May You Be Fruitful

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the  book of,  Hosea 14:5,  “I will be like the dew, to Israel; He shall grow like the Lilly. And lengthen the roots  like Lebanon”.

  My dear Brothers and Sisters,  ”The above context refers to the word of God. “My Words Shall  Be like the Dew to Israel. ” The essential word of God, is like the dew, either in His  divine  or human  nature,  but it is to be understood, of the blessings of grace He is to His People as Mediator, being to them wisdom, righteousness , sanctification, and redemption.

Again the line, “He shall grow like the lily.”’Refers to the people of God, and the church  are compared especially for their beauty and comeliness in Christ. Usually  the root of the lily  lies buried in the earth for a long time. Sometimes   it seems as if it was dead. But all of a sudden it springs out of the earth and grows up to a great height and becomes very flourishing. This is not owing to its toil, but because of the dew of heaven. In the same manner, God’s elect, in a state of nature are dead. But being quickened by the grace of God, spring up all of a sudden, and grow very fast. This is not because of  themselves, but because of God’s divine grace and due to the influence of the Holy Spirit, they rise up in their faith and hope to the high calling of God in Christ and such people become fruitful, in grace and in good works.

Dear children of God,  the Lord will make you to stand firm like the roots of Lebanon. He will plant you in the place that he has promised to take you and there He will plant you and no harm shall befall you. You shall be a blessing, in the land that the Lord takes you. You shall be successful in all that you do, provided you do everything in accordance to the will of God.  You shall be like the roots of lily that shoots up to a great height, strong and sturdy.  God will straighten you like that of the lily. You shall be a blessing, and fruitful. If only you obey His word, and walk according to his will, God will bless you with a good income, prosperity in your business, and bless your future. May you be fruitful and flourishing.

God bless  you.


Our Loving Heavenly Father, We thank you for this blessed day. Lord help us to discern your will in our life.  May we  understand that all our  achievement is not because of us  but it is the gift from God. We realize that  we are blessed because of Your  divine grace. Thank You for the dew that comes from heaven to satiate our longings.  In Jesus name we pray.


Be Faithful in Everything

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I waited upon the Lord, the blessed word that the Lord gave me to bless you today is from the book of Mathew 25:23, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” When you are faithful in little things, God will make you to rule over great things. Some of you are taking your own steps to reach your goals. You need to be precautions while making a decision.

Some people fail to understand that, because of the eagerness they have for the worldly gains, they tend to go away from the presence of God. When a person faces any crucial situation in their life, they tend to shift their attention from God to money. Instead of keeping their faith on God, they keep their faith in the worldly gains.

God has called you with a purpose.  Do not go after money or the pleasures of the world. Faith can move mountains. Believe in the words of the Lord. It will all be fulfilled.

Repent from all your wrong doings and ask the Lord to help you to be faithful in little things. Depend totally on God for all your needs; then God will make you to rule over many things.

God Bless You.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. I pray that You may bless Your dear children. Father, teach them to be faithful in little things so that they may rule over many.  Give them the grace to face all hardships in their life. In Jesus name we pray,


The Latter Day Blessings

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the  book of  Job 2:10, “Shall we indeed accept good from God,  and shall we not accept, adversity? In all this Job did not  sin  with his lips.” My dear Brothers and Sisters God allows the good and bad things in life, and we can trust Him to work all things.

In a single day Job received news that his oxen donkeys and camels were stolen. He heard  about the death of his ten children. He lost everything. He tore his clothes and sat in ashes.  His grief was inexpressible. God saw all that He had made and it was very good. When it comes to good and evil, we should not forget that there is both good and bad in the world. And one must face such challenges during the course of his  life. When good things happen, we need to enjoy the goodness of God in our life. But when times are evil you need to allow God to rule your life. Soon the dark cloud will disappear and  you will see a silver lining emerging brightly.

Satan  brings calamity in our life. At such times you must believe that God’s will is the only good and perfect way. Job’s wife couldn’t tolerate the pressure of disaster that occurred in the family. Hence she became vexed in life and rebuked her husband saying, “Are you still maintaining, your integrity, curse God and  die.” But Job told her that she was behaving like a foolish woman, and tells her, “Shall we expect good from God and not trouble? “Job seemed to be a man of better understanding. He knew very well that both good and evil comes from God and He is capable of changing, evil into good.

Dear brothers and Sisters we are not to condemn Job’s wife for behaving in such a manner because she   was actually  a good woman. But the terrible circumstances that she was going through and   height of disaster made her to speak like a carnal person. Job refers her to an ungodly woman. Therefore he reproves her of her folly.

Job suggests that he and his wife had received many good things from  the Lord. And they had very much enjoyed the blessings of God. So when God permitted disaster Job was prepared to accept it from the hands of God. The Bible says, in all this Job did not sin.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, I urge you to consider the life of Job, when troubles strike your doors,  and in case you are struggling in your life remember to hold on to God like Job and believe with all of your heart that God is able to change your sorrow into joy, and He will never put you to shame. If you remain firm in Him,  then just as the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning, He will bless you too. He will change your curse into a blessing. 

God bless you. 


Our   loving   heavenly   Father, we   thank   You  for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for reminding  us to walk like Job. Never to sin with  our mouth even if we have to go through worse situation in our life.  Guard   us  and preserve us to be faithful till  the end.  Never to  shrink in our faith.  Bless  us Lord  as  you  had  blessed Job with a double portion of blessing. In Jesus name we pray.


May You Be Fruitful

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the  book of,  Hosea 14:5, “I will be like the dew, to Israel; He shall grow like the Lilly. And lengthen the roots  like Lebanon”.

 My dear Brothers and Sisters,  the above context refers to the word of God, “My Words Shall  Be like the Dew to Israel.” The essential word of God, is like the dew, either in His  divine  or human  nature,  but it is to be understood, of the blessings of grace He is to His People as Mediator, being to them wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

Again the line “He shall grow like the lily refers to the people of God, and the church  are compared especially for their beauty and Calmness in Christ. Usually  the root of the lily  lies buried in the earth for a long time. Sometimes   it seems as if it was dead. But all of a sudden it springs out of the earth and grows up to a great height and becomes very flourishing. This is not owing to its toil, but because of the dew of heaven. In the same manner, Gods elect, in a state of nature are dead. But being quickened by the grace of God, spring up all of a sudden, and grow very fast. This is not because of  themselves, but because of God’s divine grace and due to the influence of the Holy Spirit, they rise up in their faith and hope to the high calling of God in Christ and such people become fruitful, in grace and in good works.

Dear Children of God,  the Lord will make you to stand firm like the roots of Lebanon. He will plant you in the place that he has promised to take you and there He will plant you and no harm shall befall you. You shall be a blessing, in the land that the Lord takes you. You shall successful in all that you do, provided you do everything in accordance to the will of God.  You shall be like the roots of lily that shoots up to a great height, strong and sturdy.  God will straighten you like that of the lily. You shall be a blessing, and you will be fruitful. If only you obey His word, and walk according to his will, God will bless you with a good income, prosperity in your business, and bless your future. May you be fruitful and flourishing.

God bless  you.


Our Loving Heavenly Father, We thank you for this blessed day. Lord help us to discern your will in our life.  May we  understand that all our  achievement is not because of us  but it is the gift from God. We realize that  we are blessed because of Your  divine grace. Thank You for the dew that comes from heaven to satiate our longings.  In Jesus name we pray.


God broadens your territory

 My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 54:2-3,  ”Enlarge the place of your tent,  stretch  your tent curtains wide.  Do not hold back,   lengthen your cords,   Strengthen   your stakes.  For you will spread,  out to the right and to the left.  Your   descendants  will  dispossess  nation   and settle in their desolate cities”.

My dear Brothers and Sisters the above context  explains how the Lord is mindful of you and that He desires that your borders should expand to the right and left. The Bible says, that Jabez  prayed to the Lord, in this manner,   “Oh that you would bless me, indeed and enlarge my territory. Let your hand be with me and keep me from all evil so that I may not cause pain.” And God granted him his request. God wants you to prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

God will grant your request too, if you abide by His word. God wants you to prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. Well God will break all the hindrances that refrains you from progressing in your life. The Lord will bless you and enlarge your dwelling place. The Lord says, He is going to bless you with an own house. You might be wondering as to how the Lord can bless you when there is no possibility of you, getting a house. For God it is a trivial thing. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.

All things are possible to them that believe in His name.  If you have simple faith in the Lord then you will expand as per the context mentioned above. If you just believe you shall see the glory of God. To expand your dwelling place, God needs to perform certain miracles. He has to bless you with a good job with a good salary. And when you remain faithful in that job with which God has blessed you, then He will exalt you and bless you more than your expectation.

Without faith it is impossible to please God. So have faith in God and he will lift you to glory. Believe in all of your heart, that Jesus will work wonders in your life. He will not only give you a job but also settle your marriage life. He will bless you with a house of your own.  He is able to do exceedingly abundantly, above all that you ask or think. Believe and receive every word that is being spoken as   a   prophetic word for you.  Our God who speaks by His mouth and performs   by His Hand will fulfill all that He has promised in your life.  

God says,  that He is going to expand the curtains of your dwelling. Curtains represent the beauty of your house, your family. House does not only mean the building, it also means the members of your family. The Lord is going to beautify every member of your family with His goodness. Are you worried that there is no progress in your life. Then don’t worry, The Lord of expansion has come into your house. God will change your sorrow into joy. He will expand you to the right and to the left.

God bless you.                                


Our loving   heavenly Father, we  thank You  for this blessed day. Thank you Lord   for Your   Love and  Concern,  and your desire to expand my territory. Well help me Lord,   to   trust   in You  for all my needs.  Make me a blessing by granting peace in  my family life, at my work spot, in my business and my good relationship with others.  In Jesus name we pray.


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