The Lord Is Your Treasure

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Today, let us read from the book of Deuteronomy 18:2, which says, “The Lord is their inheritance, as He had said to them.”

My dear brothers and sisters, today the Lord says that He alone is your inheritance. When Joshua divided the land of Canaan among the twelve tribes of Israel, one tribe, the tribe of Levi, was not given a specific portion of land. Instead, God Himself became their inheritance. My dear children of God, imagine this great blessing: instead of a portion of land, if the Lord Himself is your inheritance, it is far greater.

The fat portions given as an inheritance to the tribe of Levi were not just material things. God Himself was with them and took the place of an ambassador for them. Today, God is looking at you and saying that you are all priests. This means God Himself is your portion, your wealth, and your property. So, to those of you who say, “I have no wealth, no property in my native place, no house of my own, and no business place,” and to those who have spent all their income on rent, the Lord is telling you today that He Himself is your property and inheritance. Therefore, tell the Lord, “Yes, Lord, You are our portion, our property. You are our permanent, unshakeable property in this world and in the world to come. You alone are our inheritance.”

If you say, “Lord, You are my portion, my property, and my inheritance,” God will bless you with more than you have asked for. As the scripture says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) The Lord will give you the property you desire. Consider that being with the Lord is the greatest wealth. If there is one who will never disappoint or deceive you, it is the Lord. He is the most reliable and permanent inheritance. Today, if you have placed your trust in worldly possessions, turn to the Lord and declare, “Lord, You are my property, my wealth, my inheritance, my strength, and my life.” God will then give you the inheritance you have never even asked for and establish you in ways you never imagined.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I bless all Your children. Lord, there is no greater blessing than what comes from You. You hold all blessings in Your hands. You have life, fortune, and treasure with You. It is You, O Lord, who gives us generations and descendants, who grants us permanent inheritance. You are our wealth, our treasure, our property. We accept You as our portion and our wealth. Do all things for Your children that they need, and as they give You first place and priority in their lives, may they inherit the best You have for them.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.

You Will Blossom

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read from the book of Numbers 17:5, “And it will be that the rod of the man whom I choose will blossom.”

My dear brothers and sisters, God said that the rod He chooses will bloom. So, the twelve tribes of Israel brought similar rods before Moses, and among the twelve rods was the rod of Aaron. Moses brought all the rods before the Lord as a testimony. The next day, Moses went to see the rods, and behold, the rod of Aaron, from the house of Levi, had sprouted, put forth buds, produced blossoms, and yielded ripe almonds. So, God once again says, “The rod of the one whom I choose will blossom.” Therefore, if you feel you are not among those whom God has chosen, immediately ask the Lord to include your name in that list. Then your life, too, will bloom, putting forth buds and yielding ripe almonds, even in the darkest of nights.

The time for your blooming will come. However, in that moment of growth, someone may try to hinder you, as if pouring acid on you to destroy you right as you are about to blossom. But today, if you find yourself among those whom God has chosen, you will bloom and spring forth even in the night. In a single night, God can cause you to blossom, no matter how dry or dead you may feel. He can breathe new life into what seems like a dead twig or dry bone. All you need to do is one thing: tell the Lord, “I have gone far from You. It is true that You have chosen me. It is true that You have called me. It is true that You have redeemed me. But I have missed You, Lord. Please include my name in the list of those whom You have chosen.”

If you come to the Lord this morning, your life will bloom. Your healing will soon spring forth. Remember the day Ruth came to the Lord for refuge. The Bible tells us that Boaz said to her, “Because you did not go after the young men and because you were virtuous and kept your testimony, all the people of the town know that you are a virtuous woman.” God restored her ruined life. He provided all that she needed. He blessed her with a good marriage, a strong lineage, and a life full of His favor. Just as God caused her life to blossom, He will do the same for you. The time for your blossoming has begun.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You for this good counsel that You have given. Lord, for those who are in the list of the chosen, we come and stand before You. Please include our names in that list. Cause our lives to bloom. Let their business, ministry, education, and family lives bloom. Lord, replant those whose lives have been plucked out. Rebuild those whose lives have been knocked down. Let all good and glorious events be conducted by You in their homes. Bless them with good generations and descendants. Make them honorable people on the face of this earth.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

The Power of Honoring

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you. The auspicious word that God gives you today is from the book of 1 Samuel 2:30, “For those who honor Me, I will honor.”

My dear brothers and sisters, everyone expects to live an honorable life, and this is not wrong. Nobody should despise or dishonor you. All should honor you. This is what many of us desire. It’s not wrong to think that way. But if you want what you expect to come to pass, then you need to follow the formula given in the Bible, as found in today’s word: “For those who honor Me, I will honor.” In other words, when you honor the Lord first, you will find favor from God and receive honor from others. The verse emphasizes that only if God honors you, people will honor you. Therefore, honoring the Lord is of great importance. Some people may seek worldly honor for money or even buy degrees for status, but you cannot buy honor from God with money.

One way to honor God is by sharing what He has done in your life as a testimony. Your testimony honors God. Additionally, when you walk uprightly, others will notice and say, “This is how a Christian should be.” In that way, you honor God with your life. However, when you follow your own desires and live in a way contrary to God’s will, people will say, “Is this person a Christian?” Their words will dishonor God. On the other hand, if people speak highly of your good character and behavior, God will be honored. You should strive to honor the Lord through your actions and lifestyle.

In some families, children may earn a bad name, and in turn, the family’s name is dishonored. People may say, “This person has brought shame to their family.” In the same way, God should not feel dishonored by your actions. From now on, make a change in your life so that God will not be put to shame or disgrace because of your behavior. Honor the Lord by giving Him priority and importance in your life, including church activities. Give importance to attending church. If you say you honor the Lord but don’t go to church, your attitude is wrong. This brings dishonor to God. God clearly says, “Do not do anything for your personal pleasure on this Holy Day of Mine.” Do not walk in your own ways. Instead, seek the Lord and come to His house of prayer. Go to church to worship the Lord in truth and spirit. Don’t stay home because there is no ministry to do. Failing to honor the Lord on Sundays, the Lord’s Day, is dishonorable. If you honor Him on this day, God will honor you in return and place you in an honorable position.

Dear Lord, we thank You. You have said, “For those who honor Me, I will honor.” I pray for those children who have distanced themselves from their relationship with God and from church activities. May they change their attitude and turn back to the Lord, restoring their relationship with You and participating in church activities. As a result, may they receive honor from You, Lord. Grant them worldly honor and all the blessings of this life. Lord, let them not be put to shame. Honor them in the very places where they were once shamed. Lift their heads high, make their name great, and fill their lives with pride and honor. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.

The Gentiles Will Come

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the Word from Isaiah 60:3, “The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”

My dear brothers and sisters, when the God of light is with a man or woman, even kings will come seeking them. When God said, “Let there be light,” light shone on the earth, which was previously covered in darkness. Today, God is speaking to you, saying, “Let there be light.” At this moment, brightness is beginning to shine in your darkened life. God is bringing you out of the dark room, and from now on, He will lift you up and transform you into a rich and wealthy person, to such a degree that even kings will come in search of you. Not only that, but “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” This means that God expects you to reflect His light like a mirror and become a vessel carrying Jesus Christ within you. Looking at my own life, I was nothing, but gradually I became a successful businessman. Later, I accepted God’s calling and entered the ministry. When I was in business, people came to me to buy vehicles, but not for counsel or life direction.

However, once I entered the ministry and the God of light came into me, His brightness began to shine within me. The anointing of His light and the gift of the Holy Spirit filled me, and people began to come, not for business, but to find solutions to their life’s problems. They would say, “This man is not ordinary; God is with him.” They sought good counsel, prayer, and deliverance from the challenges they faced. They believed that if they came to me, the mysterious knots in their lives would be undone, the curses would be revealed, and they could confess and seek God’s deliverance.

In this way, nations came to the light that was shining brightly, drawn to the place where God’s gifts were at work. As they received deliverance, I felt joyful knowing that God was using me. You too should retain God in your heart so that kings will come to you. God’s light must shine within you, and that brightness should radiate to those around you. Others should benefit from your life. Surrender yourself to God so that He can use you, and your life will be blessed. As the verse says, “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” People will be drawn to you, and God will lift you up in a glorious way, just as He did for Isaac.

Isaac’s growth in his business was beyond anyone’s imagination, even though the natural circumstances were against him. Since God favored him, he reaped a hundredfold during a time of famine and became a very wealthy man. Kings who heard of this came to make a peace treaty with him, saying, “God is with you, and you are blessed by Him. That is why we want to make peace with you.” In the same way, God will bless you with such growth in your business, job, or ministry that even kings will come to you.

Dear Lord, we thank You. Thank You, Father, for taking us, though we were unworthy, and anointing us with Your light. You have placed Your brightness upon our faces and transformed us into Your likeness. We praise You for displaying Your power in us so that kings and nations may come to our light. From now on, let there be no darkness in the lives of those reading this. Pull them out of the power of darkness and make them children of light. Let their lives rise and shine for God. I bless them to be so. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

The Righteous Shall Flourish

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you! Let us take and read from the book of Psalms 92:12: “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, and they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”

My dear brothers and sisters, to those children who desire good growth and a steady life, God is giving you an answer through this auspicious word. If you need growth, the verse says, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, and they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.” To flourish and grow, you must become a righteous person. Perhaps until yesterday, you may have been living a wicked life, following your desires, and not considering the needs of others. Maybe you had the attitude of “What does it matter if something happens to others?” Such attitudes are not the characteristics of a righteous person. A righteous person should be helpful to others, partake in their difficulties, and treat others’ hardships as their own. A righteous person should be useful to others and do good for them. These are the qualities of a good and righteous person.

In this world, there are both righteous and wicked people, but only the life of a righteous person will be steady. Though the wicked may grow and appear prosperous, their lives will be turbulent, and their legacy may not last. I have seen wealthy lords who lived luxurious lives, but their descendants struggled, even losing their homes to debt. Such people did not experience steady growth or steady lives. However, if you are righteous, your life will be steady, and you will enjoy steady growth. The Bible says, “I was young, and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor their children begging for bread.” No matter how fierce the storm, God will give you strong and steady growth and bless you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. If there are any who are living a wicked life, as they listen to this auspicious word today, let them put an end to their wicked ways. May they commit themselves to righteousness, change their character, and grow strong and steady. May they gather virtues that will bless their children. I bless them from the bottom of my heart. Though they may have struggled in poverty until now, may they grow rich, prosper, and multiply in the future. Let them lend to others instead of borrowing. May they be admired for the positive changes in their lives, and may they prosper in all they do. In Jesus’ name, we pray,

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