God’s Divine Protection

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God bless you. Let us read Psalms 27:5: “For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.”

David recollects how God saved him in times of trouble. This Psalm is a testimony of his life, where he beautifully describes the miracles God performed for him. “In the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.” On one side, this is a declaration of faith, and on the other, it describes his experience. God will be with us in times of trouble. Just as David described, his life was threatened on all sides. His uncle Saul hunted him like a deer, continuously positioning 3,000 warriors to find and destroy him. Saul was determined to hunt him down.

At one point, knowing that David was on a mountain, Saul surrounded that mountain with 3,000 warriors, thinking, “You cannot escape me this time.” But inside, there were just David and his bodyguard, Abishai—only two people. These 3,000 were trained soldiers, and there seemed to be no way of escape. But according to this verse, when David made a faith declaration to the Lord, the day his life was in danger, when he was surrounded by men hiding to attack him so he could not escape, “For in the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle, He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.” Just as he prayed, God gave anesthesia to all the 3,000 warriors. In the Bible, anesthesia is referred to as deep sleep. These 3,000 came with murderous rage, but the Lord had wonderfully carried David out.

The Bible says, “Like birds flying about, so will the Lord of hosts defend His children. Defending, He will also deliver; passing over, He will preserve.” Perhaps you are also caught in something, or trapped by an inappropriate person, with no way of escape—unable to escape from him or her, or burdened with an irrevocable debt. You might think, “My life is over; I am trapped. Everything is over; I am caught.” Today, declare this verse and pray: “For in the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion.” He will hide you, cause you to escape, and save your life. Beloved children of God, the one who wanted to destroy you will be destroyed. And the Lord will save your life. Today, God says, “He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies and anoints my head with oil.”

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Some are crying out while listening to these words. According to this verse, somehow save and rescue me, Lord. I should not perish in this. Even if I have sinned, rescue me and bring me out, Lord. Henceforth, I will be true to You. From now on, those who see them should say, “Let us not interfere in his affairs; his status is on a different level now, his God is standing with him. We cannot stand against him.” Lord, help them to step aside from my children. Lord, bring them out of every sin and debt they are trapped in, causing them to thrive. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God Is Our Refuge

My Beloved Children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God bless you. I am delighted to meet you on this August 27th morning through this auspicious message. May God bless you. Let’s take Psalm 46:1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Firstly, God declares, “I am going to be your refuge today.” When Ruth sought refuge with God, she received a perfect blessing. Today, the God of refuge has come into your house as your refuge through this message. The Word and God are not different. When the Word in the form of Mangala Vaarthai has come into your house, it signifies that God in the form of His Word has come into your house. God in the form of the Word visits your home early every morning. Our God does not make a fuss, no matter how great a sinner you are. When God visited the home of a sinner, what did they say? “He is a sinner; why is He going to his house?” But God had work only in his house – to save him, to make him good, to do good for him, to revive his dead faith. Today, no matter how great a sinner you might be, God has come to your house to say, “I am your refuge.” Today, surrender completely to Him: your family, your children, your business, your job, your ministry – surrender all. Invite the Lord to arise in your business, your job, your family. When Jesus stood in the boat, the raging storm, wind, and sea calmed down. Every tempest and storm in your house will be calmed by God. Surrender to Him completely.

Secondly, He is my strength, How many of you are saying, “I am unable to get up, Lord? I am unable to cook for the children; my leg is frigid, Lord. There is pain in the leg; I don’t have strength and health.” Tell the Lord, “You are my strength.” David teaches us many things from his experience. He called God using many names, including “Lord, You are my strength.” Today, in the little strength you have, declare, “Lord, You are my strength.” This verse will bring the Lord’s strength into you, His health into you. He sends His word and heals our diseases. When you declare, “Lord, You are my strength,” His resurrection power will enter you. Now declare in the little strength you have, with enthusiasm, “Lord, You are my strength. I arise in Your strength,” and then you will keep running.

Next, God says, “A very present help in trouble.” When trouble comes your way, God comes as your present help in your favor and grants you the grace to overcome the trouble. God cancels the losses and destruction. Wherever you go, ask the Lord to bless your travels, and He will bless them. Let me teach you what I practice, and many of you can make use of it and let me know that you have inculcated those habits.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” I place this Mangala Vaarthai on the heads of my children and activate it as I pray. Let it be fulfilled for them from this moment. Give strength to all those who have lost it, those who are unable to walk or leap, and grant them legs like the deer to move on. Their whole body is in pain; they are tired and unable to go, but they must go. For all those who declare, “The Lord is my strength,” let Your resurrection power descend on them so that they may leap, jump, walk, and do their tasks, completing their responsibilities. Lord, grant them perfect strength, perfect income, perfect health, perfect wealth, a perfect life partner, perfect children, perfect riches, and bless them. Moreover, if they are caught in danger, tear down all nets of danger and protect them as birds flying over them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

God Needs You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you. Take with me and read, fromGod the book of Psalm 138:8, “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.” This is a promise of faith. Whatever stands incomplete, half way through, don’t worry about it. Today you speak the word of faith. “ The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.” That means whatever things are half -finished, did not happen, or stand unfinished, God will finish it perfectly. You shouldn’t say God will perfect and leave it that way, but you need to take the Lord to that place which is half-finished. If a building is half-finished, pray to the Lord saying, please come and complete this building . Maybe the government could have stopped completing the building, or , the neighbors there would have stopped it or someone who financed the building construction could have stopped it. How the building had been blocked from being built, whatever it is, God is going to remove this block.

The Lord will talk to the concerned people, and God will proceed, And he will cause the building to be completed. Maybe because there isn’t sufficient money the building could have stopped half way. Whatever it is, He is a Lord who completes a project. He is the Lord who brings all things to an end. Our God is not only Alpha but also Omega, for he is the beginning and the end. He is beginning and the end.God will break all the barriers and help you complete it, to get through.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said, that you will perfect that which concerns us. The Lord who said, “Everything is finished” and gave up His life on the cross, why won’t You finish the work in our house which has been left unfinished. Lord, help the children to enter into the house, to occupy the house and stay there happily . Lord let them enter the Factory or Ministry place, with the blessings of God. Come Lord and complete all that your children except for you. If there are any faults or flaws in the life of the children, please forgive them Lord. Lord, if the building or project is standing, half-finished because of curses, then I pray that You will please break all the curses, as you have borne all the curses on the cross. Please break the curses and may all the children see the blessings of God.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Will Bless You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Take with me from the book of Exodus 20:24, “In the very place where I record My name, I will come and I will bless you.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you are thinking, this morning, that this particular blessing which you are expecting you will receive only if God decides to give you. Only if God considers my plight God will grant a job to my son, Only if God considers my child, he will get a medical seat. Only if God considers, and be merciful to me, my child will get a government job. Only if God considers, He will open a way for my child to go abroad. If only God decides to show mercy, my child will get married. So all of you are longing very much in your heart to be blessed by the Lord. Many of you have a list of blessings, in your heart for God to fulfil. Blessings that are pending to be delivered.

Some of you have written the list of blessings and have kept it inside your Bible and are praying for the blessing to happen in your life. Some of you are keeping the list of blessings in your heart and praying to God daily, for the blessings to happen in your life. Most of you are saying, Lord it will be nice if this happens. For this child has this problem and for the next child has that problem. Lord my husband has this problem, my wife has this problem. My daughter in law has this problem and my Son in law has this problem. And this is my problem. In this manner your mind is always running with thoughts. So many requests are running in your mind. You are wondering how it all will be, If they turn into blessings. If all your requests turn into blessings then your house will be joyful. There is a verse in the Bible that says, When you are happy, sing Psalms. When you are happy, Psalms will automatically come. It is good if you sing Psalms when you are joyful. God says, “Wherever you pronounce my name, there I will come and bless you.”

Prayer: The word of God is so powerful; you do it and see for yourself. Everyday just open the Bible and look at the verse, even if you are unable to read the verses. Because you are burdened with a heavy heart just see the verse, then the burden in your heart will disappear. tears will come from your eyes. I am teaching you, to please do these spiritual things, because I am telling you, what I have practiced, in my life. If you do these spiritual things, God will come to you and will bless you and will remove all the barriers. And many good things are going to happen in your life. Whatever is running in your mind, it will be fulfilled. For the word of God will surely be fulfilled as Yes and Amen.
In Jesus Name We pray.

You Shall Not Borrow

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day the 24th August, I am very glad to meet you all directly through this Auspicious Message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of Deuteronomy, 15: 6, says, You shall lend to many nations. But you shall not borrow.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today you are going to make a decision that you will not borrow. Until yesterday you had borrowed from others. Today you make a list of all the loans you have taken. It may be a housing loan, vehicle loan, personal loan, credit card loan, or if you have borrowed here and there, make a list of all the loans you have taken. While putting a list, your head may go dizzy. In order that your head may not go dizzy, you are making a list, and keeping your hand on that list and you are going to pray. “ Lord, You have said that we should not borrow, so we pray that you will help us to clear all our loans. You have assured us early this morning, through the auspicious word. So open a special way for us to clear all our debts. Tell the Lord, I may have borrowed foolishly. Or unwisely. And therefore I have got caught into debts, or maybe because of my wrong way of life, I have got into debts. Or by trying to make money through quick and easy methods, I might have been trapped into debts. Or because I gave a big amount of money to secure a job, and as a result I have got into debts.

Now I neither got a job nor the money. Or maybe because I have given a huge sum of money for getting the Visa, and thus I have got into debts, Or by giving my daughter in marriage, I got into debts. Or by giving medical treatment for my parents, I have got into debts. Lord You need to meet my financial requirements. In case you have got into debts because of involvement in wrong activities, and by playing cards. Gambling, or by going into wrong ways of life, then you must ask God for forgiveness because you have misused your money in the wrong way. So tell the Lord , “ I have made a mistake and therefore In future I will not involve in any wrong way. So please forgive me and help me to clear all my debts this one time. “Keep the list you made on debts in your Bible. And pray daily. And say” I believe because if my Father tells, it will happen. If you follow this spiritual counseling then all your debts will be cleared. He will help you to collect baskets of leftovers.

Some time back I think three months ago, in our prayer tower. Garden of Comfort in Coimbatore, you must be knowing that we conduct a Family Blessing meeting every second Saturday. At that time, a brother had come over there. It seems he had been at the height of debts some years back. He was an industrialist. And he did not know what to do. He couldn’t pay the interest, He couldn’t even manage his family. He even thought of ending his life. So because of his difficulty he had come to meet me. So the word that God gave him was “You will not borrow, but you will lend to many nations”. And giving him some good counseling I prayed and sent him home. He took the counseling as the word of God, went home and began to invest in his business. He who was once going through huge debts, now began to do well. The highlight of his testimony was that “ Before going to pray with Brother, He said that he was paying only interest in lakhs of rupees. But today that is after meeting Brother I am able to save money and collect the left over and also have a fixed deposit in my account. Today the bank is giving me interest, he said. What a big testimony.

Ask God to live a life of wisdom. Lord help me to manage my family with the income I have, in a content manner cheerfully. Ask God to help you. He will certainly help you. Take good decisions. When you make right and good decisions, Good God will clear all your debts and bring you out of financial crisis. God will bless your business, your job, your income. He will deliver you from all your tight corner situations.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord you have got down their big burden through this Message. Children are able to breathe with some relief, saying, the Lord has promised this, so He will clear all my debts. In future God will raise my position to lend to others and not to borrow. The children are now breathing with great relief, Oh God. Lord remove all depression from them, and we are thankful to you, for the same. Lord you have said, that if children believe, then they will see the glory of God. Let them see the glory of God. Lord bless all the work of their hands. Whatever competition there may be , crossing it all over, let the blessing of God rest upon them. Lord put a fence around the children regarding their business, their ministry, their job, you make it more secure and safe for them.We thank you Lord for keeping them from all kinds of loss and protecting them. We thank You, Thank You,
In Jesus Name We pray.

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