God Brightens Your Face

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Take with me from the book of Numbers.6: 25, “It says, The Lord makes His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you”.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God is making your face shine very brightly. There will be an anointing over you. Because God is causing His face to shine upon you. Until yesterday someone might have said, It is not worth seeing your face. It doesn’t seem so good. Doesn’t look so good, to see your form or figure. Such people who spoke in this way will come and say, “Well your face seems to be shining. There seems to be some light in your face. There is some cheer in your face. There seems to be an anointing in you. So to be spoken of you, in this way the light of God is reflecting on your face.

If your face shines, and if the light falls upon your face, that means you have got life. That day while walking on the road, a widow mother was on her way to the burial ground to bury her only son. The sight of God fell upon her, immediately the lord wanted to comfort her. He looked at the dead body and said, “Young man arise.’ Immediately the young man got up and Jesus handed him over to his mother. She was already a widow. And he was the only son. And if the son died, she became a loner, a solitary woman. As soon as the sight of God fell upon her God brought her son back to life. Not only that wherever Jesus went, God changed the water into wine, since He felt that the master of the house should not be put to shame.

My dear children of God wherever Jesus went, there a woman came, who suffered from an issue of blood for 12 long years. She sold all her wealth for medical treatment and could not be healed. When she came in contact with Jesus, my dear children of God, she only touched the hem of His garment. And the flow of blood stopped immediately. Thus, she was healed instantly. Even the sight of God did not fall upon her, but she saw Him through the eyes of her faith. She looked at the garment of Jesus and touched the hem of his garment. She was healed. So if the sight of God falls upon you directly, then, what a great blessing it would be. Today the sight of God has fallen upon you. I see in my spirit, God clears all dark spots and scars formed on the face of many children. The white scars that suddenly appeared on your face and lips.God is going to clear everything, because He causes His face to shine upon you. He has mercifully seen your face. Though you don’t deserve it, You may not be worthy to allow God to cause His face to shine upon you. But if today it has happened, then it is because of God’s mercy. Based on His mercy many miracles will happen in your lives.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord You who are merciful, make your face shine upon your children, We thank You for causing your face shine, upon your children based on mercy. Lord through your mercy let all barriers be up rooted, and may they be blessed with a good generation. Let them get a job, because of your mercy. Let them receive anointing because of Your mercy. The Lord built them a house of their own, based on mercy. You are a Lord of mercy. Lords based on mercy help them to clear all their debts. You are God who looked at Mary and said, “Blessed are you who has found favor from God. In the same manner I pray You will bless all the children saying, You men who have found favor and women who have found favor, blessed are you all. Greet all of them and bless them Oh Lord. Keep them from tight corner situations, from poverty and famine, and debts and protect them. Give them a bright future and honor them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

Nothing Is Hard for God

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified.Take and read with me from the book of Jeremiah 32:17, “ Lord you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for you.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you are saying, Unless God does a miracle for me, my life will not be successful. Only if God performs a miracle for me, I can go ahead and be successful. Today is a miracle working day. For there are many names for our God. And one of them is “ Wonderful.” Today, this morning the Lord who is called Wonderful is coming to your house to perform a miracle for you.

Today is a special day. He is giving you a special Mangala Vaarthai that cannot be forgotten. Giving you a special word, He is going to fulfill that wonder in your life. He is a God who says by His mouth and does wonder through His hands. The wonder you are expecting, may be good health, May be there is a boil in your body. God is going to change everything. It may be a cancer boil, or a chocolate boil or a fibroid boil. Whatever boil may be, God will change everything. And He is going to do a wonder for you. Have haith. Keep your hand upon your head and ask God to touch you. Let me be healed by thy stripes. Lord let them be delivered by thy stripes. Lord remove the depression from the children. Lord let their anxiety be removed from them.

God is going to remove the timid nature from you and is going to make you an active member. And lift you up. If some of you are saying, that’s all, I cannot live anymore. God who gives life to all, God is going to wake you up and say, get up, raise Zion, dust the dirt from off you, don’t lie down anymore. Your turn day has come, I have kept a power for you. You take it and run. I am going to make you, who was behind, to come first. God is encouraging you. God will fill you again with power and gifts of the holy spirit. God will encourage you, and help you carry on your ministry. I thank God for doing so.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord in whatever things, your children are expecting a miracle in their life, wonderful God, I pray that you will do a wonder for them, just as you visited the house of Manoah and performed a miracle and blessed them with a male child , I pray that you will visit the houses of your children and bless them with children. Grant them a wonder for which they are longing for. And make them glad.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Will Give You Rest

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. May the Lord Bless you. Take with me from the book of Matthew 11:28. “Come unto Me, all You who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lord is inviting all of you unto Himself, those who are burdened with debts, burdened with difficulties, those who are unable to bear the disease, the shame and reproach, and those who are unable to bear their difficulties, to come to Him. He says, He will give you rest. He says, He will do a miracle for you. God is inviting those who are suffering from different hardships. Through this Mangala Vaarthai program. Some of you are saying, “Brother, no matter how hard I work, I am unable to clear all my debts. However hard I take, I am unable to progress in life. Though I work with many difficulties, I still remain in a rented house. And have not been able to secure a house of my own. I am unable to think of getting my own house. I work day and night. I still carry on my business in a rented place. I am not able to do my business in my own business center. I don’t see a single blessing before me.

Saying all this to you who are in tears dear children of God, Today God is calling such children to come unto Him. He says, “ I will give you a blessing. I will give you rest. The meaning of his statement is that He will give you peace. I will perform a miracle for you that you may progress in life. So today, humble yourself before the Lord. Say “ lord I humble myself to the very edge of the floor, Lord you have said, that I should come to you.” In this way if you pray God will hear your prayer. A spring to keep you healthy, A spring to keep you living a satisfying life, God is giving you mercifully. You go and receive it. I thank the Lord for His word.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I have suffered much. I have endured much pain and agony Oh Lord. For such children who are crying about their miserable life, the Lord comforts them and embraces them. Show the spring for them that they might hold on to the spring formed for them, and taking the spring let them go. God has shown the spring. You will get good income from the spring which God has given you. You will get good health from the spring, and you shall receive a good anointing upon you. God is showing a place for you and is asking you to go and establish yourself and make a better life. May they bring forth fruit in the place where you have established them. Let them get back all the wealth and property, the name and fame, which they had lost. Help them to get back once again all that they have lost. Make them to be seated with kings and princes in the coming days, and may they be admired by the Lord.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

You Have an Inheritance

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. God is giving you an auspicious word for today from Psalms 16:6, “The boundary lines have fallen for me, in pleasant places. Surely I have a delightful inheritance. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lord wants to give you a delightful inheritance, in good and pleasant places. I believe that the Nation of India is a good religious country, irrespective of any religion. Whether they are Christians, Muslims, followers of Buddhism, or Hindus, or any other religion. Including all the religions of India, I wish to say that it is a religious oriented land. Since there is a group of people who fear God, India lives. Dear Children of God, the people of India are hard workers. They work day and night. The parent and children relationship that bonding is very strong in India. Parents are willing to give up their life for the sake of their children. Such is the love of parents and children. We often see how parents, for the progress of their children, sacrifice all their joy and happiness. This is a special gift of blessing granted to the children of India.

God blessed the land of Canaan which flowed with milk and honey and blessed Israel. But God has placed the name of India in the book of Esther. Which was ruled by king Ahasuerus , He ruled over 127 countries. This shows that God loves India very much. Though this is a small country God has mentioned in the Bible long, long ago. Though heaven and earth be destroyed, the name of India which is in the book of Esther will not be destroyed. The name of America is not in the Bible. The name of Japan is not in the Bible. The names of many famous countries like Russia are not in the Bible. Those who claim to be powerful nations, their names are not in the Bible. But the name of India is in the Bible. You are fortunate to be born in India. My Dear children God today the Lord is saying, You will have an inheritance in pleasant places. You will get a good job in a perfect place. You will be settled in a good place. You will be settled in a good family. You will get a chance in a good company. God will give you a good and perfect anointing. God will give you a perfect ministry and open a door for you. And God will give you a perfect business for you to do. And you will have a good portion in a good place.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. For all those who say that they have no freedom, Today You grant them freedom. They are not allowing me to live freely in the place of my work spot. They are not letting me do my ministry freely. In the place where I went to live they are not allowing me to live freely. They have taken away my freedom. They have kept me tied. They have kept me under control. And took away my freedom. For all those children who are crying, that they have been deprived of all freedom. Let special freedom be granted to them.

In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Blessing of Righteousness

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. I am very pleased to meet you through this Auspicious Message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 58:8, “Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you;

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, That means your health has not been favorable to you or there has been good healing to you. So you have become weak and weary. You are saying there is no progress in your life. I have grown so old yet, I haven’t secured a good job. I have grown old yet I’m not married. I have been married for many years, but I haven’t got a child yet. I have grown so old, yet I don’t have a house of my own. Many of you are crying over these issues and lamenting over them this morning. Today you ask the Lord to bless you according to this verse. Claim this verse for yourself. Tell the Lord firmly that you will not let go of God, unless He blesses you. Then all the Barriers that block the blessings from happening will be released upon you, such as good health, good events and joyous happenings. All will take place in your homes. Don’t worry it will happen in the Lord’s appointed time.

It took 40 years for Isaac to get married. But since he waited patiently he was blessed with a beautiful bride Rebecca. A woman who fears God. Rebecca who loved and cared and met all the needs of her husband’s family. Rebecca was beautiful, clever and smart. His life started very late in life but it was beautiful and the king Abimelech saw them playing in their house through the window of his palace. Thus, their family life was a blessed one. Therefore, never be worried, God will bless you with a beautiful bride like Rebecca. If you are waiting like Rebecca, for a good life partner, then you will get a good husband like Isaac. God will conduct your marriage in a grand manner. Have faith and say Amen. God will hear your voice and if you see again, Isaac did not have any children for nearly twenty years. He was almost 60 years old. He waited patiently. So God honored him and granted him twin babies and blessed him. So never worry that you don’t have a child. God will give you twin children in one delivery. Or He might give you three children too. Saying like this you hold on to God and He will surely bless you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. I bless all the children in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord bless all the children who have grown very weary and sick in mind as they have been disappointed in life. May their healing spring forth speedily. Let all events and auspicious occasions happen in their families. Remove all the barriers that block the happenings of such good events. Let it happen beyond their age. Unite all the families that have been separated for any reason. Lord for those young women, who are like Ruth, having lost their husbands and are like widows, give them another opportunity to relive their life. Lord, you are alive even today. So arrange good proposals for them for all the dear children. Lord grant them offspring and descendants and bless them. Change all their shame and humiliation.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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