My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you. Take with me and read, from the book of Isaiah 58:11, “You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail”.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Maybe the spring has dried up in your life, and you are at present going through a dry and parched state of life. Maybe you are going through a season of drought, and therefore going through huge debts. And this may have caused you to suffer from heaviness of heart. So, the Lord is telling you that from today, you will be like a well-watered garden and spring of water that will never fail. And for this there should be a fountain flowing from Heaven. Only then you will have a well-watered garden and a spring of water that never fails. So from now on, there will be a spring of water that never goes dry in your business, in your ministry and in your job. And just as a garden will be green and fertile, because of the spring of water, your business, job, and ministry will be prosperous. There will be great prosperity in the coming days.
Though the past days were full of poverty, famine, and insufficiency, and lack of funds, you had to suffer from debts, it should not be the same in the future. So hold on to this verse and tell the Lord, that you will not leave Him until He blesses you. “ Lord, this auspicious word is absolutely apt to my current situation. It is because of the financial deficit that I am facing a lot of problems and I have been despised by all. I am forced to stretch out my hand to all unwanted people irrespective of status. Even from those below my level. Especially from my office watchman. When I think of this, I feel so ashamed of myself. I am stretching out my hand to someone who salutes me daily. And if you are telling all this and if you are in pain because of your situation, God is telling you today , that in order to change your sorrow, God is going to give you a life that is like a well watered garden and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail”. That means you will have blessings continuously. Today the Lord is going to bless you, with a spring of financial upliftment, a spring of spiritual gift of prayer, A spring of anointing. A spring of good health. God will grant you all these springs that never fail and He will bless you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord give them a spring that never fails. Change them into rich and wealthy children. Bless them in such a way, so as to help them to lend to others and not to borrow from others. Your children should not borrow anymore. Bless them with all that they need.
In Jesus’ name we pray .
Beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God Bless you. I am delighted to meet you all on this August 22nd through this Auspicious Message. May God bless you. Let us read the Mangala Vaarthai for today Psalms 40:17 “But I am poor and needy; Yet the Lord thinks upon me.”
What a wonderful word! You might be belittled and considered insignificant by everyone. In front of others, you might be poor and in poverty. But today God thinks about you. Yet the Lord thinks upon me. Others might belittle, underestimate you and consider you poor yet the Lord thinks upon me. May this Mangala Vaarthai come to pass in your life. Won’t our problems be known to God when we are in His thoughts and under His gaze. Today many have forgotten you. Your relatives, siblings. Because you are not exceptional enough for them to be remember you. AS you are poor and needy many have forgotten you. They have removed you from their contact list, but do not be worried the Lord says, Yet I think upon you. What a huge promise.
The Lord says, I think about you no matter who forgets you. Even if your father and mother forget you, I will never leave you or forsake you. God says, he is thinking about you. Referring to Ephraim the Lord says, Ephraim how will I forget you? How can I forsake you? Though I spoke against you, I still remember you. This same God says, though some things worked against you, I still remember you. How can I forget you? How can I forsake you? You will not be forgotten by me. Zechariah and Elizabeth prayed for a long time and then stopped praying. But God did not forget them one day he sent an angel to make an announcement, your prayers were heard. DO you know what this means? Even if you forgot your supplications I have not forgotten it. I am always thinking about it, the right time has come. I will give you a male child. Today God is prophetically declaring, you have prayed and forgotten some requests, but I am thinking about you, I remember your prayer requests. At the right time, just like I did a miracle and removed the reproach of Elizabeth and Zachariah, I will do a miracle for you. Until the right time comes, I will remember you. God remembers your supplications, don’t be worried that others ignore you. Today, God will remember you and perform a miracle.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. You remembered the supplication of Zachariah and Elizabeth according to the verse, Yet the Lord thinks upon me. Even if they forgot, God remembered it and performed a miracle to remove their reproach and gave them a blessed child. Many have become weary of praying saying, I won’t pray anymore, there is no need to pray anymore. But God, You remembered Elizabeth and Zachariah and did a miracle for them by giving them a child, remember them and their supplication, grant them a blessed child, a blessed life partner, a blessed job, let their debts be paid back open a blessed way for a permanent job. We thank You that your eyes are open and your ears are inclined to hear whatever supplication they have and for doing a miracle. No matter who forgets you, Lord You said You never forget us, then You have not forgotten our problems. At the right time You will make them happen, for this we thank You. You are God who calls forth those things which are not as though they were. Lord do likewise for my children. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My Dearly Beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God Bless you. I am delighted to meet you all on this August 21st through this Auspicious Message. May God bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 147:13 “For He has strengthened the bars of your gates; He has blessed your children within you.”
This is the day that God blesses your children. When God blesses, He doesn’t bless one child out of the 4 children. Children. Even if he is not pleasing God, to make you happy the Lord blesses him too. The younger son took his portion of the wealth and spent it all on prodigal living, but the father was sitting at home with sorrow. God could not see the face of the father, alas after his son went, he is sorrowful, sad and not his original self. God saw that he was watching the road all the time. To make the father happy, God allowed some difficulty in the son’s life, taught him a lesson and brought him to his senses. I am going to go and fall at my father’s feet and say, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, forgive me. He changed him and brought him back to his father. The father gave him a new ring, shoes, robe and made a great feast for him. There was great rejoicing. The sorrow he had because of his son was replaced with comfort and joy. God transformed the son and brought him back and made the father glad. God brought him back home and blessed him. Today in your family if your child has gone wayward, or in inappropriate relationship, or caught with unwanted terrorists, whatever be it today God has decided to make you happy.
This is the day to make parents happy. A transformation in the life of your child to make your hearts rejoice with wonder. Is your child facing failure consistently, today God gives him victory. Is your child sick and you are in sorrow, today your child will come and say, Mother that deadly disease in not in my body, Father I don’t have that deadly disease anymore. I did the tests here see the results. Your children will come with a result that will cause your heart to rejoice in wonder. Mother the fruit of the womb that I waited for several years; see now I have conceived. They will come running to give the good news. God will bless your children. What is the prayer request you have about your children? Did you pray that they should repent, they should come out of their backslidden condition, to get a job, or for their marriage, or for them to have a child, or that they should come out of the unwanted thing? God will bless everything. He will bless the children in your house. Stay in faith.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Rain happiness in the hearts of the parents through this Mangala Vaarthai, let them witness that by tonight. Lord, we thank You for this marvellous miracle, in my son’s life/ daughter’s life, in my grandchildren’s life. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 51:3, “The Lord will comfort Zion.”
My Dear brothers and Sisters, When we face some difficulties, or come across some loss in our families, we can just go and comfort them. That’s all. But our Lord is one who does comfort us in our difficult times. That’s what this verse says, God will comfort Zion. We will comfort them and come away. But God will not only comfort them but also wait to see how He can turn their sorrow into joy by comforting them through some way. For the Lord shall comfort Zion. That means He will do something to comfort them so that their sorrow will be removed or forgotten from their midst.
The Lord is going to perform a miracle for you so that your sorrow will flee away and you will find peace. Isaac was affected by the death of his mother Sarah. So as he was filled with sorrow he went out to the meadows and spent time in mediation. One day it so happened that God himself could not bear the sorrow of Isaac, so He thought that if He did something good in the life of Isaac, maybe he would overcome his grief. So He selected Rebecca, the beautiful bride and gave Isaac in marriage. As a result the Bible says, “Then Isaac brought Rebekah into his mother Sarah’s tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.” So we see that God did an alternative thing for Isaac, by getting him married and by bringing Rebecca into his life. Thus God changed his sorrow into joy. God is telling you today prophetically, God is going to perform a miracle, for you, in order that your sorrow might change and you may enjoy peace and joy in your family. All the blockades will be nullified and miracles will happen in your life so that all grief and sorrow will be ridden away, and you will receive great relief from all your sorrow.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, we pray for all those who are filled with sorrow, Lord let them not be destroyed in sorrow. They should not die of grief. Let their sorrow be changed. You are a good God, and we know that you will do miracles to bring them out of grief. We have seen this in the word of God. Lord, you know what to do for them that would bring them out of grief. So do something that would remove their sorrow completely and help them to live a life of peace and comfort. Do a miracle for every one of them and comfort them.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Take with me from the book of Psalms. 21:4. “He asked You for life, and you gave it to him. Length of days, for ever and ever.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Those of you who are watching this program, are asking the Lord to extend your life. For another two years, I have to pay off all my debts, Lord I will clear everything, and I myself will come to you. Lord I will give my child in marriage, Lord I shall just see my grandchild and then come to you. So, in this way many of you may be asking God or praying to God to extend your life. This verse says, He asked you for life, and you gave it to him. Length of days, forever and ever. Life is different from everlasting life. Life is for some years. But everlasting life is even in your old age, to keep you fresh and green, and still bear fruit in your old age. A life that gives forth fruit. If they go halfway then it will be a short lived life. God who gives a satisfying period of life. That means you have lived a complete and perfect life.
That day it was appointed for king Ezekiah to live for 39 years and God sent His servant, prophet Isaiah to tell him that he was going to die, and so to make all preparations. “ Hence Isaiah told him “ Put your house in order, because you are going to die, you will not recover. ” King Hezekiah was so upset about his short life, so he turned towards the wall and cried, and made a short prayer. Saying, Remember Oh Lord, how I have walked before you. Faithfully, and with whole hearted devotion, and have done what is good in your eyes. The next moment God took mercy upon him and extended the days of his life for another 15 years.
My Dear Children of God, May be today, you may be at the edge of death or in the bondage of death trap. Or you may be caught up by the snare of death till your neck, and it could tighten your life. But God is saying, “ I will give you a long life.” Today a miracle will happen for you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. For all those who are in the grip of disease, or under the bondage evil spirits, and those who have gone to the very edge of death, let mercy and grace be revealed to them. Let children be saved from death, and may they see the works of God and help them to explain the works of God, and may they possess good nature, and may they bring more souls, and let them come before. May they receive health and strength. Heal all their diseases and forgive all their iniquities. Keep them away from destruction and save them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.