My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 21ST it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 9:2, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If you wish to see a bright future, then you need to come out of the darkness. Darkness indicates sin in your life, and depression. Today many children are in depression, and therefore they are unable to see the bright future in their life. They can get up and shine in their life, they can achieve great things in their life, but the spirit of depression has caused them to talk negatively and think negatively, and it has made them stop progress in their life. It has curbed their run. Today those who are in the dark will be able to see a great light, if only they decide to come out of darkness, says the Lord. That day being very weary the prophet Elijah was hiding in a cave, God called him out of the cave, and after which he was able to achieve great things in his life. He anointed many kings. He anointed Elisha. He did many great things.
Today you who are in depression, God wants to do many great things in your life, through you. He asks you to come out of darkness. Hereafter you are going to stand more adamant and be zealous for God. God said, people who walked in darkness saw a great light. It was not an ordinary light. It was not an ordinary brightness. But it was a big bright light which they had seen. In the future God is going to give you such a bright future. God is going to give a bright and shining future in the coming days.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, you are a good God. Lord, I pray for all those children who are in a dark room, in depression, in their failures, being very weary and pale, Lord bring them from all kinds of darkness they have been caught into and cause them to achieve great things in their life and also make their name to be of fame and glory. Help them to be great achievers. Those who are in depression and those who are mentally retorted, may the Lord anoint them to grow with good wisdom, and understanding . Use such children and do great things in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 20th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. take with me from the book of the Gospel according to John 11:40, “Jesus said to her, Did I not say to you, that If you would believe you would see the glory of God?”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus looked at Mary and Martha, and said, “Did I not say to you, that If you would believe you would see the glory of God?” Today God looks at each one of you and says, Well if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ then you would see the glory of God. God is saying that if you believe then you shall see the glory of God. Today you need to expand the borders of your faith. Don’t destroy the ship of your faith. Faith is one’s foundation for his blessings and for his miracles in life. Today all the children of God who have grown weary in your faith it is better for you to revive your faith and rejuvenate your faith in God. Only then you will see the glory of God.
That day both Mary and Martha, while their brother Lazarus was dead, and after four days of his death, Jesus came and asked them to show his grave, then without faith in Jesus said, “Lord it’s almost four days since he died, and his body would stink,” they said. But the Lord spoke to them saying “You don’t worry about all that.” Do you have faith? Do you believe that I can raise your brother Lazarus from his death? After being assured of their faith, God looked into the grave and said, “ Lazarus come out.” The man who died and was buried was brought to life after four days. Today God is going to perform miracles in your life regarding the rejuvenating of your things in life. God is going to raise the dead womb alive, If you believe. God will renew your dead kidney and help you live a long life. If you believe your lungs, which seem dead from functioning, will begin to function properly. So, God who performs great miracles, with the power of his resurrection, is coming to live in your house today. He is coming right into the very place where you are, and as per your faith God will do a miracle for you. You just say, “ O Lord. I believe, Lord, I have faith that you can give me that blessing. I believe that you can give me a government job. I believe that you will give me a seat in this particular college. I believe with all of my heart that I will be delivered from this disease. I believe that I will be relieved from this court case.” Tell the Lord in this manner and you shall see the glory of God.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said that we shall see the glory of God if we have faith. Lord many of the children are longing to see the blessings of the Lord through your miracles, They are earnestly longing for the miracles of God to happen in their lives. Lord today I pray that you will perform miracles in their lives and I pray that their disbelief be removed from them. I pray and bless that faith will be rooted in the heart of all the children, I pray that their faith in the Lord will increase day by day. Lord let all the dead blessings be rejuvenated for them. Especially let the dead womb be revived in them. Lord let their dead lungs and kidneys be renewed in their bodies. Ler the power of your resurrection descend upon all those children watching this program. Do miracles for them that their faith be established in you.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 19th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Deuteronomy 7:14 says, “You shall be blessed above all peoples.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, This verse says, that you shall be blessed above all the peoples around you, among your relatives, among all your people in the neighborhood. You shall be better than all the people. In the place of your work spot you shall be blessed than all of them. You shall be blessed above all those working with you in your business center. You shall be blessed above all those working with you in your ministry. For that , all that you need to do is to hold on to the Lord who blesses you. The Bible says, that one who holds you and one who trusts you, will have perfect peace, and will have perfect blessings.
God is going to bless you today abundantly. Hold on to the Lord with much earnestness. See that day how Jacob held on to the Lord and said, “I shall not leave You until You bless me. Since He held on to the Lord while he was alone, God blessed him at the banks of river Jabbok. God touched the thigh bone of Jacob. And having blessed him the Lord passed by him. The blessing of the Lord reached Jacob in such a way that his elder brother Esau who was not in good terms with him came running up to him and hugged him and kissed him. Esau came in good terms with him. So we see that his elder brother who was in enmity with Jacob came to good terms with him. That became a credit to him. So today God is looking at you and saying You shall be blessed above all the peoples. That means God will exalt you before those who had despised you, who criticized you, God will keep you more exalted than all of them. In the place where you have been put to shame in the very place God will exalt you and will make your name famous.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord bless all the children above all those who live around them. You have said, “You shall be blessed above all peoples.” As per this verse, Bless your children above all those who are around them, among their relatives, among all those who considered them below their dignity, all those who despised them and above all those people make their name famous and to be recognized among others. I pray that you will bless them to live their life peacefully. Lord change their disappointments and also their failures. Let their struggles change and their famine be changed. Bless them with all spiritual and worldly blessings. Bless them with the blessings of the earth and may the Lord grant them abundant prosperity in the fruit of their womb.
In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 18th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 54:3, For you shall expand to the right and to the left.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, This morning many of you are saying that you are not able to see any improvement or progress in your life. I remain in the same status. I haven’t made any changes or progress in my life. My life seems to have gone backward. Those of you who are crying saying like this today, hold on to this auspicious word of God. And surely you will expand to the right and to the left. In order to expand your territory God is going to bless the work of your hand. In order to bless all the work of your hand God is going to open the good treasures of heaven and hereafter you shall not borrow instead you shall lend to many nations. God will perform miracles in such a way that you will be of help to many others. You shall not borrow but lend to others and in order to do that God is going to expand the borders of your territory.
The mother called Jabes as sorrow but he prayed to the God of Israel saying, “ Lord bless me, and the work of my hands, And expand the borders of my territory. God answered his prayer and expanded the borders of his territory. He honored him more than his brothers. God made him better than all his brothers, So if you want to expand to the right and to the left then you need to pray like Jabez. Look to the God of Israel. Who will bless you and expand you, both to the right and to the left. And will expand the borders of your territory. He is coming straight to help you. He will come to the place of your work spot, to your business center, to your place of ministry and to your education center. Then you will see a great expansion in all these areas of your life. God will also expand your spiritual life.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, we thank you for telling through your very mouth that we will expand to the right and to the left. As per your word lord, in the workplace of your children, in their ministry, in their business center, in their education may they see a great expansion. Let not their hands be shortened but command over them an expansion. Increase their generation. Increase their income, Increase their anointing, Make them to be useful to many others. These children who were once expecting if someone would help them, and as God is going to expand the borders of their territory, let them be vessels that can be of use to many others. In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 17th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. The special auspicious word the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of Romans.8:28, And we know that all things work together for good, to those who love God. To those who are called, According to his purpose.’
My Dear brothers and Sisters, You should understand one thing that if you love the Lord and if you are very intimate with God then all things will work together for good. Some of you are thinking that whatever you do ends up in failure, or does not prosper, or results in evil. Everything you do is going wrong. So you don’t know what to do.
My dear children of God, if you intend that all your work should be for good, then you need to show love to God. You should be loving to the members of your family. You should be loving to your neighbors. Loving the Lord is to show love to all the children of God. This is the symbol of your love for God. Today you have enmity with others, some of you have enmity with God. That is a different thing. They will say, “ I wont read the Bible, I won’t come to church, I will not sit for prayer. I won’t do anything. I don’t want anybody, such people are having enmity with God. There are such people. Instead of showing love to God they are aggressive to God. There are many such people. You don’t realize that when you go through some suffering then there won’t be anybody to help but , Only the Lord can solve your problem. They don’t realize this truth.
Today if there are some children who are angry and aggressive with God, then the Lord says, “Return to the fort, The Lord Jesus.” then He will give you a double portion of blessing. So return to the Lord. Some will be annoyed with mother, or father, or their siblings or with friends. And will be at enmity with coworkers, with tenants, with neighbors, and it is better for you to get right with all of them today itself. At times just because you have enmity with them, evil things are likely to happen in your life or in your family. Therefore, the word of God says, “Love suffers long, and is kind. Love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.” It forgives others. Be at peace with all and show love to others, then it will be considered as though you love God.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have given us a good counseling. For those who have enmity with God, and are watching this program, and have backslidden, they are angry with God for some reason or other. If you will return to the Lord who is your fort and refuge, and if you are in peace with all of them today itself. Be at peace with God and begin your first love with God, as a result, God will do great and mighty things and He will do wonders beyond numbers. Lord Cause your children to be joyful. Lord with all those relatives and with those in the neighborhoods, with whom they have been in enmity may they reconcile and begin a friendly attitude with them. And as a result if they had experienced evil, I pray that you will turn all that evil into good for them I pray and bless them that they may experience good instead of evil, They should never again experience evil in the future. But let them experience good things continually in their life. May the Lord be a good strength to them. Let them get all good things.
In Jesus Name We Pray ,