My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 16th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 103:13, “As a father pities his children so the Lord pities those who fear Him.
My Dear brothers and Sisters, a father may be stern or strict with his child. He gets angry with his child and may beat his child with his cane, or stick. Why is the father beating the child? The child should be corrected when necessary and should not be beaten by the people in the society, by doing wrong deeds or involving in unwanted issues. So the father beats the child as a form of correction. His child should not be beaten by the worldly people in the society. In order to prevent their child from being punished by society, the father at times beats his child to correct him so that he might live a better life. Nowadays many children don’t like to be corrected by their father.
The Bible says, Proverbs 13:24 states, “He that spares his rod hates his son: but he that loves him disciplines him promptly.” So we see that a father who loves his child will punish him but he who does not care for his child will just go unnoticed. It may be painful at present time, but in the future it will be a blessing to him. So in case a father has conditioned you for any reason, or for abusing you, that he has not come on time, or for not allowing him to enter his house and making him stand outside the house for a while. In case you are angry with your father, you must understand that your fathers love cannot be measured. It is inexpressible. Only when you take the position of a father will you be able to understand the fathers love.
He not only carries the child but bears all the burden of his child. He carries all their needs. He goes out to do extra work to earn more money to meet the needs of his child. He does extra work. He works in the morning and again he drives the auto at night to make more money, in order that he might meet the needs of his children. This is how the father carries himself. But many children do not understand the heart and love of their fathers. Because he corrects them, and because he is very strict with them. Only the father shapes you to a good personality and gives you honour in a society.
There is another verse which says, “As a father carries his son upon His shoulder God will carry You. The mother will carry her child on her hip. While the father will carry his child on his shoulder. The child will have a happy feeling while the father holds the child on his shoulder. The child feels he is at the top of everyone. And enjoys being carried by his father. If you have faith while your father holds you on his shoulder, How much more faith can you have when the Lord carries you on his shoulder. Today the Lord will do a miracle for you in such a way that you won’t lose your faith in Him.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, We thank You. Lord on this Father’s Day if there are children who are annoyed with their fathers and therefore they are not talking to each other then I pray that they would reconcile with each other. I pray firstly for their good relationship and unity. Lord change these children to understand their the same way if parents don’t understand their children, then I pray that the fathers will make an attempt to understand their children. Lord, I pray you will perform a miracle for them. Lord change all the Fathers today as responsible fathers, make them as loving fathers. Make them be healthy fathers. Lord you have said that you are the father to orphans, So you come down and be a father to them and perform miracles for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 15th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 139:I3, “I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
My Dear brothers and Sisters, The Psalmist must have thought about the creation of God. The way he had been created. He wondered how God had made him. How every organ of his body functioned. How he spoke, how he looked, How his brain cooperated with all the organs, How he breathed, he must have thought about the creation of God, on a particular day.
How wonderfully God had made. So I will praise the Lord, he said. Many of you think that God has done nothing to praise Him. But look at the Psalmist how he thinks about the creation of God and thanks the Lord. He says for having made him so wonderfully he will praise the Lord. Saying this, he praised the Lord. So today you should thank the Lord, for having made you in a wonderful manner. In case you are saying that you don’t have a child. Thank the Lord for giving you a child wonderfully formed. Lord thank You for giving me a wonderful business. Thank you Lord for giving me a wonderful ministry. So if you thank the Lord for that which does not exist as if it existed, then the Lord will bless you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord You who keep a wonderful and awesome creation in the womb, and one who creates, and forms a human being , known as Jehovah, and for all those who say that they don’t have a child, I pray that you would form a wonderful child in their womb and bless them. In case some children would have some deformity and may not have proper growth, let them know that God has formed such children as a wonderful creation too. By saying this word upon them we bless them. May the Lord perform a miracle for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 14th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Gospel according to St John.8:36, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
My Dear brothers and Sisters, the Word of God says, if the son, Lord Jesus Christ makes you free then you shall be free indeed. Today some of you are saying, “I have no deliverance from my sin, I have no deliverance from my disease, or from my shameful life. There is no deliverance from all my failures, if you are crying over all these issues my dear children of God, This early morning God is assuring you with his auspicious word. No matter what kind of bondage you are all tied or bound with, God is going to release you from all bondages and grant you with divine deliverance, and therefore Jesus Christ is descending in the midst of You.
He is now present in your house. He is present in your business center, in your place of ministry, He is coming to untie the knot with which you are tied into. There was a man called Legion, who was possessed with many evil spirits. He was wounding himself and was lying in the graveyard. He failed to put on clothes. Today your child may be possessed with such an evil spirit. And may not be wearing proper clothes, on him, and may be hurting himself, with a knife or blade. And is cutting his hands, and maybe your child is saying that he is going to die, God is going to deliver your son from that bondage and is making it possible for him to live his life. When the Lord drove the evil spirit from the Legion, he came to his senses. The wisdom that was tied by the evil spirit, was released by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. After that we see that Legion who was hurting himself, He went to his own village called Decapolis, and he began to preach the gospel. This is the freedom or liberty given to him by the Son the Lord Jesus Christ. “That is real freedom. A perfect freedom.
Today in case the children are bound by mental disorder, or bound by witchcraft or by divination, or by black magic, All such children who are tied to some kind of evil spirit, God is saying that he is directly coming down and meeting each one to untie the knot that has bound them. God is saying that He is liberating you today. If the son frees you then you shall have real deliverance. As per this verse God will give you, perfect freedom. Freedom from your sinful life, If you are saying that you cannot liberate yourself from a particular sin, today God is releasing you from such kind of sin.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord you have said,, that if the Son Lord Jesus Christ frees you, then you shall surely be free. Lord, I pray that Jesus Christ will deliver all the children, and in the very place where they dwell, in their business center, or in the place of their ministry, or in their family, or in the place of their work, Come Lord Jesus. Lord you have said, “I am willing to deliver my son, my daughter. ” and we thank you for delivering them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 13th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Luke 1:37, “For with God nothing will be impossible.”
My Dear brothers and Sisters, Some of you are saying that nothing is going to happen for me, no matter what happens I don’t think It will happen. Or what I desire will not happen. In whatever situation it may be I don’t think it will happen. For such people who have no faith in themselves, that certain blessings will happen for them positively hold on to this verse and if you pray then, what you expect will happen in your life.We see in the Bible that Elizabeth became pregnant when she became very old. In our language she bore a child while she was a grandmother.
This couple Zachariah and Elizabeth had no children for many long years. But one day the angel appeared before Zachariah while he was showing incense, in the temple, and told him that his prayer was answered. “Your wife will conceive and bring forth a child.”God gave an auspicious word to Zachariah through an angel. That day God who gave an auspicious word to Zachariah and Elizabeth, and also gave to Mary an auspicious word, God is today giving each one of you through this program a good auspicious word. “For with God nothing will be impossible.”For Elizabeth and Zachariah there is no chance for pregnancy at all, as they had grown too old. But God, in order to prove that nothing is impossible with God, made it possible for them to conceive and bear a son. And they called his name John. The birth of John was remarkable, because-this blessing is greater than any other miracle. The Bible says, “ I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John. As his birth was a miracle worth saying.
Today God is saying that like Elizabeth you also or like Zachariah you have been waiting for this sort of blessing, for a very long time. And if the doctor had told you that this can’t happen or won’t happen, you wont get a child, your uterus is very weak, But for God it is a simple thing. Today God is looking at you and saying, Lord , I need a generation. Bless me with the gift of a child. Lord somehow give me just one child. If you are asking God in this manner then , and If you have faith you shall see the glory of God. So if what you desire and you haven’t got, until today , it may be the gift of a child, or your marriage, or a government job, or your desire to go abroad, your journey or anything, God will do it for you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord there is nothing that you cannot do. Lord whatever your children think that they cannot get , will not be able to get, or may not be done or not possible to get what they desire,and it will not be successful, whoever said so, then in that area I pray that they will keep their faith in You, o Lord, and You make it possible for them to obtain and prove that there is nothing impossible with You. Lord many children have desired for a long time and have been grief stricken as it did not happen in their life, Like a tree of life Lord I pray that they will get it today itself, I bless them also. Remove all their reproach. and change all their situations. Lord take away their shame and humiliation.
In Jesus name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June.12th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 9:9, “The Lord will be a refuge, for the oppressed. A refuge in times of trouble.”
My Dear brothers and Sisters, that day Hannah said to the Lord, If you will see my affliction and grant me a son, I shall offer him(my son) for your service. God looks at the oppressed. In order to put a full stop to her oppression, she went to the temple of God and also prayed . She poured out her heart to God. She told the Lord all about her situation. The Bible says, The Lord will be a refuge, for the oppressed, so she came to the Lord for refuge. She fell at the feet of the Lord and confessed all her oppressed condition to the Lord. “Lord all are looking at me in a despised manner. My co sister is talking to me in a hurting manner. She abuses and criticises me. She talks in a way that hurts me. Saying all this, she expressed all her grief and fell at the feet of the Lord, for refuge.
Then God will do great things in your life. Your reproach and shame will be erased and you will attain prosperity and also the gift of a child. God will give you name and fame. Not only that, “The Lord will be a refuge, for the oppressed. in times of trouble. “If you are going through a tight corner situation, and in the midst of huge debts, many will come with an expectation of a large opening. Because you may be in big debts, and such people will come at times of trouble to take refuge under the fort of refuge. Today You who are in oppression will be brought to a broad and open place.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord according to the word of God, which says, The Lord will be a refuge, for the oppressed. A refuge in times of trouble. Be a source of comfort and refuge and where they have been put to shame there I pray that you shall make their name with praise and honour. In case there are any like Hannah who are going through oppression just because they have no children, the Lord performs a miracle for all of them. Open all their wombs, and may their heart rejoice all those suffering in debts, in court cases, and other problems. They have come under the refuge of the Lord. Let God grant them a good job, permanent income,and give them open doors that cannot be shut, and honor your children.
In Jesus Name We Pray.