Be Righteous

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 21st it is a great pleasure to meet you through this Auspicious Message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of James 5:16, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The above verse says, “Confess your trespasses, to one another, and pray for one another. That you may be healed.” That means if God has forgiven your sins, then you shall become righteous persons. So if you need to be righteous then you should be forgiven from all your sins and guilt. Only then can you be called righteous. And when you become righteous and if you offer prayers then your prayer will be heard. It will be useful for others, it will strengthen others, It will perform miracles in the life of others. And it would help to heal the sick. So before you pray the first thing you need to do is to confess all your sins and guilt before God if you expect an answer to your prayers.

Pray to the Lord to forgive all your sins. And tell Him, “ Lord, I will not commit such errors in my life again. Please help me in this difficult situation. My child is also in a very difficult situation. He has got caught in a bad problem. He has fallen in sin. He has got entangled in such a slavery, and in the habit of alcohol. Or he has become addicted to drugs. Lord please rescue him from such a bondage. You pray to the Lord regarding your problem, Then the Lord will hear your prayer . For the Bible says, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” It will be answered, it will create strength to you, and will perform miracles. So you see that you are burdened or held responsible to pray for your children. But usually parents straightaway go to someone for prayer when there is trouble at your end. Instead of praying by themselves. It is not wrong, but firstly you pray for the problem then you approach others for prayer. If you are too lazy to pray, and if you ask the pastor or your friends to pray for your problem. This is not the good approach of a real or true Christian. He should learn to pray.

Your prayer should be a great blessing and strength to your children. Just as that sister prayed asking for forgiveness, to God, for not praying, you also ask God to forgive you. Only then will you be righteous. And when a righteous person prays, then God will surely answer your prayers. God says, only if you ask for forgiveness. God will give healing to your land, says the Lord. So you understand and pray that God will bless you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord as you have said, the prayer of the Righteous will strengthen, will be heard, will be a miracle working prayer. We thank You for this prayer. Lord even on this day, Let every one who is watching this program purify themselves, let them examine themselves, And come out of their sinful life, And after which let all their prayers be answered. They might have grown weary having waited for long time may be for a job, or a life partner, or it may be the gift of a child, or may be a house of their own, or anointing whatever it may be, grant their requests, by breaking all the barriers, and do miracles for them. And they should be able to list out the miracles that God has done for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

Lord’s Blessings make you rich

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 20th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this Message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Proverbs 10:22, “The Blessing of the Lord makes one rich. And He adds no sorrow with it. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Blessing of the Lord alone will bring satisfying riches. Then you might wonder, as to whether any blessing will come from other resources. Such a question usually arises from the above verse. Sometimes even the Devil will keep on blessing you. But at one moment of time, he will destroy the whole thing from you. So we see that only the blessings of God gives complete satisfaction to a man. And will not bring any pain to him. But God’s blessing is a blessing that does not bring pain. The blessing that a Devil brings will add sorrow and grief to a person.

If you see in the Bible, there were twelve disciples with Jesus. And one of them was called Judas Iscariot. In order to obtain 30 pieces of silver he betrayed Jesus. This wealth he got from the Devil. But He couldn’t enjoy the wealth. He knew that He had betrayed the innocent blood. As a result the wealth got through the Devil brought him pain. He got the money out of love for money. But he had betrayed the innocent blood of Jesus. So he committed suicide. The moment he got the wealth he received the pain and sorrow also. Out of love for money he got the riches. But it didn’t last long. So he threw it in the temple and he committed suicide. What we see here is that he got the riches but it added sorrow with it. Sometimes I have heard people tell me, Look Brother, he had earned through wrong means. this way and that way, but nothing wrong has happened to him. He is doing well.

Even if you have less wealth and if it is from God then you will not have any sorrow. But if you gain wealth, more wealth through wrong means, the money you earn illegally, then though it looks good for the moment, that you got from the Devil, then later you will suffer pain and agony because of that wealth. You may be saying, “Brother such people are living so nicely.” They will look as if they are living so nicely, But later you will never be able to see such people. They will disappear without any address. They may have appeared to have lived a nice life externally or outwardly. But finally they will disappear, leaving behind a cursed generation. Their children would have nothing in the end. People would say, “They once lived well but now they have fallen down. ”You should not be like that, If God gives you wealth then He will not add sorrow with it. Let such wealth earned by right means be in your house. That sort of wealth will bring peace into your house.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord the verse says, the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and it adds no sorrow to it. As per this auspicious word, let wealth and riches, money, earned through right means and that does not bring pain stay in the house of your children. Lord, let your children have money , wealth and riches earned by right means. Your children should never give up their heart in any way for being involved in wrong deeds, to gain wealth that may come through illegal means by the Devil. I thank You Lord, for intervening and for working miracles for them. Thank You Lord. May their vessels overflow with riches and wealth in abundance.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Lord Cares For Me

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 19th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 27:10, “When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take care of me.’’

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, You must have heard children say, “ My Father and my mother do not care for me. They have forsaken me. Some parents will say, my own children have forsaken me. But for such children the Lord is assuring them through this auspicious word. He says, If your father and mother forsake you, I will take care of you. May you receive this assurance. There was a man called Jeptha. He was born of a mother who had a bad relationship. His mother gave birth to him in a wrong relationship and left him in the hands of his father. And she went away.
But his family abandoned this son who lived in his father’s house for a while. Later He was chased out by his father and the members of the family. He was earlier forsaken by his mother. He stood on the street Desperately as an orphan. At that time, the Lord took him, and turned him into a good warrior. He was trained to be a brave warrior. He was not a coward.

Usually such people would end up in depression. God called him to himself and encouraged him. But after that all those who drove him out of their house and despised him, came and called him back home. They fell at his feet and told him that he would be their leader. God lifted him up such that he was admired by all because of his bravery and boldness. Today you might be like a stone forgotten by all. You could have been a stone thrown away. But God will lift you up and admire you. He is searching for you. This is your turn day. He created you. You may not be wanted by others, but God wants you. In such a state God says, “I am there for you. ”Come in the presence of the Lord, and commit yourself. God will shield you, protect you and show favor to you. He will surely raise you up and admire you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord for those children who have been forsaken by their parents and those parents who have been forsaken by their children, we submit all of them in your hands. Lord gather them in your loving breast. God gives each one of them a bright future, and helps them to live a peaceful life. You are a God who causes your children to live. They would have decided not to live. But you make them live, before those who neglected them. God who adopted Jeptha, and made him a great warrior and made his name with fame and praise. And God strengthened his hands in such a manner that his enemies shivered at his bravery. Lord, do such a miracle for your children also and make them live. Lord whatever things they rightly deserve I pray that you will grant unto them all the desires of their heart.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

You Shall Be Blessed

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 18th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this Message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of 1 Samuel 26:25 says, May you be blessed. You shall both do great things and also still prevail.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, That day king Saul looks at David, and says the above word of blessing. “ David, May you be blessed. You shall both do great things and also still prevail.” You are not an ordinary man. The blessings of the Lord have been upon you. So you will do great and mighty things. So the same God is telling you, “My dear Son and my dear daughter, You have been blessed by the Lord, So you will be doing great things.” We see how God did great things for the people of Israel, to undo their reproach through David, who fought over the great Philistine warrior Goliath. David said to Goliath, “ You come with sword and shield, but I come against you in the name of the most high God, whom you defied, the Lord of host of the army of Israel.

Today the Lord will deliver you in my hands. God did great things through David. He made a great achievement. God is now looking at you, and saying that you too, like David, will achieve great things in life. Once you ran away seeing the Goliath-like problems in your life. But hereafter, they will be afraid of you and will run away. You will win over them. God will give you the power to win the world, the flesh, sin and Satan. In your business there may be a Goliath roaring like a lion. Or in your ministry there may be one or hundred Goliaths who may stand against you. The Lord of host of the army of Israel, will prevail over, and in that place God will do great things in life. That Is why King Saul said to David, “you are blessed my son, you will do great things in life. “Today the curse of all the children will be undone, and You bless them Lord. Whatever blessings are pending to be accomplished in their lives, I pray that God will fulfill all the things, and others must say looking at them, that this is a generation who have been blessed by the Lord. Give them a blessed generation. Give the gift of children. Lord grant them good life partners. Build them a house and bless them with wealth and property. Give them good anointing of the Lord. Other people looking at you should say, “They are the people who have been blessed by the Lord, many should speak and testify about you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, You have blessed your children who were weary over many things that did not happen in their lives , but you have said that they will do great and mighty things in the days to come.You have blessed them directly. As you have said, I pray that your words will come true in their life. You have directly blessed them. I bless them from the bottom of my heart. The other gentiles said, among themselves “God has done great things, or marvelous things, for them, and therefore they rejoice. In this manner the Lord will do great things for all the children and make their name with fame and praise.
In Jesus Name We pray.

God Will Not Cast You Away

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 17th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book, John Gospel 6:37, “And the one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out. Whoever comes to me I will not cast away.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God says, in this verse, that He will not cast out any one who comes to Him. He waits for them to come back to Him. On that day we see how the younger son left his fathers house and went astray taking away all wealth and riches of his father. He spent all his money for his bad friends, and prostitutes and finally was left alone by his friends. He wasted all his money in wrong ways. He went into wicked ways of life and squandered all his money and finally stood empty , without any money or wealth. He emptied everything. But after doing all the wrong things, when he repented of all his mistakes and returned to his father, His father never cast him aside. He had waited for his son, believing that one day he will return. That is what the Lord is saying through this verse. God will not cast away anyone who comes to Him. No matter what sin you have committed.

God is willing to accept you as you are at present. If you ask God for a new life, He will make you a new creation. If you are a new creation, you shall receive new blessings. Are you asking me, how is it possible? That day when the younger son returned to his father, a son who had a backslider was presented with a new dress, new ring, and new slippers. What does this indicate? If you commit yourself to live the life of new creation, then you will receive all new things. The younger son, the son who disobeyed his father, and went astray and enjoyed life with prostitutes, and finally returned home, was given a good reception and also with new gifts. New ring , new dress, and new slippers. That means you will get all new things if you commit yourself to live a new life. He was given a grand feast, the Bible says, There is great rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents of his sin. So today let us draw close to God. Come to God as you are. Tell the Lord” Sorry Lord I have committed sin, or something wrong, So please forgive me. Give me a new life.

Today I pray that all of you teach good things to your friends. Whatever your age may be, never teach wrong things to your friends. I request you all in the name of Jesus. If I give counseling to such children, then I tell them “If your friends are good then strengthen your friendship.” But if your friends are bad, then you just cut your friendship.” Cut off from the roots. When I give such counseling, there are many children who give up their bad habits and their bad friends and come to the Lord. Our prayer tower functions from morning 8am till 8 pm. It will be kept open. God says, “whoever comes to me I will not cast him aside.”

PRAYER. Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord whether your children go into backsliding, from God, or if they have fallen into sin. Lord but if they repent and come to you, then You have said that you will not cast them out of your presence. Lord today all those who watch this program, and their children we submit in the hands of the Lord. Lord accept them as they are, and redeem them from all wicked ways, Lord will directly descend upon them and meet them. Lord help your children to complete the construction of their house which is left incomplete half way. Let churches which are half built be constructed completely. Let all those Prayer Towers which are being constructed and are left in half way be completely built. May the Lord do great things. No children should say that things have been left half way. We worship the true and living God. You are a God of perfection. So fill all the empty vessels and fill them completely.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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