God’s Word

My dear Brothers   and sisters   in Christ,   I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of  Hebrews 4:12, ” For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged  sword, piercing even to the dividing as under of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.

The Bible, which is the word of God , contains the mind of God and His will for each one of our lives. God surely listens,   understands and knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart, for when you trust in His love, miracles happen. There is power in the word of God. The word of God has life and is active. We serve a God who thinks about our lives,  our world, and His creation on a completely different level  than even the smartest human has the capacity to think.  Not one of God’s good promises has ever failed.

He whom God hath sent speaks the word of God. God performed a miracle as per Joshua’s words and stopped the universe.  Joshua prayed: “O sun stand still over Gibeon, O moon over the Valley of Aijalon”.   God sent His word and performed a miracle for Joshua. God worked a miracle for Gibeon and saved Israel. The LORD threw them into confusion before Israel, so Joshua and the Israelites defeated them completely at Gibeon.  God had the sun stand still for a day.  God exercised His power during the days of Joshua.

To illustrate the power of God I wish to make mention of how God performed a miracle for a brother who attended   Anbarin  Padhathil Oru Naal,  Fasting Prayer Meeting. A brother named Srinivas  shared his testimony . He had been working in an IT sector for four years. He was the only earning member in his family. None of the siblings had a job. They were all studying.   His father was sick.  The family was totally dependent on his income.  So he shed tears in the prayer meeting.  He heard that he was about to be sacked in his office so he was very disappointed. Finally when he came for the individual prayer , God gave him one word through me.  God said , “I will make you the head and not the tail.” He held on to that word and departed from me.

Next week his team leader had called him and told him that he was  being shifted to a new  project and he  was blessed with a promotion. This came as a surprise to him. The Lord will fulfill every word that proceeds from his mouth. One word that I gave him each time he came to the prayer meeting brought about a great change in his life. When he came to meet me for the second time , God said, ”I will increase you to your left and to your right. The next month God blessed him with a great increment.

The Bible says,  “So shall my word be, which shall go forth from my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall do whatsoever I please, and shall prosper in the things for which I sent it”. Thus God  performed miracle for Srinivas who had great faith in God.

God will send His word and perform a miracle in your life too.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Perform miracles for my children through your word for we realize that your word has power.  Incline your ear and hear our prayers. Reveal your greatness to us from your word. Revive our hearts with your word.  In Jesus name we pray,


Love One Another

My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of 1 John 4:12, “If we love one another, God abides in us ,and His love has been perfected in us.”  God expects His children to love one another  and  dwell in unity and harmony. To such people God would command his blessing, even  life for evermore.

In the Bible we read about Easu and Jacob. God wanted to bring unity between the two brothers Easu and Jacob. So He urged Jacob to  return to his home land, to his father’s place. So Jacob having become a wealthy person decided to return to his father’s place , along with his wives, children and cattle. He was on the other side of Jordan. He went to Haran with a staff,  but God had blessed him with two companies. He was a wealthy man of God. He was afraid to meet his brother Easu who was beyond Jordan with four hundred men. If he crossed Jordan and went  to meet his brother he knew that trouble awaited him. Their enmity lasted for years because Jacob had cheated his elder brother twice. Once he had  taken away Easu’s birth right cunningly and later he  had  grabbed all the blessings of Easu from  his father Isaac. Therefore he was afraid of meeting his brother.

Now Jacob was prepared to lose anything in order to renew his relationship with his brother. So he divided the flocks and herds and camels into two companies. He prayed to the Lord to deliver him from the hands of his brother. For he was afraid that he would attack  him and his family. He put the maid servants and their children in front, Leah and her children behind, and Rachel and Joseph last.  Then Jacob crossed over before them and bowed himself seven times when he came near his brother.

But Easu ran ahead and met Jacob  and embraced  him and fell on his neck and kissed him and they wept. Thus God reunited the brothers. Jacob said to Easu, “If I have found favour in your eyes, accept this gift from me. For to see your face is like seeing the face of God”  It was a moment of great rejoicing.This is what God expects of His children. Relationship is so important in one’s life.  You cannot afford to lose relationship for it causes deep pain.  The Bible says, “A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city.”  Therefore remove all bitterness from your heart. In case there is some misunderstanding between you and your siblings then take immediate steps to reunite with them. When you renew your relationship with your siblings and dwell in unity then God will bless you abundantly from heaven.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.  Lord take away the spirit of separation from my children.  Help them to live in oneness of mind and unity. Renew relationship between parents and children, husband, wife, and siblings.  Help them to be humble and submissive to each other.    In Jesus name we pray,


God of Blessing

My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of Deuteronomy 33:14-16 , “And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon and for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills, And for the precious things of the earth and fullness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren”.
Today the Lord is going to place this blessing upon your head as it was placed over the head of Joseph. As soon as His blessing descends upon your head, all your poverty will vanish.
A fruit that ripens naturally tastes delicious. In the same manner many things that you desire will happen in favour of you very naturally. Just as we enjoy the light of the moon during the night time, so also the gifts that you receive from the hands of God will be pleasant and beautiful. You will not only receive the blessings of the hills and the mountains but also receive precious things of the earth and its fullness. Just as the favour of God descended upon Joseph and blessed him above all his brothers so will God bless you through your work or your business and reveal his favour to you among all your brethren.
May be until now you have not seen success in your life. You might have experienced great failure in your studies, in your ministry, or in your business. But in future the Lord will enable you to prosper in all walks of life. The Bible says, it pleased the Lord to bless Israel. He is a God who does what He says. He blessed Jabez, when he cried unto the Lord. God enlarged his territory and preserved him from all evil. God granted him what he requested.
In the same manner God will grant you all your request. Moses blessed the children of Israel with all kinds of blessings. He called all the twelve tribes and blessed them. This particular blessing was given to the tribe of Joseph. Moses refers to the favour of God that he experienced while he was beside the burning bush and expected that Joseph should receive such blessings from the Lord. The Bible says, Let the blessing come on the head of Joseph. Likewise the blessing of the Lord will henceforth descend upon you and your children. Your blessing is upon your people.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord help my children to be blessed with the blessing of the sun, moon, hills and the mountains. Bless them Lord as Joseph was blessed . Lord bless them out of Zion that they may see the goodness of Jerusalem. In Jesus name we pray,

Seed of blessing

My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of 2 Corinthians 9:10 , “ Now may He who supplies seed to the  sower,  and bread for food, supply and  multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness”.

The Bible says, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness to the person who pleases him.  God has sown within each and every individual a seed of blessing. In fact every individual is gifted with a seed. Usually a SEED reminds us of grains like paddy or wheat. But here in this message seed refers to hidden talent. The word of God refers to a seed that God has planted in every man. Seed actually means ones investment. When we talk of investment the only thing that comes to our mind is Money. To those who have no money the hidden talent becomes their investment. One needs to search and find out for them as to what talent they possess in life. Once they trace the talent in them,   then they can improve on it and move forward in life. For some their “Brain” is their seed. Their brain becomes their investment. They use their brain to a great extent and hence become popular stars in real life like great scientist etc. God will bless you with divine wisdom and knowledge to operate knowledgeably with proper discernment, and perspective. Thus He will help you to excel in your life.

My dear brothers and sisters try to find out the hidden seed that is buried inside of you, once you discover the seed that God has sown within you then you can, thrive (more…)

Be Content

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,  I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of  1 Timothy 6:10, ” For the Love of money is a root of all kinds of evil”.  Today many people are involved in making a lot of money. Amassing wealth in different ways. Building  huge  luxurious Villas and purchasing expensive cars.  They spend lavishly and hoard  wealth either in the form of immovable property or in the  form of jewels in the bank locker or sometimes as black money.  It is not wrong to save money but one should not run after money. When they have more money they tend to boast over others. They become proud. Some disobey parents, and involve in squandering money in various ways. Some for want of money get into all sorts of wrong activities and thus get entangled themselves in sin and lose track of God.  They become lovers of pleasure than lovers of God. When one gets money through wrong means, may be through bribe, then such blessing does not come from God.  It comes from the evil.  It brings curse into the family, on you and your  descendants.

Naaman was a commander of the army of  Syria. He was a great and honorable man. But he was a leper. His maid who was brought  as a captive from the land of Israel, pleaded him to meet prophet Elisha. So Naaman met the prophet.  Elisha told him to go and wash in the river Jordan, seven times. Hence  Naaman went down and dipped seven times  in the Jordan.  Immediately , his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child.

Naaman went to see the man of God and thank him for his kindness. Naaman asked Elisha to receive all the gifts that he had brought for him.  But Elisha refused to take any gifts from him. Hence Naaman returned. But Gehazi the servant of Elisha, pursued Naaman.  When Naaman saw him running after him, he  inquired if all was well? And Gehazi  said, “All is well. My master hath sent me, saying, Behold, two young men of the sons of the prophets: have come from the mountains of Ephraim  give them, I pray thee, a talent of silver, and two changes of garment.  And Naaman  immediately urged him, to take  two talents of silver in two bags, with two changes of garments, and laid them upon two of his servants; and they bare them before him”.  When Elisha heard that Gehazi his servant had followed Naaman and taken the gifts without his knowledge he tells Gehazi, “Therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and your descendants forever”. And Gehazi went out from his presence leprous as white as snow. Thus we see from the word of God, that love for money endangers one’s life. Wealth wrongly acquired becomes a curse.  Hence  we should be happy with blessings that the Lord bestows upon us and we should always follow the right way to acquire wealth .

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord  let not my children be lovers of money. Instead help them to love You as you are the source of blessing. May they realize  that godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.  Lord meet all their financial needs according to your riches. Fill their barns with plenty. In Jesus name we pray,


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