My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Today, we take and read from the book of Isaiah 26:4, which says, “Trust in the Lord forever, for in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.”
My dear brothers and sisters, the Lord is an everlasting rock for us. He is a strong anchor, a stronghold for us. He is not an ordinary rock, but He is an everlasting rock that remains forever and ever. He is an everlasting rock that dwells with us for eternity. He is an everlasting rock that fights for us, a rock who argues our case on our behalf. YAH is His name. He is the everlasting rock.
It’s not that He was there, but rather He is there. In the past, the presence of the Lord went before the people of Israel. When He was about to supply water for them, He asked Moses to speak to the rock, but Moses struck the rock instead. As a result, water came forth from the rock. In another context, we see that when they struck the rock, water gushed forth with great force. In the same way, when Jesus was struck by the people, water and blood flowed from His body. This brought forth many springs of blessings to the children of God. He was beaten for us, crushed for our sake. He gave His very life for us. The Lord YAH, who gave His life, is the everlasting rock. Won’t He do other things for us? Yes, He will.
Another name for the rock is hill or mountain. The Word of God says, “One who dashes against this hill will be crushed to pieces.” This is told about Him. If Christ the Rock is with you, and someone comes against you, they will be crushed. Because the everlasting Rock, Christ, is with you. If someone comes against you, they are coming against God Himself. So, you do not need to be afraid of anyone. The Eternal Rock is with you and will always remain your eternal Rock.
Christ is with you. So if someone comes against you, they are clashing with the Eternal Rock. The Bible says, “Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel, you shall become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone with shoutings of grace.” However great a mountain may be, it will become a plain before the children of God because the Lord, who splits the mountain, is with His children. Therefore, do not be afraid of the worldly “mountains” like problems you face—whether they are like Haman, Goliath, or Pharaoh. They may seem like great and mighty mountains, but before the children of God, they will become as nothing. For the children of God, the Lord is an eternal Rock. He is with them. From today onward, your problem is God’s problem. If someone comes against a child of God, it is like coming against God Himself. So, do not fear your enemies. God will give you victory. The Eternal Rock, Christ, is with you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, You have said that YAH, the Lord, is the everlasting Rock. Let those who come against Your children in one way flee in seven different ways. Let the springs of blessings that began to flow because Your Rock was split be fulfilled as “yes and amen” in the lives of Your children. Let it come to pass. While You were struck, may springs of blessings emerge for Your children, and may they be “yes and amen.”
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let’s read together from the book of Psalms 29:11, “The Lord will give strength to His people.”
My dear brothers and sisters, there is a difference between reward and strength. In English, it is often referred to as a reward, but in Tamil, it signifies strength. Today, the Lord will give strength to His people. Some of you who are lamenting over your poor health this morning may be saying, “I feel very weak. I have no strength in my hands. I am unable to lift up my hands. My legs fail to function, my hands fail to function, and there is severe pain in my hip. My neck is weak, and I can’t even turn my neck.”
As you are murmuring over all these issues, if there is a child or baby whose head is not standing erect, whose neck is weak and shaking from side to side, declare, “The Lord will give my child strength.” When you speak in faith, as per this verse, “For He spoke, and it was done. He commanded, and it stood fast,” your child’s neck will be steady.
Perhaps you have suffered from a stroke, and your legs and hands are weak. You may not be able to lift your hand on your own, but with the help of one hand, you lift the other. Say, “Lord, You said You will give strength to Your children. I thank You, Lord, for giving me strength.” God will give you and your child strength. If you thank the Lord, He will surely give you the strength you need.
Even if you are unable to stand erect, and your legs are not functioning, or if one or both legs are not working properly, have faith and tell the Lord, “You give me strength. Thank You, Lord.” Then stand, and you will see that you can walk, jump, and even skip on your way to the temple of God. God will give you strength. He will grant you the grace you need. The Bible says, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” The God who increases the power of the weak will surely give you strength.
Some of you may be thinking, “There is no strength in my hips, no strength in my knees.” But in all your weakness, God’s strength will be revealed in your body. He will revive you with His strength. You will feel the power of His resurrection. When His power descends upon you, what will happen? The hands and legs that do not function will begin to function. The tongue will begin to speak. Your brain, which may not be functioning, will start working again. There may be someone in your family in a coma. Say in faith, “My Lord will give strength to my son. He will give strength to my father.” God’s power will descend upon their brain. Surely, a miracle will happen.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Let Your strength be perfected in their weakness. Let Your strength be strongly revealed in their bodies. Lord, let Your strength be manifested in every part of their body—in their back, neck, knees, and every other part. Let the power of Your resurrection spread all over their body. As You said, “I am willing; be healed, my son. Be healed, my daughter,” touch them with Your hands, give them healing, give them health, and cause them to rise and shine.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us take a moment to reflect on Job 29:4, which says, “Just as I was in the days of my prime, when the friendly counsel of God was over my tent.”
Dear brothers and sisters, in the dwelling place of Job’s tent, God’s secret counsel was always present. At that time, God protected him from all harm and danger. Job recalls the glorious days of his life and expresses his thoughts. He reflects on how God’s secret counsel was with him, and during that time, the powerful Almighty God was with him and his children. He experienced abundance, saying he washed his feet in ghee and enjoyed oil flowing like a river from the rock. Job remembers these peak moments and wishes for their return. What he conveys is that during his glorious period, the Lord’s counsel was in his tent, guiding and protecting him.
Why should the secret counsel of the Lord be in our homes? It is essential to guard against the intrusion of evil and the deceitful schemes of the enemy that aim to destroy us and our families. Additionally, it protects us from the harmful intentions of neighbors, bad friends, or relatives who may wish to harm us through divination or black magic. If such schemes are devised against us, they will be nullified by the presence of God’s secret counsel.
No evil shall befall you; there will be no loss or disease in your household. Job’s experiences during his glorious times were a result of God’s secret counsel being present in his life. God assures us that He will also place His secret counsel in our homes. He watches over us, silently guarding against witchcraft, sorcery, and any other evil intentions aimed at us. He will bless the work of our hands, and like the oil flowing from the rock, we shall live abundantly and prosperously. That is why we seek the secret counsel of God in our homes. Together, let us ask the Lord to bless each of our households with His guidance and protection.
Dear Lord, we thank You. The secret of Job’s glorious life was Your counsel in his house. As You observed Job’s actions, we pray that every child watching this program be blessed with prosperity and good fortune. Keep them safe from destruction and the noise of death. Rescue them from the effects of sorcery and witchcraft. Almighty God, may Your secret counsel dwell in our homes. Protect our children from their enemies, who may come against them in one way and flee in seven. Make them rich and prosperous.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us take a moment to read from the book of Isaiah 45:14: “Thus saith the Lord, The labor of Egypt, and the merchandise of Ethiopia and of the Sabeans, men of stature, shall come over unto thee, and they shall be thine.”
Dear brothers and sisters, for those of you engaged in business, ministry, or working in good jobs, what God has appointed for you will come to you, breaking through all barriers. No matter how fierce the competition, what is destined for you will surely reach you and become yours. Whether it is the revenue of Egypt, the profit from the trade of Ethiopia, or the gains from the Sabeans, it will cross all obstacles and become yours.
This morning, the Lord assures you through His word. The profit of your trade signifies that any losses you have incurred in the past will turn into gains. If your income has been insufficient before, God is promising that you will experience better income in the days to come. If you have felt that you have lost the anointing given by God, today the Lord is filling you afresh with a new anointing.
While Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Sabeans represent different nations, they also symbolize different types of people. In the future, diverse people will join your assembly and worship the Lord together as one, united race—the people of God. God will bring more people into your assembly and bless your ministry. He will protect you from tight situations and, in the same way, bless your business by removing financial barriers. We pray that the Lord grants you the grace to live a debt-free life.
Dear Lord, we thank You. You have promised that You will give us the profit of our labor. We trust that the profit due to us will overcome all barriers and become ours. For these dear children, we pray that You will break down every obstacle to their income and allow them to receive the profit of their hard work. Let them enjoy the fruits of their labor and receive their full salary with courage and confidence. Guide them to avoid unnecessary expenditures.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us turn to Psalm 91:4: “He shall cover you with His feathers.”
The Lord promises to cover us with His feathers. There is also a verse that expresses God’s longing: “How often I have wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” God desires to gather us under His protection, but often we are not willing to yield to Him. His desire is to shelter us under His wings. When the scripture says, “He shall cover you with His feathers,” it speaks of God’s protection, whether from strangers, enemies, or even those within our own families who may try to harm us. Just as a mother hen instinctively shields her chicks from danger, so does God shield us.
Consider how a mother hen responds when a predator, like a vulture or kite, approaches. The hen will give a warning call, and the chicks, recognizing the danger, rush to gather under her protective wings. Once under her feathers, the chicks are hidden and safe from the predator’s view. Similarly, when we come under the protection of God, we find divine safety and security. When the chicks are nestled under the hen’s feathers, they also experience warmth and comfort transmitted from her body. Likewise, when we seek refuge under God’s wings, we receive His anointing and power. His warmth and protection envelop us, filling us with His presence and strength.
Therefore, each morning, submit your family and loved ones to God’s care under His mighty wings. Ask the Lord to protect and guide them. When you entrust yourself and your family to God, He will work wonders in your life. There’s a song that resonates with this theme:
“Lord, embrace me in Your loving wings. Lord, in the shadow of Your wings, gather me. Oh Lord.”
Dear children of God, ensure that your family remains under the protection of the Lord’s wings. When you commit to staying in His shadow, His grace will be with you wherever you go. You will be blessed in your coming and going. If you place your family, business, and ministry under His feathers, He will oversee every aspect of your life, safeguarding and establishing you. He will fulfill the desires of your heart, protecting you from all harm.
Dear Lord, we thank You for Your promise to cover us with Your feathers. We pray that You will cover and protect Your children, their businesses, their children, their ministries, and their jobs. Hide them under Your wings and provide for them. For those who come and stand under Your feathers, grant them perfect rewards, perfect jobs, perfect income, and perfect anointing. Grant them long life and abundant blessings.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.