Serve The Lord Willingly

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 11th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Take with me from the book of Joshua 24: 15, “But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Usually people will say Don’t keep one foot in the river and another foot in the gutter water. ” Why they say this is because, if you keep one foot in the river and another foot in the gutter, then you will not do anything well. You will fall and destroy yourself. That is why they say this.The Bible itself says, You cannot serve two masters, both the mammon and God. There are such verses in the Bible. That is why this verse says, “But as for me and my family, that means, I and my family, we will all serve the Lord together. He does not say, we will serve God, But we will serve God alone.

Today the Lord looks at you and says, if you serve the Lord, if you worship the Lord, then God will be well pleased with you. He will rejoice in you and be glad in heart. This is the only thing that pleases the Lord. The only thing that pleases the Lord, is to serve the Lord and to worship the Lord. Joshua served the Lord. He worked for the glory of God by sitting in the tabernacle of the Lord. He did all that the Lord told him to do. The Bible says, He sat at the door of the tabernacle and never went away from that place. That means, he never left the Lord, nor was he reluctant to do the service for the Lord. Nor did he leave the courtyard of the temple of God. He was very happy to serve the lord at any cost. That’s why he was able to say, “But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord. ”Some of you are saying well “ I am ready to serve the Lord but my children are not ready to serve God.

That day we see in the Bible, a centurion had built a temple for the Lord. Later, when he came for help to the Lord then the elders who had gathered there told Jesus that he is worthy of showing favor to him since earlier the centurion had built a temple for the Lord. So since this man had done some service to the Lord his work was recognized and the Lord showed favor to him by healing his servant. So if you get down and do something for the Lord then surely God will show favor to you. You can serve the Lord in many ways. If you do some help to the poor, If you give tracts then you serve the Lord. If you tell others what good the Lord has done for you, in your life, then it is serving the Lord. So try to lift up the Lord high in your life. Then the Lord will hold you up.

PRAYER: Dear Lord we thank you, Lord Joshua said, “But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord. ” In the same way all those who are watching this program, In season or out of season if you do something for the Lord, Do that which pleases the Lord. Help a few people. Consider the children, help a few widows. Lord show favor to the Lord. As a result, just as you established Joshua in the land of Canaan. And made him eat the goodness of that land, Lord helped them to win all the battles that confronted them, as Joshua won several battles in his life and became victorious. May they win over the lust of the flesh, sin and Satan, and be victorious in their life. Help all the failures of the children to become a blessing.
In Jesus Name We pray.

The Lord Is With You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 10th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Jeremiah 15:20, For I am with you to save you and to deliver you, ”says, the Lord.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am with you to save you and to deliver you, is not what man says, but it is God who says this word to you. God says that He is going to do two things, to save you and to deliver you. In whatever things you feel you can’t escape God will help you to escape. Today God is going to change all these bad habits. He is going to cover you with the robe of redemption, and in future make a decision that you shall not use any of these bad habits and defile your body. Daniel one day made a resolution that he will not take food from the king’s table and thus defile his body. Therefore God honored him by making him sit in the highest position as collector in Babylon. You too ought to have been in such a high position, but in case there is some mistake in your life which has caused you to displease the Lord, then ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins. And receive the mercy of the Lord. God will bless you. Another thing which the Lord is about to do for you is to deliver you.

Firstly, it was to save you, because He came into this world to save you. To redeem you from sickness, curse, and from sinful life. From wickedness, and from poverty, and from famine the Lord will save you. Secondly God will deliver you. The Lord will protect Jerusalem, and bring you out of your difficult situation, like a bird flying over. You might have gone to some distant country and you might have got caught in some difficult situation and may be wondering how you would come out of that plight. If you think that you are unable to escape or come out from that tight corner situation, It may be in the midst of the sea, or in the deep midnight, When you call upon the name of the Lord, saying “Jesus save me”, or say, “son of David, have mercy on me, if you just call upon the name of God, He will come flying like a bird and deliver you. He will protect you and guard and deliver you from your difficult situation.In case you have committed a mistake, and if you are unable to escape or come out of it, Today as per this verse ask the Lord to deliver you. He will save you and deliver you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I bless and pray for all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, I cover all the children with the robe of redemption, and bless them all. Let everyone, get redemption and not only that as per this verse, you have said, that you will be with us to save and deliver us. God who delivered Daniel from the mouth of the Lions, Lord no matter what kind of lion’s den these children are caught in, in whichever belly of the fish they may be, Lord bring them out, save them and help them to deliver from such hard situations. Brighten the future of all the children.
In Jesus Mighty Name We pray.

Be like a green olive tree

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 09th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Take with me from the book of Psalms 52:8, “But I am like a green olive tree, in the house of God.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Psalmist says, that he is like the green olive tree, planted in the house of God. There will be a green tree and also a dry tree. If the child of God goes to the church regularly then he is like the green tree in the house of the Lord. If he is an active member in the church and if he does not neglect himself from going to the church, then he will be like a green olive tree. God will bless him with all things that the world can give him. If you are like the green olive tree in the house of God then you shall be prosperous in your business, in your ministry, and being a green lustrous tree then you shall receive many blessings and good harvest.

The word of God clearly says that our life should be church oriented. based on church. That is why the Lord is saying, about observing the holy day which is the Lord’s day. So today the only thing, which He is asking you, “Are you like the green olive green tree, and your children like the green olive shoots, in the house of God. Are you going to church regularly? Many of you are saying that Online service is sufficient for me, very comfortable to me, ever since you were affected with Corona. Many of you are sitting at home. God will listen to your prayers from your home too. But according to the word of God, being the holy Sabbath day, surely you need to go to the church and worship the Lord like the green olive tree.

Kindly go and worship the Lord, I’m sure today you are inspired by the Lord to go there and worship the Lord today I say this word to you being revealed to me by the Lord. Do you know who can see through online? Well those who say, “I am very sick, I can’t walk, I can’t get up, those who are in such a position, if they say such things, they are in a bedridden condition, the doctor has told me, not to move anywhere. Only such people can enjoy online service. But all the others must go to church and worship the Lord, only then you shall be like the green olive tree. To worship the Lord and receive the blessings of the Lord, God is inviting you all. The word of God says, “God will fulfill us with the fulness of the temple of God.

PRAYER:Dear Lord, we thank You. I pray and bless all the children, in the name of Jesus. David said, “ I am a green olive tree in the house of the Lord.” That is why God blessed his reign in the kingdom. He who gave importance to church. God chose David who was tending his father’s sheep. God made him king of Israel and admired him. I pray that you will lift them up from their fallen state of life and are thinking , if there would be someone who could rescue them, or lift them up, and make them sit along with kings and princes, of his people. Because you are a God who picks the needy out of dunghill and from the ash heap, and causes them to sit with royal people. May you utterly clear all the reproach of your children. Change it completely and make them see miracles and wonders in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Will Bless you

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 8th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Take with me from the book of Haggai 2:19, “I will bless you from this day.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, through this verse the Lord says, that He has some special blessing for you from today. Today the Lord is going to remove all the curses that prevail or found in your families. And He is going to bring blessings. In some families there may be continuous death when men reach a particular age. Or they may be attacked by some incurable disease, Or there may be children born with some deformity, these are considered as signs of curse or bondages in the family. But the Lord is going to change all these curses into blessings.

Today the Lord is saying that He will bless you this day with this auspicious word, to turn that curse into a blessing. There is a beautiful verse in the scripture which says, The Lord will turn all your curses into a blessing, because of His love for you. Until yesterday, whatever curses followed you, we prayed and declared that the Lord carried all the curses on the cross for the sake of His children. Tell the Lord that you decree, that God has carried all your curses on the cross for your sakes. Having heard all your declarations or your petitions, all your old curses will come to an end today. When all the curses come to an end, then it means that the door of blessing is open. There will be a rain of blessings. You shall have a blessed marriage. You shall receive a blessed gift of a child. You shall receive a house and property of blessing. Wealth and riches. You will receive a blessed power of spiritual blessing or power of prayer. By giving all these blessings the Lord will bless you with special blessings. As a memorial today all of you will receive a blessing. Start your life today with faith and in some junction of the day you will receive the blessing.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, We thank You. Lord, I bless and pray for all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord I pray that You will undo all the curses with which your children had been bound. We thank You Lord for opening the door of blessing. So hereafter let the river of blessing flow filling into their houses. The Word of God says, The threshing floors shall be full of grain; the vats shall overflow with wine and oil. In the place of your ministry, in your business center, your work spot, I pray that the blessings will overflow. Let all blockades be removed. Let all their debts be cleared. And may they gather baskets of leftovers. May famine and poverty disappear from their lives. Honor your children. Whatever good events that did not take place in their homes. I pray that they will be conducted in the future. We break all the barriers and pray that the Lord will immediately intervene in their lives and do all things well for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

There shall Be showers

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 7th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Ezekiel 34: 26, says, “ I will make them and the places all around My hill, a blessing. And I will cause showers to come down in their season, There shall be showers of blessing.”

You have all been waiting for a very long time for a blessed shower of rain. We have heard people say, “Today there is rain in your forest.” That means if there is continuous blessing in his /one’s house, and if there is continuous progress in his/ one’s life, then we would say, looking at him, there is rain in your woods or forest, which indicates that there is rain on his side. Today there will be rain on your side. This is the auspicious word for you. He says, very beautifully, that He will send rain in due time.

God says, “ I will make it rain in due season. It will rain blessings.” Rain is a symbol of blessings. Rain drenches the people and it cools the body of the people. It will cause you to bless the work of your hands, by growing good crops, grains etc. Rain itself is a great blessing. So you are expecting rain at the due season of time. You may not have got it for over a long time. You might not have got it. You are asking such a question, “ why haven’t I got this thing? Why? That is the appointed time. God thinks if you will be able to sustain yourself in case you get what you ask for. So He patiently waits for the right time to give you what you need. Therefore at the appointed time the Lord will pour His blessings upon you. That is the appointed time. For each person there is a set time to be blessed. There is such a hope that when the right time comes the Lord will shower you with blessed rain. That is the right time for them. You have to wait for that time. God says this in Habakkuk 2:3. The vision is set for the appointed time. It will happen in the end. Though it tarries, wait for it. It will surely come. It will come without any hesitation. So remain peaceful. And obtain it from the Lord.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord you have said, that You will make it rain in due season. You said that blessed rain will pour in your life, in your business, in your family, studies and ministry. Thank you, Lord. According to this word, I bless and pray that in whatever area, the children are waiting for the rain of blessing, be poured upon them, without any delay. May it all happen at the earliest. I pray and bless them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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