My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of, Genesis 31:42, “If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the fear of Isaac, had not been with me, you would surely have sent me away empty-handed. But God has seen my hardship and the toil of my hands, and last night He rebuked you.”
“My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above context, we understand that if only the God of Abraham had not been with Jacob, Laban would have harmed him. Jacob believed that since God of his father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac had been with him, and because he feared and served with reverence and godly fear, and unless his father’s God had been on his side and had protected him and preserved him his uncle, Laban, would have sent, him away empty-handed.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, We see in this passage, that Jacob decided to return to his father, Isaac, to the land of Canaan. So he set His sons, and his wives on camels, he carried away all his livestock and all his possessions which he had gained in Padan Aram while working with his uncle Laban. Jacob had not told his uncle that he had decided to flee to his home town. He fled with all that he had, He crossed the river, and headed towards the mountains of Gilead. On hearing the escape of Jacob, Laban overtook Jacob and pitched his tents in the mountains of Gilead, with his brethren. Laban said to Jacob, “ It is in my power to do you harm, but God warned me not to speak neither good nor bad.” Jacob answered Laban by the above words, saying, “God had seen my hardship and the toil of my hands, hence He has rebuked you last night.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jacob had strong faith that God who called him was faithful. He faced many hardships, in his uncle’s place. His wages had been changed several times. In spite of his hard work, his uncle Laban refused to be kind to him. Rather he dealt rudely with him. On hearing that Jacob was escaping Laban chased him but God prevented him from harming, Jacob. In the same way, God will put an end to all those who are planning to do evil against you. God says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper”.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, You might be going through a terrible situation, at your work spot, Or you are broken-hearted because of the financial crisis. You might have to pay back huge debts. Or you have a problem with your relationship. So you are quite disturbed and even think why should I go through all this. Won’t God intervene and help me come out of all my problems. God is always willing to help you when you surrender your lives to Jesus. Therefore cast all your cares upon Him for he cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant, be steadfast in the faith . Resist the devil, and humble yourselves, in the mighty hands of God. Then the Lord will exalt you in due time. He raises the poor out of the dust, He lifts the needy, out of the ash heap. So cast your care upon him and He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you, Lord, for being mindful of us. You protected Jacob from his cruel uncle Laban. In the same way, Lord protects and safeguards us from the hands of all the evil people. Surround us with Your mercy. Help us to be vigilant and steadfast in our faith. Teach us to humble ourselves in the mighty hands of God that we may be exalted.
In Jesus name we pray.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Numbers 24: 5-6, “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, Your Dwellings, O Israel. Like Valleys that stretch out Like gardens by the riverside, Like Aloes planted by the Lord, Like Cedars beside the waters.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we understand that Balaam was delighted to see the tents of the Israelites all arranged according to their tribes and neatly set up in order pitched in the plains of Moab. He breaks forth into admiration of their beautiful order as they lay ranged under their several standards. They look like gardens pleasant and fruitful and secured by a fence. Like sweet-smelling trees in a garden yielding shade and shelter to man and beast. The tents are temporary living quarters while dwelling implies a permanent living space.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Prophet Balaam was hired to curse Israel. Balak the King of Moab said to Balaam, “ I know that whomever you bless is blessed. And whomever you curse is cursed.” He called upon the services of Balaam, who had a reputation for powerful, divining. Balak wanted to put a curse upon the Israelites so as to overpower them and drive them out of Egypt. But God said to Balaam, “ You shall not go with them, you shall not curse the people for they are blessed. ” When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, He raised his eyes and saw Israel, encamped according to their tribes. And the spirit of God came upon him and uttered words of praise over Israel. “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob. Your Dwellings O Israel, Like Valleys, that stretch out like gardens by the riverside. Like Aloes planted by the Lord. Like Cedars beside the waters.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, “ The episode of the defeat of the counsels of Balak and Balaam against Israel, was not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Lord of Hosts. The Bible says, “The Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you because the Lord your God loves you.” The Dwellings refer to the house in which you live. God is keen on blessing you and your family. He wants to bless your house with all the good things. If you allow Jesus to enter into your house then your dwellings will be lovely like Cedars beside the waters. And like aloes planted by the Lord. He wants to decorate your house with all the good things. Peace, joy, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity. God says, “The generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and Riches will be in his house and his descendants will be mighty on the earth.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Are you interested in acquiring these blessings, Do you want to live in a house like gardens, by the riverside. Then you need to fear the Lord and walk uprightly, for the faithful man abounds with blessings. The blessings of the Lord makes one rich and does not cause sorrow. God bless you.
Our loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we thank you for turning our curse into a blessing. Help us to live in houses that are like a well-watered garden. May we fear the Lord at all times and walk uprightly to inherit His blessings. Help us to be like sweet smelling trees that spread the fragrance of Christ in our lives. May we be a channel of blessing to others.
In Jesus name we pray.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Psalms 90:15, “Make us glad according to the days, in which you have afflicted us. The years in which we have seen evil.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we learn that Prophet Moses makes a prayer to the Lord regarding the people of Israel. He remembers the pain and agony the people of Israel endured during the days, in Egypt for nearly 430 years under the hands of the cruel taskmasters. Later he recollects the trudging of the Israelites through the wilderness for forty long years. So he pleads with the Lord saying “ Oh! Satisfy us early with your mercy. That we may rejoice and be glad all our days. “Moses cries out to God in the wilderness asking God to gladden the hearts of the people of Israel, according to the days they had seen evil or the days wherein they have been afflicted.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the days of affliction are times of sorrow, and days of prosperity make us glad and joyful. Moses therefore pleads with God to let the people of Israel see better days in life according to the days wherein they have been afflicted. He expected that God should bless them in equal proportion. Both Prosperity and adversity are had in turns and they work together for good to them that love the Lord. Afflictions are evils that one experiences in the form of punishment. So he says, “O Lord thou hast made us sad therefore be pleased to make us glad.” The prayer may be childlike. But full of meaning. Great trials enables us to bear great joy. And may be regarded as the herald of extraordinary grace. Where there are higher hills there are deep valleys. If we have fierce afflictions we may look for overflowing delights. God who is great in justice when he chastens will not be little in mercy when he blesses, he will be great all through. So let us appeal to Him with unstaggering faith.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, you may have been working very sincerely in your office, but suddenly for no reason you have been transferred to a different location. So you are saying, “Lord I have been so good and sincere in my work , why then should I be transferred. ?” As a result you are shedding tears thinking about the unpleasant happenings. But God says, Nothing has happened in your life without the plan of God. Whatever has happened in your life is for your good. In order to avoid being blamed falsely by the authority or co workers God has allowed this transfer, from your current location for a good reason.
My Dear Brothers Sisters, Therefore rejoice in the Lord and thank Him for what He is doing in your life because good things will happen shortly. And then you will realize that the transfer was for your good. God says, surely there is a hereafter and your hope will not be cut off. You shall not see evil anymore. Therefore rejoice and be glad in the Lord. God is about to do great things in your life. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. We thank you for letting us know that both prosperity and adversity are had in turns. Help us to accept these two phase of life wisely and enable us to overcome them through the strength of God. Teach us to count it all joy when we go through trials. May we realize that great trials lead us to great joy. Make us realize that nothing happens without your knowledge. Help us see good days in life.
In Jesus name we pray.
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given you today is from the book of Psalm 90:14-15, “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble”. This is a Psalm that Moses took to the Lord as a prayer. In this verse, Moses emphasizes saying, “Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble”. For 430 years the people of Israel were not only bound in slavery but also were tortured severely by the Egyptians. The bible tells that, as their hearts were immensely burdened, they cried out to the Lord. Moses wrote this Psalm to the Lord as a prayer to bring an end to all the tribulation that the people of Israel were facing.
My dearly beloved children of God, you might also have been crying out to the Lord for several years, for the problems that you are facing and might not have got an answer till now. The Lord says that today, He is going to put an end to all your problems. From now on, you are going to be glad, for all the days of your life. The Lord is going to satisfy you with His abundant mercies every morning. He is going to shower you with His new mercies and is going to fill you with new strength every morning. He is going to bless you with His grace upon you every day.
Grace is gift that the Lord gives to you when you are not worthy of it. You might have faced days of tribulation instead of gladness. Today is the day that the Lord has appointed for you to receive a miracle in every aspect of your life. God desires that you may rejoice and be glad. From now on, instead of the days of trouble, you will experience the days of miracle. God is able to do exceedingly great things in your life.
God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father, You have seen the days of trouble and pain in the lives of Your children. I pray that You may fill them with Your abundant mercies and grace every morning and satisfy them with gladness all the days of their lives. Lord, may You turn all their sorrows into joy. Shower them with Your unfailing love. In Jesus name we pray,
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Isaiah 65:19, “I will rejoice in Jerusalem, And joy in My people. The voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her. Nor the voice of crying.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above context we understand that God himself rejoices in his people, as they are considered in Christ. He manifests his love to them and rejoices over them to do them good. He rejoices in the exercise of his own grace in them, as He has chosen them for himself. The Bible says, “’For Yahweh has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel as his treasured possession.” Therefore He rejoices over them. God’s plan is to make known his secret to his chosen people. This rich and glorious secret which he has are for all people. And the secret is that , Christ is in you, which means that you will share in the glory of God.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God further says, that we should be glad and rejoice forever in what He has created. He will create Jerusalem to be a joy, and it’s people to be a delight. Just as God wants to bless Jerusalem, He wants to bless you and your family too. It is not about the city of Jerusalem but the sons and daughters of Jerusalem that is “’you and me.”’ God wants to give you an experience of joy in your life. God does not want you to be in bondage. He wants to liberate you from all your problems and enable you to rejoice in the Lord. Because you have shed tears in the past due to various reasons, God says, the voice of weeping and voice of crying shall no longer be heard in your families. You may be crying as to when your weeping will come to an end. When your debts will come to an end. You are saying, when will my shame and humiliation come to an end. The tears you have shed because of your sorrows has reached heaven and shaken the heavens. God is comforting you through this message. From today onwards the Lord is going to rejoice over you. God very well knows that you who have trailed a sorrowful life, needs a life of rejoicing. God will never test anyone beyond your capacity.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God knows every incident, that took place in your life, the pain, the loss, the agony and the tears you have shed were beyond your limit. And he realizes that you need a period of rejoicing for all that you have patiently endured. You have been too good to have suffered in the hands of those whom you trusted much. You have been despised by your own people, so God wants to comfort you by saying “I will rejoice over you, and there shall no more weeping or crying be heard in your life.”God says, “I will do better for you, and settle you than at your beginning.” God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. We thank You because you recognize our life of sorrow. And thereby wish that we rejoice in the Lord. Thank you for promising us that there will be no more weeping and crying in our families. Help us Lord to see better days in life. Grant us a life of rejoicing.
In Jesus name we pray.