My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of 2 Chronicles 20:20, ” Believe in the Lord Your God. And you shall be established. Believe His prophets and you shall prosper”.
My dear brothers and sisters, God has appointed men of God or Prophets for the sake of his people. God has anointed and appointed men of God to talk, and plead and to intercede on behalf of his children. During the time of Prophet Elisha, the Shunammite woman, did not have a child for many years. She had everything, but she was not blessed with a child. It was the practice or custom of the woman to invite the prophet Elisha, while he was on his Missionary journey, to her house, give him food and let him stay on the upper room of her house. She was a woman of great honour. It was through the prayers of this great prophet that she got a baby boy. And he was growing up. All of a sudden the boy developed high temperature and the child passed away, as she was attending to him on her lap.
She was a mother with a difference. She had a room in the upper floor of her house with a cot table and a chair. And it was exclusively for the prophet. She laid the dead body of the child on the bed in the upper room of the prophet and closed the door. Then she saddled a donkey and asked her servant to drive quickly and not to stop on the way. She went to the man of God at Mount Carmel. As soon as she conveyed the incident to him, Elisha, first gave a staff to his servant Gehazi, and directed him to lay it on the face of the child, believing that the baby would revive back to life. He left at once. But she was adamant or determined that she would only leave if the prophet came along with her. So Elisha accompanied with her to her house. He went straight into his room and shut the door behind him and prayed to the Lord. He knew that if the boy had to come back to life then it would be possible only with God. The Lord listened to his prayer and brought back life into the child. Hallelujah! Thus we see how the Prophet of God prayed for the Shunammite son and brought him to life. He called the Shunammite woman and handed over the little boy. And departed back to his home.
Similarly we see Moses another prophet of God who interceded on behalf of the children of God namely the Israelites. As Moses delayed coming down from Mount Sinai, the children of Israel made a golden calf and began to worship it. They provoked God to anger and sinned against Him deliberately. The wrath of God was kindled and He wanted to destroy them. So Moses went back to the Lord and said, “Oh, what a great sin these people have committed! They have made themselves gods of gold. But now, please forgive their sin—but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.”Moses was willing to lose his heavenly position for the sake of his people who followed him diligently to the promised land flowing with milk and honey. This is the attribute of a true Prophet of God. He was willing to let go off his leadership in order to save the people of God.
My dear Brothers and Sisters I urge you to trust in the Prophets God has appointed and be benefitted by their earnest intercession, prayer and supplication for your needs.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. We thank you Lord for anointing and appointing prophets who could plead and intercede on our behalf to the Lord and grant us our petition. May the children of God believe the words of the prophets and prosper in their life.
In Jesus name we pray.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Joel 2:12, “Now therefore says, the Lord, “Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, In John 1:12, we read that to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. God the Father wants us to be His children. He says, I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings. Just as a Father has compassion on His children so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him . This is the nature of a Father.
When the prodigal son returned to his father, we see the graciousness of the Father overshadowing the sinfulness of the son; as it is the memory of the Father’s goodness that brings the prodigal son back home. There are some who for their own selfish reason backslide and draw themselves away from the presence of God. When they go away from God, devil tries to attack them. They might be well educated Medical students or Engineers. But suddenly such students get caught up in depression. This happens when one goes away from the Lord. Then the devil takes possession of such people. You should never give such an opportunity for the devil to take possession of you. This is the moment you fall into sinful things and lose the glory of God.
Back sliding can cause disastrous consequences. The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways. He may simply fall back through neglect by not praying, reading the Bible, and not keeping his focus on living for God, It can bring dishonour to the one who laid down His life for us (Jesus Christ).
But the Lord to such people gives an invitation saying, Return to Me with all your heart. In order to revive, the spirit of the lowly, And to revive the heart of the contrite. “Return backsliding Israel, says the Lord. And I will not cause My anger to fall on you. For I am merciful” says, the Lord.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God’s merciful purpose to His people is to revive and to restore. God calls us back to himself. God demonstrated His love for us through the death of His son. Even today check your life. Have you gone away from the Lord. Repent today and return back to Him. For God is merciful with the merciful, and with a blameless man He will show Himself blameless. Accept Jesus as your saviour. Don’t neglect or postpone this opportunity.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord if anyone has backslidden I pray You to be merciful to them. Forgive them of their sinful nature and cause them to reconcile with You. Help them to cherish your goodness rather than submit themselves to worldly pleasures. May they experience the glory of God in their lives. In Jesus name we pray.
My dear brothers and sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 91:1 “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
My dearly beloved, if you receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour and walk along with Him, then you receive an unknown power within you. It is the work of the Holy Spirit. You are of God, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us. There is a power that works inside of you, when you have Jesus as the Lord of your life. As a child of God is endowed with grit and power of the Lord, no one can dare to come against them. People will say, He is a child of God so He possesses the power of Christ therefore it is better not to go against him. People will avoid, such godly people. They will think many times before they do anything against them.
We see in the Bible about Abimelech who tells Isaac “We have certainly seen that the Lord is with you.” A child of God is easily recognized by his behaviour and his testimony. Goliath was a Philistine giant who came against the army of the Israelite forces. He stood with pride. He stood on his own strength, He boasted of himself, about his talents, about his might, about his skill. He was backed up by Satan himself. Whereas David, a small shepherd boy stood in front of him. David was zealous to defend the Lords people. David though newly anointed as the king of Israel, yet he was a young boy. He was deeply offended by the giants, haughty mocking challenges. David said to Goliath, “But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” He went in the name of Jesus. He took a sling and five small pebbles and swung around him. One little pebble hit the fore head of Goliath and he fell flat to the ground. And David killed him with a sword. Such a great man could easily be defeated by David a small shepherd boy. How was this possible? It was because he was endowed by the power of God. He was backed up by his heavenly Father, the God of Israel. That was the difference.
My dearly beloved, if you are in Christ, you are a new being. ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.’ For God has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ. Therefore you inherit the nature of God. His power. His Strength and His boldness.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for giving us the power and strength to overcome the obstacles in our life. Help us to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And thus protect us from the oncoming danger. Help your children to depend on the Lord God and walk in His ways, in obedience to God’s word. In Jesus name we pray.
My dearly brothers and sisters, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of, John 1:12, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God to those who believe in His name.”
My dearly beloved, there is real power in the name of Jesus. We are dead to our sins. Without the Power of Jesus, we are dead to all things that are holy. Only Jesus has the power to bring what’s dead, back to Life. Jesus is the only way to life. He came as a witness to testify about the Light.
The Bible says, He came to His own and His own did not receive him. But to all who did receive Him who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. Hence, we are the sons and daughters in Christ Jesus; and He is our Father; whereby we call Him ‘Abba Father.’ As we are His children, God has sent the Holy Spirit, into our hearts, prompting us to call out ‘Abba Father’. Isn’t it a great privilege for us to call the Everlasting Father, the God of the whole universe to acknowledge Him as Abba Father! God says, “Heaven is My throne, and Earth is My footstool”. He is a great and a mighty God. When we make this God as our Father, then we become His children. The greatest blessing in this world is to receive Jesus as our father. Both material and spiritual blessings come from the Father of lights Himself. He is the only fountain of blessing.
My dearly beloved, strengthen your relationship with the Father. He knows all your needs. When you receive Jesus as your Father, then He will come down in a marvellous way and will deliver you from your problem. The Bible says, “It shall come to pass; that before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking I will hear.” This is the nature of our God. All that you need to do is to believe in Jesus. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame. To inherit the blessing of the Father, you need to believe in Him.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. I submit my dear children into Your loving hands. Lord, help My children to realize that they have a Father in Heaven who cares for them. Teach them to lean on You for all their needs. May they experience Your mighty power in their lives. Give them the desire to believe on His name. Let them know that there is Power in Your name; and that Power is mighty enough to deliver them from all their problems. May You give them a happy life. Be with them and bless them. In Jesus name we pray,
My dear brothers and sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Jeremiah 31:3, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee”. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! You shall again be adorned with your tambourines, And shall go forth in the dances of those who rejoice. You shall yet plant vines on the mountains of Samaria; The planters shall plant and eat them as ordinary food.
My dear Brothers and Sisters we have been experiencing the love of Jesus in one way or the other. God builds up the ruined places of your life. The Lord says, I will build you up. And you shall be rebuilt. Many have lost their family lives because of divorce or because you have been forsaken by your wife or your husband. To such people the Lord says, I will rebuild your families. Your ruined life will be re established. Believe in the Lord. He will do marvelous things in your life. The Bible says, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him .
I wish to share the testimony of a sister Thilagavathi who had been married and later divorced for various reason . She attended our Anbarin Padathil Oru Naal Fasting Prayer Meeting and prayed earnestly. As her case was under way and hearing was about to happen soon. She was in great distress as to how the court verdict would turn out to be. And what would be the state of her life. But the Lord called her by name Thilagavathy during the name calling session and assured that she would join her husband very soon. She couldn’t believe her ears. She happened to attend that meeting by her friend who took pity on her and brought her there. Adjacent week the hearing came and Sister Thilagavathy had to been to the court. To her surprise her husband who came over there told her that he will withdraw the case and will take her home. Sister Thilagavathy couldn’t believe her eyes, her joy knew no bounds. She is now living a very happy married life. God rebuilt her ruined life. It’s amazing to know how God works in the life of His children. To those who have not settled in life as yet, God will settle you soon. You will have a happy married life. The Lord will open the door of marriage for you.
God loved David. He exhibited his love to David by blessing him with a wise son Solomon, to sit on his throne after him. Hiram king of Tyre wrote to Solomon. saying” Because the Lord loves His people, He has made you king over them.” Hiram also said , “Blessed be the Lord, God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, for He has given King David a wise son, endowed with prudence and understanding. In the same manner God will bless you with a generation that would be wise, prudent, and with good understanding. Many of you are longing to have the gift of a child. God will soon bless those of you who are crying for a child. The Bible says, God grants the barren woman, a home, like a joyful mother of children. The Love of God has been poured upon you for you are very precious in His sight. Therefore God wants to honour and exalt you in life.
God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father we thank you for your everlasting love and for rebuilding our ruined lives. We praise you for blessing our children with wisdom, prudence and good understanding. Help us to be faithful and seek God diligently all the days of our life. In Jesus name we pray.