The Lord Is Your Light

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day July 01st it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May The Lord Bless you. Take with me from the book Isaiah 60: 20 says, “May the Lord be your eternal light. Your days of mourning are over.”

The Bible says, God has become an eternal light for us. This light is the sign of a great blessing, it is a sign of purity, It is a sign of redemption of life. The scriptures say that the Lord created the sun to rule the day, and the Lord created the moon to rule the night. So, the Lord who created both for you. Has become an eternal light for you today. He has become an eternal light for you and your children.and is coming to descend upon you. Light indicates brightness.Those who looked at him their faces became radiant. So what must we do for the Lord to descend upon us as the eternal light. So the whole of this month your eyes should be fixed upon the Lord Jesus Christ.

The scripture says, the eyes of the maid always look at her mistress always. Therefore until he shows mercy you need to look at his face. Sometimes we say in this area of my life the Lord has not shown any mercy, no miracles have happened in this area of my life. In this area nothing has happened, I have been waiting for many years, for many months. So hold on to Him until He performs a miracle for you. Tell the Lord “ My son has all these kinds of problems.Because when you tell others and they in turn tell others about your child, it will be shameful to your son even after he had changed from his bad habits.So always share all your problems with the Lord. Tell the Lord, these are things that burden my heart. You take care of all our problems and change the nature of our children. Lord, we don’t know from whom he learnt all these habits, but I ask you to change my son. Friends will usually say “give me company” then this will become a habitual practice. Therefore on the 1st of this month, Sit down at the feet of the Lord, and pour out your heart.

Some losses may have come in the family in the past days. Because of that you may have been sad, but I pray that God of all kinds of comfort will change your sorrow and being happy events in your family. Tell the Lord what kind of miracle you are expecting on this first day of this month. May the Lord bring good things in your family and bring an end to all the sorrows in your family. May the Lord bless you and your needs. God knows all about you griefs and sorrows. And He will bring an end to all your sorrows. He will take you out of tight corner situation and bring you to a broad place.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, you have spoken to all the children on the 1st of July for which we are thankful. Lord, even if there are children who have done wrong things and have caused much sorrow, to their parents I pray, Lord forgive them graciously. Give them your counseling and lead them well. I pray and bless them. Let them taste and see that the Lord is good. Lord whatever situations have grieved you, I pray, that you will forgive them graciously. Lord children need your grace, your children have no other way. You are a God who will meet all their needs. Lord let every children, fall at your feet and commit their ways. You guide them. Do big things for them. We thank You for turning all things into goodness.Let all the sadness that came because of sickness be gone and allow the children to live in peace. Thank you for making this month a month of goodness for your children and a month of blessings.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God will Do Better For You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, June 30th being the last day of this month, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Ezekiel, 36: 11 says : “ I will make you inhabit as in former times, and do better for you than at your beginning”. At all.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord says, that your wealth to this day is more than anything else. But After ‘that ,you shall be blessed with more prosperity and wealth than what you had at the beginning. It is not man who says this but God says these words. If you look at the blessings that you had before you received this auspicious word, than what you shall have after you have heard the auspicious word, and you receive it and by faith you apply it in your life, and believe and accept it for yourself, then you shall enjoy the good blessing that will be praised by the Lord, Himself. After this you shall receive good blessings. Prosperity and much wealth and riches. In the past children had endured many losses due to famines in the days of reckoning. There may have been hardships, pains, debts. It may have been a period of loss to them. It may have been a period of autumn in their lives.

We are going to begin a new month tomorrow. We commit our ways unto you. Lord as we enter into the new month let all the old situations be changed and may we enjoy a bright and prosperous life. Let Good understanding, good behavior, good knowledge, let them receive all things in abundance. Let them receive many good things in life, such as wealth, prosperity, name and fame, and having prayed may they enter into the new month. May the new month bring prosperity, name and fame. Saying this let them enter into the new month then, the Lord will do great things in life.

Commit your ways and that of your children to the Lord, because we are going to begin a new month tomorrow. Tell the Lord, “I am going to enter into the new month, remove all the old ways of life and rejuvenate in us newness of life. Let us receive many good things in life, such as wealth, prosperity, name and fame, and having prayed you should enter into the new month. God will do great things for you in your life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, you have said that the prosperity of your children will be better for them than what they had in the beginning. Their future will be better than their past. I pray and bless all the children to live well with all blessings. Lord may they receive all that they had lost in their life. Whatever they had lost in life. Their name, fame, wealth and riches, property , health and whatever it may be. Because You came into the world to redeem all that we have lost in life. May the birth of the new month be a month in which your children will receive or inherit better things in life than what they had in the past. May they receive prosperity. wealth and riches, more than their beginning.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Gives You Authority

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 29th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Luke 10: 19 says: “Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today the Lord gives you power and authority. What authority does the Lord give you? Is that, He wants you to do what the Lord Himself does. He gives you the power of attorney. He gives you a document of power into your hand. He gives you the authority of trampling upon scorpions and serpents. They should not bite you. God is giving you the power or the authority to exercise His power to operate against the adversary, the Devil, who has all power over evil things, and is capable of using all cunning ways to use that power. You need not go here and there to go against your enemy or to cancel all the works of the evil one. You have the power to nullify the weapons formed against you.

Use the power of this verse which says, “I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy.” God gives you the authority to exercise His power. Its actions are to the extent that it can overtake all of them, destroy all those tricks of the devil, so that you will not perish in it. The Lord is giving you this day, the grace to flee or cancel the devil’s work. As per this verse which says, “I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. You take that power which the Lord has given you and confront the devil. You need not fear the face of the Devil, or the power that carries out everything. It is an authority that goes beyond all that succeeds. Only the Devil will be scared of you. You should not be afraid of the Devil any more. The Lord will give you the power that lasts beyond all that. God will do great things in your life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord you have said, that we have the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions. All the darkness be removed from them. And may all the bondages formed due to witchcraft be uprooted from them. Please cancel all evil works of the Devil. My children must trample on them and get victory over them. Today the children should be able to hold on to this verse and with the power of God, they must be able to progress beyond it.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Loves You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 28th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Jeremiah, 31:3, It says thus: “I have loved you with eternal love.”

Our Lord’s love is an eternal love, a love from the beginning. His love is Eternal love. So He sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, into this world for us and said that He loved the world so much. The Lord loved the world so much that He sent His own son into this world for us, so that he could taste death on the cross. God’s works show us God’s infinite mercy for us. The Lord’s care shows us His eternal love. That beautiful and adorable house that He has taken and built for us in heaven, shows us the eternal love of the Lord. Look here, all the beautiful jackfruit trees. On a single stalk of a jackfruit tree, there are nine bunches of jackfruits. All these are created by the Lord for us. These varieties of fruits. All the fruits and vegetables are created for us so that we should eat them and be happy. The Lord created all things during the five days. And on the sixth day He created man, and gave all that He had created into the hands of man.

The Lord says, “ I loved you so much, and because of that eternal friendship, I have loved you.” You cannot compare any one’s love in exchange for the love of God. Lord’s love. Love without fraud, no guile nor malice. Love is the kindness shown to man by another man. The love that man shows to God is also called love. There is no greater love in this world than the one who lays down his life for his friend. The Lord has given life and saved us from our sins and curses and diseases. So today, we must be grateful to God who gave his very life for us. We are alive today because of His eternal love. That love is what made us to be born in a good family. It is that love that paves the way for the food we eat every minute of the day. That love is a sign that is revealed by your children to you. Your children are a sign of that love, your house, your door, the anointing of your house, everything is a sign of that love, the responsibilities that the Lord has given in your hands is because of that love. The gift that the Lord has given to you, is a sign of that love. I request you through this auspicious word not to forget the Lord who loved you, and be grateful to God. He will bless you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, we thank You for your eternal love. Lord, you have created all things. And have given all things, in the hands of mankind. May we not lose that authority over all the creations that You have entrusted to us. Help us to always keep the Lord close to us. And thus live a victorious life in the world. We humble ourselves and commit our ways unto the Lord. May the Lord do glorious things to all those who watch this program.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Lord Will Go Before you

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 27th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the Book of Isaiah 52: 12, It says: The Lord will go before you. And the God of Israel will be your rearguard.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lord will go before you. The Lord will go before you and break barriers and perform miracles.. The Lord will go before you and clear the crooked ways, and prepare a way of peace for you. My beloved children of God, the Lord will go before you. This is a great assurance for us. He will establish us. If the Lord goes before us, he will face all the arrows and problems that confront him. Only after He faces the situation will the problem come to us. There is no chance for the problem to come near us because He will block it and will nullify it. So if the Lord goes before you, he will straighten all the crooked ways, and will level all the mounds and hills and will establish it.

If the Lord must go before you, then you need to call on the Lord. He will stop all the winds that blow against you. You must have heard people say, “ Well I am wading over the tides and moving forward all through my life. If the Lord does not go before you, then you need to face the stormy weather, the wind and incurable disease, plagues, and every other disaster , you have to face it all. God will go like a shield before you, and you can go underneath his shade. The word of God says, He is a shade at your right hand. If you go along the tide with God then His presence will guard and protect you.

Tell “ Lord, I am going to this place. Prepare the way for me to go. When you go against the tide then All problems,such as illness, pestilence, accidents will all be borne by you. May the Lord be like a shield to you and may we be in his shadow. The scriptures say that He is the shadow that protects us. If we were to walk in his shadow and in his background then all that comes against you would be stopped by the Lord’s presence. Resistances are weapons, actions created against you like witchcraft and Blackmagic cast upon you, and God will take you safely and help you to achieve what you desire. Another thing is that, in case you are going to attend an interview, the Lord will go before you, God will sit inside the heart of the person who conducts the interview, God will manipulate the officer to be in favor of you. God will change his heart towards you. So if you need to see success in your life then the Lord must go before you. Keep the Lord always before you in your right hand. Do all things keeping the Lord in mind. Give priority to the Lord.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said that the Lord will go before us. Lord we put You in front of us, in our life to do things and finish things neatly for success in our life. Help us to do all things perfectly well. Lord, cancel all the evil forces that come against your children. Let those who come against them through one way depart away in seven different ways. Give all the children divine protection. Let everything that is done. keeping you in front of them or giving you the priority be done as Amen and Amen in Christ. Let everything become successful in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray

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