Overcome the world

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 26th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Revelation 21: 7. “It says, He who conquers shall inherit all things.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, many people want to inherit a house of their own, to inherit a grove. Otherwise, they wish to have a good life partner and some want to inherit the fruit of their womb. They wish to inherit many blessings in their lives. Inherit means to take or to receive. Everyone wants to take many blessings and inherit them for themselves. But how can one inherit these blessings? This verse tells that he who overcomes shall inherit all blessings. He who overcomes is victorious. What must one overcome or conquer? One must overcome the lust of the flesh or in simple terms the worldly pleasure. It can also be said that he who overcomes the work of the devil shall inherit all things. The world is flesh, the devil. Things that pertain to the world cannot inherit everything or all the blessings. We see how Joseph overcame sin and the lust of the flesh. He was tempted by Potipher’s wife, his own mistress. But Joseph ran away because he refused to commit sin and thus defile his body.

So God raised him to the position of the governor of Egypt. He inherited the position of president of the great nation of Egypt. The entire land of Egypt and all its prosperous resources and nations came under his control. The Lord is looking at you today. Only if you overcome the devil or the work of the devil, will you be able to inherit the blessings of God. You are the meat of the world, IF you can’t win, if you fall into it, if you fall into that sin, if you fall into the world, if you fall into the flesh, you will lose everything that you already have or wish to have. Make a decision today. Say “Lord, give me the victory that overcomes the world. Give the grace to keep this body, which is the temple of God, where the Lord resides. Make a decision like Daniel who made a commitment not to take the delicacies of the kings table. Make a decision today, be firm, the Lord will give you kingship and great position in your life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said that he who overcomes will inherit all things. Lord the children are ready to inherit many blessings from the Lord, For that you give them the grace to overcome the lust of the flesh, the world and the works of the evil one the Devil. To overcome and become victorious give them the wisdom, to take necessary effort, let them run from sin, and from flesh, and from pride and the sin of the eyes, let them hold on to the Lord and run away from sin and sinful life, and may they inherit all that the Lord has in store for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

No one will attack you

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 25th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Acts 18:10, For I am with you. And no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If God is with you all the weapons formed against you will not prosper. No one will be able to touch you. You would have heard people talk like this “ You have no one. Even if you are killed there is no one to support you or inquire about your welfare. You are left neglected by all..”

So I will do this and that. You might have heard people talk like this to someone very helpless in life.But this verse says, “ I will be with you. I will not allow anyone to talk like this. No one will tell you that you are neglected by all. Therefore no one will be able to put their hand upon you. That day Haman made all necessary plans to put his hand upon Mordecai. He planned to kill him. But since the Lord was with Mordecai, though Haman had power and had the support of the king Himself, he couldn’t do anything to Mordecai. He planned to destroy all the Jews. But only he was destroyed. Neither Mordecai, nor the Jews were killed because the Lord was with them.

There is a verse in the Bible which says, the fear of Mordecai caught the kings and all high officials in the kingdom. All the kings and ministers trembled on hearing the name of Mordecai. Because the Lord was with him from behind his back. Today who is behind your back ground.? Some will mention the name of some political leader and say that such a person is behind his background. He alone is my backup and is operating me. Whatever I say, he will finish you in a moment. He will make you nothing. They may frighten you by telling the names of some of the national leaders, or political leaders, or eminent personalities as their backup. But God is saying whether they are great leaders, or politicians, or eminent persons, such people will be put to shame but will be victorious and will live in peace. So hereafter God will not allow anyone to put their hand upon you. Therefore, never neglect God and refrain from him. Hold on to Him.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said that You will be with us. And so no one will put their hand upon you, to do evil. Lord disqualify all the plans people have made against your children. Deliver them from their evil schemes framed against them. Lord, in case someone has planned to make witchcraft or to do divination or Blackmagic, against your children then I pray that God will nullify all their evil plans. The Lord canceled all their plans and gave them all divine protection. How Mordecai in the midst of such evil people became greater and greater, in the same manner let all your children who live in the midst of such evil people grow greater and greater. And may they be blessed in the days to come. Just as Mary took the good portion or part of sitting at the feet of the Lord, let every child watching this program take that good part and be blessed.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

Your Enemies Will Submit

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 24th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book Deuteronomy 33:29, “Your enemies shall submit to you. And you shall tread down their high places.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today you may find enemies within your own family and from outside too. In the place of your work spot, in the place of your education, There may be some in your neighborhood, and in your going out and coming in on road ways. Anywhere someone can rise against you. They are always talking about this and that and some bad news about you, some of you are thinking, They never stop speaking like that. But today God is saying such people in the future will subdue themselves. Some of you are thinking, this man is talking too much, and blabbering a lot, he is not putting a stop to his talk. It would be nice if he knew anything about me. But he is talking without knowing anything about me. But God says those who are talking ill about you will submit themselves.

Tell the Lord frankly saying “Lord I have not done anything against them? But they have spoken ill about me. They go about telling evil things about me. Kindly check them Lord or please put a stop to all their talking. Lord, you take care of them. “If you fight against them then the Lord will become passive. But if you take the matter to the Lord then He will fight for you and you need to be quiet. The word of God clearly says, “I will fight for you, I will do all things for you. There will be enemies within your own family. While speaking about this we see that David had enemies from his own family. His father-in-law king Saul, was his enemy, His own wife became his enemy. His own son became his enemy. All were against him, But he cried one day in the presence of the Lord. He thanked the Lord for removing all his enemies and having delivered him.” God subdued all his enemies under him and made him sit in the royal throne.

In Psalm 3:3 Daid says, Lord my enemies have increased in number and they speak vain things about me, They have risen up against me, who speak about my spiritual life also. Arise O Lord, Save Me Oh God. He says, “But You Oh Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the one who lifts up my head. Today you need to tell the Lord like David. Lord let the people speak anything about me, but You know all about me. You are my shield, and you are my glory. You are the one who lifts up my head.” If you tell the Lord all your troubles like David, then He will fight for you and deliver you from the hands of all your enemies. God gave him the royal throne. He will do it for you also.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said that your enemies will submit to you. You have assured us from your word. So we leave it in your hands. Lord, You prepare a table before my enemies and anoint my head with oil. And just as You uprooted all the enemies of David, Lord uprooted all those who spoke against me and just as You gave a majestic throne and made him to rule over Israel, bless all your children with royal dignity and honor them. In Jesus Name We Pray.

God is your shield

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 23rd. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of 2 Samuel 22:31, He is a shield to all who trusts in Him.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you are having an insecure feeling thinking that something might happen to you. And you fear what might happen to your wife and children and your family .The Bible says, That the Lord will be a fort and refuge to those who are in trouble. So it all depends upon our trust in the Lord God. Maybe in the past you may have met with an accident and have come back safe. And you may be watching this program. The Devil came to destroy you in a fraction of time. He came as a flood to destroy you. But the spirit of the Lord has been compassionate to you and has saved you. And has given you life, with only hurting your leg or hand with less injury And now God is speaking to you through this auspicious word. You only trust in Him. You just Believe in Him.

God will be a shield to you. God says, He will protect you from the terror by night, and from the arrow that flies by the day. From the pestilence that walks in darkness, and the destruction that lays waste at noonday. He will protect you and your family and place you safe like the pupil of His eyes. He will hide you. The Bible says, He who touches you, is like touching the pupil of God’s eyelids. So if any one tries to harm you it is touching the pupil of God’s eye. That means God will keep you within his eyes and protect you. If you had met with an accident or if you had been affected with serious disease, and in case you feel scared that you will die of illness. And if you have the fear of death, God will be a shield to you. Don’t be afraid, God will be a shield to you. God will protect you from the angel of destruction.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said that you are a shield to all those who trust in you. May you be a hand of protection to them. Lord bless their going out and coming in and May you be a fort of Refuge to them. Let none of them suffer any kind of harm but I pray and bless all of them to enjoy a Good life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Is Your Helper

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 22nd. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 41:14 says, “Fear Not, you worm Jacob, You men of Israel, I will help you says the Lord. And your Redeemer. ”

My dear brothers and sisters, you may come from a small family, or belong to a small group. A girl or boy from a very small unit, But those against you are a big battalion. Today the Lord is saying that He who is in you, is greater than he that is in the world. Big God is with you. You may be from a small group. A small herd. But a big God who is the God of the host of the army of Israel is with you. He is saying, “ You don’t be afraid, I will help you.” God will be with you, help and support you and contend with all those who come against you. God will fight for you.

That day, the Egyptian army was chasing the people of Israel in the Red Sea. God came in support of Israel and stood there. The people in the Egyptian Army said :the God whom the people of Israel worship has come down to rescue them. God stood against the Egyptians, and they ran in terror. It was a big army. But when the Lord stood on behalf of the small group of the people who were oppressed by them, they ran away saying that the God of Israel is fighting for them. But they kept chasing the people of Israel so the Lord destroyed them in the Red Sea. God is looking at you and saying, “ Don’t be afraid of the large army or crowd of people. God is inside of you. I will help you.” “ I am your great support in your battle. I am there to do justice for you as a strong support. I will help you. This one word is enough. You don’t have to be afraid of anybody.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who watch this program in the name of Jesus. Lord, You know the circumstances of your children, You know who their enemies are. Lord, I pray that you will stand in support of them and defend them from their enemies. Lord according to the verse which says, I will contend with those who contend with you and will give rest to those of you who have been oppressed by others. Lord deliver all the children from the oppression they go through from the hands of their enemies. And you have brought a change on those who were afflicted by others. So we thank you lord.
In Jesus Name We Pray

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