Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 26:7-8, “Then we cried out to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, and the Lord heard our voice and saw our misery, toil and oppression. So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with signs and wonders”. God says that He has seen your misery and has heard your cry. He is going to bring you out of all your problems. Call unto Jesus, He will answer you.
When you face a problem at your workplace, home or anywhere else, do not run to any man. No human being can bring any solution to your problems. When you tell your problems to a human, you will not get any solution. You will only get into more confusion. But when you tell it to Jesus, He will bring an end to it. Trust is all that matters. Our God is a God who comes to deliver His children as soon as they call Him for help. God loves His children. You are precious to Him. God cannot wait and see His children suffer. He is a God of compassion. He will surely deliver you from any problem that you may be in.
Deuteronomy 26:7 says, “Then we cried out to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, and the Lord heard our voice and saw our misery, toil and oppression”. While the people of Israel were kept as captives in the land of Egypt, they cried out to the Lord because they faced tremendous misery and were oppressed by them. When they cried out to the Lord for help, God sent forth His servant Moses to deliver them from their captivity. He brought them out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.
Even you might have been caught up in some kind of captivity. You might not have a way out of your problems. You might not have anyone to go to. My dearly beloved, do not be worried. God is always there for you. If you have Jesus by your side, nothing can shake you. He will deliver you and will bring you out of all your problems. All you have to do is to trust in the Lord, just like the people of Israel did. They trusted in the Lord and that was why God was able to deliver them as soon as they called for help.
You must trust in the Lord and ask Him for all your needs. God is compassionate towards His children. He will grant you all your needs. Have faith in Jesus and receive His blessings.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. I submit Your dear children into Your loving hands. Lord, You know all their problems, their tears, their misery, and their oppression. I pray that You may deliver them from all their problems. May You show them Your mighty signs and wonders. Father may You be with them and bring them out of all their problems.
In Jesus name we pray,
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given us today is from the book of Ezekiel 36:11, “I will increase the number of people and animals living on you, and they will be fruitful and become numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the Lord”. The first blessing the Lord gave to Adam and Eve was to multiply and fill the Earth. God had placed the blessing of multiplication for His people from the beginning of creation.
It is the will of God, that people should not stay at the same level, but move to different levels. It is the will of God that His people should multiply in everything.
God does not want to see your shrink in life. He wants to multiply you. Some of you may say that your family members are waiting to suppress you and not allow you to excel in life. When you stumble in life, God will encourage you and make you come up amidst the struggles. He is going to make you victorious in all that you do. Even today you might have backslid in your business, or even got de-promoted at your workplace; the Lord is going to put an end to all your problems. God is determined to change your situation and make you multiply. You will start witnessing a day-to-day improvement in your life.
Today is the day of multiplication. If you want to be multiplied day-by-day in the worldly things, you must edify yourself spiritually. When you edify yourself, you will experience the multiplication. It is not the will of God for you to be stuck but to multiply. When you increase your time of prayer, you will see the blessings of God in your life.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. I pray that You may bless Your dear children in all that they do. Father, may You multiply the works of their hand. Give them an increase in all that they do. Lord, make them the head and not the tail. Give them the courage and strength to accomplish the works of their hands. In Jesus name we pray,
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Exodus 15:23, “When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we learn that the Israelites soon after they had crossed the Red Sea, their first station was in the wilderness, of Sher. Where they had no good water, to drink. When they came to Marah they could not drink of the waters for they were bitter, and so the name of it was called Marah. In their distress, the people fretted and quarreled with Moses. During times of trial, we should cast our care upon the Lord. And pour our hearts, before Him. Then we shall find a peaceful conscience and the comforts of the Holy Ghost.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Moses cried unto the Lord and God provided graciously for them. He directed Moses to a tree, which he cast into the waters when at once, they were made sweet. God is the great physician, If we are kept well, it is he that keeps us well. If we are made well, it is he that recovers us. He is our life. and the length of our days. After a few miles of walk, they reached Elim, where they had plenty of good water to drink. Though God may for a time allow his people to encamp by the bitter waters of Marah that shall not be the ultimate end of them. For the Lord will not allow his children to suffer beyond their capacity. Therefore let us not faint at tribulations.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Just as God brought the people of Israel out of their problem, God will bring you out of your problem too. He remembers you in your lowly state. He will surely bring you out of your difficult situations. In case your life has become too dry because of your financial crisis, or due to any other problem, that is holding you from moving forward in life, the Lord will pour out His blessings in abundance upon you. Today the Lord is going to perform a miracle in your life.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank you for this blessed day. Thank You, Lord, for providing us with sufficient water to drink. You are mighty and awesome in nature, for you changed the waters of Marah that was bitter into sweet water. Nothing is too hard for you to perform. You are all-powerful. You split the rocks and streams of water gushed into the desert. You send forth springs in the valleys and they flow between the mountains. Teach us to know the greatness of your power.
In Jesus name we pray.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Job 14:14 “ If someone dies, will they live again? All the days of my hard service. I will wait for my renewal to come.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above context we come to understand, that Job speaks to God, He stopped speaking to his friends. As it did not serve any purpose. He pleads with God for his mercies. He says man’s life is short and sorrowful. He thought that God was too strict and severe with him. Because during his early days, Job lived a glorious life. But a day came when he lost all that he had. His children, his cattle, his wealth and he had boils all over his body. Even his friends doubted his righteousness. They thought that he might have committed some serious sin in his life to suffer such affliction. Even his wife asked him to curse God and die. But Job says, “I will wait till my change comes.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, All Job’s expressions here shows his belief in the great doctrine of the resurrection. Since his friends proved miserable he consoles himself with the expectation of a change. He says, “’ All the days, of my appointed time, I will endure with patience. ”How the change will be, he does not know. But he thinks that it might be relief from his sufferings, or it might be happy in some future state. He was certain that life was to be passed over and that man could not go over his youth or his age again. Job says, that he would wait for the day when his renewal will come. Job knew there will be an end to all the days of hardship and affliction. But he was prepared to wait for a change to come in his life. God is able to change your bad time into a good time as He did it for Job. Because he waited with patience for that spectacular day, the day, of prosperity.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, All the blessings that you enjoy today, are given by God. He gives and takes away. And what He takes away He is able to give it back to you. The Lord will give you back all the blessings that you have lost in your life. Your job, your house, all your wealth, happiness, and peace in your family life. God will give you a double portion of blessings. The Bible says, The Lord restored Job’s losses, and the Lord gave twice as much as he had before. He will bless you with the same measure if you wait on the Lord patiently for a change until it comes.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we thank you for encouraging us with your word. That if we wait patiently on you, You will give us back all that we have lost in life. Help us never to sin nor charge God with wrong. Teach us to seek God during bad times. And commit our ways to God.
In Jesus name we pray.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Psalms.12:5 “For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise, says, the Lord, I will set him in the safety for which he earns.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above context, we see how the Psalmist pleads help from God because there were none among men whom he could dare trust. This Psalm furnishes good thoughts, during bad times. A man may comfort himself, with meditations, and prayers. Bad times occur especially due to scarcity of money, the decay of trade, and the desolations of war. But Psalmist says that bad times are caused due to sin. When the poor and needy are oppressed then the times are very bad. Even when wickedness abounds then the times are very bad. God himself takes notice of the oppression of the poor and the sighing of the needy.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, therefore we need to approach God and tell him of all grievances, God will certainly punish and restrain false and proud men. He will work deliverance for his oppressed people. His help is given in the fittest time. Though men are false, God is faithful. God will secure his chosen remnant however bad the times are. As long as the world exists, there will be a generation of proud and wicked men. But all Gods people are safe in the hands of God for none can pluck them thence. Since they are built in Him the Rock, and they are safe.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The people of God are poor and are constantly in need of fresh supplies of grace and being often afflicted, are mean in the eyes of this world. Just as the poor are oppressed by the rich, and as the people of Israel, were oppressed by the Egyptians, so are the people of God afflicted by haughty and insolent persons.
So the Lord says, “ Now will I arise, have mercy on the poor, and needy and to avenge them on their oppressors, and deliver them from their cruel hands.” And thus the Lord promises to do now, speedily and immediately. God arises in the most seasonable times when his people are in the midst of greatest tribulation and in the utmost distress. To such people, God displays His wisdom power and goodness. God says, “I will set him in safety for which he earns.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, This shows that God will deliver the poor and needy from their oppression and put them in a comfortable prosperous, safe and happy situation. In due season the Lord will hear the cry of his children who cry out to God day and night unto Him. He will avenge them speedily. God heard the cry of Moses at the Red Sea. God saw Hagar’s affliction and heard her cry. Nothing moves the father like the cries of his children. He stirs himself, overthrows the enemy and sets his beloved in safety. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we believe that You stand on behalf, of the poor, and oppressed. You hear their cry and deliver them from the hands of cruel and tyrant people. Thank You for being so mindful and faithful to your children. May Your wisdom, power, and goodness abide within us throughout our lives.
In Jesus name we pray.