Corner Stone

My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of  Psalm 118:22 “The stone which the builders rejected  Has become the chief  cornerstone.”

Jesus said unto them, ”Have You never read in the scriptures that the stone the builders rejected has become the corner stone”. God can change nomads, strangers, and wanderers  into  refined and  elegant personalities.   If this is true then God can change the nature and character of your grown up children into good human being.  Lord can change  those  grownups   who have gone astray and think what they do is right and walk in their own understanding.  They fail to lean on God. They seem to be wise in their own eyes. They even disobey parents  and wish to live a care free life. They refrain themselves from correction.  The Bible says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. They do not know that the fear of the Lord lead.  But God can transform them in a  moment  of time. If only the eyes of the Lord should  fall upon them they will experience a great change in them. The Holy Spirit will speak into their hearts. Even those who have earned a bad name will earn good reputation in the latter part of their life.  May they realize and reconcile with God so that they may be as the corner stone. Sometimes such grownups are despised and rejected in the society. They feel as if lost in this world. They begin to be secluded and distance themselves   from their loved ones too.

One such boy despised in the scripture was David. He was in a way despised and rejected  by his father Jesse and  his  brothers who were in  the  kings  army. David a teenage shepherd boy from Bethlehem turned out to be a top notch warrior by killing the giant  Goliath.  Later he became the captain of the army of Israel. Then he became the son in law of King Saul.  Finally he became the King of Israel.  David was a man after Gods own heart.  Since God was with him he increased day by day. God saw David with the potential of a king. Thus David rose high from an ordinary shepherd boy to that of a king.  He who was rejected became the corner stone. Hence,  My dear brothers and sisters, don’t worry if you are rejected or despised by your dear ones or colleagues  at your work spot or by your friends. For if you hold on to the living God He will lift you up. Therefore cheer up. God will revive you and strengthen you for His glory.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.   Dear Lord I pray that my children will not be despised or rejected by any one. May they live a pleasing life to God.  May they increase day by day in their life.  Lord let them not be put to shame in any way. Forgive their sinful deeds.  Draw them close to you.  Save them from all evil situation and brighten their future.  In Jesus name we pray.


God’s blessings

My dear Brothers   and sisters   in Christ,   I greet and bless everyone in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of Mark 10: 13- 16,  “And they brought young children to Him that He might touch them but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. When Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them,  “Let the little children come to Me , and do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of God. “And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them.”

According to the above words,  today God is going to touch and bless you. When the Lord touches you  there will be a great change in you.  God will bring a great deliverance in you. 2000  years  ago  God anointed  Jesus,  of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit, and with the power, hence He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. People brought their children with the hope that if Jesus touched their children they would have a bright future. Jesus gathered those children who were brought to Him and touched and blessed them.

Today God is going to place his hands upon you and bless you. Jesus is willing to come down and bless you. One such person whom God touched   and  changed his situation was Jacob. Jacob went to Padan Aram to his uncle Laban’s place and there he grew to be a wealthy man. He crossed river Jordan with only a staff.  But now he was the owner of two companies. Since God instructed him to return to his native land Haran he gathered his wives, children, cattle and animals and all his servants and went forward. But he heard that his brother Easu was coming to meet him. Jacob grew very scared of Easu . He thought  he might take revenge on him because he had deprived him of his birth right and also cheated his father Isaac and took away all the blessings.

So to please his brother with gifts,   he separated his wives, children and cattle cross the brook and he  stayed back alone.  He crossed over the Ford of  Jabbok.  He was contemplating as to how he was going to meet his brother the next morning. His fear increased and he grew restless. At that point of time  God  remembered him in his affliction  and  descended from heaven to meet him. Jacob caught hold of God who came to meet him He said that he would not let Him go unless God blessed him. The power of God was so great that Jacob’s socket lost its joint. But Jacob never bothered about his socket. Instead he pleaded God to bless him. Therefore early in the morning God blessed Jacob. Immediately  the  fear of his brother disappeared. His mind was relaxed. The next day  he was surprised to see his brother who came running to him ,hugged him and kissed him. They  wept together. It was a happy reunion of brothers. God had changed the heart of Easu towards Jacob. This God can change the situation for you if you call upon Him when you are in trouble.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly  Father, we thank You for this blessed day. We praise you because You watch over my children  at all times,  especially when my children  are  in affliction.  Help my children   O God of my salvation.  Remove all fear from them.  Let them  enjoy  good relationship with their dear and near ones. May they realize that a brother is born for adversity. Let peace reign in their hearts.  In Jesus name we pray.


Believe in the Lord

My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of Acts 16:31,  “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved you and your household.”

We read in John 4:49 about a Nobleman.  In that incident we see the cry of a father.  The Nobleman said to Jesus, ”Sir come down before my son dies. ” (John 4:49).  Every Father loves and cares for his son. No father would wish to see his son struggle for his life. Here was a nobleman waiting to meet Jesus.  The nobleman had heard about Jesus.  He heard that Jesus was coming to Cana  of  Galilee. The Galileans  received Jesus because they had seen Him perform miracle in Jerusalem at the feast. The father knew that his son was at the verge of death. He was longing to meet Jesus at any cost and save the life of his son. , He  was  a rich nobleman but his  son was sick at Capernaum. His wealth or high position couldn’t save the life of his son.  He knew that no one besides Jesus could save his   son. So he was perplexed.  When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea, into Galilee he went to Him and implored   Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. Jesus said to him ‘Unless you people see signs and wonders,‘  you will never believe.’

The nobleman was filled with great fear, he  said to Jesus, ‘Sir, come down before my child dies.’ Jesus said to him, If you can”? ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’ Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’ Seeing his anxiety Jesus said to him, “Go your way your son lives.” The man believed the words of Jesus  and so he  departed. The noble man having heard about Jesus did not doubt Him instead he had faith in the Lord Jesus.

The nobleman did not know that Jesus could bring his son back to life even if he was dead. He went home with much fear. He did not realize that our God the Lord Jesus Christ, gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.

But he believed His word. While he was still on his way home, his servants met him on the way  with the news that his boy was living. When he inquired of them the hour when his son got better, they said to him, ‘Yesterday, at  the seventh hour  the fever left him. Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, Your son will live.’ So he and his whole household believed. The Bible says, “Believe in the Lord  Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 

My dear Brothers and Sisters, it is my earnest desire that you should all believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.  He who trusts in the Lord will prosper.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank You for instilling good spirit in the heart of my children. May they realize the Miracle working God. Help them to trust in the Living God. Give them the understanding to approach You in times of trouble. Bless them with all heavenly blessing.   Make Your face shine upon Your them.  In Jesus name we pray.


Me and My Children

My dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless everyone in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of  Isaiah 8:18  “ Behold, Here am I,  and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel” . 

One day God asked prophet Isaiah to write down  a  name  on a paper. He did not know the reason for writing the name. But he obeyed the words of God. Later, he got married and a son was born to them. He named his son with that name. Only then did he realize that God was going to bless him with a son.

God has a plan and purpose for each and every one of you. You may not realize His plan for you. But He takes you through His route. When Isaiah was blessed with a son, he said, “Lord me and my children whom you gave me  will remain as wonders and signs in Israel.” When he stated these words there was completeness in his heart about his life, his family, his children and about his ministry.

God expects that your sons may be as plants grown up in their youth, and that your daughters may be as pillars sculptured in palace style. All this is possible only when your family stays in unity and oneness of the mind. Children and parents must be together in a friendly atmosphere. Parents must share their experience with their children. There should be no hidden agenda between the husband and wife. Only then such families can strive together. If not they tend to split apart. God wants to maintain peace within your walls and prosperity within your palaces.

In some families children become a real burden to their parents. Through their bad behavior they bring disgrace and shame to their parents instead of being a blessing to them. Instead of being a sign and wonder in the midst of the family members, they have been so indifferent in their lives. The Bible says, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

It is the responsibility of every parent to grow up their children in the fear of the Lord. Because the fear of the Lord is the beginning  of wisdom and knowledge. The Lord has promised to bless your children.  He says, All your children shall be  taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children. In righteousness you shall be established. How awesome is our God! He blesses your children with a bright future. He takes care of their education, their Profession, their marriage life and leads them all through their life. Therefore, you need to pray for your children’s welfare. Ask God, “Lord, when will I see a change in the life of my son or daughter? When will my children turn from their wrong doings?  When will we as a family live in harmony? The Lord who made heaven and earth Bless you from Zion. God says, But from this day forward I will bless you. May the Lord bless you and keep you and your family for His glory.

God bless you.


Our loving   heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank You for blessing my children with a good family. May they inherit the blessings of God in their   families.  Help them to grow their children in the fear of the Lord.  May they have a better understanding among themselves. Lord avoid all misunderstanding  that shoot up in their lives. Grant unity and  peace in the families.  In Jesus name we pray,


Rejoice in the Lord

My dear Brothers and sisters  in Christ,  I greet and bless everyone in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that God has given you for today is from the book of Zechariah 9:9, “Rejoice greatly, Daughter of Zion ! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem !  See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey. A colt, the foal of a donkey” . He is the Lion of Judah.  He is the God of the whole universe. Such a God is willing to dwell in your hearts.

Zechariah calls out to the daughter of Zion to shout out and praise God because the king is coming riding on a donkey. During the days, when Jesus  lived  in this world  the people recognized him as the king.  So they seated him on the donkey and brought  Him round the streets of Jerusalem. Singing  and  saying   Hosanna. He was the king of Kings and Lord of Lords. Wherever  Jesus went He performed miracles.   If this king comes into your life things would change. There will be great deliverance in your life. He will perform miracles in your life also. He will not only desire to come inside you but also with in the life of your children. He says, I will pour My spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring. God wants to bless you and your children.

Prophet Zechariah seeks to promote spiritual revival so that the people will call upon the Lord with humble hearts and commit their ways to  Him who, being in very nature  God, did not consider equality with God  rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant,  being made in human likeness.   And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled  himself  by becoming obedient to death –even death on a cross . Such a God wants to live inside of you. Won’t you give Him  room in your heart? God says, Behold I stand at the door and knock, If any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me. Jesus is  longing to be with you. Won’t you accept Him?  If you do so then you will see a marvelous change in your life.

God bless you.

Prayer :

Our loving heavenly  Father, we thank You for this blessed day.  We express our gratitude to You, because you desire to come and dwell in the hearts of my children.  Give them the heart to receive you as their personal saviour. May they make You the king and Lord of their life.   In Jesus name we pray.


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