Be Content

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Hebrews 13:5, “Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have, For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

“My Dear Brothers and Sisters from the above context we realize that Hebrews chapter thirteen is concerned about the love of money. Apostle Paul says, keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have for He has said, “ I will never leave you or forsake you. ” This command to be free from the love of money suggests that financial pressures were among the special problems faced by the people of that period of time.

We have full confidence of protection and provision by our God. But in no respect does this guarantee that we will enjoy lives of material prosperity. Jesus never promised us an easy life and our hard work may not be rewarded in this life with wealth or luxury. The above context points out that the Lord will provide all that we need for a life founded on faith. Of course, many faithful believers have experienced severe financial hardship and many have died of exposure, thirst hunger disease and worse. Therefore if we have nothing we do not despair, if we have enough we are content. If we have much we share with others.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our desire for riches and an over anxious care for worldly things and discontentment with what is available, shows ways in preferring the world, to religion. Where one lays up treasures for himself, and is not of any use to others. He does not make use of His substance for the glory of God. This a very great evil. It is idolatry. And it is the root of all evil. A man of God’s conversation should be based on honest dealings. He should deal uprightly and not defraud. He should be liberal and communicate graciously on all occasions.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus Loves you just as you are. He will never leave you neither forsake you. Earthly friends may fail you. Even though your children do not understand you, He understands you. You might like to have a friend who would never leave you, or forsake you. Always be close by your side, always ready to help. Jesus desires to be such a friend to you. What a friend we have in Jesus.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, do you have a friend? Is your friend honest with you? Can you trust your friend for who he is? You need a friend who will care for you at all times, both in times of sorrow and joy. Make Jesus your friend. He will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, He will guide you with His eyes. He shall preserve you from all troubles. He will surround you with songs of deliverance. He will cause your face to shine. He will strengthen your heart. Even when your father and mother forsake you, He will take care of you. So make Jesus your friend for He will neither leave you nor forsake you. God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, thank you for teaching us to be content with what we have in life. Never to go after worldly things but after things that would lead to Jesus. Not to spend money lavishly but be wise and more economic. Help us to always, enjoy the presence of God in our life, rather than run after earthly things that would perish. Lord be a good friend to us.

In Jesus name we pray.

The Lord is mindful of you.

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our maker, creator and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word  that the Lord has given us this day is from the book of Psalm 115:12-14 says “He will bless his people Israel, He will bless the house of Aaron, He will bless those who fear the Lord—small and great alike. May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children.”

The Lord is mindful of us. He will bless us. The Lord says that He is mindful of our family. It is not that God is concerned only of one person in the family, He is concerned about your entire family.

According to Luke 19:10 ‘For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost’, God is more concerned about those sheep who have gone astray from His herd. He knows how to bring them into His fold.

Saul was a person who was against God, who tortured and persecuted the children of God. But God was mindful of him too. One day the Lord met him and turned him to be as Paul. God has His own ways of doing things. Many parents are crying over such children. You are frightened as to what might befall your children. God will bring them to His fold. The Lord will bless them as he is mindful of them.

Today, whatever blessings you may lack in, God is gracious enough to fulfill it to you. Today every one of you in your family is going to receive some kind of blessing. Blessings of the Lord awaits you and your family.

God Bless You.

Our Loving heavenly Father, thank you for being so mindful of us. I pray that You may bring back all those children who have gone astray from their family. Lord, we thank You for what You are going to do this in the lives of Your beloved children. In Jesus name we pray.

Blessing of the Lord

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Proverbs 10:22, “The Blessing of the Lord brings wealth. And He adds no sorrow or trouble to it.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we find that the blessings of the Lord makes one rich. Jesus in His days, blessed people with more. More wine at the wedding, more fish and loaves for lunch. There are many incidents in the Bible that celebrates the blessing of the Lord.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, to enjoy worldly or material blessing you need to improve your spiritual life. By Reading the word of God regularly, and praying steadfastly you can grow spiritually. Then you will experience a great change in your life. Increase your prayer time. The more we pray we will draw more close to God and this will help us in our day to day life. Ask God to give you the spirit of prayer. When a person edifies himself in his spiritual life, he will be blessed in every way. When you are spiritual even the members of your family will be blessed. God wants you to be fruitful and multiply.

My Dear Brothers and sisters, Some of you may not have the gift of a child. This may be due to the curse of your ancestors. Or it might be because of your own sinful nature. Ask God to forgive your sins and the sins of your ancestors. David says, in his psalms, “Lord in sin my mother conceived me, Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sins.”Ask God to forgive your sins and curse in your life. Keep doing what the Lord tells you to do. Fear Him at all times and obey Him. God never harms anyone. But satan is a destroyer. He comes to destroy, your peace, your joy and happiness. The Bible says, “Satan comes to steal, and to kill and to destroy. But Jesus came that you may have life, and that you may have it more abundantly”. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Read the word of God each night before you go to bed. For the word you read, will protect you, guard you and keep you safe. The word will protect you in the night. And speak to you in the morning when you wake up. The word of God contains God’s will for you. It nourishes you, and strengthens your spiritual lives. Gives you discernment and instructs you in righteousness. It gives power to overcome and it is filled with promises that you can hold on to. May the Lord help you to be spiritual and gain the blessings of God.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for teaching us that, to attain worldly blessings we need to be more spiritual. We need to pray diligently and draw more close to God. Help us to Fear God and obey His commandments. May we resist the devil that destroys our peace and joy. Bless us Lord according to your promise, that we may glorify your name.

In Jesus name we pray.


Mighty Hand

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Jeremiah 32:21, “You brought your people Israel out of Egypt, with signs and wonders, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with great terror.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from this passage we get to know how God loved the people of Israel and therefore He brought them out of bondage by His mighty arm. Jeremiah actually admires the Lord and His infinite perfections. God is the fountain of all being, power and life, and that with Him no difficulty is such, that it cannot be overcome and that He is a God of boundless mercy and justice.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, whatever trouble we are in personal or public, we may comfort ourselves that the Lord sees it, and knows how to remedy it. We must not dispute God’s will, but try to know what it means. We read in the book of Exodus how God sent ten plagues upon Egypt, one after another, before Pharaoh would let them go. And when he pursued after them, God divided the Red Sea, for them, that they might pass through, and then He brought the waters back upon the Egyptians, who pursued after them through the sea.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Just as God had promised Abraham, hundreds of years before, that the People of Israel should come out from the place where they had been as bondsmen and therefore He brought them out of their state of bondage since they could not deliver themselves. God brought them out of Egypt with signs and wonders, by slaying the first born and He divided the Red Sea, and let them walk on bare lands. He also protected them in the wilderness, after He brought them out of Egypt till they settled in the land of Canaan.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Thus we see that God who brought the people out of Egypt, is able to rescue you from all your troubles . It is a trivial thing for the Lord to do. May be you are going through a huge financial crisis, Or you may be at a loss in your business, You are unable to secure a job in spite of your good educational qualification, Or maybe you are in need of a promotion or transfer to a different location. Though married you haven’t got a child for almost seven long years, and therefore you are heartbroken. You are going through shame and humiliation. Some illness is pulling you down.

Whatever may be your situation, God is able to save you to the uttermost. Therefore do not be afraid, trust in God and He will bring you out off all your troubles and He will restore all that you have lost in your life. God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we see your power, might and your majesty in bringing out your people out of Egypt from the land of bondage. You divided the Red Sea for them to pass through. And made them enter the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey. Your greatness is immeasurable. You are altogether awesome in nature. Lord help us to overcome all our troubles, that we come across in our daily life.

In Jesus name we pray.


God grants perfect Peace

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 26:3 , “You will keep him in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, in order for us to have peace, all we need to do is to focus our minds on the Lord, then we begin to trust in Him and His power. This wonderful promise was given to Isaiah when Israel, was going through its darkest period. We see even today, that many people are surrounded by much gloominess, and depression and when we are constantly threatened with the three great enemies of doubt, fear and worry, we need to keep our minds fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ and realize how precious and comforting these words become to us.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, God is telling you to cling on to Him firmly from this day onwards. At times you might have been unsuccessful in achieving your goals. And this may be because you had left Jesus behind. But from now on you hold on to Him. Then you will find a progress in your life. God is not happy with those who backslide from the Lord. The Bible says, “For a righteous man fall seven times and yet he rises again.” The Peace which God offers is very practical. And this can be experienced by us through His grace. And this peace can be attained by trusting our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul through his letters encourages the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord always. He says, “ Rejoice in the Lord always, and I say again rejoice.” Let your gentleness be evident to all. For the Lord is near, therefore do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanks giving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ procured peace for us, upon the cross of Calvary, and that peace is conveyed to our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit, as stated in the Bible. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness and faithfulness. Further the Bible says, Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, God gives us a guarantee that if we will walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, He will keep our hearts, in perfect peace. If we do our part, then He will do His part. Then you will have good success.

God Bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for having procured peace for us on the cross of Calvary. Teach us to keep Your commandments. Help us to cling on to You O Lord, for all our needs. Be with us and guide us in our day to day life. May we enjoy the fruit of the spirit in our life. In Jesus name we pray.


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