God’s Greater Miracle for You

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Psalm 126:3, “The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad.”

Today, the Lord has planned to do great things in your life. Sometimes, we may think and desire for things to be fulfilled in an ordinary way. But we serve a great God who, through today’s promise, assures us that He will do great things in our lives. The Bible says, “…He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). God will do only great things. The Lord is also giving you an assurance that He will bless you beyond what you have imagined, prayed for, or asked for—He will do it in an immeasurable way.

You may be working hard in small matters, yet feeling discouraged and depressed over the lack of results. Today, the Lord is encouraging you to make bigger attempts instead of settling for smaller things in life. And the Lord is saying, “Rejoice and be glad, for I am going to do great things in your life.” The second part of today’s promise reminds us to be glad in His works. As you believe and rejoice in the presence of the Lord, you will witness great things happening in your life.

What is the challenge that seems overwhelming to you or your family right now? Is it a matter of marriage, the gift of a child, buying a home, the repentance and salvation of a loved one, or waiting for the anointing of the Lord? Today, the Lord is promising that He will do even greater things in your life and remove every reproach.

If you are saying, “I have a huge loan and debt before me,” remember that before the Lord, it is nothing. The gold and silver belong to Him, and with His riches, He will enable you to close all your loans. Even a deadly disease is nothing before the Lord. He will turn around every shameful situation and make you witness a great miracle in your life.

Testimony from Sister Amritha, Gujarat
“My daughter buys cloth from garment shops, stitches them, and delivers the finished clothes. One day, while traveling in an auto with a bundle of stitched clothes, a bundle accidentally fell on the way. The garment owner later informed us that a bundle worth ₹10,000 was missing, which contained 150 dresses. As a result, he planned to file a case at the police station. Since we were daily wage workers, we could not afford to pay such a large amount and were heartbroken, not knowing what to do. During that difficult time, we were listening to Brother Stephen’s prayer on YouTube. As he prayed, he said, “The things you have lost, you will get back.” That very same day, after his prayer, we received a phone call saying, “Your bundle is lying here; come and collect it.” We immediately went to the location and recovered the lost bundle. This was a great thing the Lord had done for us, and as a family, we rejoiced and thanked Him.”
In the testimony, in just a short time, their entire family went from being extremely tense to being filled with joy. Today, the Lord will do the same and fill you with joy!

Loving Lord, we thank You. As Your Word says, “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad.” Let Your gracious hand perform miracles for the children who are reading today’s promise message. Fulfill their expectations with great blessings. Provide abundantly—children to the childless, freedom from debt, and high positions for those seeking jobs. Heal every sickness, big or small, and fill their lives with joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God’s Authority

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Luke 10:19, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

In recent days, the enemy’s plans may have brought hurt and loss to your family, even threatening the works of your hands. But today, the Lord is nullifying all the devil’s schemes, and from now on, no harm will come near you. To overcome the enemy’s plans, the Lord is granting you authority and power to trample on snakes and scorpions. This authority and power come through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Whoever is reading today’s promise verse, know that the Holy Spirit is descending upon you and dwelling within you. The anointing brings power, ensuring that the devil cannot come near you. In the days of Saul and David, David played the harp to drive away the evil spirit that tormented Saul. However, that evil spirit could not enter or disturb David because he was anointed by the Lord.

Today, as the Lord anoints you, you will be filled with wisdom and knowledge, leading you to the fear of the Lord. You will begin to hear His voice saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” If continuous sinful habits have dulled your conscience, making it difficult for the Holy Spirit to dwell within you, know that today, according to God’s Word, the Holy Spirit is coming to reside in you. With His presence, you will have the power and authority to overcome the enemy. No enemy or unclean spirit will be able to come near or harm you.

Furthermore, the Lord is promising to destroy all forms of witchcraft and sorcery that have been set against you. He is ready to provide divine protection, and good things are about to unfold in your family and your life.

Testimony of Sister Beulah Durai
“My younger daughter, Rita Joanna Durai, successfully passed the NEET exam through the powerful prayers of Brother Stephen and is now studying MBBS at Sivagangai Medical College. I regularly send emails to Brother Stephen in Tamil, requesting prayers for various needs in my family. He earnestly prays and replies with God’s word. Every prophetic word that Brother Stephen prays and sends continues to be fulfilled. One day, while my daughter and other students were playing basketball, the ball fell into a grass-filled, bushy area. When she went to retrieve it, a snake bit her. She was immediately admitted to the hospital ICU and kept under observation for a day. However, by God’s grace and through the continuous prayers that Brother Stephen offers for our family, no harm came to her. The Lord saved my child.”
The words sent from here in times of need for prayer support, delivered by the servant of God at the right moment, brought protection. The Bible says that the words you meditate on will guard you when you sleep, and when you wake up, they will speak to you. At the appointed time, they will work just as they are meant to. On that day, the Lord delivered her from the effects of the poisonous snake’s venom, and now she continues her studies as a doctor. May the Lord perform such miracles for you as well. Humble yourselves in His presence, and He will work wonders in your life.

Loving Lord, we thank You. From now on, grant Your children the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Fill them with the Holy Spirit, and let the anointed, Spirit-led prayers dwell within them, protecting them from all harm. Son of God, who came to destroy the works of the devil, break every power of the enemy and grant them the victory. May the Spirit of Truth be within them, guiding and leading them to triumph. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

The Lord Who Heals

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Exodus 15:26 , “ I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians, For I am the LORD who heals you.”

Today, the Lord speaks through this promise verse: “For I am the LORD who heals you.” He is the healer of your sickness, debt, and failures. The Lord assures us that He will not allow any of the diseases that He brought upon the Egyptians to come upon you or your family. Indeed, He will bless your home as you apply the blood of Jesus on your doorposts.

As we meditate on and trust in His word, the angels of the Lord are coming to apply the blood of Jesus to the doorsteps of your home and business. When they apply it, no angel of destruction or deadly disease will come near you. The Lord is building a hedge of protection around you. One thing you must do is just believe and say to the Lord: “It is not by our might, strength, talent, or hard work, but by You, O Lord, that we live and survive. I trust You; please redeem and protect me and my family.”

Not just today, but every day, you must pray and surrender yourself and your family to the Lord so that you may live in His protection. As today’s verse declares, the Lord is the one who heals you and your children. He will protect you from sickness and deadly diseases. No matter what illness you may be affected by—whether it is cancer, lung disease, or liver damage—do not be disheartened, for the Lord has promised: “I am the Lord, your Healer.” Say Amen in faith, for if you believe, you will see the glory of God.

Testimony from Sister Kalyani Parmeshwar, Hyderabad
“My husband suffered a stroke and was in a terrible condition. My brother and his wife told me about God’s Love Ministries and gave me the contact number. I reached out to the God’s Love Ministries Prayer Centre and requested prayers. The prayer warrior earnestly prayed for me, and by the grace of God, my husband’s condition changed—he was healed. And even once my brother’s kidneys were severely affected, and he was undergoing dialysis. In this condition, he watched a message shared by Brother Stephen on TV. During the prayer time, Brother Stephen said, “Those whose kidneys are affected, place your hands over them,” and he prayed earnestly. After that prayer, my brother went for another medical examination. The doctor examined him and said, “You no longer need dialysis. Your kidneys are functioning normally.” That was the medical diagnosis he received.”

Did you read and witness Kalyani Parmeshwar’s powerful testimony? What great mercy the Lord has shown for her husband! Her brother, who was undergoing dialysis, watched the TV program, joined in prayer, and the Lord gave him new kidneys. Now, without dialysis, he remains healthy. Even today, as you read this promise message, I invite you to unite in prayer with me. Just as the Lord performed miracles for them, He can do the same for you. Believe, pray, and receive His healing!

Loving Lord, we thank You. You have promised, “I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you.” Today, we claim this promise and say Amen. Lord, cancel every power of darkness working against Your children. Break the bonds of sickness and grant them divine deliverance. No matter what deadly disease they are facing, may they receive Your healing today. Let kidney disease, lung disease, heart disease, liver problems, and uterus issues disappear. Heal those suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding. You have said, “If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.” Lord, set them free! Deliver them from cancer, skin diseases, and every affliction. Hide them under Your protection and do great miracles in their lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

God’s Surrounding Protection

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s promise verse gives you the assurance that the Lord is with you and surrounding you. Our Lord is not like many people who surround you and whose intention is to see you fall and rejoice over it. They may deceitfully praise you but speak ill of you in your absence, and they are jealous of your progress. But today, the Lord is saying, “Hereafter, I will be a wall of fire around you.”

A wall signifies a compound wall. We all are aware of why the compound wall is important to our house. The compound wall is always connected with the gate and locks and protects us from the unwanted entry of people or poisonous creatures into our house. We only allow inside our house our relatives or people who are in a good relationship with us. Today, you may be in a situation where you trusted a person like a compound wall for you but ended up discouraged due to his digging a pit against you. That trusted person may be the reason for destruction in your life. But hereafter we must make a point that we should trust only Christ, the Rock.

Today, God is saying, “I will be your wall of fire and protect you, and no harm shall come near you.” The Lord will surround you and protect you from the power of witchcraft and deadly disease. Even if the devil tries to bring a bad name and destroy your name, even though he may throw his arrows against you, they will not come near, as the Lord will cover and protect you. The Lord promises, firstly, that He will be a wall of fire around you, and secondly, that He will be the glory in your midst. This means He will be inside you. If the Lord comes and lives in you, you will progress automatically.

The Lord of Hosts was with David, and whatever he did, it prospered. The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a skillful man. The Lord was with Joshua, and he got victory wherever he went. The Lord was with Moses, and wonders and miracles happened in his time. If God is within you, He will help you achieve great things in your life.

Testimony from Sister Shobana, Coimbatore
“My son’s name is Suresh. He was bound by unclean spirits and the spirit of a serpent, due to which he was experiencing great trouble. Because of this, a fight broke out in the family, and his wife separated from him and was in the process of divorcing him. I contacted God’s Love Ministries through telephone and asked for prayers for his deliverance from the powers of the evil spirit and for peace to be restored in his family. From the prayer center, the prayer warrior fervently prayed for him to God. The Lord heard that prayer and delivered my son from the power of the evil spirits. The separated family was reunited. Also, the Lord blessed my granddaughter with the gift of a child.” See, the spirit of serpents and the unwanted spirits that were formed against them were banished by the Lord, and when that happened, she conceived, and the separated family was reunited as one. If you are facing similar problems, look to God and pray. If you need prayer support, you can contact us or come directly.

Loving Lord, we thank You. . According to today’s promise verse, You be a wall around the children who are reading this, and thank You for being a protective circle around them. Lord, thank You for being a shield to my children. Thank You for putting a fence around them. And also, be a glory within them, and do glorious and good things in their lives. Let no weapon formed against them prosper. Let all those who come against them in one way flee in seven ways. Lord, be gracious. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

The Power in the Blood of Jesus Christ

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in 1 John 1:7, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

Jesus shed His blood on this earth to cleanse us from all our sins. Even the last drop of blood and water flowed from His body. Today, I pray and bless you, that the blood of Jesus Christ may cleanse you, your children, and your family members.
In today’s world, many people no longer feel guilt over sin. They sin as casually as drinking water, without any concern. This is a sign of a dead conscience, and it places their lives in great danger. If you are a child of God but are living in sin without guilt or repentance, you are in a critical and dangerous situation. Come out of that danger and step into the safe refuge of Christ.

Today’s promise reminds us: “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.” Pray to the Lord for cleansing. No matter your age, if you sincerely pray for forgiveness and ask Jesus to wash you with His blood, He will cleanse you and make you a new creation.

The Bible says, “Sanctify yourselves today, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” This shows that holiness is the foundation for miracles. Without holiness, no one can see God. Without holiness, it is impossible to please Him. Today, make a decision to live a life that pleases God and walk with Him. If you hold firmly to Him, you will stand strong, even in difficult times. The coming days may be tough, so leave behind all worldly and sinful distractions and stand firm in the Lord.
Perhaps your child, husband, or loved one has fallen into addictions—whether it be drugs (weed/Ganja), alcohol, gambling, or illicit relationships. No matter how deep they have fallen, if you pray and plead for the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood, the Lord will deliver them. Some may struggle to break free immediately. In such cases, mark the cross on their forehead daily and encourage them to declare, “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me.” Let them cry out to the Lord for deliverance. You cry out to the Lord on behalf of your children.

Just as the father of the prodigal son eagerly waited for his son’s return—perhaps praying for his repentance—God is also at work in your family. The prodigal son was transformed and returned as a new person. Likewise, today the Lord is changing your disobedient children, your wandering loved ones, and those trapped in addiction. He will turn them into virtuous people who dwell in His presence. The Lord is ready to fulfill all your expectations—whether it be for a job, marriage, children, promotion, increase, or healing. Come before Jesus Christ today. Confess your sins, ask for His forgiveness, and seek His cleansing. The Lord will deliver you and do mighty things in your life!

Testimony from Sister Monisha, Chennai
“My 24-year-old brother suddenly locked himself in his room and attempted suicide. He shouted at us not to come near him. The reason behind this was that he had been in an illicit relationship with our 40-year-old neighbor. When that woman committed suicide, an unclean spirit seemed to take hold of my brother. He constantly thought about her, cried over her, and kept looking at her photos on his phone. Desperate to free him from these sinful thoughts, we sought help from various religious places and sorcerers, but no deliverance came. My mother and sister then took him to God’s Love Ministries Prayer Centre, where they shared his situation with a prayer warrior and requested prayer. The prayer warrior prayed fervently for him. After the prayer, my brother said, “Something has left me.” Now, he is completely delivered! He lives in the fear of the Lord and seeks to please Him.”

Praise be to God for this mighty deliverance! This is why the City of Refuge exists—our prayer centers in Coimbatore, Nagercoil, Mumbai, and Chennai are here to help. If you or someone you know is facing a similar situation, struggling with sickness, depression, or bondage, bring them to the prayer center. We will pray for them, stand with them in God’s Word, and seek His deliverance. We are ready to offer guidance, counsel, and a new path to lead them toward freedom and restoration.

Loving Lord, we thank You. As You have said, “Your blood cleanses us from all sin.” We pray that You grant a cleansed and holy life to all those who read the today’s promise message. For those who are crying out to You, confessing the sins they struggle to let go of, and making efforts to turn away from them, bless their commitment, Lord. Strengthen them to leave their sins behind completely. You have promised, “Sanctify yourself today, and tomorrow a miracle will happen.” According to Your Word, let multiple miracles unfold in their lives. May their repentance be firm, and may they remain steadfast in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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