Life-giving Word of God

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Bible says in Psalm 119:50, “For Your word has given me life”
The Bible is filled with God’s promises and assurances, giving life to people. It can revive a dead conscience, restore dead organs in the body, and even bring life to dry bones. This is evident from the days of the Prophet Ezekiel when God took him in a vision to a vast graveyard in a large valley and showed him dry bones scattered all around. There, God commanded him to stand and speak to the dry bones so that life would return to them. As Ezekiel spoke the word, the dry bones were covered with flesh and skin, and a great army stood before him. This is how the Word gives life.

Today, if you are reading this promise message and either you or your family member has an organ in a dead condition—perhaps doctors have confirmed it, a kidney may have failed and requires dialysis, cancer may have reached its final stage with no hope of survival, or there may be a 99% blockage in the heart with no way to escape—perhaps a brain stroke due to a blood clot has left doctors hopeless about you or your loved one. But God says, “My Word will give you life.” That is what the Psalmist declares: “Your promises have made me hope in You.” This means you must have faith that His Word will bring life to you. Whenever people come to me for prayer, I give them a Word from the Bible, and indeed, it is that Word that brings life and healing.

Once, during the Anbarin Paathathil meeting, an elderly man suffering from a severe illness was brought to me for prayer. He could only take food and water through a feeding tube, and his family expected his death at any moment, according to the doctors. His family members told me that he would often beat his chest and weep in distress. As I was about to pray, the Word of God came to me for him, and I said, “Son, your heart is crying out, ‘God, I want to see my youngest daughter’s wedding before You take me.’” When he heard these words, he broke down in tears, and God heard his cry. The Lord then said, “Your dead intestine and other corroded parts due to cancer are being made new.” As soon as he received this Word, I saw new strength fill him, and he showed clear signs of relief. The Word of God brought new life to him, and even today, the Lord is keeping him alive.

God’s Word brings life and healing. Many times, I hear testimonies from people saying, “I had suicidal thoughts last night, but when I heard the Auspicious Word program on TV, I found hope to live.” That is what it means when we say the Word brings life. Today, you may be in a state of physical, spiritual, or emotional death, but the Lord is breathing life into you and making you live again.

Loving Lord, we thank You. According to Your promised Word today, let Your children experience new life through Your Word. Let their dead faith begin to sprout, let their sinful souls be transformed into a new, holy life, let dead organs be restored, and let broken relationships be revived. Thank You for Your miraculous hand performing mighty wonders. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Experiencing God’s glory

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in John 11:40, “If you would believe you would see the glory of God.”

During the time of Jesus, a man who worked under the king came searching for the Lord because his child was about to die. At that moment, Jesus said to him, “You will only believe if miracles and wonders happen.” But the man pleaded with the Lord, asking Him to come with him before his child died.

Jesus then replied with just one word: “You may go, your child lives.” The man did not argue or doubt the Lord but returned home, fully believing that whatever Jesus had said would come to pass—and indeed, his child lived. On his way back, he received the good news that his child had been saved from death.
Today, no matter what sickness, problem, or debt you are facing, the blessed word for you is: “If you would believe, you would see the glory of God.” Hold on to this promise, sanctify yourself, and pray. That day, David simply believed when God told him, “I will build a house for you.” He trusted in the Lord’s promise and prayed with great faith.

I have heard many testimonies of the Lord’s wonderful miracles in people’s lives after listening to our Daily Promises through TV, YouTube, and other platforms. Testimonies include getting a job, achieving good exam results, passing interviews, receiving favourable medical reports, and even winning court verdicts. Do you know the reason behind these miracles? It is their faith in the Lord and their life of holiness before Him. If you commit yourself to having faith in the Lord and living a holy life, then surely, the Lord will bless you.

Testimony of Sis. Lily from Aiyanavaram.
“For the past 10 years, wherever God’s Love Ministries meetings were held, I would attend without fail and receive the Lord’s blessings. I was also involved in ministry, bringing new souls with me to these meetings. I had a bank loan that I was unable to repay, which caused me great sorrow. In the midst of this crisis, I attended the Family Blessing Meeting held at the Garden of Comfort Prayer Centre in Coimbatore. There, I met Brother Stephen for individual prayer, and he prayed for me. After returning to Chennai, I received a phone call from the bank informing me that my loan had been waived off and that I no longer needed to make any payments. This was a great surprise and filled me with immense joy.”

See how God worked! She travelled from Chennai to Coimbatore, believed in the Lord, received prayer, and the burden of debt was lifted. Today, if you are struggling under the weight of a loan, a miracle can happen for you too!

Loving Lord, we thank You. You said, “If you believe, you will see the glory of God.” Today, revive the faith of those who have lost it. Fill their hearts with trust in You and Your Word. I pray that whatever problems they face, they will believe and see Your glory. Lord, let miracles happen in their families, homes, ministries, and education. May they testify of Your goodness. Let Your power come upon them and their families. Fill every need, break every barrier, heal every disease, and honor them, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Blessings in God’s presence

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Genesis, 21:22 says so, “God is with you in all that you do.”

If God is with you, everything you do will prosper, but if God is not with you, everything you do will end in failure. A man’s victory depends solely on the presence of the Lord with him or her. A believer should strongly hold onto the truth: “With Christ, I am a hero; without Christ, I am zero.” This means that without God, you are nothing.

There is an illustration that explains this well: Next to God, who holds the highest value, even a single number can be considered significant. If you place several zeros next to the number one, the value increases. However, without God, no matter how many zeros you add, they remain worthless. You may feel like a zero, but if you stand next to God, your value will increase, your honor will be lifted, and many good things will begin to happen. In today’s world, many Christians live without Christ in their lives. But if you start living with Jesus, your scarcity, disease, debt, and shame will drastically change.

In the Bible, we see that wherever Jesus went, there was liberation. Jairus, a synagogue official, had a 12-year-old daughter who died, but she was resurrected when Jesus came to their home. Similarly, in the case of Mary and Martha, they said, “Lord, if You had been here, our brother would not have died.” Even after Lazarus had been buried for four days, the Lord Jesus commanded him to come back to life, and he was resurrected. This was all because of the Lord’s presence.
In the story of the widow of Nain, she was accompanied by a large crowd, carrying her only son to be buried. The Bible says she had no relatives. But as the Lord was passing by, He had compassion on her, resurrected her son, and gave him back to her. Since the Lord was there, a miracle happened. If He had not passed that way, or if the widow had not had the opportunity to meet Him that day, she would have buried her son and lost the chance to see him alive again. Through today’s promise, the Lord is meeting you wherever you are reading from. If God is with you, the work of your hands will prosper, and you will witness greater things.

Testimony of Sis. Menaka from Coimbatore
“I have been coming to the Coimbatore Garden of Comfort Prayer Centre for the past year. It is a well-known prayer centre in Coimbatore. Whenever I felt depressed and overwhelmed with worries, I would come here to pray, and it brought me great comfort and peace. I also participated in the Friday Shemam Fasting Prayer, where I prayed with others. My family runs a mobile shop, but we were struggling with no business and no income, which caused us great hardship. In our distress, we came directly to God’s Love Ministries Prayer Centre in Coimbatore. After receiving prayer, the Lord was with us in everything, and He blessed our business with progress.” In the same way, I firmly believe He will do the same for you, God will bless the works of your hands and prosper as you seek Him.

Loving Lord we thank You. Be with your children in all they do—studies, work, business, and ministry—granting them success and victory. Lord, as You have promised, “I will be with you and do awesome things.” Let my children witness Your wonders and experience Your marvelous works in their lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

God’s Deliverance

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Daniel 3: 17 says, “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us.”

These words came from the mouths of three brave young men—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego—who stood firm in their faith. At the time of their trial, just before being thrown into the burning furnace, they spoke these words with unshakable faith in the Lord, believing that the God they served could deliver them from the hands of the king, the sword, any evil, and the fiery furnace. What great faith they had! Indeed, the Lord delivered them.

By the evil scheme of the ministers and at the command of the king, they were thrown into a burning furnace, with the expectation that they would be consumed, turned to ash, and destroyed. But instead, the flames of the fiery furnace devoured the very people who carried them toward it. As for the three young men, not a single hair on their heads was burned, their clothes remained intact, and even the smell of fire was not upon them. Though only three were thrown in, a fourth person appeared—their Deliverer. The king and the people were amazed and said, “Didn’t we throw in three men? Who is this fourth person walking with them, looking like the image of God?” Yes, He is our God, mighty to save!

Today, are you in a situation like being thrown into a lion’s den or a burning furnace? Indeed, the Lord is with you and will deliver you! If your enemies try to throw you into such a situation, they are also attempting to challenge the God within you. But for deliverance to come, God must be within you. You must always carry Him in your heart to receive the honor of miraculous deliverance.

Nowadays, many wear a cross around their necks, but that is not what truly matters. Does Jesus dwell in your heart, or is it filled with bitterness and unforgiveness? Let your heart, home, workplace, and ministry be a place for Jesus. He will deliver and protect you from the snare of the fowler, from perilous pestilence, and from the terrors of darkness. He will rescue you from all destruction.

Do you want a safe and protected life? Do you want a victorious life? Give the Lord His rightful place on the throne of your heart, and He will do great things!

Testimony from Sis Miraclin from Chennai.
“I was doing housework in North India. They did not pay me properly and gave me excessive work. I had joined as a nanny for a child, but they made me wash clothes, clean utensils, and scrub floors—overloading me with work and mistreating me. In that distressing situation, I contacted God’s Love Ministries over the phone. The Lord heard the prayers of the prayer warrior, and He delivered me from their torment.” Maybe you, too, are facing mistreatment in your workplace or ministry. Today, give place to Jesus in your heart, and the Lord will deliver you!

Loving Lord, we thank You. You are mighty to deliver! We confess in faith that You are the God of deliverance. Come near to those who seek You, knock on the door of their hearts, and remain with those who welcome You. Help them receive victory after victory. Destroy every power of witchcraft and sorcery against them. Cancel all weapons formed against them. Fulfill every good plan in their lives—make them achievers, bring delayed marriages to pass, open closed wombs, and grant them justice. As You dwell within them, let all lowly traits disappear. Help them be zealous for You and walk in victory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Victory Giver

Beloved sisters and brothers in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Daniel 3:17, “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us.”

Today, you may be facing a situation where many are rising against you, trying to suppress you with their actions. As a result, you might be feeling deep sorrow and hopelessness. But take heart—today, the Lord will arise for you and cause your enemies to flee in seven directions.

As the verse says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” This means that if God is beside you, supporting you, no one can prevail over you, destroy you, or hinder your progress. Surely, you will be victorious. However, to keep the Lord beside you, you must have a strong relationship with Him. Whenever you call upon Him, He is always ready and willing to help you. So, every morning, the first thing you should do is call upon Him in prayer: “Lord, I desire to hold Your hand and walk with You. I long to be Your pleasing child. Be with me throughout this day.”
In the past, you may have walked according to your own ways, but from today onwards, surrender yourself to God. Pray, “Lord, I have followed my own heart’s desires and faced many failures and losses. But from now on, I do not want to take such risks. I will walk in Your presence.” If you make this decision today, hold onto His hand, and walk with Him, no one will be able to stand against you.

In the time of Joshua, God told him, “I will be with you as I was with Moses; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Later, Joshua faced many enemies and much opposition, but nothing could overcome him—he was victorious in all his deeds. Today, you may feel broken, defeated, or at a loss in your business. You may be jobless, struggling with repeated failures in your studies, or discouraged in your ministry. Do not worry! Jehovah Nissi—the Lord who gives victory—is with you.

Even if you are facing failure in your ministry, make room for God. There is no ministry without Him. Running day and night without His presence will lead to nothing. But if you keep Him with you and move forward, you will witness miracles—people will repent and be saved, and your ministry will grow.

Testimony of Sis. Vazhi from Bangalore.
“In the court, I have been working as a secretary for a judge. Nobody respects me as their colleague. Though I walked humbly, there was no use. To get a signature from a judge, they would make me wander multiple times and delay the process. I used to work without peace, burdened with great sorrow. In this situation, I contacted God’s Love Ministry over the phone, shared the problems I faced in my workplace, and asked for prayer. The prayer warrior earnestly prayed for me. The Lord heard that prayer, and the very next day, the judge signed my papers without any hindrance. Now, I can work in peace and have received respect and value in my workplace. The Lord was with me, turned every problem around, and helped me work in peace.” Are you facing similar challenges in your workplace? Even for you, our impartial God will do a miracle today!

Loving Lord, we thank You. Our victories depend on You alone. Be with your children—walk with them, support them, and arise in their homes. Hold their hands as You did with Joshua and Moses, leading them on the right path. Lift their burdens, bring deliverance from debt, turn failures into victories, and bless their businesses, ministries, and studies. Grant promotions to those in need and jobs to the unemployed. In Your mercy, lead them to good places. Let this word be fulfilled. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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