My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. On this day, the 7th of September, I am pleased to meet you directly through this Mangala Varthai message. May the Lord bless you. Let us take and read the auspicious word the Lord has kept for you today from the book of John 10:9: “I am the door; if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.”
My dear brothers and sisters, this is a very auspicious word. “I am the door.” I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the door. I am everything. Whoever enters through Me, that is, if anyone does something through Me or is ready to do something through Me, God is telling us that they will come in and go out and find pasture, and surely, they will be saved. In short, you cannot do anything without God. If you think you can do something with your strength, intelligence, wisdom, or talents, even then, you will not be able to succeed. God says, no matter what you do, “I am the door.” The door is very important—whether to enter a house or to leave it. This is why people pray when they install the door during the construction of a house, a tradition that has been followed since Old Testament times. Even now, pastors are called to pray when the door of a house is laid.
Today, God is saying, “I am the door.” If one enters through Me, that is, if you put God in the first position, and enter the house through Him or leave the house through Him, that person will come in and go out and find pasture. To come in and go out means you will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out through the door. This means you will be blessed within the city and blessed outside the city. If you come into the city with God, there will be blessings inside; if you go out with God, there will be blessings wherever you go. You need to visualize that God is standing there, and you need to leave through Him. This means you must take His blessing when you leave and take His blessing when you come in. This is what it means to come in and go out.
Another blessing in this context is the idea of coming in and going out, referring to both worldly and spiritual blessings. “In” refers to spiritual blessings, and “Out” refers to worldly blessings. Both can be attained only through God and only when you go through Him. When you do any activity through God, give Him the first place, seek counsel from Him, and take Him with you in whatever you do, then everything you do will prosper.
Dear Lord, we thank You. You have said that You are the door. You have promised that if we enter and leave through You, we will find pasture, receive salvation, and experience spiritual and worldly blessings. Today, You have declared, “I am the door.” May these children respect You and, through You, be united. Whatever they do, being united with You, let them gain victory. I bless them and pray that they will retain their victory and receive spiritual and earthly blessings in abundance. From today onward, let there be no failure, loss, or disappointment in their lives. Do great things for them. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 6th of September, I am happy to see you reading this Mangala Vaarthai message. May the Lord bless you. Let’s see what auspicious word the Lord has kept for you today. Let’s take from the book of Matthew 5:5, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
My dear Brothers and Sisters,
For children who are saying, “I still couldn’t get a permanent job, I still haven’t possessed a house, I haven’t been able to receive a good spiritual gift until now.” For those children who say, “I did not get this, I did not get that,” God is teaching you a good way to receive all these things. God says, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” This means, being calm is the opposite of anger. By anger, you will lose everything, but with meekness, you will gain everything and achieve great things. The Bible says about Moses that he was the meekest person. People may say, “Oh, he is a short-tempered husband, filled with anger,” or “The wife who came to be with me is a short-tempered wife, filled with anger.” Even the children in the house may be described as short-tempered.
The Bible tells us certain ways to attain blessings. If a person is meek, he will not only inherit the earth but also prosper. A person with a meek character will be blessed on this earth, which means their curses will be broken, and they will live a blessed life. This meek character helps you do everything steadily. Those who are meek do not rush into things. They don’t speak hastily. Look at a person with a meek nature—they decide steadily, speak steadily, have steadiness in their speech, steadiness in their sight, steadiness in doing things, and steadiness in decision-making. This steadiness will lead them to a successful life and help them inherit what they were unable to before. They will inherit the earth.
The reason for failure in your life may be anger, a hasty attitude, or making decisions without steadiness. You need deliverance from these behaviors. Meekness is the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, known for His long-suffering, meekness, and fullness of mercy. God expects a meek nature from you. When you cultivate this, whatever you were unable to inherit until now, God will give you everything.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, You are a very meek and humble God. Please give this meek nature to Your children. Help them live steadily, think steadily, decide steadily, and receive everything on time, according to Your plan and purpose. According to this verse, please bless those who are meek. You said that the meek will inherit the earth. Therefore, whatever Your children are crying for, which they have been unable to inherit so far, please give them all those things as they change and grow into meek children.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today, our good teacher, the Lord Jesus, is giving you a divine counsel from the book of Psalm 32:8: “I will teach you and show you the way you should walk. My eyes will be on you, and I will counsel you.”
Worldly teachers impart moral lessons, provide clarity in specific subjects, and teach us valuable concepts. They are known for imparting good knowledge and wisdom. The sacred title of ‘teacher’ should be reserved for those who teach what is good and righteous. Even in schools, teachers don’t just teach academic subjects; they also instill good values, offer sound advice, and impart moral guidance. This is the truth.
Today, Jesus Christ, our Good Teacher, offers us divine counsel. When Mary Magdalene encountered Him, she called out, “Rabboni,” meaning “Good Teacher.” Today, you too can call Him by this name—”Rabboni.” The Lord says, “I will teach you and show you the way you should walk. My eyes will be on you, and I will counsel you.” This means He will guide you in all aspects of your life—what you should do, how you should live, what you should say, where you should go, and where you should not go. When we try to navigate life on our own, we may end up in unnecessary problems or sin. That’s why the Lord says, “I will teach you, and I will give you good counsel. I will lead you in the way you should go.”
Therefore, surrender yourself completely to the Lord. Do not hold on to pride or ego. Only when you fully submit to Him can He guide you in the right path. Just as the potter molds the clay in his hands, the Lord will shape you beautifully and lift you up to admire His work in you. Many have testified that they experienced great peace and joy when they started following the counsel given by the Lord through me. Some have said they have transformed into better human beings by incorporating this divine guidance into their daily lives. Today, the Lord will place you in a wonderful and surprising place, and He will take delight in you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Thank You for being our Good Teacher. We thank You, Rabboni. You teach Your children valuable lessons and guide them in the way they should walk. You give them wise counsel, keeping a watchful eye over them. You are a wonderful Counselor, Lord. In the coming days, let Your counsel lead to a miraculous, blessed life for all who seek You. May they experience wonderful exaltation in their lives. Let them ride in triumph on the heights of the land and feast on the inheritance of their father Jacob. Lord, cancel every weapon formed against them, and may those who come against them in one way flee in seven different ways.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 4th of September, we greet you and invite you all to this Mangala Vaarthai message. Let’s take read the auspicious word from the book of Proverbs 25:25, “Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.”
My dear brothers and sisters, a “weary soul” refers to a drooping soul, a dull soul, or a thirsty soul. There is a saying, “Water is always for those who are thirsty.” God is telling us that for a thirsty soul, the good news received from a distant land will be like cold water. Today, the good news that comes from heaven will be like cold water to your weary soul. It may also come from a distant country or city where your children are living, bringing refreshment to your weary soul.
When bad news comes from afar, it can further burden the soul, making it more weary due to the heaviness of heart. But when good news arrives from a foreign place, from the cities or nations where your children live, it will uplift your weary soul, filling it with joy and gladness. I tell you again, if good news comes from your children who have gone to a distant land—whether they went there to live, study, or work—as long as you keep receiving good news, your soul will rejoice. However, if bad news arrives, the soul becomes weary. Yet, even when a soul has been burdened for some time, it can turn to rejoice again when good news comes regarding the same matter.
Today, you may be troubled at heart, having heard a lot of bad news. But God is telling you prophetically that good news will come from a distant land. Perhaps children studying abroad will say, “Mum, I’ve succeeded! I’ve earned my degree, I’ve cleared my arrears!” Or children who went there for a job may say they’ve secured a good job, received a promotion, or attained a high position. Or, if your children have gone to live in a distant land, they may say that people are taking good care of them where they live. These are the good news. Additionally, children who have been longing for children for a long time, living in distant lands or cities, might send good news saying, “I’m pregnant, I’ve conceived, I’m becoming a mother, or I’m becoming a father.” You will receive more and more good news these days, and God is giving you this auspicious word today. I bless you all that, instead of all the bad news, may you receive continuous good news.
Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, whenever Your children receive bad news from their loved ones living abroad, their souls become weary. But today, You have said that good news will come from distant lands, and it will be like cold water—good news that will make Your children happy, joyful, and rejoicing. Lord, let this Word be fulfilled in the lives of all the children who are watching this program.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 3rd of September, it gives me great joy to meet you. May God bless you. As we wait for the auspicious word that God has given for you today, please take a moment with me and read Exodus 33:14, which says, “My Presence will go with you.”
My dear brothers and sisters, God looked at Moses and said, “My Presence will go with you.” Moses was determined that only when God goes before him, he would follow. Moses told the Lord, “Lord, if I must lead these thousands of people, I will not be able to do it with my own strength. If Your presence is not going before us, then please don’t let us move a step forward. We won’t move a step forward unless You come with us.” Only then did the Lord say, “My presence will go before you.” The Lord further said, “You go.” After this, Moses began to move forward.This is good advice for us to have a successful journey in our lives. For those children who say, “I have failed in my life, I have failed in my
business, I have failed in my ministry, I have failed in life,” this is a good counsel for success.
From now on, pray to the Lord that His presence should go before you. Be determined in this: that you will go only if the Lord goes before you. If not, you won’t go. When you say this, the Lord will remind you of all your sins or shortcomings, and He will tell you that He cannot come along with you. Then, after you correct yourself in everything, God will come with you, and then you will go, and the thing that you go for will be a success. I have taught this counsel to so many people—those who go for interviews, those who go to obtain visas to foreign countries. I tell them, “Take God with you when you go.” When you call upon the Lord, and if the Lord is not coming, then pray to the Lord to forgive you for any mistakes, and if the Lord forgives you, then He will go with you. So please take this good counsel wherever you go.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You for speaking to us through this Mangala Vaarthai program, and for reminding us how important it is that Your presence goes with us. Thank You, Lord, for telling Your children that every day, when we go to different places, this counsel from You is the right thing to do, as it will renew our relationship with You. Lord, wherever they are going today, if You go before us, all the obstacles in our lives will be removed. Break the obstacles and work miracles in Jesus’ name, we pray.