God lifts up the Poor

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus  Christ our Lord.  The blessed word  that God has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of Psalm 113: 7,8, “He raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy out of the Ash heap that He may seat him with princes.’’

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  Today the Lord is going to give you the staff to earn your royal bounties, and thus be blessed in your life. For He raises the poor and lifts the needy. Until yesterday you would have been a failure. But today the Lord is going to bless you with needed education qualification, capacity, skill,   wisdom, knowledge, and everything that is necessary to lift you up in your status. You will be successful in your interview. I wish to illustrate, how a brother by the name John Solomon, who attended Anbarin Padathil Oru Naal our monthly fasting prayer meet, regularly grew up to a better status in life.  He came to Chennai as a poor man with a meager salary of Rupees Four thousand.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today he looks fair and handsome but when I saw him for the first time he was not so appealing. He was working in a small job then. I used to see him seated at the front row regularly at the Fasting Prayer Meeting. The Lord blessed him step by step. He got married and was blessed with a son. He soon built his own house.   You must have seen him listing out all the miracles the Lord has performed in his life. He said not a single prophesy had failed to happen in his life. He had bought a house in Maddipakkam,   I inaugurated it. I  then told him that he would build more houses. He built another house in Trichy Halleluiah!  As a spiritual father, I feel very happy when I see the growth and prosperity of the children of God.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,  his growth was too fast, but all of a sudden he lost his job. He said to me “Uncle, only now I am shooting up in my life but at this point of time, I have lost my job”’ I told him that when the heart of  Pharaoh was hardened good things happened to the people of Israel. If one door is shut, another door will be opened for you in an MNC company.  The Lord is going to take   you  across the nation.”  He held on to these words.  He got a job in an MNC company, later He got an onsite project, and now he and his family are very happy. Do you know the reason for it.  Just like you all, one day, he came and sat, in the meeting without anything. But it was the talents, that the Lord had kept within him and the fear of the Lord, that enabled him to shoot up in his life. When he became rich and wealthy he did not throw away God, instead, he honored him. Like Jacob, he said, “I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which you have shown, your servant.” John Solomon was a humble brother. So God exalted him. So my dear Brothers and Sisters, in the same way,  God will exalt you, if you fear the Lord and humble yourself in the mighty hands of God. God will bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you, Lord, for teaching us to fear the Lord and be humble in life. Make us hold on to the Lord, during times of difficulties. Never to refrain ourselves from God for any reason.  Remove all poverty and lift us up to a better status in our life.  May the Blessings of God be upon us so that Your name may be honored.

In Jesus name we pray.



Hard Work Rewarded

My   Dear    Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus  Christ our Lord.  The blessed word  that God has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of Genesis 30:43 “And the man increased exceedingly and had much cattle, and maid servants, and men servants and camels, and asses.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we learn that Jacob prospered in the house of his uncle  Laban because of his hard work. Firstly He tended sheep. His salary was changed ten times by his unkind uncle. Later he partnered along with his uncle in sheep rearing and earned much. Only after becoming exceedingly prosperous he returned to his homeland Canaan. He says, “While crossing Jordan this staff was my only treasure.  It is the staff that the Lord gave me in my hand. I held on to this staff, and departed to my uncle’s place from my father’s home.” We see from the above context how Jacob worked hard to make a good living. Jacob held on to the staff that the Lord had given him till the very end.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Are you making use of your talents that the Lord has given you?  The master gave five talents to his servant and when he came back the servant gave the master double the talents by working hard and making a good profit in his business. The master appreciated his hard effort.  God also will appreciate your hard work.    Therefore make use of the talents that God has bestowed into your hands.  The Lord has blessed you with a good education. You have acquired a good degree, so you must make a good income or earn well by putting up hard work.  You must earn your royal bounties.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, We often see how much pain parents take to give sound education to their children, they at times face problems because of them and are forced to stand before the Principal and face shame and humiliation too, yet for the sake of their children they bear it all cheerfully.   But some children fail to make use of their education and hurt their parents by not going to work. They become lazy and stay at home, instead of working hard. Such children can never prosper in their life.  Everyone wishes to come up in life.  No one ever wants to go down in life. To become a great person, you must work hard with the staff that you have in your hand.     

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jacob was very strong in his decision, that he would not go back to his homeland until he became a wealthy man. Only after he had earned well and made a lot of wealth he went to his homeland.  That should be your decision too. That you will work hard and become great in life. There is nothing impossible to them that believe in God. For all things are possible to him who believes. May God bless you to earn your Royal Bounties.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.  Lord thank you for the staff you have given us to earn a better living. Teach us to make use of the staff carefully. Help us to work hard and aspire to be great in life. Give us the strength to work hard. May we like Jacob, make good decisions in our life and achieve greater heights.

In Jesus name we pray.


God will bless the works of your hands

My  Dear  Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus  Christ our Lord.  The blessed word  that God has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of Psalms 128:2, “When you eat the labour of your hands, You shall be happy  and it shall be well with you.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above context we come to know that this is a Psalm for families.  In that, we are taught that the prosperity of our families depends, upon the blessings of God. We learn from this Psalm that the only way to obtain that blessing that will make our families comfortable is to live in the fear of God,  and in obedience to Him. We must sing this Psalm in the firm belief of the truth that religion and piety are the best friends to outward prosperity. It is again and again laid down in truth and that those who are truly holy are truly happy. Blessed is every one that fears the Lord whether he be high or low, rich or poor, in the world. If you fear Him and walk in His ways, all shall be well with you.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If you fear Him and walk in His ways, all shall be well with you. By the Blessing of God, the Godly shall get an honest livelihood. To do their work, with quietness they shall work and eat their own food. They shall enjoy what they earn. They that fear the Lord, and walk in His ways, are the only happy persons, whatever their station in life may be. They shall have abundant comfort in their family relations. And they shall have all the good things God has promised .

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Bible says, that King Solomon found,  that the only beneficial and appropriate course of action for people is to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all their hard work on earth. During the few days, of their life which God has given them,  for this is their reward. To everyman whom God has given wealth and possessions, He has also given him, the ability to eat, from them, to receive his reward and to find enjoyment, in his toil for these things, are the gift of God.  Man does not think much about the fleeting days, of his life, because God keeps him preoccupied with the joy he derives from his activity. May the Lord enable you to enjoy the fruit of your labor.  God bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we thank you for making us know that those who fear the Lord will be blessed. Teach us to fear the Lord.  And walk in His ways, in order to live an honest livelihood. Help us to walk in the fear of the  Lord, and receive the blessings of the Lord. May we see our children’s children and maintain friendly relationships within our family.

In Jesus name we pray.


Remember Your Creator

My  Dear  Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus  Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of  Ecclesiastes. 12:1, “ Remember now your creator, in the days of your youth. Before the difficult days come. And the years draw near, when you say, I have no pleasure in them.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we have a call to young people, to think of God and mind their duty to Him while they are young. “Remember now thy Creator, in the days, of thy youth.’’ King Solomon expects that young people should remember  that  there is a God and that this God is a God of great and glorious perfections,  omniscient,  omnipresent, omnipotent, holy, just, and true, who will judge the earth in righteousness. He is a God who is gracious, merciful, and pardoning iniquity and sin. Young men should remember their creator, who has made them and not they themselves. And that He has brought them into being, and preserved them to glorify Him.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,“ While the evil days come not.”   Refers to old age. when one grows weary and sick, and might even go through affliction, which makes them uncomfortable and unfit for religious service. Then you shall say—I have no pleasure  in them. And the Psalmist also encourages, that a young man must cleanse his ways,    by taking heed to God’s word.    

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, you might be expecting a seat in a good  college,  a good life partner, or a job in a  good company. If you want all these things to happen in your life, then you should remember your Creator.   You need to seek His face because the psalmist says, they looked to Him and were radiant. And their faces were not ashamed. When you make God the portion of your life, then God will bless you. God will break all the barriers that obstruct you from receiving your blessing. The Lord will bless you and grant you the desires of your heart. For the blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And    He adds no sorrow, with it.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, may be until now you have not achieved anything great in your life. But in future you will achieve wonderful things. God will bless you with a permanent job.  Or you might prosper in your business.  Or you will find a good life partner. You might be successful in all that you do. The Bible says, the righteous shall rise high and mount up as eagles.  They will  flourish like the palm trees, they will grow like cedar in Lebanon. Even those who work in menial jobs, like electrician, liners and mechanics will begin to prosper. For God says, My People will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure  dwellings   and in quiet resting places. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord help all young people to acknowledge God as their Creator,  Lord, and Master of their life. Instruct them to seek God while they are young and not when they lose pleasure in spiritual activities. Help them to flourish in the work of their hands. And may they receive the blessings of God and live in peace and harmony.

In Jesus name we pray.


Be Content

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I waited upon the Lord, the blessed word that the Lord gave me to bless you today is from the book of Hebrews 13:5, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Our God is a God of Counsel. The above words express His good counselling to the church of the Hebrews. He gives counselling in-order that you might not be forsaken by God.

No matter what situation you are going through, He will guide and lead you to live a perfect life. What He expects of you is to be content with what you have and to be thankful to God for all that He has blessed you with. God admonishes you not to be covetous and desirous to amass wealth.

Today many people are not happy with what they have. They are not satisfied with the salary they get or the Job they do. Often people think that they can achieve anything with money. But that’s not true. Money cannot buy all things. Money is the root of all sins. Unknowingly, people get trapped into a lot of problems just because of their greed to want to live a sophisticated life. This should not happen in your life. Learn to ask the Lord for whatever you need. The Lord will give you everything you ask for, in His name.

God Bless You.

Prayer: Our Loving heavenly Father, we thank you for this blessed day. I pray that You may bless Your dear children. Guide them and teach them in the way they should go. Father, help Your children to obey Your counsel and lead a fruitful life. In Jesus name we pray,


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