that, She has written that she went to the extent of dying. At that time she had heard through some brother, about our auspicious word program. On watching the program she gained confidence, and from then onwards she began to watch our program daily. And by the grace of God, she found relief from a broken heartedness. And by the grace of God, a new way was opened for them to pay the fees of Fifteen thousand rupees.. She continuously went to write her exams, after listening to the auspicious word , she cleared all the pending arrears. And she also cleared the other subject papers in which she had failed previously. She thus cleared everything, and by the grace of God she completed her B. Tech Exams and she has written her testimony saying that they are now doing well.

Today I am encouraging you to watch /read the auspicious word program daily. Someone had told Abhi Priya, about the Mangala Varthai Program, and therefore we see that her failure had turned to success. And they got the money from the Hill (Help from God) from where the help comes and she paid the fees, and she cleared all the papers, and secured a degree, and thereby God has enabled her to secure a good job, and establish her life. This was because someone had done a good deed. In the same manner you also receive the blessing through this message, helping people around the world to receive the blessings.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, in case the children are celebrating their birthday or their wedding day, and are taking this word as their auspicious word, then I bless such children from the depth of my heart. Let the good hand of the Lord be with the children. Let the hand of grace be with them. As per this verse, I pray that You go before them, and break all the barriers, and may the barrier that stands against their marriage be removed. Let the barriers that stand as blocks for securing their jobs be removed. Let all barriers that stand against their education be broken. Let the barriers that stand against their ministry be removed. So Lord You go before them and break all the barriers, and do all good things, and straighten all the crooked ways and make it clear, and may they reach the land which is destined for them, and make their future a bright one. And help them not to turn to the right or to the left, and help them to go towards the straight path and may the Spirit of Truth lead them in the correct way. Give them good counseling and help them to walk in the way they should walk, and make their name of fame and praise. In Jesus Name We pray.


Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

September 30th is a special day for us; let me share it with joy to you all my spiritual children. We completed by the grace of God 32 years of married life. A million thanks to God. In these 32 years, we have crossed many problems, highs and lows. It is not that we never faced any problems. Several problems, but God was with us guiding us. My elder son is married to a wonderful daughter-in-law, and they have two amazing children. My second daughter has recently got married. My third son has just completed his college education and entered the ministry. By the immense grace of God, my family is a happy family for this I thank God. I seek your continuous prayer support for me and my family and we too will support you in our prayers.

Let us read Isaiah 44:3, “I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring.” Children are very important to us. Their future and blessings are paramount to us. This morning when the Lord mentions descendants, many of you are thinking I am yet to have descendants, how then can the Lord bless my descendants? Even as you are reading this word, the Lord promises to create descendants in the womb. He says I will pour out My blessing on your offspring. Some of you are thinking, I have children, but my children do not have children. I have not become a grandfather or grandmother. When God promises that He will pour out His blessing on your offspring, if you are yet to have grandchildren today you will definitely be blessed with them. This is what this word means. September 30th is our wedding anniversary, as we remember this day and thank God. This word is very appropriate for us. I thank God that this word has been established in our lives. May this word come true for you as well. I have a good wife who has a good government teacher job, three lovely children, good daughter-in-law and son-in-law, beautiful grandchildren. If God could bless me in this manner, won’t He also bless you? He will!

Some of you are thinking, Brother is celebrating his 32nd wedding anniversary, I am 35 / 40 years old and yet to be married. As an ambassador of God, I bless you; every barrier for marriage will be broken. Even as we celebrate our wedding anniversary, for everyone waiting to get married God will graciously relent for everyone reading this message. Every hindrance for the marriage will be broken. The God who gave us children will grant you children. The God who gave us grandchildren will grant you grandchildren. The God who gave us a good daughter-in-law and son-in-law will do it for you as well. He is an impartial God.

Today God says He will pour out His spirit on your descendants. Until now if your children were lukewarm, without the anointing of the Holy Spirit God will pour out an abundant anointing on them wherever they are. The anointing of the Holy Spirit will be mighty on them and will begin a new chapter in their life. Moreover, God will transform the future of your descendants, grandchildren to be bright. My grandchildren have not yet started speaking, even after 4 or 5 years of age. Today the Lord looks at your grandchild and says Ephphatha. My grandchild has not started walking even though 5 years have passed. Today God says, they will rise up, walk and go to church. According to this word, God will perform miracles. This day is a day of family blessings. We pray and bless those special blessings be upon you and your children. May God work wonders!

Prayer : Dear Lord, we thank You. We thank You for this blessed morning. Through today’s Auspicious word you are granting descendants for those who do not have them, offspring for those who do not have them, anointing upon the descendants, blessing upon the offspring. I place this word on my children and bless them wholeheartedly. May it be fulfilled. Today let many happy occasions take place in their families. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Let us read 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Today perhaps after facing many losses and sickness in life you are saying Lord! Remove these problems from me, remove this thorn from me, this is piercing my body continuously, this crisis has spoilt my peace. Maybe an incident that had happened in your life had snatched your peace could be like a thorn in your body, in your life or in your family. No matter what it might be, the Lord says, “ My grace will help you in that issue”.

When a physical weakness was pricking like a thorn in Apostle Paul’s life he prayed three times and the Lord said, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. This means that the Lord assures His strength to bear the weakness and will make a way to overcome it. There is no man on earth who has no problems in life. How can we overcome these problems? Only with grace can we overcome it. My strength is made perfect in weakness. Today what weakness do you have? Is it in your body – headache, neck pain, hip pain, spinal problems, brain tumor, or a deadly disease like cancer, Tuberculosis, or recurring infection in the skin, heart disease, kidney problem, is it in the lungs or liver? You might be saying I have been praying for a long time, but it has not gone yet. Today God says the same thing He promised Apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness”. When the Lord’s strength descends upon your body, then He will perform a miracle such that you will forget the weakness in your body.

There are some who are not physically weak but keep thinking something is wrong and are wasting their lives. Whether there is a weakness or not, be assured that God’s grace is sufficient for us. He will help us to overcome our weakness and will guide us.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Your grace is sufficient to help us in all our weaknesses. You said, not by might, not by power but by My spirit. Lord whatever has not yet happened for my children may it happen by Your Spirit and Your grace. In the midst of every deadly disease let your grace be revealed to perform miracles. Honor them by helping them recover all the wealth, belongings, riches that they lost. We thank You for the divine strength that is descending today on my children. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Peace in your tent

Beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us read Job 5:24 “You shall know that your tent is in peace; You shall visit your dwelling and find nothing amiss.”

We can observe two things here. God spoke this word through Job’s friend, when Job was in the heights of his tribulation. It came as a prophecy to show what would happen in his future. His friend said, Job do not be worried, for you will see that once again your tent will be filled with peace. His friend did not say it in a casual manner; it came as a prophetical word to comfort Job when he was in extreme tribulation. These words came to life and happened in his life. Children of God who are in extreme trials, in the midst of losing someone you loved deeply, in the midst of losing all your hard-earned wealth, perhaps you have wrongly spent your money, but God forgives you. Even if you have unwisely spent it on revelry and gambling, today God forgives you.

Perhaps God allowed certain trials due to which you have faced loss, overcoming all that God gives you this prophetical word, You shall know that your tent is in peace. Man is shattered when he faces continuous loss and sorrow. Today you are facing some sorrow in your life, and it has shattered your heart, such that you don’t want to go out, or go to church, or go to work, or eat anything, or meet anyone.

If you are in this state reading this word, God says to you Son/ Daughter, your eyes will behold your tent, your life, your family will once again be in peace. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. Secondly the Lord told Job, You shall visit your dwelling and find nothing amiss. God gave him this promise when he had nothing; he had lost everything, his wealth, his riches, his possessions, his animals everything was taken from him. You shall visit your dwelling and find nothing amiss. This means just like you had an abundant life before; you will once again experience it. A day came and he received a double-fold blessing than what he had.

Today what do you lack in your life? I have everything but I don’t own a house, and some may say I don’t have peace, I am not married, I don’t have a child yet, I am not able to pray yet. God will supply every need according to His riches in Christ Jesus.

When you consider the Shunamite woman she had everything but did not have a child. But through Prophet Elisha she received a promise. At this season, about this time next year, you shall embrace a son. The one thing that she lacked in life was fulfilled. God will do likewise for you.

Dear Lord, we thank You. My children are here having lost a great deal. They have lost someone they loved deeply; they have lost their riches, job, now they don’t know how to pay their dues next month. Based on this job confidently I took a house loan, car loan, now I don’t know how I will manage. For my children who are weeping in this manner, Lord, You are promising – you will witness your family be at peace and be led in peace. We thank You for this word. Thank You Lord that You have opened ways for this today. Moreover, You said, you shall visit your dwelling and find nothing amiss. May all the lack in their family be fulfilled. Let every lack in their womb, body, and mind, be transformed. Let my children be at peace, filled with joy recovering double fold everything that they lost. In Jesus Name. Amen.

The Power of God’s Grace

Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God bless you abundantly. I am delighted to welcome you all on this blessed morning of September 27th through this Auspicious Message. May God’s grace continue to be with you and your family. Let us read from the Word of God, John 1:16 “And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.”

Through the fullness of God’s grace, everyone in your family is being blessed, even those who may have distanced themselves from it. Why do we need grace? Without grace, we would all perish. The Bible reminds us that we are alive today because of His grace. If God gave us life based on our merits alone, many of us would not survive. But because of His mercy, He sustains us through His grace, which is unmerited favor from God.

Today, God is giving you this grace in abundance. His mercies, which are new every morning, are descending upon you this very moment. Through this grace, God will open doors to job opportunities where you once felt unqualified. He will elevate you to heights you never thought possible. This grace can make you a citizen in a country where you previously felt ineligible. It will bring a life partner into your life, beyond your expectations, and arrange everything for your marriage. This grace will also open every closed womb, blessing you with children. It will anoint you with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, lengthen your life, and cause you to live with honor and fame here on earth.

From His fullness, the Lord is pouring out this grace upon you, and many of you are about to receive miracles today. Just as the angel said to Mary, “Rejoice, highly favored one!” today, as an ambassador of Christ, I say to you: “Rejoice, highly favored man! Rejoice, highly favored woman!” When Mary greeted Elizabeth, the baby in her womb leaped with joy. Likewise, as you hear this message today, your heart will rejoice, for many joyous occasions are on their way to your family. Every joyful event you have been waiting for—God Himself will take responsibility to make it happen.

Prayer: Dear Lord, We thank You for Your abundant grace. You have said, “Of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.” We ask that this grace be poured out upon Your children today. Grant them the enduring and steadfast grace that You gave to David. Through this grace, help them to pass their exams, secure government jobs, and live a blessed life. Open every closed womb and grant them the blessing of children. Give them their own homes, anoint them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, forgive their iniquities, and cause them to flourish on this earth. As Your servant, I bless Your children today, and I declare that miracles will take place in their lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
May God bless you all richly!

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