May you flourish

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 11:1, “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots”. Jesse is the father of King David. Jesus was born in the genealogy of King David.

God says that nobody can take away the blessings that He gives to you and your children. Those who are against you and your children might say that they will take away the blessings that you receive; but the Lord says that He is going to bless you with blessings that no one can take away from you. He is going to bless you with a permanent income, permanent job and a permanent life that no one can take away from you.

The book of Hosea 14:5 says, “I will be like the dew to Israel; He shall grow like the lily, And lengthen his roots like Lebanon”.  The Lord will make you and your children to stand firm like the roots of Lebanon. He will plant you in the land and no one shall harm you. You shall be a blessing in the land that the Lord places you in. When a decision is to be made, pray and ask the will of God. Only when you do in accordance to the will of the Lord, you will be able to succeed.

For this, you need to have a steady mind. A steady mind is very important for a person. You or your children might have been in a dilemma in various situations. As a result, you might have had to face a lot of failures in life. Do not be dismayed my dearly beloved, the Lord says that He is going to bless you with a steady mind. He will lead you and your children according to His will. Henceforth, you shall take steady decisions. God will bless you with a steady mind, income, business and even a good life. All you have to do is to obey to the voice of the Lord and you will be blessed in your land.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, I pray that You may give Your children the steady mind to take wise decisions. Teach them to learn to ask Your will in all that they do. Father, may they receive success for the works of their hands. Guide them in the way they should go and may they flourish in the land that You bless them. In Jesus name we pray,


Greetings from the Lord

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Luke 1:28, “The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” An angel of God appeared in the house of Mary and brought good tidings to her.

Today, the Lord Himself is coming into your home. The book of Revelations 3:20 says, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me”. This is exactly what the Lord is going to do in your home. You are highly favored in the sight of God. When God greets you, any curse that has been spelled upon you will depart from your life. As a result of someone’s curse upon your life, you might have gone through many losses, unnecessary medical expenses and also might have faced many failures and losses in your life. Today, the Lord tells you that, He is going to turn all the curses into blessings because He loves you. As soon as the Lord greets you, all the curses that had been spelled upon you and your family will be blown away. He wants you to live happily in every aspect of your life. You will be prosperous in all that you do.

First of all, the Lord greets and blesses you. Secondly, God says that, He will be with you. The Lord will be able to dwell in you when you get rid of satan out of your life that causes you to sin. You might have been led through the wrong path all these days. You might have involved yourself in some addiction and may have also lost your peace. But do not be disheartened my dearly beloved, the Lord will be with you and will hold you by your right hand. He will lead you forward. Be strong, do not be dismayed. The Lord will be with you and you will be set free.

God says that you are abaundantly blessed. When God greets you, all your curses will be turned into blessings. God is going to grant you all the blessings you need. Thank the Lord and receive your blessing today. Today is the day of your deliverance.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. We thank You for the word that you proclaimed, “I greet you”. Father, may your children be blessed according to Your word. I thank You for breaking every hindrance in their life. I greet and bless Your dear children in Your name. In Jesus name we pray,


No harm shall befall you

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Genesis 31:24, “Then God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream at night and said to him, “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.”

The Lord blessed Jacob with cattle, wealth and much more. One day, God appeared to Jacob and told him to take all his blessings and leave to his father’s house. Obeying the voice of God, Jacob left. On seeing this, Laban and his sons planned to go after Jacob and bring back all the wealth that Jacob took along. God watched what Laban was doing. That night, the Lord appeared to Laban in a dream and warned him not to speak anything against Jacob. The next day when Laban went to meet Jacob, he told Jacob all that took place and told him, “The Lord whom you worship warned me not to harm you but to make peace with you”. Jacob did not know with what motive, Laban was coming; but the Lord whom Jacob worshiped, did not allow Laban to harm Jacob and that was why He warned Laban overnight. In the latter stages Jacob says, “If only God was not by my side, all that I had toiled for, for 14 long years would have gone in vain”.

My dear children of God, you might be living at peace at your home now, but someone might be trying to destroy the peace in your life or even create unnecessary problems within your family and you might not be aware of it. The Lord whom you worship knows it all. God will not allow any harm to come to you. They shall come and make peace with you. My dearly beloved, today, God is coming in favor of you. If only God were not with you, you would have lost your peace, wealth and much more.

Dear children of God, do not forget that the Lord is doing much greater things for you in secret. Thank the Lord for what He is doing for you in secret. Do not worry about anything. The Lord will perfect all that concerns you. He will watch over you as the apple of His eye.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father, I know that You watch Your children day and night. You protect them as the apple of Your eye too. Lord, You know all that is being planned against Your dear children Lord. I pray that the Lord may place a hedge around Your children and protect them from all evil. Let there be peace in their hearts. Protect them wherever they go.  In Jesus name we pray,


Free from Captivity

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today, is from the book of Jeremiah 32:21-22,  You brought Your people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs and wonders, with a strong hand and outstretched arm, and with great terror. And You gave them this land, which You swore to their fathers to give them, a land flowing with milk and honey. Canaan refers to blessings.

The people of Israel were kept as captives in Egypt. The Israelites cried out to the Lord seeking His help to be delivered. The Lord heard their cry and brought them out of Egypt to the land of blessings – Canaan (the land flowing with milk and honey). Today, the Lord is going to cause you to ‘Arise and Start’ afresh.

You might have been captive to many captivities like addiction to drugs, alcohol, pride, greed, envy, lust and much more. The book of 1 Corinthians 3:17 says, If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple”. Your body is the temple of God, which means, God dwells in you. God cannot dwell in a place that is unclean. For God to dwell in you, you have to make yourself pure and get rid of your old sinful life. Arise and start moving towards the blessings of the Lord, leaving your old life. When you dwell in your sinful life, you will become a barricade of your own blessings. Repent and ask the Lord to cleanse you from all your sinful nature. Keep your body and mind pure, only then the Lord will be able to dwell in you.

Luke 15:10, says, “Heaven will rejoice when you repent from your sins”. When you repent, the Lord will rejoice and will be happy.  God will take away all your sins and will bless you with peace and happiness. God will forgive and make you a new creation. You will receive all the blessings that the Lord has promised to you.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, You are the God who brought the people of Israel out of Egypt into the land of blessings- Canaan. Likewise, Father, I pray that You may bring out Your children from all the sinful nature that they have been caught up into. Bless them with a new start in their life. May all their thoughts and actions be pure and pleasing in Your sight Lord Jesus. In Jesus name we pray,


Heavenly Blessings

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 23:18 says, “Yet her profit and her earnings will be set apart for the Lord; they will not be stored up or hoarded. Her profits will go to those who live before the Lord, for abundant food and fine clothes”. God says that you shall be satisfied with the blessings from His hands.

According to this verse, the Lord is going to bless you with new income. When you commit to spend the little income that you receive in a faithful way, the Lord will see your faithfulness and will bless you with a better income. Matthew 25:21 says, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”

God sends His blessings directly from heaven. The income that you receive also comes from the Lord. The income that the Lord gives to you, must be spent wisely. When you misuse the income that the Lord blesses you with, God will be displeased. My dear children of God, use the blessings that the Lord gives to you, wisely.

The bible says, “God blessed and anointed Saul to be the King of Israel. Eventually when King Saul misused and disobeyed God’s commands and instructions, the Lord rejected him as King and God himself regretted for blessing Him”.

The book of James 1:17, says,Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”. Dear children of God, you should examine yourself today and analyse how you have spent your earnings. If you feel that you have not spent your earnings in a rightful way, repent to the Lord today and start afresh. When you do so, the Lord will be pleased with you and will bless you with a better income. The book of Psalms 90:17 says, “The Lord will bless the works of your hands”. According to this verse, the Lord will bless you.

God bless you.


Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father, Your word says in the book of Luke 16:10, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much”. According to this verse, Lord, may Your children be faithful in all that they do. I pray that You may give Your children the wisdom to spend their income wisely. May they stay blessed all the days of their life. In Jesus name we pray,


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