Be Strong And Courageous

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 16th. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Take with me from the book of 1 Chronicles 22:13, It says, “Be strong and of good courage. Do not fear nor be dismayed.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God looks at you this morning and says, You are bold and courageous. Lord. This means that you have some fear, You have lost your courage, And are very timid and cowardly. None of the children of God should be a coward. You should be bold like the Lion. The boldness that was found in Jesus, that boldness. Today I pray and bless you to have such character. If you grow weary in your mind and heart, Then you will not be able to do anything. You must make yourself bold and courageous. That day, that is what happened in the life of David. While David was encamped with the Philistine army for an attack on the Kingdom of Israel, Ziklag was raided by Amalekites; the Amalekites burnt the town, and captured its population without killing them. So His wife, children, and all his belongings were carried away by the enemy.Therefore David was very upset when he returned home to find his wife and children missing.

The Bible says that David strengthened himself in the Lord. That means he gained courage and boldness from the Lord. If you have lost your courage then you would have incurred great loss. Only during times of trouble and problems we should be more bold and courageous. You should be calm and at the same time, slow and very thoughtful. If you see in Zig lag 599 people lost their hope. They thought they would never be able to get back their wives and children and their belongings. But David, himself strengthened himself in the Lord. He asked God whether he could follow the troop. And whether, he will be able to overcome them, and will we be able to get back all that we have lost to the Amalekites.” Then God replied to him, “You follow the troop, and you will get back all that you have lost.”

Since he was very brave he boldly followed the troop, with his men. He therefore boldly trampled down all the Thieves of the Amalekites group and he saved 600 families from the hands of the enemies and returned home victoriously. So you see how he managed everything because he had calmness of mind and was courageous. He regained everything he had lost.So today if you have lost something big, then it is because you have lost your courage. You have been very timid. So you have lost. And you are still losing. Why, because we have given up our hope and courage. We are afraid. We are afraid and therefore we hesitate to look at the face of man. As long as the debt is small, we will continue to face the problem, But if the debt is more, you feel all the more scared to face the creditor. Then you hide yourself.

So you begin to avoid seeing others. When you hide yourself, then you will all the more lose your blessings.You need to deal boldly all the affairs that you need to handle and boldly face the challenges that confront you, to boldly do your business, to do your ministry boldly, and boldly overcome the wars in your life. God will give you the favor to handle all things wisely and boldly. So, from today I pray that each one of you will be bold and courageous to face all your problems.What will boldness do for you? It will help you to get back all that you have lost. And God will do great things in your life.

PRAYER. Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, you have given good counseling to your children by saying, “ Be bold and courageous.” Lord let them come out of their weakness, their weariness, and mental strain and also from depression, and give them the spirit of boldness. Thank you Lord for granting them good spirit. Thank You and thank you. Give them divine health. Just as David strengthened himself in the Lord and because You strengthened him, and gave him the spirit of boldness he was able to get back all that he had lost in his life. You showed him favor. Even today, Whatever they have lost because of fear, or because of ignorance, or if they have lost because of cowardness, help them with a double portion of blessing, and honor them. Whoever is scaring them, or threatening them or frightening them, in front of them may your children, boldly rise and shine before them. And may they win victory bravely before such people. I pray the Lord does favor for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen.

God will sustain you

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 15th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious Message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 46:4, “I am He. Who will sustain you. I have made you, and I will carry you. I will sustain you, and I will rescue you. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God who does not fail to keep his promises says three things to you this morning. “ I will carry you. I will sustain you, and I will rescue you. ” You might have heard certain people say, “Will there not be someone who will bear me up? ”That means, If someone will carry or bear your burden. Or bear your difficulties. That means, if someone will help me with my difficulties. So God Himself says, “I will bear you up.” That means hereafter He will bear you.

God says, I will bear all your burdens. God says, He will lift up those who are bowed down. So something good is going to happen in your lives. So He is going to shift you up from your lower level to a high and elevated place. God says, He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the dunghill; That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people. This is how God wants to help you. By this auspicious word. This is what it means to bear you, carry you and lift you up from your fallen state. Secondly God says, He will carry you. Like a father who carries his child over his shoulder, the Lord carries us.

That is how he carried the people of Israel. They walked and came but it was God who carried them through their journey. That is why their slippers were never worn out or their garments never tore off. Just think how their slippers were never worn out for 40 years. Their clothes never got worn out. He carried them. That is what the Bible says. The Lord carries his children as a father would carry his son. I remember while my children were all small I used to carry them on their shoulders and they used to feel very happy to be carried over my shoulder. They used to have a kind of boldness, a kind of pride, and joy. Today many parents have no time for their children. Please spend time with them. Later you will not get such time once they are grown. And even if you try you will not be able to do it. Let such happy occasions happen in your family. Carry your children upon your shoulder, and spend time with them for a while. Play with them. Take them out if time permits. It will give a great joy to your children. It will be a good and happy memory to both your children and you. May God bless you all. That day how God rescued Daniel from the mouth of the Lions will rescue you from the mouth of any difficult situation. In case you have got caught In the belly of some fish that has caused some difficult situation. God will rescue you from that horrible situation and give you a life of deliverance.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. The Lord lifts up all the children in a small manner. Elevate them and admire them. Redeem them from famine, poverty, and debts. Lord you who bears your children will bear all the debts of your children, and bear all their diseases, and bear all their curses, and have borne all their shame upon the cross, and you shall see that they no more carry the shame or any other burden, and perform miracles for them in a direct manner. God who rescues, does rescue them from court cases, from sin and from all other difficulties and deliver them, and give them life of deliverance and bless them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

Be Glad And Rejoice

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 14th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious Mangala Vaarthai. We shall go straight into the word of God. Take with me from the book of Psalm 90:14, Oh!Satisfy us early with your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all the days of our lives.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, This is a psalm of Moses. In This Psalm, Moses pleads with the Lord to let the people of Israel live happily for the rest of their lives, according to the days in which they had been afflicted in Egypt for 430 years. This psalm is more like a prayer. The Israelites had suffered in the hands of the Egyptian taskmasters as slaves. They were engaged in constructing huge structures, and buildings and Pyramids. They were in slavery for four generations. There may have been a lot of poverty, famine and insufficiency in your family too. So today you are going to say together with Moses. Lord, we have suffered for all these years. Lord, we have suffered for so many years. Hereafter satisfy us with your grace in the morning. Let us receive your blessing.

It is said in the next verse, Lord show us mercy according to the days, in which we have seen affliction, and make us glad, as we had suffered in the past days. So I believe that in the future you will hear good news, and enjoy happy occasions in your family and the Lord will open ways and means for you to see good days in your life. It is a simple thing for the Lord to do. God is saying that you should rise up early in the morning and wait for the grace of the Lord. Maybe in the past looking at your state, you could not have received what you expected. But today God wants to give you certain blessings based on His grace. And make you glad. Therefore all of you must ask the Lord for His grace. Say this prayer, that you may have a good, peaceful and fulfilling life. God will surely hear your prayer and help you to live a pleasing and satisfying life. According to the days, in which you have seen hard and difficult times in your life. Ask God to give you a life of rejoicing. God will surely help you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray that you will bless all the children with gladness of heart, and that they may live a life of rejoicing for the rest of their lives according to the days in which they had seen affliction and hard days. Let your grace uphold them. Carry them, bear them and may they be relieved from all owes and troubles. They had suffered from all kinds of mental distress, but hereafter instead of depression or mental distress, may they rejoice in their heart, and give them a joyful heart. Honor them and in whatever things they have been badly hurt and wounded and become so weary, in that area, I pray that in those things may the glory of the Lord be revealed. We humbly commit ourselves unto the Lord for such miracles to happen in their lives. May the Lord do great and mighty things in their life. Let them stand and testify to the good things You do for them in their lives in the coming days.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

Your Beginning May Be Small

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 13th it is a great pleasure to meet through this auspicious message. Ok let’s see what auspicious word the Lord has kept for you today. Take with me from the book of Job, 8:7, “Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end, would increase abundantly.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you are sitting this early morning and thinking that your life has begun with a small beginning, and you seem to be saying, Well I am trailing in this manner. There doesn’t seem to be any progress in my life. I feel as if I am standing in the same position for the past five years. I never got an increment for the past ten years. I have been living in a rented house for the past fifteen years. I have been in poverty for the last eight years. Many of you are saying like this, this morning. And are crying over your situation. And are engaged in deep thinking. God looks at you and says, “ Don’t worry, Your beginning will be small but your end will increase abundantly. “ In case you are experiencing a stagnant position for a very long period, then the Lord will suddenly start increasing you and make you grow in abundance at a good speed.

If you see the life of David, he was tending his fathers sheep for a very long period. That was a small beginning. But a particular time when the Lord anointed him, he began to increase quickly and became greater and greater. He was a warrior, then he became the captain of the army and later he was anointed and he rose to the position of a king. His beginning was very small. Everyone despised him. Even His father too despised him as he was just a shepherd. He used David only to carry food for his brothers who were in the army. Even his brothers were all against him. They too despised him. They almost chased him saying, “Why are you standing here go away from here, go home they said.” But David took no notice of them all. He never cared or bothered about all their comments .It was a small beginning. That is why the Lord increased his latter part of his life. God blessed him abundantly. So who could despite their small beginning. One who does not despise their small beginning, God blesses them abundantly. God will give a perfect increase in your life. Therefore ask God to open a small beginning in your life. Some will ask God for big things. You should never say, “I will go only if something big happens in my life.” I am saying this as per this verse.

Never think this is better than that, and go after that. Once a brother said, “Brother I am not getting a job anywhere. Wherever I go, they keep chasing me.”Then I told him, “Even if you get a small offer, join.”But he replied. “No uncle no one will respect me if I take up such menial job after getting sound education.” Then I told him, Whether others respect you or not, the Lord will respect you. So I told him never to despise a small beginning. Ask God to give you some job. Some will say, “Its ok, as long as I am doing something at least I got this. ” This is a good thought. This is a small beginning. Never think that you should get something big to take up a job. God has said, if you are honest in small things I will make you have authority over many things. So you will also apply this logic in your life. You will put this formula in practice. Then God will help me to see you stand in abundance and in perfection.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord today You have given us good advice through your auspicious words. Not to mess up the humble beginnings, or despise the small beginnings. You said that the beginning is small, but the end will be perfect. For those children who don’t even have such a small beginning, Lord you provide them today itself a small beginning. And for those who say that they are running for a long time with a small beginning. Then help them to see a life of abundance. Show Favor to them that they may reach great height rapidly. In Jesus Name We Pray.

Your light has come

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 12, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 60:1, “Arise ,Shine. For your light has come. And the glory of the Lord, is risen upon you. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, if a man has to rise and shine, God who is the light has to enter and sit within him, only then he can shine. A devotee said, “Without Christ I am zero but with Christ I am a hero.” He says that without Christ he is nothing. So if the Lord who is the light comes inside of you then you will rise and shine. You will get up and you will progress. You will get up and live with name and fame and be established on the face of this earth. Maybe all the effort you have been doing during these years has become a failure. “ Brother, everything I had done has become futile.

Whatever I placed my hands have become a waste or useless.” You may have been telling in this manner. But today, If you receive or accept Jesus Christ in your heart, then you will shine because He is the God of Light. The Lord has said, there is no relation with darkness and light. Ask God to give you a bright future, and receive Him into your heart. Then you shall receive wisdom, knowledge and understanding, all will be in you. You will begin to talk wisely like Jesus, Your behavior will be more like that of Jesus. And it shall be a blessing to you. So if the Light has come inside of you. You will rise up and shine. Secondly the glory of the Lord shall be seen in you. If that Light Jesus Christ will be inside of you, then kings will come in search of you. If the glory of the Lord shines upon a person then he will get up and glitter. He will have gifts of the Holy spirit, and power. All the tribes will come up to him. Today if there are people, who tell you that they don’t desire to see you , And they say looking at you, “We don’t want you, don’t look at my face, don’t come to my funeral.” But since the glory of God is shining upon you, all who deserted you will come back to you. God will be inside you and do great and glorious things. People looking at you will say, well, “You are really the servant of God.” We trust that You are the Child of God. God will do miracles and wonders in your life, to show others that God is within you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. For those who say, I cannot shine, there is no progress in me. May the spirit of the Lord rise inside of them, and the God of light, come into the heart of all the children, and may they go straight into the way of brightness, Let darkness depart from them. Let hypocritic mannerism disappear and may miracles happen in their lives. As you have said, let the glory of God be revealed in them. Let them glitter gloriously. Give them a bright and glorious future. The scripture says that God raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap. That He may seat him with princes, With the princes of his people. You are a God who looks at the beauty of your children being seated in the glory of the king’s throne. May they be successful in all that they do.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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