Let the light shine upon you

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day May 10th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Job 29:3 says, “When His lamp shone upon my head, and by His light I walked through darkness.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, By the light which God lightens you and by the grace of God, and by the talents and potentials that Godhas given us , we can go across the darkness and go out to the light. The Bible says, “So some of you are saying Every good gift and every perfect gift, is from above. And comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation.’’ So some of you are saying, I am in the darkness, I am in debt, I am in difficulty, I am unable to see the light. Not able to see the progress in my life. Not able to see the bright future. Day by day my life seems to go backward. For such children, His lamp will shine upon your head, and God will remove the darkness from you. This means that God has given each one of us some talent through which you can progress in your life. This is the revelation of God’s light. There is always a positive in the life of each person. But many never realize this, which is referring to the light. Your talent and potential is the light that God has given to you. What is the grace that the Lord has given to you, to come out of darkness and see the light and enter into the world of light.

God has given you one particular light. That is a light that has been granted to you by God. Each one has a gift. But no one realizes it. You don’t know what the Lord has given you. Instead of using it carefully and since you thought it very insignificant, you have buried it. You come out of that small beginning and you will enjoy the perfect blessing. So this is the day of finding out the talent or potential hidden in you. In some cases if you see, the person will have a family support or backing, and they will be well placed in life. They would have provided a good platform for their children. Therefore, dear children never think the gift of God is very significant in your life. Even an ordinary startup will bring you a perfect upliftment in your life. Give yourself to the small and ordinary start up. Then God will do great and mighty things in your life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord by the light you have given we can cross over the darkness and emerge to the bright side of life. Through your light we can clear all our debts, we can cross over all shame and humiliation. We can cross over all the curse in our life. You have spoken to us very clearly. May the talents and gifts which you have given, to all the children, let them dust off all the dirt and dross sticking on to it, and may they make use of it, and let them increase into thirty ,sixty and hundred and multiply into Lakhs, and million. May the hand of the Lord be upon the children. May they enjoy a bright future.
In Jesus Name we pray.

God Will Lift You Up

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day May 10th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 91:14, “I will set him on high, because he has known my name. ”

My Dear Brothers and sisters, Today everyone desires to sit in a high position in life. To sit in a high and dignified position, To secure a good post in office, to serve in the ministry at a very high level. They desire to do business at a higher level. No one likes to remain at a lower level. We need to pray for this. God also desires this. If one desires to shoot up, it is not enough to only have the desire, but also they need to know His name. They should know the power of Jesus Christ, They should know the characteristic of God. He should know the blessings hidden in each of the name of God.

The verse says, Since He knows My name, I will make him sit in high places. In case many of you are from other religion and are watching this program, please ask the Lord to teach you, more about Jesus. Then God will place you in the highest place in a moment. You might be saying “Brother, I haven’t got the promotion which I should have got long back.” For those who say that you have been waiting for a promotion for a very long time, this day the Lord will meet your needs. God is going to give you a high promotion as per this auspicious word, a high position, a high place. You might be saying. Brother, I haven’t got a job for my qualification, therefore I am working in this low job.

Today God is going to give you a job according to your qualifications. God is going to consider you and make you sit among kings and lords. And He will make you sit in high position. This I see in my spiritual eyes. All you need to do is to ask, “ God teach me more about You, About your name, your power, your plan, and your kingdom.” Say, “ Give me the grace to know more about You Lord.” To know more about Him, go to the place where you can learn more about Him. Unless you are told how can you know about him. So you need to go to the place where you will be taught more about him. Hold on to Him and make progress in your life. God will do great things in your life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord for those who think that they have not received any opportunity to progress, You are giving them an opportunity to progress through this auspicious word, therefore we thank you. Lord cause them to climb up high places of this earth, and just as you said, that you will decorate them with the heritage or inheritance of Jacob, Lord I pray that you will decorate them and beautify them with your presence. I submit them to you Lord. Do great things for them.
In Jesus Name we pray.

Truth and Integrity

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this day, May 9th, through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God bless you. Let us read 1 Chronicles 29:12 “Both riches and honor come from You.”

Riches indicate wealth. And man tries to earn it through crooked ways to become a wealthy man or a hasty rich man or to progress well. It is fine to progress well. It is OK to desire to become wealthy, because the Lord has said, He became poor on the cross so that through His poverty we might become rich. Hence, we can become rich but should try crooked means to achieve it. Paying bribe to get a job. Using influence to bring someone down and come above them. Destroying someone’s reputation in order to raise above them. Children of God should never indulge in these things. Go the straight path. When you proceed with truth and integrity, God will bless you. Both riches and honor should come from God. This you should understand today. Desiring to become rich many hastily jump into businesses by crooked means, face loss, lose all their wealth and just manage to save their life. We need to be patient. To become rich, we must take effort, work hard. We should be careful not to get caught in anything while we desire to become a rich hastily through crooked means. Perhaps in the recent past you have made such a hasty decision to jump into a business, invested heavily and now are in heavy loss. Surrender to the Lord saying both riches and honor should come from You. You cannot usurp it; God should grant it and your hard work should also be there. Both should be there.

Your efforts along with God’s support will make you rich. In the Bible we see, the man who was one day shepherding the sheep the next day unimaginably he received a government status. This is David, as you all know. Previous day Joseph was in jail with no one to bail him out the next day he became ruler over all of Egypt. All this comes from God. Joseph was spending his days very patiently. God had already given him a vision that He would make him great, but he did not hastily jump into anything. He waited patiently; this blessed him to become rich. To become rich, wait patiently. Walk in the upright path steadily without any haste. Only if the Lord says get into something and proceed. God will make you wealthy. Moreover, honor. There are people who give money to be honored. They give money to get a shield. Many are prepared to give money to receive honor. Not like that. Honor should automatically come. It is God given. For that you should toil with truth and integrity. You should be an achiever.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. You said, both riches and honor come from You. Today for those who cry I have no riches, no wealth, no job, no income, I am suffering, according to this verse You said all these come from You. So, for these children open a way for income so that they can become rich. For those without job open a way for a job. For those who faced loss in their business let them face profit. For those who say they don’t have any ministry, no souls, grant them good souls. Let each one of them be faithful in little, to become ruler over many. This is my wholehearted blessing. Though You were rich, yet for our sakes became poor so that through Your poverty we became rich. According to this promise, I bless everyone watching this program to be rich. My children should never take loan. Make them to be givers. For those who have lost their good name, the Lord who gives honor along with riches grant them great honor. In front of the same people that they hung their heads in shame honor them and make them walk with their heads held high. In Jesus Name.

God Blesses Your House

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day May 08th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of 2 Samuel 7:29, says, “O Sovereign Lord Let the house of your servant be blessed for ever.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Usually this verse will be dealt by preachers and evangelists while dedicating the house, they pronounce members of the family and the children. It is a word of blessing pronounced over the new house and family. God looked at David and said, “I will build you a house.”As He promised He built a house for David. Standing in that house David speaks to him asking Him to bless his house. David says, “Lord may your eyes be upon this house of your servant for ever. Let this house of mine be blessed forever.”

This means that your house must always be filled with the blessings of the Lord always. The blessing of your house should not be because of wrongly earned money, or based on wrong motives. If your house is built on such a basis, then your house will not be blessed. For the Bible says, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and it does not cause sorrow.” So if there is blessing in your house it should come from the right source of income, and not through wrong means. What secret lies behind this verse is that, it is a point ,or a lesson, that if your house is filled with blessings apart from God or does not come from God then such blessing will cause sorrow to you and your family.

Today you set yourself right. Your gold, silver, money, wealth, whether it is in the bank or in the locker, or in your house itself, Just think about these things which are in your home. Whether it is because of your hard work given by God or is it acquired by cheating someone, or by short cut methods, by robbery or by false dealing or by cheating, that you have acquired wealth and riches. Think about all these things for a moment, and if these things which you have accumulated through wrong means, then you look to God and ask for forgiveness. And ask God to let you not think about doing such things in the future. That day Zacheus, earned in the wrong way and hoarded much wealth “in his house, But when Jesus came into His house, then he was pricked in his heart, so he said to the Lord, “’ I will sell half of my wealth and give to the poor. Then he said, again, I have cheated many people. For them I shall give four times in return from what I have taken.” Whoever has been affected by you , then you have to return what you have taken from them. and add grace to yourself because it will be useful to you. God will perform a miracle for you today.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord by your blessings I pray that all the children watching this program, may their house be blessed forever. Help them to return what they have taken wrongly from others, let them return to the concerned person, or to the poor people, or give to those people who have been cheated. And may they receive grace from God. From today they should have only the wealth and riches acquired from God. They should not have money or wealth earned by wrong means. The Bible says love of money is the root cause of all evil. Let them nor hurt themselves because of the love of money. Help them to be content with the blessings of the Lord. Give them satisfaction and contentment of heart. Bless them and wherever they go, may they live a happy life. Let wealth and prosperity surround them.
In Jesus Name We Pray

God Has Rescued You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day MAY 07th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalms 124:7 “Our soul has escaped as a bird, from the snare of the fowlers. The Snare is broken, and we have escaped.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from this verse we understand that just as the bird has escaped from the hunter’s snare, from those who have spread over you witchcraft and divination, today you have been released or have escaped. That means no matter who has come against you or done anything against you, if someone has wounded you physically or mentally, or has spoiled your health condition, or has brought about any damage to your business. Or if anybody has withheld good events from happening in your family or in your house. God is saying that God has made you escape from the snare which the hunter has spread for you to be trapped. God says that He has rescued you from the hand of the hunter from being trapped in his snare. The Snare is broken, and we have escaped.” Which means that God has cut the snare and you have escaped. By the snare you might have met with death, or your family or your children or damage in business, could have been destroyed. But God cut the snare and saved you from the oncoming death.

There is a verse which says, “I will not die, but live to declare the works of God.Though He has shown me great and severe troubles, He has not given me over unto death.” That means God has nullified all the weapons formed against him, so that he has spared his life. So we shall thank the Lord. Therefore today the Lord has cut asunder all the snares, and whatever trap it may be. When the hunter spreads the snare it would be handled in a very cunning manner.

God is coming down in a marvelous manner and is going to break all the snares that have bound you and is about to bring you out of it. And He will help you to walk, run and do things happily as you used to do before. God will give you strength to run and work. The Bible says, Jacob shall return to be seated and will be able to stay healthy. For I will now break their yoke from your neck and tear away your shackles.” For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.”

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Dear Lord, We thank you for breaking the snare that was spread for you from your enemies. Thank you for delivering them from the hands of the hunter. Lord thank you for breaking the bondage of death traps and granting them long life. Thank you for saving them from death. Lord let there be a direct observation over their business center, work place, their place of ministry, and in all the places connected to them. Let all the children be able to tell the list of things, what the Lord has done for them. May all their enemies who come in one way get away in seven different ways.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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