Prisoner to Prince

My dear Brothers  and sisters   in Christ,   I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of Genesis 50:20 , “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to  accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”.

 Dear Brothers and Sisters,  Joseph was a unique character in the Bible.   Joseph held on to God firmly.   Joseph   was the  most  loved son of  Jacob. His brothers were jealous of him so they threw him into the pit. Later they sold him to the merchants as a slave. The brothers told his father that a wolf had eaten  him up and Jacob was in great sorrow.  Jacob mourned for his son many days.  There in Egypt Joseph was purchased  by Potipher  an  Egyptian Officer. Potipher   trusted Joseph the Hebrew,  much.

In Potipher’s house, he was appointed as the head man.  Potipher’s wife desired to be intimate with him. But Joseph continuously refused to oblige to her request.  He said, “’How can  I do this great wickedness  and sin against God? “  One day, she grasped his garment.  But Joseph  slid out of his clock and ran outside.  He ran away from committing sin. This self control earned him the appellation , Joseph the righteous.   Potipher’s   wife  accused him  falsely,  as a result, Joseph was thrown into the prison  though  he did  not  do any wrong. Yet he patiently endured the sufferings.   Even in  the  prison he was made the head man. He never lost his faith in the God of Israel. In the prison he found favor in the eyes of the warden.   Along with him the kings cup bearer   and   baker were  imprisoned . They had dreams while they were in the prison.  Joseph interpreted their dreams. According to his interpretation,   the   butler   returned-to  the kings palace within three days. But the chief baker was hanged just as Joseph had interpreted. 

Two years later,  king Pharaoh  had  a dream and Joseph  was summoned,  to the palace by Pharaoh. So from the prison he was taken to the palace. He was asked to interpret the dreams the butler had reminded the king of a young  Hebrew man who had interpreted his dream. Joseph said to   Pharaoh, “Iris not in me;   God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace. There in the palace Joseph interpreted  what God had revealed to him , that was about to happen in Egypt.  The Pharaoh said to his servants can we find such a one as this,  a man, in whom is the spirit of God? And Pharaoh said to Joseph ”See I have set you over all the land of Egypt.” Impressed by Joseph’s wisdom, Pharaoh appointed  Joseph as the governor, of Egypt next to King himself.  

Dear brothers and sisters , Thus we see how  Joseph , from a prison, was exalted to the post of a governor. He married the daughter of  Potipherah, a priest.  He was blessed with two sons,   Manasseh   and Ephraim. God exalts   those   that   humble   themselves. Even  though Joseph was hurt and envied by his brothers, he never rebelled   against   them?   Instead   he   provided   food for the   entire family of his father Jacob  during  famine, when they came to Egypt for settlement. He told his brothers, God   sent  me before you to preserve a  posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives.  They  schemed evil for him but God turned  it  for his good. God  changed his sorrow into joy.  

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank  You for this blessed day.   Lord we thank you for revealing to us the greatness of being humble in our lives. Teach  us to be like Joseph  who in spite of being hated by his brothers still continued to hold on to Jesus. He never retorted with his brothers instead he forgave them of their mistake. Help us to continue in faith  and hold on to Jesus  all the days of our life.  In Jesus Name we pray.


Perfect Gift

My dear Brothers  and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of James 1:17 “Every good gift and every  perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” The scripture says, that all those who looked at Gods face became radiant. In the same manner those who are struggling in the darkness are brought to light. Privately given gifts pacify wrath and payments made secretly appease great anger. So gifts play an important role in the life of a person. But one must remember that every gift and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights.

My dear Brothers and Sisters, you are blessed every day with certain benefits,  but you may not have realized that they have been given to you by God. The Bible says, God daily loads us with benefits,even the God of our salvation. God blesses his children with several gifts. Almost every day we experience the blessings of God in one way or the other. God has blessed you with a good family, good job, children, wealth, business, property;  you may be holding  a good  status in the society, all these are  gifts that God has blessed you with. Every such gift is from above and is not from a man’s self or from below but from heaven and from God. who dwells, there and comes down from  the father of lights, with whom there is no partiality.

The word gift denotes the act of giving. The emphasis is on the giver. God is the author of each and every good gift. God gives us wonderful gifts such as the gifts of righteousness, Remission of sins and eternal life.

God is the Father and author of lights. The sun, the moon and stars, all natural lights are considered both as spiritual, and eternal light, the light of glory made perfect. With God, who is light himself, and in  him there is no darkness, there is no change or anything like it.  He is changeable in his nature, perfections, purposes, promises and gifts; wherefore he being holy cannot turn to that which is evil. He is the fountain of lights. And since every good gift and perfect gift comes from him, evil cannot proceed from him. Therefore I pray that God bestow his richest blessing upon you. May He open the windows of heaven and fill your barns with plenty and may your vats overflow, with new wine.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord thank you for loading us with benefits daily in our life. Lord thank you for opening our eyes to see how good you are and realize that every good and perfect gift is only from You. May we enjoy the good gifts that you have granted to us carefully in our day to day life. May we acknowledge your goodness and kindness to us. In Jesus Name we pray.


Spring forth Water

Dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I waited upon the Lord with tears, the word that the Lord gave me to bless you is from the book of Psalms 107:35-37 ‘He turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs;there he brought the hungry to live, and they founded a city where they could settle. They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest;’

Our God is a God who can turn the wilderness into a pool of water. For all the dryness that you have gone through in the past, God is about to spring forth water in your life. The Lord is going to create new opportunities in your life. He is willing to give you a great financial breakthrough. God is going to change all the losses in your life and give you a great profits. God will give the authority to those who are thirsty to dwell in that land.

Today the Lord is speaking prophetically to you. He says that he is going to break all the hindrance that is causing you not to get your citizenship in the foreign land. You may be asking the Lord as to why the progress is still pending. The Lord says that His time has not come yet. When you do according to the will and instruction of God, He will make all things pass. The only thing that God expects from us is obedience. Do not be worried my dear children. The Lord will supply all your needs.

God Bless You


Our Loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. I pray that You may bless Your dear children with great Springs of water in their dry land. Father, help them to be prosperous all that they do. In Jesus Name we pray,


Know your calling

My dear Brothers   and sisters   in Christ,  I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of Daniel 3:17, 18,”  If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace.  And He will deliver us from your hand. But if not, let it be known to you O king that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up”.

The above context is about the three friends of Daniel namely  Shadrack, Meshach  and Abed –Nego.  These three men were determined to serve the living God. They refused to bow before the gold image which king Nebuchadnezzar, had set up. They were clear about their calling. They knew the purpose of Gods calling in their lives. So they boldly challenged the king of Babylon. Though the king increased the heat of the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated they still refused to bow before the gold image. That was their determination for God.   As a result the king commanded the mighty men to cast them into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. So they were bound and thrown into the midst of fire. The king was astonished to see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they were not burnt.  The fire had no power over their bodies. The hair of their head was not burnt, nor their garments affected, and the smell of the fire was not on them. The king was surprised to see these three men strolling about, in the midst of fire alive. He strongly believed that there was no other God, who can deliver like this.  So he promoted Shadrach, Meshachand Abed- Nego in the province.  This is how   God exalts His people.  In a moment they were upgraded. Life was transformed.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, God can transform your life too if you will submit yourself to the Lord, like these three men who knew their calling and were firm in their decision. They had great faith in the God whom they served.  I am   sure  God has a purpose for you in your life. You have been called to do something special in life. For He who is called you is faithful.  You need to know the definite will of God. You should know why God has called you for.  Where  there   is no guidance the people fall. But in abundance of counselors  there is victory. You need to heed to the voice of God. Because  our plans sometimes fall for lack of knowledge. The major factor in the down fall of Israel was because  Solomon,  began worshiping the false gods.  Be firm in your calling. If you need to be healthy , wealthy, and lead a contented life, then you need to cling on to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of your faith.   When you are firm about your calling then you can avert from being fallen. Whether it is your education, business,  job undertaking or marriage settlement, seek Gods counselling. Then you shall be successful.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank  You for this blessed day.   Thank you Lord for instilling   an urge to remain true to You in our life.  To seek Your  counselling in all that we do. Lord  reveal  your plan and purpose  for me in my life.   Help us to be like the three friends of Daniel  who stood  the test,  and rose victoriously to greater heights.  In Jesus Name we pray.


God’s Presence

My dear Brothers   and sisters   in Christ,  I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of Exodus 33:15 ,  “Then He said to Him, If your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here”.

My dear Brothers and Sisters,   God can bless you only if you are willing to take Jesus along with you. It may be an interview, It may be to start a business,or even to the hospital   because He is Jehovah  Rapha. Or for that  matter everywhere you go. When you take Him along with you then you   will be successful in all your endeavor.  The presence of the Lord makes a difference.To have His presence you need to be reverent, devoted to God and have the mind of Christ in you always. Hold on to Jesus for every need of yours. He will guide you and lead you in the right track. Ask God to come along with you in your daily walk of life.  As Moses said,“Lord I am special if You are with me. “Yes you become special when Jesus lives in you.  When you have Jesus with you,  a wide door for effective service will be opened for you. You should have the desire to have Jesus.  Moses said unto the Lord “If thy presence do not  go  with us, then we will not go from here. Moses was firm with His resolution.   He said,   carry us not from here.

God had promised Moses that He would accompany them to the land flowing with milk and honey. Moses could not forbear expressing himself after this manner, to show the high esteem he had of this blessing, and how worthless and insignificant everything  else was without  God accompanying  them. Even Canaan, the promised land  seemed  nothing in comparison of it: it is not of  much matter where we are, or what we have, if God is not with us; but if he grants his presence, the greatest hardships in a wilderness are made easy, and difficulties are got through with pleasure. Therefore  God’s presence  is a must to be successful in life.  Likewise to have Jesus in the family makes a happy home.

For He gave His life on the cross of Calvary. Tell the Lord that He is everything in your life. Then you will experience success in your life.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father,  we thank You for this blessed day. Lord thank You for being with us each day of our life.  May your presence come along with us   daily. We need  You to help us in all that we do. Be the center of our life. Make us successful in our life. In Jesus Name we pray.


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