Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What Auspicious word does the Lord have for us today?
Let us meditate the word from the Bible, Isaiah 25:4 “For You have been strength to the poor, A strength to the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, A shade from the heat.
” How does the Lord help various people? This verse is given as a prophecy to indicate how the Lord comes and blesses the needs of each individual. The word of God firstly says, “You have been strength to the poor”. The poor indicates those who are below the poverty line, those who are struggling to meet their daily needs and those who are in need. Or despite having all the comforts of life, some are still in need of something. God says that He is their strength. The poor will say, “I don’t have support of powerful men, or of wealth, or authority”. But God promises that despite not having all these, He will be your strength. God addresses you today and says He is the strength to the poor. Isn’t it wonderful.
Secondly the word of God says strength to the needy in his distress. If anyone is pressurizing you, God will give you the strength and confidence to bear that pressure, opposition and will provide a way to overcome it. Today who is pressurizing you? Is it your creditor? Is it your colleague or friend? No matter who it is that is pressurizing you from one side. It might have spoilt your peace. Today God is your strength, and He will grant you the grace to overcome it all.
Thirdly the word of God says a refuge from the storm. A storm indicates the epitome of trials. When a storm comes, no one can stop it. When you encounter a storm, even if anyone wants to save you, they cannot save you or stop it. When such storms come into your life, God will come as your refuge in the midst of that storm. You might have heard people say, no one can save him in this issue only if God intervenes can he be saved. During such times, God will save you and will rescue you. Lastly the word of God says, a shade from the heat. Today you may say, I am exhausted, my life is a wilderness. I am totally vexed in life. Do not get discouraged. God will intervene and will do a miracle.
Like a man who knows the coolness of the shade during the hot sun, in the same way the heated arguments in your house, problems that are getting heated up, wilderness, everything God will change. Just like the coolness of a shade in a hot sun makes a person happy, the Lord will be with you and will guide you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Thank You for this Auspicious word. In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, I place this blessing on the children who are reading this message. Lord you be their strength and in times of distress, a refuge from the storm. Be with them and guide them. In Jesus name we pray .
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read from the book of Psalm 92:10, “But my horn you have exalted like a wild ox.”
My dear brothers and sisters, the horn of the rhino is very strong, sharp, and long. That is why the Psalmist says, “My horn you have exalted like a wild ox,” which means, “You make my life as strong as the horn of the rhino.” No one can easily break or twist the horn of a rhino. The rhino itself is a very strong animal, and its horn is even stronger. That is why the Psalmist says, “Make my life progress like the horn of the rhino.” This means, “Give me a steady life. Let my life progress in a stable and consistent manner.”
If the foundation is weak, then the building erected on a weak foundation will also be weak. Only if the foundation is strong will the building be strong. The Psalmist says, “My horn you have exalted like a wild ox.” Just as the horn of the rhino is strong, I must grow strong and sturdy from the bottom, and multiply. The Psalmist beautifully declares, “Lord, You will exalt my horn like a wild ox.” Just as the horn of the rhino is very strong, God will make your future strong and sturdy. He will establish you. Perhaps you are thinking that you will dissolve into nothing, but the God who establishes is with you. The Bible says, “Jacob shall take root” (Isaiah 27:6). This means you will take root, step in, and be firmly fixed in your life. You will become so strong that no one can easily uproot you. Until yesterday, people thought they could easily uproot and throw you away, like plucking a small plant and discarding it. Hereafter, they will not be able to do that, because you have grown strong and sturdy from the bottom, like the horn of the rhino. God is giving you that kind of strength.
Above all, your job will be permanent. Your income will be strong and steady. Your anointing will be strong and enduring. Your thought process will also be strong and clear, without confusion. God will help you make correct decisions. In the past, you may have made wrong decisions due to confusion, resulting in mistakes and losses. But in the future, God will give you the grace to make strong decisions, and He will bless you.
God will give you a strong and steady life. Be strong in the Word of God. Be strong in the Lord. Then you will have a firm and steady life, one that no one can uproot. In the past, someone may have plucked you out and discarded you, but today, the Lord is going to plant you firmly like the strong horn of the rhino. He will cause you to grow, and you will be admired. Until yesterday, there may have been no progress in your life, but now there will be an increase in your income, an increase in your anointing, and an increase in your prayer life. You will experience progress and fame in your life. God will keep you away from all tight corners. Many good and joyful events will take place in your house and family.
Dear Lord, we thank You. We thank You for this joyful moment. Lord, even today, You have said that we will be strong like the horn of the rhino. Lord, lift up those who are in a low position. Lift them up and make them stand firm. May they be able to stand steady in their growth—not growing for a while and then falling away or turning aside, but growing strong in the Lord and in the Word of God, and being established like the horn of the rhino. I bless them, Lord, to progress in their lives.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us take and read from the book of Job 19:25, which says, “My Redeemer lives.”
My dear brothers and sisters, this verse says that God is our Redeemer. Say, “My Redeemer.” A Redeemer means one who redeems, one who rescues, one who delivers you from your troubles. If the Redeemer is alive today, then from all the things from which you have not received deliverance, the Redeemer who is alive will come and redeem all things for you. Christ the Savior was born in the city of David. A Redeemer is one who gives vimochanam (redemption), one who delivers. That is the Redeemer.
Two thousand years ago, in Bethlehem, the city of David, a Savior was born for your sake. That Savior has come into your homes, and in all the areas where you have not been redeemed, God is going to give you deliverance. You need to say, “My Redeemer lives.” My Redeemer lives even today. If you say this, He will descend upon you and do good for you. There will be deliverance from your sins, redemption from your curse, deliverance from your debts, and healing from your diseases. If you keep saying, “My Redeemer lives,” He is able to give you all these things. As you keep saying it, all the dead organs in your body will revive and come alive. As you repeat this, all the dead blessings will revive and return to you.
That day, when the prophet Ezekiel saw the valley of dry bones, the Sovereign Lord said to these bones, “I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” When He spoke prophetically, flesh and skin covered the bones, and they revived once again with life. My dear children of God, if you say, “My Redeemer lives,” your life will be revived. The life that was gone will come back once again. The dead womb will be revived, the dead kidney will be revived, and the dead liver and lungs will be revived once again. If you believe, you will see the glory of God. Today, all your dead memory cells will revive once again. God will perform a miracle for you today because He is alive.
Some of you may be contemplating ending your life prematurely by committing suicide, and you may have many reasons for such thoughts. But if you are one of those, you must say, “My Savior lives,” and declare, “I won’t die; I will live.” God is removing such suicidal thoughts from your mind. For others, the Lord is reviving dead wombs, replacing them with life-forming cells, and causing a new fetus to form inside. God will plant a tree of life in the womb. Many couples, married for years and waiting for the gift of a child, should declare, “My Savior lives, and He will bless me with a child.” Today, this will happen, and the Word will come to pass. As per the verse in Psalm 17:14, the heavenly liquid will be poured into the wombs of all who long for a child, and you will be satisfied with children. Some may say that the eggs in the womb are destroyed, and there’s no chance of conceiving or bearing a child, and that the uterus has to be removed. But before that, if you say, “My Redeemer lives,” the power of His resurrection will enter the womb, and in that same womb, the Lord will help you conceive and bring forth a beautiful child.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. As all Your children confess, “My Redeemer lives,” let all their dead blessings be revived once again. Let them recover all the jobs they have lost. Let the companies that are nearly dead and not functioning properly be revived, rejuvenated, and start functioning. Let all the ministries that are in a dead state begin to restart, and let there be revival in the churches. Thank You, Lord, for doing such wonders. There is nothing that is impossible with You. Say just one word, and Your children will be healed. Let all the closed wombs be opened. May all be blessed with the gift of a child. Let the marriages that have been hindered take place at the appropriate time, without further delay, in the name of Jesus. Let all suicidal thoughts be gone from their minds. Grant them deliverance from sin, sickness, disease, curses, and debts. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us take and read from the book of 2 Corinthians 4:8, “We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair.”
My dear brothers and sisters, this is a word of faith. It says, even if we are perplexed, we don’t fall into despair. David was surrounded by his enemies, so he prayed, “Lord, keep me from all the troubles that surround me from all corners. And because You have delivered me, I thank You, Lord.” He saw the troubles clear away and found a broad place of peace and safety. That is what the Lord is looking at you this morning and telling you. Just say one word of thanks for considering that which does not yet exist as though it already exists.
Are you pressed from all sides? Is a creditor pressing you? Or is there pressure mounting on you from coworkers or your boss at work? Is pressure mounting in your ministry, or from your neighbors in the locality? Is there pressure from your husband or wife, or your children? Are you feeling pressed from all corners?
Today, say with faith, “Lord, though we are pressed from all sides, we will not be crushed.” Declare this to the Lord with confidence, and He will bring you out of all these pressures. God will bring you to a broad place and make your name great. He sees your needy state and your tight situation. Just as the people of Israel were in a crushed state, pressed from all sides, they lifted up their voices and cried out to the Lord. When we face trials and struggles, and we cry out to God, He descends in a marvelous way to deliver us. Secondly, when we are perplexed, we tend to sink into despair, which can lead to depression and mental illness. But today, the Lord says, “It is true that you were perplexed, but I will not allow you to fall into despair. I will bring you out of depression, and you will live well. You will run with renewed strength and achieve great things.”
Dear Lord, we thank You. Even though we are hard-pressed, we will not be crushed. Together, we confess this word with faith. Just as You delivered David from all the trials that surrounded him, You will deliver Your children and bring them to a broad place. Though we are perplexed, we are not in despair. Just as the city of Shushan rejoiced when the decree against the Jews was canceled, may Your children who are perplexed today begin to rejoice. Let Your hand of miracles work wonders in their lives.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray,
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified, and may He bless you. Let us take and read from the book of 2 Corinthians 4:8, “We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair.”
My dear brothers and sisters, this is a word of faith. It reminds us that even when we are perplexed, we do not despair. David was surrounded by his enemies, and he cried out, saying, “Lord, keep me from all troubles that surround me from all corners. And because You have delivered me, I thank You, Lord.” He saw his troubles cleared and found a broad place. That is what the Lord is looking at you this morning and telling you: Just say one word, give thanks for considering that which does not exist as though it exists. Just tell the Lord in this way, and He will bring you out of all these pressures. God will bring you to a broad place, and He will make your name great. God is looking at your needy state and your tight situation. As the people of Israel were in a crushed situation and, being pressed from all sides, lifted their voices and cried out to the Lord, so too, when we go through trials and struggles, if we cry out to God, He descends in a marvelous manner.
Secondly, it is often when we are perplexed that we sink into depression, and depression can lead to mental illness. But today, the Lord is saying, “It is true that you were perplexed, but I will prevent you from falling into depression. I will immediately bring you out of it and help you to live well. You will be active, run, and achieve great things.”
Dear Lord, we thank You. Even though we are hard-pressed, we will not be crushed. We all confess this word with faith together. The God who delivered David from all the trials that surrounded him will deliver all of His children and bring them to a broad place. Though we are perplexed, we are not in despair. Just as the city of Shushan, which was perplexed, began to rejoice when the order against the Jews was canceled, in the same manner, let your children, who stand perplexed today, begin to rejoice. May Your hand of miracles perform wonders in their lives.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray,