The righteous will not be moved

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 08th. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 55:22, “Cast Your burden on the Lord. And He shall sustain you. He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, Today many children keep their burden within themselves they end up in depression. And they suffer from mental disorder and mental disease. But what God is saying is that, you cast all your burden upon Him and He will sustain you. No matter what burden you have or what mental distress you have, just keep it all upon God.

If we keep all the burden to ourselves then we will move about carrying the burden without any peace. If you ask any person affected with depression, they will tell you that they keep all the worries to themselves. They never share their burden with anyone. That is why they are in depression. And later they end up with mental disorder. Or mental disease. If you are in depression or in mental disorder today, God will touch and heal you. It is time for God will give you support. God will intervene in your problem and do a miracle for you. Keep all such things on the Lord and put your trust on Him, Pray earnestly about your problem. God will do great things in your life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said that the righteous will not be moved. Lord you also said, that those who cast their burden upon the Lord will not be distressful. You have said that you will support them. Even now those who have cast all their burden upon the Lord. And say that they trust completely on the Lord, and they lean on the Lord for their sustenance, Lord look at such people one more time. Lord, stretch out. Let all that they do be prosperous.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Lord gives good things

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 7th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 85:12, “Yes the Lord will give what is good. ”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, God does not give you evil. He will cause you some temptation or trials but later he will change it to victory. He will teach us lessons through trials and later make you victorious. But He will never do evil or wickedness for you. It is the Devil that grants you evil in life. But our Lord will change evil for our good. This verse says, God will give you that which is good. The Bible says, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. And comes down from the father of lights. With whom there is no variation. So those things which are good and are expected by you, God will make it possible for you to obtain it. And for this you had been waiting in the presence of the Lord, for a long period of time. You might have been waiting for many years, As per this verse God assures that He will give you that which is good. Believe that He will give you.

Repeat this verse many times the whole of this day. Say “Lord I believe with all of my heart that good things will happen in my life. In your work spot good things will happen. Good things will happen in the place of your ministry. Good things will happen in the place of your education. You are saying, only evil is happening in my life. Nothing good happens. Please hold on to this verse and pray then the Lord will do good things in your life. The evil you experienced in your life will be turned into a blessing. That day the brothers of Joseph put him in a deep pit. They did evil for him. Later they sold him to Egyptian merchants, but God changed that situation for his good. They tried to destroy him. Then they sold him to the neighboring country. But God turned that evil into good by making him the governor of Egypt. God who changed and lifted his status will do the same for you also. And for those brothers who did evil by the grace of God, Joseph showed mercy and did good for them. Watch carefully. The brothers of Joseph did evil for Joseph, but after God changed that evil into Good, the Bible says that Joseph did good till the very end for his brothers. So all those who did evil for you, in the midst of them God will exalt you and make your name famous before them. I pray that the Lord will show favor to you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord You have said that you will give that which is good for your children. Lord for those children who are waiting for good events to happen in their life, for the gift of a child, For a house of their own, For a good promotion, For becoming a citizen in a foreign country. Lord for such children I pray that you will give good things for them and honor them. Change their depression, and command peace into their lives. Give them joy, Let the anointing of God fall upon each one of them. May all the bondages be broken, Children should testify that they received that which is good from the Lord. I bless all of them to conduct a thanksgiving meeting.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

No More Enemies

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 06th. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Isaiah 41:12, “You shall seek them, and not find them, all those who contended with you.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, The lord says, those who war with you or those who keep fighting with you, those who struggle with you or those who talk about your cases, or contend with you. Such people, you might search for them but you shall not find them. He will throw away all those who contend with you, or fight with you, or waging war with you. God will separate them from you. That day there arose a dispute between Sarah and Hagar. So God in order to save Sarah chased Hagar across the sea, to the wilderness. Later God never gave them an opportunity to meet each other at all. Until then there was a quarrel and war between them. It went on for many years.

There was war in the family daily and this caused restlessness among the members of the family. As a result the peace of Abraham was distorted. But a day came when God stopped all those who were fighting with each other, keeping Sarah at home he took Hagar and her little son and gave her a bag of water and took her all the way to the wilderness and left her there. God separated Hagar from Sarah and later even if they could search for her she could not be found anywhere. In the same way even if Hagar searched for Sarah she could not find her.

So today, God says. that those who quarrel or fight with you cannot be found when you search for them. God will take you in two different ways, and bring peace in your life and that of your rivalry. Even if you search for them they cannot be found. God will grant you peace and also give peace to those who quarreled with you. God not only separated them and brought peace in their lives but God also blessed them. God will exalt your name before the presence of those who came against you. Even if you search for them they will not be found.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord according to the verse which says, “You shall seek them, and not find them, All those who contended with you.” Lord, in case there are people who are fighting and quarreling with your children, whether they are people, or friends, or relatives, or their kith and kin, as per the verse you shall seek for them but they shall not be found, Lord do a miracle for them. Your children should not keep fighting with each other daily and lose their peace. Lord separate those who cause damage to the establishment of their peace. Lord separate all those who spoil their peace and keep fighting with them always. Give them a peaceful life. In Jesus Name We Pray.

Trust In the Lord

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 5th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Proverbs 29:25, “ Whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, Many of you wish to go forward, or progress in life. This is a good thought. You must aspire to reach the zenith. It is not wrong. If you don’t desire to progress, then you will never progress in life. You need to have the desire to do well in life. Only then you will pray about it. Say, “Lord, I desire to progress in my life. Open such doors, or a way for me to reach the height in my career.” Only if you have the desire will you take initiative to move forward.

So today if you need to go forward, or progress in your life, You must be at the top in your career, in your status, in a high position, many of you desire to reach the height in your work spot, in your ministry, and in your business. How will you reach the zenith? This is your question. There is only one way, They who trust in the Lord will be safe. Will reach the zenith. Believe in the Lord. Don’t trust in your capacity, or talents, or by your own effort. Trust in the Lord. You need to work hard. You must always trust in the Lord and at the same time you need to use your talents, and your capacity. Only then the Lord will bless you. You should never think that you can do everything by your own endeavor. Or your own talents and capacity.

You need to give up the word “ I” which causes pride in you. And replace “God, ”in all that you do. You must always say, If the Lord helps me, I can do this thing and that thing. If God desires, I will move forward. I will reach the height. So when you keep your trust in the Lord, then God will help you in that situation, and if opposition rises, then God will intervene in your life and cast them all apart from you. He will lift you up and admire you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you have said, that you will bless and beautify those children who put their trust in the Lord, and you will admire them. God who raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap, and makes them to sit along with princes, of His people. Grant such an exaltation to your children And honor them. For those who say, “ I trust in you alone, please help me and just lift me up. Lift my son or daughter, and raise them from their fallen state and admire them.” If people thought very low about them, and did not consider them, I pray God will lift them up before such people and honor them in every way.
In Jesus’ name we pray.

Our God

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day June 04th it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Psalm 48:14, “For this is God. Our God for ever and ever. He will be our guide even to death.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, If you go after men trusting them, then they may desert you or deceive you. Many men make promises in the church, on the day of marriage, Saying “I will be with you in your good times and bad times, when you are healthy or when your health is bad, when you are financially equipped or when you are not. At all times I will be with you. They make such promises. But many men forget all their promises and desert their wives halfway. There are women who will desert their husbands too. This is how the present time is passing by. In this situation, God is saying, “He will be our guide even to death.” So what we see is that He will be with us to the very end of our life. He will travel with you in your good times and in your bad times.

The Lord God our Lord Jesus Christ, says, this is God who is for ever and ever, and he will guide you to the very end of your life. That means the Lord will be with you always. Till your death He will lead you in a wonderful manner. He will lead you in a marvelous manner. He will lead and guide you in a surprising way. He will lead you in a surprising way before all the people. He will feed you with good food and lead you. He will Protect you and guide you. He alone can lead you. How many of you are willing to be guided by Him. Then good things will happen in your life. Then a day will come, when you will say, “It is good that I have this Lord as my Lord. I am blessed to have this God as my God.” God will make many great things in your life, such that they will be marvelous to your eyes. And surprising too. God says in Isaiah 58:11, “The Lord will guide you continually. He who leads you until death will lead you each day of your life. He will satisfy your soul in drought. So God will break all the barriers and do many good things for you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, we offer millions of thanks and praises for guiding us to the very end of our life. Lord, we believe in the presence of God that we are blessed to have God as our Lord and we confess it. Hereafter may the hand that leads be with them. Let the hand of the Lord who anoints, and loves be with them. Lead them in a wondrous manner. Lead them to the very end. Lead them wonderfully. Do miracles for them and lead them. Protect them and lead them. Keep them away from sickness and disease. Let every barrier be broken apart. May they live a good and healthy life in all things.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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