God Will Make You Fruitful

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, May 1st, through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God bless you. As we are all aware today is referred to as May Day, or Labour Day. I extend my greetings on behalf of God’s Love Ministries this Labour Day to everyone doing business, or job, or working hard. May God bless you. May your ministries, workplace, business places, be blessed abundantly by God and may He increase you.

Let us read Genesis 48:4, “Behold, I will make you fruitful and multiply you, and I will make you a multitude of people and give this land to your descendants after you as an everlasting possession.” On the first day of this fifth month the Lord says, I will make you fruitful and multiply, make you a multitude of people, and for you and your descendants I am giving this life flowing with milk and honey, good and spacious as an everlasting possession. This is the amazing auspicious word the Lord grants us today. You might have gone through a narrow path last month. You might have gone through a crisis path. The Lord knew it, hence He says let me expand the path for my children. Let my child grow and progress fast. The Lord desires this, hence, is giving you this auspicious word on this first day. This means you will be exempt from critical, narrow paths, and open a path of expansion. In your business, at your workplace, in your education, in your ministry the Lord has commanded an expansion this month. That is the blessing of being fruitful and multiplying.

Make a note today. Before Jacob came to Laban the account of his wealth. And after Jacob came to Laban the account of his growth. Laban says with his own mouth, how the Lord has blessed him abundantly after Jacob came specifically. This means he had taken account before Jacob came of his state. And has also made note of his growth after Jacob came. Similarly, what was your state before May 1st, and what is your growth after this Labour Day, May 1st, 2024, what is your expansion? The Lord will help you make note of this and thank him. When you consider expansion, increase – the Lord is lifting those who are saying they are submerged in loans. To see an expansion, you must come to the surface, you cannot see it when you are in the pit. For you shall expand to the right and to the left and see expansion. In the same place where you hung your head in shame, the Lord will make your name great. As they threw Joseph into the pit, you too can be in the pit of debts.

Today, the Lord lifts you out of the pit of debts and opens a new Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey, a good and happy family life, a healthy life, a life where the needs are met, a life where we are not dependent on anyone. This the Lord grants you on this first day, I wholeheartedly bless you all as an ambassador of the Lord. I have received a command from the Lord to bless you. For some, God is redeeming their lost wealth. I can perceive this with my spiritual eyes. For others the Lord is taking action to take them to the port of their choice. I will give you this country. What God has preordained for you, He is taking you and settling you there. He is taking your children and settling them there. God is breaking every barrier for the travel abroad and is doing a miracle in it. Multiplied and fruitful is not only in the wealth, but also in name, fame, and descendants. If you are saying, Brother I have only one child, I don’t have a second child. Today cling to this verse and say, Lord you said multiply and be fruitful I believe my descendants will multiply and be fruitful. I surrender myself if there is any sin in me forgive me Lord. If there are any curses in the family, you have already borne it on the cross. Your descendants will increase. Some are thinking I don’t even have a child; how can I think about increasing my descendants.

The Lord declares that He is giving you children not a child. For those waiting for a child the Lord says, He will fill your belly with Your hidden treasure. They are satisfied with children and leave the rest of their possessions for their babes. You should also multiply and be fruitful in your spiritual life. A good prayer life, a life of meditating on the word, a life of witness. May God grant you everything. The only condition is, today sanctify yourselves, tomorrow you will receive a miracle. Before entering Canaan Joshua instructed his people to put an end to Egypt saying, all this while you were in Egypt, sanctify yourselves today. Tomorrow God will grant you the life of Canaan. Anything in you that displeases God, refrain from it today and receive mercy from God.

Dear Lord, we thank You. Thank You for enabling all of us to see this May 1st by your great mercy and grace. Four months you protected us like the apple of your eye. In this new month protect them as the apple of Your eye and according to this verse, let their income increase, their descendants increase, wealth increase, anointing increase, the limits of prayer expand, the gifts of Holy Spirit increase, the ways for my children to go abroad open, descendants increase. In everything they were unable to see an increase .Grant them an expansion to the right and to the left and establish them on this earth. Let the miracle working Hand of God be with my children this entire month wonderfully, amazingly, lead them with protection.
In Jesus Name.

The Lord Is Your Strength

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day April 30th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Habakkuk 3:19, “The Lord God is my strength, He will make my feet, like deer’s feet. And He will make me walk on my high hills.”

My dear brothers and sisters, It is quite easy to walk in shallow places but it is quite difficult to walk on high level roads. Legs will hurt, you will suffer from breathing problems, But God says, the deers will not usually walk but they will jump and jump away easily because their feet are strong and sturdy. The Prophet says, God is your strength. So when God gives you strength, He will cause you to walk on the high and hard places.

So today the strength of the Lord descends upon your feet. A very happy news is that God is saying, God is your strength. The verse says. God is my strength. That is why David says in one of his psalms, God is my strength and my shield. In certain places he says, You are the strength of my life. If God is with us then He is our strength. Don’t say that education is your strength. Don’t say your talent and efficiency is your strength, or your family background is your strength. Don’t say that your father is your strength. Let God be your strength. To make several achievements, and to do great things, I myself cannot do without God’s help. So God is my strength from my back who causes me to do all things.

My strength is God Himself. If you say something like this you will have strength in your body and in your mind and in your feelings you will receive great strength. So you shall get physical and mental strength and also spiritual strength. And God will establish you on the face of this earth. So God being our strength is a great joy to us. So hereafter even if you run you shall not grow weary in your heart, and when you walk you will not be hurt because the Lord will fix feet like that of the deer and He will make you walk on high places. That Means you who were in a low position will be elevated such that you shall walk on high places of the earth. And you will be seated in high places and you shall inherit the glorious position. As you come to the end of this April month. For God says, He will cause you to walk on high hills.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. You are a good God. Lord you have said, that you are our strength. Lord, this is your strength. This is our great blessing. Lord change their feet like that of the deer’s feet, and help them to walk on high hills. Enable them to walk in places where they cannot walk. Heal all the problems they suffer in disease concerning their feet. Let all arthritis problems disappear from their body. Let all the pain from their knees change. Lord heal their knees so that they will have no problem in their knees or undertake knee replacement. Touch and heal their knees. May their legs be strengthened. Let all diseases concerning their legs be healed. Lord lift all the children to an elevated position and all those who are in the lowest position. Lord make their name famous.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God will restore double to you

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day April 29th it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home early in the morning through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Zachariah 9:12, “Return to the strong hold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare, “That I will restore double to you.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from this verse we learn that you are in captivity. And you are looking forward to being released from this bondage. You live with this kind of hope. So God says, you people of hope who are caught up in captivity return to your stronghold. Return to your home. Return to your original position. God is going to give you a double portion of blessing.

God will give you a double portion of blessing according to the days you have been in captivity. According to the days of your affliction Godwill give you a double portion of blessing to you. He will give it today itself. So today is the day when you will return from your captivity. If your son is in jail, then God will release him and bring him back to your home. Today God is going to bring you out of your captivity and bless you with a double portion of blessing. He will give you today itself. If you believe you shall see the glory of God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, bring out your children from their captivity. Give them a double portion of blessing .Give them a double portion of wealth. May the vessels of your children flow running over. Lord, you have said that it will happen today itself. Lord let them be redeemed from captivity today itself. And may they get a double portion of blessing today itself. Just as Job was blessed with a double portion of blessing after he came out of his captivity, Lord bless all your children with a double portion of blessing.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Watches Over Your Land

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day April 28th It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Deuteronomy 11:12, A land for which the Lord your God cares. The eyes of the Lord, Your God, are always on it. From the beginning of the year to the very end of the year. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The eyes of the Lord were upon the people of Israel in the land of Canaan, during 24 hours for 365 days. As we too are considered as the people of Israel God’s eyes are upon us for 24 hours. We are under the direct vigilance of God. Which means that we are being watched, by the camera and are being recorded, and whatever you do will be watched and in order to give you warning. God’s eyes are upon us not to warn us but to encourage us. You are under the vigilance of God, You are surrounded by God. You are under the direct control of God. From the beginning of the year till the very end, God’s eyes are upon you, your family, your business, center, your ministry, not to fear you but to motivate you.

Firstly He will not allow any evil to come against you. God will not allow any cruelty to happen to you. 2000 years ago whoever fell in the sight of God, God changed their evil into good. The widow of the city of Nain, her only son was dead, and she was crying over him. In order to bury him the people were carrying his dead body to the cemetery. At that time the eyes of the Lord fell upon the widow. What did God do? He did not like such a thing happening in front of his eyes. He immediately said just one word, “ young man arise. “immediately the young man got up and sat . Jesus handed the young man into the hands of his mother. If God’s eyes fall upon you then the bondage of death will be changed. If the eyes of the Lord will fall upon you, then there will be no loss in your life. There will be no death in your life. If you are under the direct sight of the Lord then all the weapons formed against you will not prosper. So ask the Lord to have direct control over you and keep His eyes upon you. Lord you come daily into my house through the Mangala Vaarthi program and remain with me throughout the day. Set your eyes upon me and give me counseling with your eyes. If you walk in the counseling of God your life will be well settled.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, we submit our family under your vigilance. Let it give us protection. Let it help us to progress in our life. Let it redeem all that we have lost in our life. Let it create new jobs for us. Let it destroy all the weapons formed against us. Since we are under your vigilance let it give us protection for our lives. Let all our wealth be protected. Let doors for good income be opened for us. Your children should never borrow money from others. Lord we untie all the bondage of death through your vigilance. In Jesus Name We Pray.

God will Restore Your Health

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day April.27th It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Jeremiah 30:17, For I will restore health to you, And heal you of your wounds. Says the Lord,Because they called you an outcast saying, This is Zion, no one seeks her. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lord says, Because they called you as outcast saying, This is Zion, no one seeks her. ”whatever it is there is no one to inquire about your welfare. This is what it means that no one seeks you. There is no one to attend on you. So you are left out like an orphan. You have been rejected by all, you have been despised by all, you have been cast aside. So through this auspicious word th Lord is searching for you and coming to inquire about you. So it is said that God is coming today straight into your house to inquire about your welfare. Because you say, that there is no one to inquire about you, or there is no one to help you. There is no one to ask if I had eaten anything. Or inquired about your health. Or asked if you had been to the doctor, God is coming to meet you.

God is coming and is saying well all have neglected you, have separated you, You feel sorry that there is no one to inquire about you. I myself will inquire about you and from the place you had fallen down in the same place I will make you the corner stone. I will make you stand erect. So for that sake I will cause the health and strength to come on you. Your business will function with a healthy manner. Your ministry will function as a healthy organization. Your education will become a healthy education, So that you can manage a powerful business in a healthy manner, or manage a ministry that is quite large in number with a healthy attitude.

Your education will be conducted in a healthy manner. You will secure a business with good strength and also a ministry that will function well. Such things the Lord will give you and God will restore all your wounds. God says, He will heal all your wounds. So for those of you who say that no one is there to inquire about you, And they have been separated from society or from their people, to such kinds of children God is saying that he is going to bless you with a fresh new life. He will grant you healthy business, and will give you a healthy body and will heal all your wounds and help you to lead a happy and peaceful life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, please look at those children who have been hurt and have been wounded. Lord please look at those children who have been neglected, and have been cast aside by their family members, from their assembly, have been cast by the workers who work with them, Lord there are many who say that they have no one to share, Those who have been separated, set aside, I thank you for meeting such children through this auspicious. Word. Lord, I thank you for healing their wounds. Lord grant them a healthy body, healthy business, and healthy ministry. And bless them with healthy education. Lord keep them in a higher position, and admire them O Lord. Bind their wounds and help them to run in an encouraging manner.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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